Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Months, ask for a monthly ticket, 1 lively

Now that Su Yingxue knew these things, she couldn't assume that she hadn't heard them.

"If you really plan to reconcile, there must be a way." She thought for a while and looked at Zong Ke: "Intimidation and temptation."

Zong Ke's red hijab was put aside by her, and the seeds were knocked on Erlang's legs: "I don't need money, the key is to give it. If it is too much, it hurts me, but they will not be happy if it is too little."

"How appropriate do you think?" Su Yingxue looked at Aunt Ji Yi.

Her aunt waved her hands again and again: "The two can't make it, the family is greedy, if you let them know that the two want to help me, the lion will speak loudly."

She was sold to her husband's family by Ji Yi's grandfather. After being oppressed for a long time, she has a cowardly personality.

Su Yingxue and Zong Ke talked to her for a while and couldn't make sense, and today they don't have so much time to say this. They left, and according to the rules, Zong Ke had to wait for the groom's official in the new house for the first time.

On the way back to the palace, Su Yingxue mentioned this matter deeply to Xuanyuanrong.

He thought for a while and said: "It's not that Ji Yi's aunt can't take her daughter away. Didn't you listen to her saying that the man married a woman while she was serving his sentence. Although he has retired, he still maintains an ambiguous relationship?"

He was more familiar with the laws of the Chinese dynasty than Su Yingxue, and said: "This king remembers that there is a stipulation in the marriage law that if a man carries his wife and raises the outside room, the wife can not bear the humiliation of choosing and leaving, he can take the child away according to the situation."

"There is this rule? Then you can go to court directly."

"Although there is such a rule, its effect is purely to increase the confidence of women. There is no precedent for this kind of thing. It is natural to look at others' pitiful help, but that person is worthy of your help. You are not. Having said that, that woman is very cowardly, and everything related to her is so cowardly, how can others help?"

This is the reality. The child is not an independent individual, but the husband’s private industry.

There are very few women who are separated from each other, let alone want to take the child away.

"That's right..." Su Yingxue shelved the matter, and instead talked about wanting to travel.

The girl is three years old, and the emperor and queen dowager like it very much, and always like to go to the palace. Su Yingxue had long wanted to see the great mountains and rivers of the heavenly dynasty, but now she has basically never been to other places except around the capital.


In the wedding night of the bridal chamber, Ji Yi worked hard tonight.

The next day, he woke up before dawn. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw the quiet sleeping face of the woman beside him, and he turned over and closed her eyes tightly.

I was a little excited thinking about the child's name...Although I was just married.

Then he fell asleep with a beautiful fantasy and had a sweet dream.

When I woke up again, the sky was already bright, and I opened my eyes and found that Zong Ke was holding his head and looking at him with a smile.

Ji Yi's heart is sweeter than eating candy: "Why don't we wake me up earlier, we have to give tea to my parents."

"My mother came here early in the morning, and I came here to ask you to sleep more." Zong Ke pinched his chin, dropped a kiss on the man's lips, and then lay on his chest.

She knew that she liked him. She didn't consider getting married in the past because she was afraid of being disappointed again.

But when he was willing to go bankrupt and marry her, her worries disappeared.

Where does Ji Yi know her thoughts? Seeing her like this at this moment is simply flattered!

He was nervous again, and carefully hugged her, suppressing the urge to rise.

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