Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 77: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see all beings

   The rain pattered in the evening, falling down one after another.

   The dilapidated yard under the hazy sky, the rockery that was originally used as a garden has collapsed, and the cyan rocks are wet by rain, as if they were stained with vegetable oil, and the ground that was originally burnt is also a black mud.

   is surrounded by houses that collapsed in the fire. Only a few dilapidated eaves are still intact. Under such a sky, with the scenery of the deserted garden not far away, everything is as gloomy as a ghost.

   The slender figure rushed out of the eaves silently, stepped on the wet stones in the yard, the sword in his hand smoothed across the rain curtain, and a few leaps in an instant had penetrated into the opposite eaves like a ghost.

   After a while, the figure walked back at the same speed, with secret and silent steps, and swinging the sword sharply and swiftly. In this afternoon, I don't know how many times she has dashed back and forth in this courtyard in the same way.

After    rushed under the eaves again, the black-clothed, slender figure was already trembling slightly. She stood there and let out a long breath, knowing that today's training has reached its limit.

   This is the already relatively extreme method of sword practice in Tan Gongjian. It is several times more dangerous to pierce bluestone in the rain at such a high speed than the skill of piles that are already proficient in the day. Every trace of mind must be mobilized when walking through and swinging the sword, as long as a slight mistake is made, it will be crippled at the slightest, and severely disabled. Practicing people in such an environment is actually similar to the principle of boxing on a cliff, which is a kind of "stealth". .

   Yan Yunzhi put away both swords in his hands.

   Such an extreme exercise method can make people improve faster, but it also consumes a lot of mind, not to mention the fear of injury in the middle. But compared to other things that have troubled her recently, these can only be regarded as trivial things.

   Various parts of the body are feeding back fatigue one after another. She gritted her teeth and controlled her breath as smoothly as possible. The family-renowned swordsmanship emphasizes "hiding like flowing water and moving like thunder", even if you are tired, you can't relax.

   stood quietly, adjusted his breath for a while, then put on the clothes that were placed under the dilapidated eaves, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

   In the previous exercise, the clothes inside and out were already wet, and putting on a quilt is just better than nothing. Going out of this abandoned yard, there is a cold street outside, and the autumn rain has soaked the road into a piece of mud in the past few days. There were only a few pedestrians on the road in the evening, most of them with swords under their clothes, and a gray horse was walking on the road on the black mud.

   Maybe it's because of the damp body, the shabby streets, the gray courtyards far and near in the city, and the feeling of coldness in the rain and mud.

   Yan Yunzhi lowered his head, chose a relatively easy area in the mud, and proceeded cautiously and quickly to the inn at the end of the street.

   In the evening, there are no lights in the inn, but the three churches and nine students gather in the messy lobby, which still looks quite lively. Yan Yunzhi bowed his head and came in, said hello to the familiar shop Xiaoer, and then went upstairs to the room. After a while, someone sent a large pot of hot water.

The    shop closed the door and left. Yan Yunzhi did not light up the light in the room. She had already taken off her clothes. At this time, she also unbuttoned the soaked outer garment. When she was about to take it off, she seemed to remember something, and walked from the inside of the room to the door.

   With light steps, she walked to the door, took a dagger, and stabbed it silently into the gap in the door.

   He heard a cry of "Ouch" outside the door, followed by footsteps quickly moving away. The person said in the corridor: "Hey, Xiao Niangpi is really exciting..."

   The voice went away, and Yan Yunzhi silently retracted the short sword. She stood in the room for a while, as if only the slight ups and downs of her chest could prove her existence at this moment.

After a while, she found a corner of rags, plugged up some gaps in the door, and then went to the hot water basin, took off the clothes, wiped her body, waited until her body was dry, and put on light clothes. , She found a small packet of powder from the baggage, poured some into the water basin, and then put the water basin in the ground in front of the stool, took off her shoes and socks and soaked her bare feet in it.

   The stimulation of the drug brought some pain in her feet. She leaned down, hugged her knees with her hands, clenched her teeth, and her body trembled slightly. The room was quiet, she worked hard not to let herself cry.

   Seventeen-year-old Yan Yunzhi is alone at this moment, in a cold city thousands of miles away from home.

  'S momentary anger, and Shi Weiyang's complete breakdown, she doesn't regret it. The famous festival may be ruined at this point, in the final analysis it is just a matter of death. And this time when everyone came to Jiangning, the alliance between the Yan family and the Shi family was the real topic. If it was her cause that led to the failure of the transaction between the two parties, then it was not just her alone, but the whole being affected. The young and old in Yanjiapu, this is the biggest factor that makes her feel uneasy.

These big and small problems appeared in her mind all the time. The seventeen-year-old Yunshui woman had killed two Jurchen soldiers in her past life, but at this moment after closing the door, she felt guilty, lost, and lonely. And fear will still make it difficult for her to hold on to herself.

   Someone knocked on the door outside at some point.

   "Miss Yan, are you there?"

   Yan Yunzhi sat up.

   "Brother Ping? Yes."

   The voice coming from outside the door belonged to the voice of one of the two brothers who rescued her that day, the eldest brother Han Ping. These two brothers have high martial arts skills, the eldest brother feels considerate and gentle, and the second brother is a strange and unparalleled boxing force, but the surname is Han Mingyun, some of which resemble the names of women. The two of them should also be the children of a big family. They came to Jiangning to talk about cooperation. They don't live in the inn on weekdays. Yan Yunzhi estimated that each other's name might be fake. But she was in a different place, so naturally she wouldn't take the liberty to ask questions.

He just heard that Han Ping said outside the door: "We came back from the outside and heard some news. Let's have dinner together." He paused when he said that, as if he heard the sound of water inside the door, he said: "Yan. Girl, you are not busy."

   "...Oh, yes, then I..."

   "Han Yun and I are waiting for you downstairs."

   This elder brother named Han Ping always seems to be comprehensive in everything. He just made arrangements in a few words, and he turned and went downstairs. Yan Yunzhi wiped off the water on his feet, put on clothes, and then took his double swords and went downstairs.

   At this time, the sky was completely dark, the yard outside the inn downstairs was still raining intermittently, and the lobby was lit up, and all kinds of people gathered here. When Yan Yunzhi came down from the stairs, he saw two figures fighting in the corridor outside. One of the participants was the sturdy young Han Yun. He only saw him throw his opponent out with a punch, into the mud in the courtyard. Among. The people of the rivers and lakes in the hall cheered.

   His brother Han Ping was sitting at a table in the lobby with a booklet in his hand. He was reading when he saw Yan Yunzhi and waved to her.

   "Brother Ping, what's the matter?"

   "The young man is full of enthusiasm. If you want to move around, don't worry about him." Ping Ge'er downplayed, and looked rather disapproving of his younger brother Xiao Yun.

While talking like this, the young man in the fight came over with his arm shaking, with a hearty smile on his face: "I heard Xiao Er said that this person ran to your room to make trouble. He really didn't know how to do it. This will help. You taught him."

   Yan Yunzhi frowned and looked out. Only then did he realize that it was the green forest person who had been shot into the muddy water not long ago, who came to her door to peep at.

   "Thank you Brother Yun."

   "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, hahahaha..." The other party waved his hand heartily.

   "Brother Xiao Yun is stupid, right?" Han Ping, who was reading a book, smiled.

   Here, Han Yun opened his eyes: "Don't call me Xiaoyun."

   "Do you have an opinion on Xiaoyun? What do you think of Miss Yan?"

   "Miss Yan, I have no opinion on your name..."

   The two brothers bickered, Yan Yunzhi couldn't help but laugh. At this time, Xiao Er came to serve the food, and the three of them greeted after they were seated. Han Ping put down the pamphlet in his hand. Yan Yunzhi looked curiously, and saw that the pamphlet was stained with blood and sewage, and he did not know where he picked it up. , The few words on the cover are "Tan Si Min".

Han Ping noticed her gaze and smiled at this moment: "Today I went out with your brother Xiaoyun. On the way, I saw the undead guard chasing the prisoner. I was a little curious and looked at it. When the prisoner escaped, he kept some of the books. On the ground, this is one of them..."

Maybe it was because Yan Yunzhi didn’t understand, he added: “This is a manuscript passed from the southwest. It was originally made by Mr. Ning’s group, but he didn’t expect the Fair Party to make it like this here. Someone is circulating this kind of stuff. Look at the comments on the top, it’s densely packed, with the words “Reading Club” written on the bottom... The five kings of the Fair Party are so powerful and murderous, but they don’t know that this Reading Club is again. What is it……"

   "Does Ping know the Southwest well?" Yan Yunzhi asked.

   "Just know a little bit." Han Ping thought about it, "I know that Miss Yan was framed by bandits from the southwest, and she may not have a good impression on her. But as far as I know, the Huaxia Army is still mostly heroes after all."

Han Yun said in a dull voice: "There are good people everywhere, and bad people everywhere. Although the guy surnamed Long is from the southwest, he will be dealt with if he is known by the Chinese Army. "

   Yan Yunzhi nodded: "I know..."

   In fact, before this, when it comes to the Southwest China Army, why does she not admire it?

   "We were outside today and inquired about some news." Seeing Yan Yunzhi's expression was wrong, Han Ping staggered the subject.

   Yan Yunzhi nodded slightly, only to hear the other person say: "We heard the news about Long Aotian."

   "Ah..." Yan Yunzhi looked startled.

   "He has arrived in Jiangning City."

   "..." Yan Yunzhi was silent for a moment, "Indeed...he seems to have said that he will come to Jiangning..."

   She originally had an impression of this incident, but what she had in her mind for several days was mostly how to assassinate Li Yanfeng who instigated the newspaper to spread rumors. As for this unobstructed young murderer, he just thought that he might find it one day and would die with him.

   For the difference in the middle, it is difficult for her to think about it at this time. Perhaps it was because she knew what had happened in Tongshan, and the young man himself could be regarded as a chivalrous hero, but his last words ruined his reputation... or because of his tricks. The memories of restraining her are too heavy, making it difficult for her to give birth to revenge generosity...

   In the past few days, she even spent some money in the inn, looking for someone to investigate the information from the "Roller King" for her. Earlier, Han Ping said that she had heard some news, and she thought it was about Li Yanfeng. But she didn't expect that the news of Long Aotian was suddenly thrown out by the other party at this time, which made her feel a little difficult to summarize for a while.

"Although this kid has a lawless personality, to be honest, he can poke such a big basket, it is really kind. He can't live or die..." Han Yun said, "Of course, girl Yan, if you meet If you **** with him, we will naturally help you."

   Yan Yunzhi looked at him: "What did he... do?"

"Hey." Han Yun smiled, "I don't know if I don't know, I was shocked when I asked, this kid has offended half of Jiangning's people, even if we don't look for him, I guess he will do the same next. Live soon."

   Yan Yunzhi frowned.

Han Ping, the elder brother here, also nodded: "We didn’t inquire much about the gossip in Jiangning City. The person we met today happened to talk about it and asked a few questions. Earlier... It was after August 15th that the kid named Long Aotian entered the city, and during these days he has offended the three parties of the'wheel king', the king of Yama, and the king of equality.'

Han Ping said: "It is said that his most eye-catching result was that at first he wanted to kill Wei Zhuwen of the "Heavenly Killer" under the command of Yama. He successively picked several places for the King of Yama, but he could not find it. From the back, he wanted to kill Zhou Shang. Although all he found were the middle and lower leaders of the'Yama King' side, this kid was bold and daring, and he successively lost a lot of good players. Suwen's face was slapped, and now it's too much trouble..."

   Yan Yunzhi almost opened his eyes at this time. No matter how she imagined, she couldn't expect such an exaggeration to have happened after the other party entered the city. He was still planning to assassinate a leader on the side of "The King of Wheels", but the other party was yelling everywhere to kill Zhou Shang.

   Just like in a mountain pass, when one person fights against a power, how powerful is the other person? Unexpectedly, he had joined Jiangning, and he planned to do such a thing in the face of the fairness party? Are these people taught in Southwestern China?

  Han Ping said: "As for what he offended the ‘runner king’, Miss Yan might as well have a guess."

   Yan Yunzhi thought for a while, and he couldn't believe it: "He... he originally said... he wants to go to Jiangning to find Li Yanfeng and ask his guilt... Is it true that he is..."

Han Ping laughed: "Although it's not in the middle, it's not far away. The news we heard is that this kid named Long Aotian single-handedly picked a site for the'runner king', and this site is' Guess what? The newsprint that slandered the girl Yan was printed here. In other words, the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng asked someone to send a message to slander the girl. At the same time, he placed the name of the'five-foot YIN demon' on the opponent. This little demon had found it and picked someone's plate. This is already a battle with Li Yanfeng."

The sturdy Han Yun said: "According to this lawless style, this kid from the southwest will sooner or later find Li Yanfeng to avenge him. It's just that he set the target for Wei Zhuwen and Zhou Shang at first. It's just to be able to free up... Hey, this kind of courage, I really want to see him and have a fight with him on the spot, it's also great."

   Of the two Han brothers, the younger brother Han Yun is obviously more passionate and brave. A few days ago, Yan Yunzhi talked about his own experience. If he saw this Southwestern scum, he would have to beat him severely. At this moment, he talked about the things the other party had caused in Jiangning City. Although he was going to hit him, he obviously already felt a little bit of sympathy. It probably feels that the other party can do this without dying, so he has some yearning.

   "Then...The King of Equality's side is..."

"That's because of your business." Han Ping said, "The news in the city is messy now, most of them are pieced together. Let's find out today. It is estimated that this little friend Long smashed Li Yanfeng's newspaper. The subordinates hunted down and revealed the news to the Shi family. Miss Yan, you were in Tongshan, so people were exposed to rumors. In the future, whether it is Shi family or your Yan family, you must catch this person in the best way to deal with the aftermath. Therefore, we heard that Shi Weiyang of the Shi family, the treasurer of Baofeng, and the second uncle of your Yan family have secretly sent people or offered bonuses, asking to be caught or killed. He is a'five-foot YIN demon'... Hehe, I don't know how Li Yanfeng came up with such a nickname, it is really wicked, if it were me, I would definitely not let him go..."

   Han Ping talked about the nickname of the "five-foot YIN demon" several times, and couldn't help but laugh at the wickedness of this nickname.

"In short, now that major events in the city are undecided, there are already three powerful people here who are talking about hunting down the whereabouts of the child named Long. Your brother Xiao Yun is right. It is estimated that he will be caught and beaten sooner or later. Die...Oh, besides, there is a little monk with a strong martial arts next to him, who is younger than him, what seems to be his name... Monkey King, was given the nickname "Four-foot YIN Demon" 'Does Miss Yan have an impression of this person?"

   Yan Yunzhi shook his head blankly.

   "This matter can't be impatient." Han Ping said, "We will pay more attention to Miss Yan."

   "It's wrapped around me." Han Yun said generously, patting his chest.

   Yan Yunzhi quickly thanked him.

   The light rain was still immersing in waves. In the dim lobby of the inn, people were in a mess. The three talked for a while, and then sat for a while after dinner before leaving.

   Yan Yunzhi sent them to the entrance of the inn and watched them drift away in the night when the drizzle was gradually resting. The two of them are part of the big power. Now they live in the yard a street away from here, and they have their own affairs every day. It is a great kindness to be able to help her occasionally. These heavy graces, she may only be able to slowly repay later.

   all the way back upstairs, she was still thinking about the message about Long Aotian in her heart.

   Why is he so messy?

What kind of family is   , and such an unfamiliar temperament taught by him?

  If he died here, how would he seek revenge from him?

   A mess of thoughts...

Back upstairs, when he was about to enter the room, the shop Xiaoer in the inn followed and said in a low voice: "Miss Yan." In this inn, most of the people under the command of Gao Tianwang are also because of the Han brothers who may be related in private. Say hello, so I have been taking good care of her. She actually spent some money in private, begging the other party to buy some information for her.

   At this time, she heard the other person say: "The news that the girl wants to know about Li Yanfeng, I just received one here."

   The other party handed over a piece of paper, then turned and left.

   Yan Yunzhi returned to the room, lit the oil lamp, and carefully read the message on the note...


   Here, after leaving the inn, Yin Ping and Yue Yun went all the way back to their residence.

   On the way, Yue Yun protested to her sister: "You are not allowed to call me Xiaoyun in the future."

   Yin Ping frowned and said, "You can say that your last name is not Han, but you can only call Yun at any time in your life. Why did I call it wrong."

   "Xiao Yun is too much like a woman, she is called Xiaoyun like Miss Yan. If it is inconvenient for you, you can call me your second brother, or just Brother Yun."

   "No, it's convenient for me."


   Yue Yun was angry and looked at his sister with hostile eyes. Yin Ping was too lazy to pay attention to him. At this time, the rain in the sky stopped temporarily. The two were walking on the dim street. Yin Ping was still holding the blood and sewage pamphlet in his hands, rubbing it carefully, as if thinking about something. .

   "What do you always do with this booklet?" Yue Yun was angry to no avail, a little curious.

   "I think it's interesting. Have you heard of the'Simin' in the southwest?"

   "These books were shipped from the southwest, and there are many in Fuzhou. I have naturally heard them."

   "But you haven't read it, this "Tan Si Min"..." Yin Ping considered it, "There have been many revisions..."

"what does that mean?"

   "I'm looking for Mr. Zuo... to talk about this."

   While they were talking, they had entered the compound where they lived with Zuo Xiuquan and others at this time, and Yin Ping went to Zuo Xiuquan to talk about this booklet and the "Reading Club".

   After a while, someone came from outside, found Yue Yun, and reported something to him...


   The rain stopped slightly.

   Under the bridge beside the canal outside the Five Lakes Inn, bursts of black smoke emerged from here, rising into the sky that was still moist after the rain stopped. The sound of coughing choked by smoke and dust occasionally sounded in this night.

   The combination of "Five-foot YIN Demon" Long Aotian and "Four-foot YIN Demon" Monkey King sprinted here.

The two searched nearby and found some firewood for Xue Jin and Yueniang who lived under the bridge cave. Due to the rainy weather for several days, the two young men found it without looting. The firewood is also moist. Everyone had tossed for a long time before lighting a fire under the bridge hole, and then they piled part of the wet wood to bake by the fire.

   The smoke and steam are very uncomfortable. It is only a little bit better than the hard end without a fire.

   Insert a sentence, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] It’s really good, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

   The two did a good deed for a while, but the physical strength was not hindered, mainly because of the exhaustion. After doing good deeds, stay in the darkness on the side of the road to rest.

"Wei Zhuwen and Zhou Shang are too cunning. They have been prepared for the past few days and can no longer use the previous method to find it hard, otherwise we will be held back by him." Long Aotian analyzed the situation of the war and met the man two days ago. After he called Lu Xian's swordsman, he knew that he had probably been analyzed by the opponent's law of action.

   "Well, guarding the pig and waiting for the rabbit is too stupid." Wu Hao's attendant nodded and flattered, "Pigs are bigger than rabbits, why do you eat rabbits if you have pigs."

   "Haha, you are too stupid. It doesn't mean to wait for a rabbit. It's a strain of this strain, not a pig of that pig..."

Long Aotian laughed with his hands on his hips, and then began to teach the little attendant a cultural lesson. After a while, he weaved a new plan: "Since they have discovered us, let’s let it dry. They work for a few days in vain. Then, let's find the trouble with the villains of the'runner king' first..."

   "Ah..." The little monk was dumbfounded, blinked, and then murmured, "Big brother, big brother, shall we...or should we just die..."

"What's the end! The big man must learn to adapt to the situation!" Long Aotian slapped the little monk on the head, preparing to teach him a little bit of life. "Well, these cult people are bluffing, and they like to show off and talk to Zhou Shang. , Wei Zhuwen, these **** are not the same. Let’s explore Li Jianfeng’s situation first, and consider whether we can find an opportunity to kill him..."

   "Uh...Do you want to kill Li Jianfeng? Can you kill others..."

   "Of course, kill him first. I don't know anyone else. And I told you all the bad things he did on Tongshan, should you kill him?"

   "Well, it's time to kill... hey, I thought you were going to kill that... big fat monk..."

   "Haha, Lin Echan is our life's enemy, we can't beat him now, we will run away if we see it or not, don't go over and give it away! You are so stupid..."

   "Hmm. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" The little monk nodded repeatedly, and heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Okay, it's so decided!"

  Long Aotian hands on hips: "Kill Li Jianfeng! Leave your name!"

   "Make a name for yourself, let..."The King of Wheels", know how good we are!" The little monk waved his fists. He thought that the master might react after knowing his name. In fact, he slightly looked forward to it.

  From Jindi all the way to the south, the master often analyzes certain things good and evil with him, and talks to him about the complexity of the world, but he often makes the choice between them. There are bad guys in the "Great Illumination Church" who secretly cleaned the door for Master. Master will be very pleased when he knows this?

   In the heart of Master, he is actually a good person.

   He always thinks this way.


   On the banks of the Qinhuai River, it is a relatively prosperous street under the jurisdiction of the "king of runner" Xu Zhaonan.

   The rain curtain has been closed, and several relatively intact buildings on the street are brightly lit.

On this day, Chen Juefang, the leader of the "Undead Guards", hosted a banquet here to entertain Meng Zhutao, the leader of the "Love and Hate Society" who had only recently entered the city. The banquet covered a whole floor of this golden building, and people came. People go, beating gongs and drums, it's extremely lively.

You Hongzhuo walked through the crowd and saw Kuang Wenbai sitting next to the inconspicuous booth downstairs. The deputy captain of the undead guard was dressed in casual clothes, with a patch on his nose that was broken by a punch. It looked miserable and yet again. Low-key.

  He came to observe the behavior patterns of Chen Juefang, Tan Zheng and others. At this time, he saw the "fourth brother" and he was a little relieved. As long as he is not dead, everyone will always have the fate of the future.

   The night is blurred, there are countless turbulences in the city, I don’t know at any moment, there will be a staggered moment...

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