Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 78: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see sentient beings (9)

   Jianghu people love lively.

   Soon after night began, the area on the Qinhuai River with the Jinlou as the center was brightly lit, and the green forest people coming and going had already stirred up the lively atmosphere.

This is one of the most prosperous spots in Jiangning City today. The long street along the river is under the jurisdiction of the "runner king" Xu Zhaonan, and there are many restaurants and shops on the street such as the king of equality Shi Baofeng, "king of equality" Equity King He Wen et al.'s capital injection.

  Because of the involvement of many forces, this side has become a relatively sensitive area in the city. On weekdays, all parties talk about numbers and fights, and they will choose here. For many big people's receptions, they are often chosen here.

   By the end of the night, there was a mixture of three teachings and nine streams. During the walk of the green forest people who want to seek revenge and want to be famous, some heroes feasted their doors. When they met everyone, they greeted them with smiles, and there were also knights who suddenly turned their faces to the courtyard and the road. On the catch and fight.

   A beggar who paid part of the protection fee or simply sneaked over from the river knelt on the side of the road and begs for a meal. Occasionally, there will be a prize of gold and silver by the big tycoons who pay attention to pomp, and these beggars will praise them again and again to help them become famous.

In terms of historical evolution, this area is certainly not the core area of ​​the Qinhuai River in the past-it was burned after being looted a few months ago-but after it was preserved, this golden building was used as the core. Some special reasons.

  According to the textual research of the good people, this golden building was the last Zhuji restaurant built by the demon Ning Yi in Jiangning more than a decade ago. . After Ning Yi’s King Killing rebelled, Zhuji’s restaurant was returned to the court and was classified as an industry under the name of Princess Chengguo’s mansion. The name was changed. After the Fair Party came over, Gao Huiyun, the "wu tyrant" under the name of "Roller King", followed The simple wishes of ordinary people changed this place into a golden building and hosted a banquet for guests. After a few months, it was because everyone was used to come here to banquet and talk a lot, and it became prosperous.

   Regarding the relationship between Jinlou and Ning Yi, people are reluctant to talk about it in public, but in private, this news is naturally circulating. People set foot in the restaurant that Ning Yi first established, pointed the country, laughed and cursed, and felt as if they had done a kind of humiliation to the southwester. At least, they seemed to prove that they were "not weaker than others." This was privately. He’s psychologically satisfied, and occasionally someone fights here, it seems to be extraordinarily magnificent.

   This evening, Chen Juefang from the "Undead Guard" hosted a banquet for Meng Zhutao, who is also the Eight Desires, as a guest at the Golden Tower. In addition to the "Tian Dao" Tan Zheng and the Monkey King Li Yanfeng on the side of the "Roller King", Jin Yongsheng and Shan Lifu on the "Equality King" side, and Guo Shengtian from the "Gao Tianwang" side were accompanied by the meeting. And many good players, very face.

  Besides the Fair Party, those who hosted a banquet in the Jinlou on this day were also the Dai Mengwei delegation who came with a mission. The leader of this mission is called Lu Zhongming, who is one of Dai Mengwei’s most trusted disciples. Several of his deputy envoys such as Weihe "No Edge Sword", Chen Bian "Flower Boxing King", and Qiu Changying "Broken Soul Spear" are all of them. Is a knight of the famous party in the past.

   After entering the city, the mission began to sell Dai Mengwei's ideas about the "Chinese Martial Arts Association". Although it was inevitable to encounter some cynicism in private, Dai Mengwei's promise to let everyone make a decision after watching the results of the Bianliang war, it seemed quite grand.

   This is actually similar to the hunger marketing of later generations. The "Chinese Wushu Association" thrown by Dai Mengwei was not honored for a while, and it did not require everyone to bet immediately. But corresponding to this, as long as you participate in it, it will immediately be a situation where the sedan chair will lift people.

   cursed and swore at this moment, first made a name, if in the future, if Dai Meng can not attack Bianliang, then of course the promise will be invalidated, and the participants here will not suffer any loss. But if Dai Mengwei really takes Bianliang, the promise at this time can bring benefits. For those who are in Jiangning right now, it is indeed a profitable business without any harm.

   In addition, if some people occasionally accused Dai Mengwei of "traiting the country and seeking glory", Lu Zhongming, a disciple of Dai Mengwei, began to talk about the danger of the Chinese army reopening the road, citing scriptures.

The world will be divided for a long time and must be united for a long time, but if the Huaxia Army has tossed for 50 years without results, how can the whole world be killed in chaos for another 50 years? For this reason, Dai Meng has formed a relatively complete theoretical support under the small rule. Lu Zhongming was eloquent and impassioned, coupled with his literary popularity and good manners, many people could not help but nod their heads after listening. I feel that with the radicalization of the Huaxia Army, it will not be able to adjust the head in the future, and there is really such a risk.

   Such and such, Dai Mengwei threw out a blank check, and for a short while, he stirred up a huge momentum in Jiangning City. A group of good warriors rushed forward, saying that if Dai Gong could return to Beijing in the next day, everyone would definitely go to congratulate each other, and this kind of bundled public opinion atmosphere more effectively promoted Dai Mengwei's thoughts. Lv Zhongming entertains guests in the city every two days, just right to guide such public opinion to continue to ferment, and it is indeed a remarkable trader behavior.

On the first floor of the Jin Building, he enrolled on the first floor of the Jin Building. Among the people who banqueted, there was also a member of the mission sent by Liu Guangshi-the envoy sent by Liu Guangshi was named Gu Anhe, who had been familiar with Lu Zhongming a long time ago. The deputy envoy under Gu'anhe is exactly the "monkey king" Li Yanfeng who participated in the banquet upstairs today-so, on one side are representatives of the major forces within the fair party, and on the other side are important figures in foreign envoys. A combination of ups and downs immediately rounded up the entire golden building, and set up tables and chairs in the vestibule downstairs, accommodating heroes from all directions, and for a while, a hero meeting was held within the entire golden building.

   Since Zhu Ji promoted martial arts novels in storytelling, the "Heroes Convention" has been the favorite among the heroes of the Green Forest in the past ten years. Recently, in Jiangning City for more than a month, large and small gatherings have emerged one after another, ranging from encounters by three or five friends on the roadside, to a group of green forest people in the lobby of the inn arguing, all of which are named heroes.

   Everyone talked about passing the north fist to the south, learning art to save the country, or arranging a battle in the open space and discussing it. As long as it looks a little bit, it will be passed on as a "good story" among the participants.

   By this night, in addition to the five kings in Jiangning City, the next-ranked figures in real power have almost reached the lower half in the Jinlou, and they can really be called a gathering of heroes. After the news came out, all the heroes and people of insight walking nearby came to pay a visit and participate in the meeting, while the "Roller King", Lu Zhongming and other parties sent figures to guard at the door. If you meet someone from the rivers and lakes, you will join hands and report your name. If you meet a well-known scribe, you will also report your name and welcome you in.

   Such and this, with the sound of a roll of fame that contains a powerful nickname and origin, the newly added seats on the first floor of the golden building and the outer courtyard are gradually filled with heroes from all walks of life.

In the intersecting time, there are heroes or scribes who are more able to come and talk, or to say respect for the "fair party", admiration for Meng Zhutao and others, or loudly expressing hatred of the country and the family. Cognition, or compliment Dai Mengwei, Liu Guangshi and others. When the crowd echoed, Meng Zhutao, Chen Juefang and others gained face, and Lu Zhongming peddled Dai Mengwei's ideas. With achievements, the heroes of all walks of life played the autumn breeze. It was really a scene of the guests and the host having fun and harmony.

   Of course, since it's a hero meeting, then the martial arts must compete and compete. This golden building was originally designed by Ning Yi. The large courtyard is well-drained and landscaping. The courtyard is dotted with large bluestone slabs and small pebbles. Although the rain continues for days and autumns, the roads outside are already muddy. The courtyard on the side did not turn into a muddy situation, and occasionally a confident warrior came to a fight.

   At this time, if you meet someone who is good at the art industry and plays well, Chen Juefang, Meng Zhutao and others waved their hands and invited them upstairs to have a drink. This warrior can also be regarded as handing in a certificate of fame. The experts upstairs commented and helped him become famous. Of course, it was necessary to win over it. Compared with working hard in the city, such a way to rise is more convenient. .

   "My dear, Hedong You obviously, people from the rivers and lakes give gangsters, mad knives in troubled times, have you ever heard my name in Xiongtai?"

   After exploring the surrounding roads for a while, seeing that many people of the three religions and nine tiers had entered the golden building, You Hongzhuo had just signed up for it. The guard at the door is also a good master in the art industry of the Great Guangming Church. The two sides joined hands for a while, and they were not the same in the competition. At the moment, they were all smiles, pointed him a place, and then made people sing loudly.

   "Hedong Road! You Mingming with a mad knife in a chaotic world-your hero is here!"

The names of the heroes of this year are not as particular as those in the book. Therefore, although the "Crazy World Knife" is called You Mingming, it did not attract too many people's attention for a while. At most, someone on the second floor told the "Tiandao" Tan Zhengxiang. Inquiry:

   "Tan Gong, Megatron Heshuo, used the sword to rule the roost in those days. Do you have any impression of this ‘crazy sword’?"

Tan Zheng just shook his head and smiled: "With the word chaos in his name, he must be a young hero who has become famous recently. The old man has never heard of it, but he is ignorant. But in the past few years of war in Hebei and Hedong, he can kill him there. Yes, there must be amazing abilities, which should not be underestimated."

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   He is now a prince of a party, a veteran of swordsmanship, and he is well versed in the principle of carrying people in a sedan chair, and he generally gives a good evaluation to the younger generation who does not know him.

  You Hongzhuo found a place to sit down, and saw that several warriors were arguing about the swordsmanship of the world, and then they ended up fighting for the evaluation of everyone upstairs. He just applauded and didn't participate. Later, I took the opportunity of going to the hut to carefully observe the guard post and the security situation inside the golden building.

   Those who dare to open the door like this to entertain guests from all over the world will become famous quickly, but naturally they cannot prevent the infiltration of intentional people or the attack of opponents. Of course, in Jiangning City at this moment, Lin Zongwu, the number one man in the world who oppresses the world, was originally the Supreme Emperor of the "Roller King", and Chen Juefang, Meng Zhutao, Li Yanfeng, Tan Zheng and others sitting here are also. First-class players in the arena, coupled with the power of the "undead guard" and the "resent and hate society", if anyone dares to make trouble, whether it is martial arts alone or waving the flag to call people, and competing forces, I'm afraid it's impossible to please.

The other party also understands the hidden dangers of such things. The entire security situation is loose and tight. Inside the golden building, there are a large number of checkpoints staring at the kitchen, serving dishes and other links to avoid the risk of poisoning, even if it takes the opportunity to go everywhere. The walking green forest people inevitably have to be looked at.

  You Hongzhuo simply walked and turned back, without making any trouble. He has enemies with Tan Zheng and Kuang Wenbo, and he can retaliate slowly without worrying. This time he is planning to find a way to kill Chen Juefang, but the other party is light and vigilant, and he has to find a good opportunity.

   sat like this for a while, listening to a group of hustle and bustles at the same table talking about how to get acquainted with, and how to talk and laugh with a certain rivers and lakes deity "Six Tong Old Man". By halfway through the hour, the round of fighting on the court subsided, and everyone upstairs invited the winner to go for a drink. When they were praising and enjoying themselves, a round of misfortune at the banquet finally appeared.

   It was at a square table opposite You Hongzhuo. Four people who seemed to be travelling together took out white linen cloth and put on their upper bodies. These four were three men and one woman, and the headed woman seemed to be in her early twenties. The three men beside her were slightly older and took out a few steel whips from their cloth pockets.

Putting on sackcloth and filial piety on such occasions, looking like something is about to happen, when the nearby people maintaining order wanted to come forward to stop it, it was already too late. The woman held up a tablet, walked out, and accompanied three people. The older man among the men shouted violently in front of the court: "Meng Zhutao, you beast who deceived the master and the ancestor! We are here, you dare to come downstairs and meet—"

   Another person shouted: "Senior brother, come and see the spiritual status of Master and his old man!"

   The hustle and bustle on the second floor stopped temporarily. In the courtyard on the first floor, everyone whispered earnestly, bringing a buzzing sound, everyone thought, this time there is a good show. A person in charge of the "King of Wheels" nearby came over. When they wanted to stop, some of the onlookers were also embarrassed and said, "Is there anything for them to say."

   "I think this little lady looks good..."

   In such a place where "The King of Wheels" and others are playing the home court, if you make trouble by force, it will be killed by the opponent directly in numbers. Since the four people in this group dared to come forward, they naturally had some talk. The man who spoke first at the moment spoke loudly, telling everyone present the ins and outs of this visit.

But it turned out that now as one of the eight cliques of the "runner king" and in charge of the "resent and hate society", Meng Zhutao was originally just a disciple of a small sect who moved from the north to the south. This sect is better at single whip and double whip styles. The previous head was named Ling Shengwei, and Meng Zhutao was a big disciple with an art investment teacher. Under him were several juniors and Ling Shengwei's daughter Ling Chu, who were regarded as the closed younger junior sisters.

The little school that Ling Shengwei controls is not well-known, but it can be regarded as a boon to Meng Zhutao. He not only taught the martial arts in the door, but also moved the mind of accepting him as a son-in-law in the early years, and appointed Ling Chu to be married. To him as his unmarried wife. I originally thought that Ling Chu would let the two get married when he was a little older. Who knows that Meng has great talents and his thoughts are uncertain. A few years ago, he made friends with various bandits and became a big gangster. He had trouble with Ling Shengwei. Very unpleasant.

   Later, the Jurchen went south for the fourth time, and the people of the world were not living, Meng Zhutao entangled the underworld forces and caused the disaster, and Ling Shengwei came to the door several times and theorized. Until the last time, the two masters and apprentices started, Ling Shengwei was seriously injured by Meng Zhutao. After returning home, he suffered a year of depression and died.

   Green forest rivers and lakes are kind and grudges, it is nothing more than these stories. Especially in the past two years, the soldiers have fought fiercely, and the world is turbulent. Not to mention that the master and the disciples are against each other, it is the matter of brothers smashing the wall, and it is not uncommon in this world. The vocal man among the four said this with a sad expression on his face.

"...When the master Ling Gong was still alive, he concealed this matter, and he also prevented us from seeking revenge, so that we do not have any trouble! I know that his old man saw the great power of the master, and first took the mountain as the king. Afterwards, following the fair party, he has become one of Xu Shuai’s “eight cliques” under his command. When I went to the door, I hit the stone with a pebble. Maybe even others couldn’t see it, so I had to be buried by someone unclear. , That will never be heard by anyone."

"... But teachers are like their parents. If this hatred is not reported, how can you stand among the world! After the teacher and the immortal passed away, I also happened to hear the news of the Jiangning Conference. Hope, it will not make Meng Zhutao cover the sky with one hand!"

"... Heroes, elders!" The man folded his hands and looked around. "Today, Meng Zhutao is so powerful. It is not a pity for me to wait for the death of a few people. I only hope that you can remember this matter, and will do what this villain did in the future. Propagate it, and proclaim what is happening today! Believe that the truth is clear, one day someone will be able to give back to my master a fairness. Thank you so much!"

   His words were impassioned. After that, he didn't want to be fair today, but he just hoped to make things clear. This is the method of violent generalization, and there is the green forest humanity right now: "If you come to reason today, you may not die."

   "Everything in the world can't carry a word of reason..."

   Someone said: "Mr. Meng, these things must be explained clearly."

   "The'Resentment Society' is in the control of the'Eight Citizens', which is the power of criminal responsibility. If this matter cannot be justified, the Fair Party may be inconvincible!"

   Amidst such public opinion, You Hongzhuo hid himself from the crowd and said a few words: "Meng Zhutao deceives the master to destroy the ancestor, don't be afraid!"

   "I, Huang Ping, the hero, support you!"

  His martial arts skills are high, and he hid in the crowd deliberately at this time to fan the flames. When the sound was made, no one found out where he was. But this is also because there are not too many masters paying attention, I deliberately said a few words, and then he converges, but I admire Meng Zhutao upstairs and calm down. Such remarks are also allowed to be said by a few of them. It's over, there is no strong interruption midway.

   There was a noise from the bottom, but the upstairs was quiet and confusing. After the initial noise and momentum passed, I saw a figure coming down from upstairs.

   The design of this golden building is generous, the lobby on the first floor is quite high, but for most people in the rivers and lakes, it is not difficult to jump directly from the window on the second floor. But this figure slowly walked down from the building step by step. All the guests on the first floor let the road open. When the person leaves the hall and arrives in the courtyard, everyone can see the person's appearance clearly. He is tall, with broad eyebrows, and a tiger-backed waist. Anyone who saw him could see that he was a natural and powerful person. Even if he didn't practice martial arts and fights with such a figure, he might not be his opponent.

Some people who had been in Jiangning City for several days and became familiar with the "Roller King" party involuntarily remembered the "wu tyrant" Gao Huiyun, and the opponent was also in such a King Kong posture. It is said that when he rushed into the battlefield with a big spear, The momentum is particularly fierce and invincible. As the number one person in the world, Lin Zongwu is also like a mountain, just fatter.

   This Meng Zhutao, as the leader of the "Resentment Society", is in charge of internal and external criminal law. He has a straight face and a large iron ruler on his back. It is longer than a steel whip and slightly shorter than a stick. Some people only think of his past nickname when they see this thing, called "Liantianzhi".

  He just appeared in front of everyone, his eyes calm, looking around for a week, the calm majesty has calmed everyone's words, and he was waiting for him to express his attitude. I saw him looking at Ling Chu in the middle of the courtyard and the tablet in her hand, and then slowly walked a few steps over, lifted the hem of his clothes, knelt on his knees, and then solemnly gave the tablet on the bluestone. Kowped three heads.

   After these solemn salutes, Meng Zhutao fell to the ground for a moment before he got up and stood up. His gaze swept across the three men and one woman in front of him, and then he said: "You are not dead yet, this is a good thing. Just why bother to come and join in the excitement."

   The man said earlier: "How can we not come for the enmity of my parents!" His voice was deafening.

Meng Zhutao glanced at him: "Yu Bin, you are the second child. After I go with the master, you should protect these juniors and sisters to keep them away from danger. But your mind is still so dirty. It’s disgraceful to get rid of the tail."

   Everyone just knew that the second brother who spoke out was called Yu Bin.

"I'm going to delete the beginning and end of what I said?" Na Yu Bin said, "Master, I will ask you whether the master disagrees with your actions, and every time he asks you for a theory, he breaks up unhappy. The last time, was it between you? After fighting, he severely wounded the master. After he returned home, he told us at the beginning that he was robbed by the refugees on the road, and he was undercover, and ordered us not to look for it anymore. If he hadn't said it later, we still don’t know, then. You actually hit the injury!"

"This is where you are waiting to delete the beginning and the end." Meng Zhutao sighed, "If you want to ask me, then I will also ask you. Every time the master and his old man come to me to reason, when he returns home, whether They brought a large amount of rice, vegetables, and fruits. You said that you didn’t agree with what I did. I asked you, for so many years, the foreign soldiers have been fighting fiercely for so many years. How many people are standing by my side and how many are standing by you. Over there? Jurchen came south, the entire Yujia Village was destroyed, everyone turned into a refugee, let me ask you, how did you survive, how did you live better than others, you let the big guys see Look, how do you look..."

   Meng Zhutao's words paused, and then the sound that sounded like a muffled thunder in the courtyard: "Several juniors and sisters, do you know what it means to eat by changing children? Have you...have eaten children!?"

   His question resounded through Jin Lou, and for a while in the crowd, someone turned pale. In fact, in the past few years since Jurchen came to the south, where is it rare for the world to be miserable? During the two years that Jurchen was raging, all kinds of supplies were looted. Although they are gone at this moment, the destroyed production in Jiangnan is still recovering slowly. People live by eating large households and devouring each other. It's just that no one talks about these things on decent occasions.

   At this moment, torches were lit up around the courtyard. With the shaking fire light, when everyone carefully looked at the people seeking revenge, they realized that they were not thin. According to Meng Zhutao's statement, perhaps it was because of his help that he had been doing well.

   Seeking revenge for the teacher is certainly what the righteous man calls, but if you always get help from the enemy, it would be a little ridiculous.

   Then Yu Bin's face changed several times: "Are these the reasons for you to kill the teacher?"

   Meng Zhutao glanced at him in disgust, his eyes looked around, and after a while, he said loudly.

"I know you have doubts about today's matter. They said that Meng had a hand covering the sky, but Meng did not. Here today, let them finish what they want to say, but Meng also has some ins and outs for you. As for the evaluation, as for the rest, you have your own judgments."

   He faced everyone, solemnly clasped his fists and arched his hands.

"Meng Zhutao has practiced martial arts since he was a child. From his childhood to the present, he has followed three masters in total. In the end, the old Ling hero has followed for the longest time. The old hero taught me the method of steel flogging. , Meng treats him like a father, this matter is not false."

   At this time, he is commanding tens of thousands of people under the command of the king of runners. After a few words, he has a dignified aura. Compared with the several juniors and sisters in front of the courtyard, he does not know where the appearance is higher. Many people in the Green Forest at the scene heard that he had worshipped three masters one after another. It is not surprising that Jundao is the embryo of martial arts in the shape of the other party. The general martial artist has met him, and he will be happy when he sees hunting. , It is a natural thing.

   Someone looked at the two sides of the confrontation and thought about the sect of Ling Shengwei was unsung, and the rest of the disciples taught were just mediocre generations. At this time, Meng Zhutao made a huge momentum. This was not Ling Shengwei’s whip method to help him. Wei is indeed a natural hero of Meng Zhutao. He learned the Ling family’s whip method, more like the Ling family’s whip method. Fortunately, it was in his hands, and it was glorious.

Just listen to Meng Zhutao said: "Because I lead the art investment teacher, although I and Ling old heroes are like father and son, but there are some similarities and differences in the judgment of the world situation, and the usual behavior. Ling old heroes often have discussions with me. , But it is different from what these juniors and younger sisters think, it is a dignified argument between a gentleman, not a mere solitude between the teacher and the apprentice... You know, when I worshipped the old hero of Ling as my teacher, it was just when the Central Plains fell. The school went south, and the few present were either teenagers or children. What can they know about the relationship between me and the old hero?"

"... The Jurchens searched the mountains and picked up the sea. After a great turmoil, our masters and disciples settled in Yujia Village on the north side of the Yangtze River. Only then did these two disciples Yu Bin's introduction... The Jurchens left and built the Shuo Dynasty in those years, The situation in the south of the Yangtze River is very good, the flowers are cooking with the fiery fire, and with the northerners who have lost their land, the south of the Yangtze River has become richer, some people even shouted and called back, but I always know that once the Jurchens call again These prosperous scenes are nothing but castles in the sky, and will be pushed down."

"...Ling old hero is a hard-spirited person. He said that the southerners would return to the north and the south would return to the north. He said that the southerners did not welcome us and stayed in Yujiacun and refused to cross the Yangtze River. Everyone, the Wu dynasty later came to Jiangning, Training troops in Zhenjiang and other places, they call this area of ​​the Yangtze River Defense Line. Although there are many places north of the Yangtze River, they also own them, but when the Jurchen army comes, who can resist? The old hero Ling will stay in Yujia Village, and I respect him. Teacher, persuasion is hard to come by."

"...You can live in one place, and you have feelings for the same place. I have been in Yujia Village with the old hero for several years, and Yujia Village has more than me and the old hero's family! There are three surnames and more than seventy families living together! I know The Jurchens will come sooner or later, and these people cannot leave early. For the sake of the overall situation, I have been preparing for a military disaster in the future since the eighth year of Jianshuo! Everyone, I am a person from the north, I know What does it feel like to have a broken home!"

   Meng Zhutao’s words were loud and loud. When everyone heard this, they admired in their hearts. During the most lavish years in the south of the Yangtze River, everyone only felt that a counterattack against the Central Plains was just around the corner. Even You Hongzhuo in the crowd couldn't help but feel admired. What a foresight is this?

   It is no wonder that he has reached such a position today.

"With regard to the Jurchen soldiers coming to the south, the old hero Ling has his own thoughts. He thinks that one day when facing the army of gold men, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will just fight hard to resist and die out of justice! Everyone, such thoughts, yes. What a hero does, Meng Zhutao admires and agrees with it in his heart. But there are people in the world who are righteous and dead, and they need someone to try their best to make more people survive, just like the people around Meng. These juniors and younger sisters are just like those in Yujia Village. It's not a pity that Ling Lao and I died. Could it be that we threw all these people on the battlefield and let them die!?"

"I have had a lot of discussions with the old hero Ling on this matter. I understand his thoughts and he understands mine. But when it comes time to act, Master and his old man’s approach is straightforward. He sits at home and waits. When the Jurchen came here, Meng needs to make a lot of plans in advance."

"At that time, the Jurchens had not yet gone south. I made friends with heroes from all walks of life in the north of the Yangtze River. They occupied land in the mountains and hoarded rice and grains. The intermediate methods were frankly black and white, and Meng did not make excuses. I worked outside and occasionally returned. When I went to Yujiacun, I saw these juniors and younger sisters... They lived innocently. I also felt comforted, including my younger sister, Ling Chu. She is the daughter of the master and has a marriage contract with me. Because I go back less often, she With me...I’m not familiar with it. I played with a few senior brothers all day long. She has a very good relationship with this fourth junior brother, and I knew it a long time ago."

   Meng looked around with Tao's eyes, and among the three men who came over this day, the one in the middle, may be Ling Shengwei's four disciples. Meng Zhutao looked at Ling Chu and also at him: "You are now married, right?"

   The figure of Ling Chu who was dressed in filial obedience shook slightly, and the eyes of the four juniors also flickered, making it difficult to answer for a while.

   Meng Zhutao nodded.

   "So, it's also very good."

   Among the crowd, there was a hustle and bustle.

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