Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 75: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see sentient beings (6)

  The city passed by in chaos one night.

As dawn approached, the two figures hopped in the dark towards the Five Lakes Inn. They sneakily saw the surrounding conditions, and then they took off their clothes on the edge of the nearby river and cleaned themselves briefly. a bit.

   The river is quite cold in the early morning of autumn, but for these two figures, it is not a big deal. After focusing on cleaning up the weird powder and smell on their bodies and clothes, the two figures also did a reflection.

   "It's careless..."

   "Well, there are experts on the bad guys..."

   "The last martial arts is very high..."

The two summed it up like this, and they felt a sense of "aftermath". Then they simply put on their clothes before sneaking all the way to the side of the Five Lakes Inn, turning over the wall and entering the second floor through the window. In the small corner room.


   The light oozes from the east sky, and it is a cloudy day in Jiangning City.

   The fighting and chaos in which all five parties of the fairness party participated has gradually subsided in the city. There are still fires burning on some streets, but the people responsible for maintaining order have gradually increased. The soldiers of the squad pushed the water hose to the disaster relief. Some people were salvaging the dead bodies and cloth bags floating on the river.

   Even though all parties participated in the conflict in one night, the whole chaotic scene was mainly concentrated in a small half of the city. Some places with fierce frictions have long become the main battlefields, and some of the more solidified markets have not been affected. . There is also a tacit understanding between the five parties of the fairness party about "convening a meeting."

   After the sun rises, the fighting on the bright surface has subsided, and all forces are busy summarizing and evaluating the losses they have suffered this night or the achievements they have achieved.

   It was only halfway through the morning that Wei Zhuwen, who hadn't slept for a night, went to the east of the city to check the worst-case murder scene.

   "Long Aotian, the lord of the martial arts league, and Monkey King, the little sage of Qitian-come here for a visit. God kill, kill kill!"

   The corners of Wei Zhuwen's eyes twitched uncontrollably when he saw the crooked line of characters. The rows of corpses in the yard all proved the intruder's brutality, and he focused on the cuts on the bodies of several people.

   The scene of the murder was not limited to this one. Before coming here, he had already visited another scene of the accident. It was a medium-sized site under the name of "King Yama". Just before dawn in the early morning, three or four houses were destroyed by an explosion, causing partial damage.

"So... things started here..." Wei Zhuwen put his hands on his chest and looked at all this with a depressed expression, "These two... things called Long Aotian and Monkey King... When I rushed into this place, I first killed the...the one who was guarding here..."

   He pointed to the little boss who had been stuck on the wall before. The person beside him turned his head and said, "Hu Hai."

"...So they first killed this sea and set off fireworks for warning. After a while, this man named Yu Cheng brought people over to check, rode a horse, and then was used in front of everyone. The rope was trapped and went away. I was knocked to the head by a stone on the road, and I was knocked to death..."

"... Then again, this martial arts leader Long Aotian, and what is called Qitian Little Saint Sun Wukong, still did not give up. When our General Huang Wanyong came to check again, they followed General Huang to the street over there. , Quietly ambush, and when it dawns, everyone is probably asleep. These two... things want to attack General Huang. Who knows that General Huang discovered it and come out to chase them."

"...Huang Wanyong did not expect that the other party had put a bucket of explosives on the back wall. Maybe it was not to blow him up. He just clicked and ran away. Huang Wanyong came out to chase him. As a result, he was killed by explosives together. It was because General Huang lived. Explosives were also prepared over there, so they directly bombed four or five rooms... Now you think these two people came for me..."

   Wei Yunwen's gaze swept over the people present, and then looked at the ugly handwriting of "God Kill Kill Kill Kill".

   Someone bowed their heads and said, "These two people have high martial arts skills. They appear at this time. We are afraid that they are the children of the big clan who entered the city with their elders this time, and they are from the family."

   Wei Yunwen stretched out his hand and slapped the opponent's face with a slap.

"Writing this kind of bullshit, his family learned from the source! You guys will go back to practice the calligraphy for me today, and it will take less than half a month for you to write better than here! Family from the source! I will let you know everything Yuanyuan once! I pooh—"

   glanced at the distorted handwriting again. When something happened here last night, he should be on the other side of the city preparing to arrest someone. Although I couldn't say it at this time, I felt a weird mood of "when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you".

   It’s just that some abysses are more serious, and some abysses are extremely nonsense...

   "Let Lu Xian arrange people and catch them." Wei Zhuwen waved his hand and made arrangements, "I want to teach them to write!"


   The light coming down from the sky looked like gray, and above the field, the clouds flew away.

   "Look for Chen San."

   In the afternoon, at the Dongsheng Inn in the south of the city, someone reported the name.

   When You Hongzhuo came downstairs, he saw An Xifu with a bandage on his body.

"what happened?"

   "There was an accident, and I was walking and chatting."

   An Xifu’s left arm was injured, and there was a slight smell of medicine on his body. At this time, he smiled and turned and walked outside the inn.

   The sky was overcast and rainy, and most of the pedestrians on the road looked in a hurry, some were rushing home, and some packed their packages and prepared to leave the city.

"The army is in turmoil." An Xifu said with a smile, "I originally thought that the fairness party will open a convention this time and be open to the whole world. It would be a good thing just like the Southwest Conference. So the big guy rushed over. People in the city are not too busy to go out. It was only last night that they discovered that there is no unified and fair party and all of them are like lunatics. So look, the roads out of the city are blocked today."

   "I heard that the fight back to the fight, this morning the people from these parties still first guaranteed the delivery of materials and food in and out of the city. This shows that they don't want to scare everyone away." You Hongzhuo said.

An Xifu nodded: "This time I hurried over from Jindi, we originally thought about it a little simpler. You see, the five parties hold the meeting and strive for the intentions and help of all parties in the world. For the representatives of all parties, it is natural for them not to offend casually... However, this incident of Miao Zheng made us discover that things are not that simple and some new changes."

   "Miao Zheng found it?"

   "He sent a letter to contact us yesterday afternoon and made an appointment for a meeting place."

   "Then how do I..."

  You Hongzhuo hesitated slightly. Liang Siyi was following Miao Zheng's line, but these days, You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi partnered to explore several places of the "king of Yama", but found nothing. Theoretically speaking, since the other party came here, he should continue to let Liang Siyi go to the joint.

   "I think there was a fraud, so I didn't notify Si Yi." An Xifu said.

  You Hongzhuo frowned and looked at An Xifu's body injury. An Xifu smiled, and clicked on his left arm with the fingers of his right hand: "There is indeed a fraud...Fortunately, I was prepared."

   "That Miao Zheng..."

   "... he is afraid... something will happen."

   There were sparse pedestrian traffic on the street, and the two of them passed through the street under the gloomy sky. At this moment, there was a moment of silence. The wind blew across the street, and the fallen leaves were undulating.

   "Ms. Liang over there... how do you think about this..."

   "Brother You, do you think, why do we contact you here for help?"


"The people who came here this time said no more, no less, no less. We came to Jiangning and contacted the old comrades of Manichaeism in the past, so that and that kind of helpers can also be found. I suddenly asked You Shaoxia for your help. For the reason, did You Shaoxia also have some guesses?"

   An Xifu turned his head and looked at You Hongzhuo. What he said was quite straightforward. The rivers and lakes are so big, each other is not novice, novice, this kind of long-distance action, absorbing an untrustworthy person, may lead to the annihilation of the entire army. Why would you trust you directly and ask you for help, just because you fought side by side? I think you must be credible... Such a question is too utilitarian and impolite, but of course You Hongzhuo thought about it.

   But he looked at An Xifu and didn't speak.

   An Xifu paused. During this time, sparse water dripped from the sky, and the two of them crossed the street to the eaves by the road.

   "Si Yi is a very responsible girl."

   "...But sometimes, she pushes herself too hard."

   "...Of course, it's no wonder that she, she has sent a lot of brothers and sisters away on the battlefield in Jindi over the years. She is so young that she may not be able to see through these things..."

   Qiuyu gradually came down on the long street. The two stood under the eaves, An Xifu said these words, and You Hongzhuo listened for a while. Watching the rain.

"When I was in the Southwest, I heard that there were some courses called psychological counseling. It was said that everyone killed people all day long on the battlefield, or watched their brothers and sisters sacrifice, and it was easy not to be... unhealthy. For these people, you can. Doing some... psychological counseling is really great..."

An Xifu laughed and sighed: "The North has been too hard these years. Wang Shuai has an extreme personality, but he has no money and no food. In many cases, he can't take care of so many things. In order to raise money and raise food, he had to, even It's a bad thing that can't help people, and I've done a lot..."

When he said this, he turned his head and looked at You Hongzhuo. Seeing that You Hongzhuo was just listening carefully, he continued: "Ning Yi, a mother-in-law, has always been a little weird. In Hangzhou, everyone was equal. The idea deceived Watermelon and Chen Fan. Now you look at this Jiangnan..."

As he said, he pointed his finger at the pedestrians running on the street under the rain curtain in front of him: "The Holy Anglicans wanted to be equal back then. Today the fair party wants to be equal. There will be many people who will be equal in the future, but no matter how good the idea is, how to do it, That's the real big thing... Today, in the entire world, only the southwest side can be a little more careful and mother-in-law. As for us, I'm afraid we have to take it slowly, take it slowly..."

   "...how can I help?" You Hongzhuo asked.

"Help look at Si Yi." An Xifu said, "Wei Zhuwen wants to arrest people through Miao Zheng. This is very unusual. It stands to reason that if you really hope to pull the relationship outside, whether it is killing or arresting. People who live in Jin are meaningless, they have offended a big power to death...We are investigating the reason for this incident, but Miao Zheng's side...It is estimated that it will not be better."

   "Hmm." You Hongzhuo thought for a while, and after a clear understanding, nodded, "Understood, I will kill Chen Juefang...or Wei Zhuwen..."


   Under the eaves, An Xifu frowned, and then glanced at the other person with a caring look.

   "You... also need psychological counseling?"

"I'm just kidding."

  You Hongzhuo laughed.

   There was a rain curtain outside the eaves, and the two chatted a few more gossips before they separated.


   The autumn rain that started in Jiangning on August 21 intermittently underground for several days, and the humidity in the city never stopped.

   This long rain screen reduces the frequency of people’s travel. If there is no clear purpose, most people choose to hide at home or chat in an inn.

   Representatives of various forces from other places connected with all parties, and the rhythm never stopped. On August 22, when the "king of equality" Baofeng entered the city, then the Gao Tianwang and Zhou Shang successively arrived. The spokespersons of some big powers joined forces and sold their ideas to everyone: for example, the concept of "Chinese Wushu Association" put forward by a group of people who came on behalf of Dai Mengwei, became the most lively topic on the Jiangning martial arts field for a while.

   Of course, only a small number of people accepted the idea put forward by Dai Mengwei. First, they stood in line to participate. As for more people, they were all paying attention to the battle between Liu, Dai and Zou Xu in the north of the Yangtze River.

   "Then Zou Xu, from the southwest, the surnamed Liu and the surnamed Dai, you can save your life, let's talk about it..."

   For everyone in Jiangning at this time, this is one of the relatively common views on the situation in Jiangbei. Among the two sides fighting, Liu Guangshi is rich and has a relationship, Dai Mengwei is famous, and Zou Xu has the identity of a traitor to the Chinese Army. It is really necessary to put on the balance of war. The significance of this identity can be big or small. . The most important thing is that this is the first round of large-scale power hedging in the entire world since the Jurchens left. Even the Confucian scholars who claim to know the most about the world in the past, their views on the situation in Bianliang are basically a conservative wait-and-see attitude. .

   Of course, Dai Mengwei knew that human nature was like this early on, so he also said early, "I will do this until the dust of the Bianliang war is settled," which is regarded as burning the stove for himself and raising his momentum. If he loses in the battle of Bianliang, these things are naturally considered to have not been said before, and if Dai Mengwei really re-enters Bianliang for the Wu Dynasty, the momentum of the "Chinese Wushu Association" will rise accordingly, which is a winner-takes-all. Fan layout.

   The prolonged autumn rain reduced the frequency of large-scale fires and outbreaks outside. In the following days, most of the small-scale vicious incidents appeared outside.

   At the Five Lakes Inn, at night, the figures of two teenagers sneaked into the rain curtain with their clothes. "Leader of Martial Arts" Long Aotian and "Little Sage of Qi Tian" Monkey King searched for Wei Zhuwen's whereabouts at their own pace.

   The two young knights have some ideas of their own. Sometimes their actions will succeed and sometimes they will fail. Success often leaves a crooked signature. The suffix of the signature gradually develops from "God kills kills kills" to "Wei Zhuwen MA is dead", "Zhou Shang is a stupid dog", "The filthy innocent is too bad", Disgusting words like "He Wen loves Gao Chang".

——In the school of Zhangcun, "XX love XX" has always been a very embarrassing humiliation. The person whose name is written on his face is often red and speechless. For this form of humiliation, the young monk is also very embarrassed. Agree, I think Big Brother is really bad. Of course, in the eyes of the real bad guys, occasionally you will be a little confused: Didn’t you come to kill Wei Zhuwen? Why do He Wen love Gao Chang...

   Of course, sometimes because of encounters with masters, actions will fail. The consequences of a failed action are often a mess. The two young men have very high martial arts, and because of the focus of the family or the master's play, their awareness and means of escape are even better.

The older Long Aotian has a balanced development. Not only can he fight and run, but the various traps and hidden weapons such as flying knives are even more difficult to guard against. The nickname "Qitian Xiaosheng" Monkey King, on the other hand, has brought into full play the thinking of Yuan Biao immediately after a missed hit. Even if some masters prevent the assassination of the two, they will always return without success in the subsequent tracking, and sometimes even break down. It's a lot.

In a few days, the autumn rain enveloped the world of Jiangning, turning all houses and huts into moist gray and black, but the public opinion field composed of various inns and crowds was very enthusiastic. Most of the inns, tea houses, Among the wine shops, the consumption of drinks and snacks is much higher than before. In this wave of public opinion, in the gossip circles under the political arena, rumors about the "Five Chi YIN Demon" Long Aotian and the "Qitian Little Sage" Monkey King gradually surfaced.

   "...I heard that these two people don't know where they came from. They have been stirring up the storm in the city recently. To say that martial arts are really strong, they have played several times with Wei Zhuwen..."

"...It's not just Wei Zhuwen, you don't know, now in the city looking for this'five-foot YIN demon', in addition to the'Yama King', there are also the'Running Wheel King' and the'Equality King'. Everyone is letting out the wind, wanting to take the head of others..."

"...I heard that this'Five Chi YIN Demon' is a disciple of the Western Region master's'Hundred Chi YIN Demon'. After entering the Central Plains, he will do no evil. Wei Zhuwen, the King of Wheels, and the King of Equality are all There was a girl in his family who was folded in his hand, and the Liangzi of the "Equality King" was forged in Tongshan, and it was the damsel of the Tan Gongjian Yan family. Remember this news? Remember?"

   "...Oh, don't talk nonsense, there is no such thing as a "Hundred Chi YIN Demon"..."

"...I don't understand, this is the rules of the Western Regions, and they are all listed in numbers. Look at his junior, what is "Qi Tian Xiao Sheng"... The name of the person may be the "Four-foot YIN Demon" ..."

   For Lvlin people, these gossips in the public opinion field do not need to be taken too seriously. Occasionally speaking, it is only after dinner. It's just that if the news spreads more, it will inevitably get into the ears of people who shouldn't know.

On the northwest side of the city, on the site where He Wen, the "King of Justice", has the best public security, Qian Luoning, who had already formally contacted He Wen and returned to the inn, heard this when he was eating breakfast one day. Dialogue. His eyes, who have been caring about national affairs these days, were a little confused for a while.

   Two black and one limp sitting on the table next to them and a few of the core members of the Huaxia Army who came over reached out and covered their faces.

"what happened."

   Qian Luoning changed the table with food.

   The black girl explained to him in a low voice: "...Now it sounds like my brother has entered the city."

   "Why are you all at once **** with'Yam King','Swivel Wheel', and'Equality King' all at once..."

   "Who knows." Yuwen Feidu on the side squeezed his mouth with a very low voice, "But if you want to talk about things, he was taught by all of us after all..."

   "You are so proud of you!" Qian Luoning glanced at him.

   "Joy in suffering..." Yuwen Feidu sighed.

Xiao Hei held his face over there: "We originally wanted to find out who did it, do them, and block the news. However, the'Monkey King' Li Yanfeng has a higher level, so I want to discuss it with you. We I thought it would be fine for three days and five days, who knows...it spread, and we didn't expect him to be in the city..."

"There are two things now. The first is to find him and take him back, so that Master and Mr. Ning can teach him." The black girl put the chopsticks in the bun and spoke calmly, "The second thing, since the matter has spread. , Just make something bigger to flood it. Anyway, it’s going to be a fight. Let’s plan to eliminate one or two of the three parties with the younger brother Liangzi. The King of Justice fights in Jiangning and everyone is dead. In the future No one remembers it."

   Qian Luoning stared at her: "Are you going to kill?"

   The black girl pointed to the front with chopsticks: "Let Yuwen go and shoot the black gun, the possibility of success is very high..."

   Several people on the table held their chins and lost their thoughts. Qian Luoning looked around, and then said: "Look over there..." He stretched out his hand and slapped the black **** the head.

   The black girl curled her lips: "You have something to say."

   "In fact, what the black girl said makes sense..."

   "Boss Qian is wise, I said that the black girl owes a shot, I have never considered shooting people with a gun, why are you so cruel, people are blackhearted..."

   The black girl stared: "Just what you just said..."

   Xiao Hei sighed: "Forget about blowing up the lame tonight..."

"Okay." Qian Luoning also sighed over there, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "You go out and look for him these few days, try not to let other people get on the ground first, it's a real identity, you lose your life... and That'four-foot YIN demon', who kind of person, take care of it if you meet..."

   "It's'Little Sage Qitian', Boss Qian, it's called'Five Chi YIN Demon', you can't also follow suit..."

   "Now it's okay, everyone in the city is looking for their feelings, brother, this is embarrassing on all sides..."

   "Hey, I think after this Jiangning incident, the name "Five Chi YIN Demon" will follow the little brother for a lifetime..."

   "Don't talk nonsense when you go back..."

   "Will you talk nonsense?"

   "I can't."

   "Anyway, I won't... blame both of you..."

   Several people ate and chatted in a serious manner.

Since the time is in the morning, the two topical figures of "Leader of Martial Arts" and "Little Saint of Heaven" are sleeping in the room of the inn. Ning Ji originally planned to use Wei Zhuwen's head to wash away bad rumors about himself. In the past few days, I feel that it doesn't matter to kill Zhou Shang. In addition to seeing a powerful figure named Lu Xian in the action last night, the two sides handed over and fled. At this time, they didn't know that they had fallen into a situation of multiple pursuits...

   The same rain screen belongs to a camp under the name of "Roller King" and "Undead Guards". Three corpses were hung up high on the ground. These are the corpses of Miao Zheng and his family after being tortured.

   They originally had contact with Liang Siyi, but after failing to seek refuge in Wei Zhuwen, the bodies of these people magically returned to the hands of the "undead guards".

   Liang Siyi stood in the distance, staring at all of this in a daze. A little farther away, You Hongzhuo looked at her quietly and sighed...

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