Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Mayfly is comparable to the world and all phenomena to see sentient beings (10)

   "...Nine years after Wu Jianshuo, the Jurchen people went south for the fourth time, and everyone knew about the scene."

   Meng Zhutao’s voice rang in the wide courtyard, suppressing the noise caused by the marriage of his younger brother and younger sister.

"After the army passed through Xuzhou, the Wu dynasty's army in Jiangbei fled south in a hurry. Thousands of people fled in a hurry. I had a stockade in the mountains and avoided the main road, so I didn't suffer too much impact. There is food in stock, which I have accumulated over the past few years, and then I received the refugees, so I lived thousands more!"

"As for the people in Yujia Village, I called them to transfer first. If there are young people who want to do things and can do things, Meng will have resettlement in the cottage. Of course, there will inevitably be some struggles in the middle. A strongman or even an official of the Wu Dynasty, saw that I was well prepared and wanted to come over to **** it, so I was killed. Let’s not hide it from everyone. During this period, Meng Mou also robbed the government’s granary. If he wanted to say murder, Meng Zhutao’s hands are stained with blood and he is definitely not innocent, but if you say that a living person, when Meng was saving people, he was much more competent than many government offices!"

   At this point in his words, many green forest people in the crowd have begun to nod their heads.

   Someone said: "Even if the government's food is left, it will later fall into the hands of the Jurchens."

   Someone said: "Mr. Meng can do this, it's really not easy, it's worthy of being a'meter ruler'."

   Someone also said: "Is it possible to kill his master by doing this?"

   Meng Zhutao was obviously quite proud of his rescue efforts over the years. At this time, he paused and looked around.

   "There are two differences between Meng and his family teacher, but it is not impossible to talk to everyone..."

  He said: "One of them is the uprightness of the family and teachers. When the Jurchens went south, he always hoped that Meng would lead his troops to attack the army of the Kingdom of Kings and die in good faith..."

   As soon as this sentence came out, there was another bang in the crowd, and they all felt that Ling Shengwei was too strong. When the Jin Ren came to kill, the millions of Wu dynasty army continued to retreat. Meng Zhutao was a small village. If he really killed it, it would have died in front of the Jurchen formation. What's the use?

Meng Zhutao shook his head: "The idea of ​​a family teacher is an excellent idea. Meng can understand his feelings very well. It's just the choices of everyone in this world. Under those circumstances, it is impossible to say right or wrong. Meng has his own perseverance, and on this point, he is different from the thoughts of several juniors and younger sisters. Although the old hero Ling has persuaded him, he understands my thoughts..."

"At the same time, Master...he always feels that Meng sometimes uses too much means and kills too many people. In fact, thinking about it afterwards, sometimes maybe he shouldn't kill so many people, but he was in the chaos of the previous two years. , Many times, it's not clear."

   After the departure of Jurchen, this mess in Jiangnan was left behind, followed by a large-scale uprising by the Fair Party, killing the rich and taking food. During this period, the various heroes who raised the flag were not intrigue and fighting each other. Although Meng Zhutao didn't say clearly about the **** storm here, everyone could almost smell the **** smell.

   Just listen to Meng Zhutao sighed long.

"Master, his old man was unwilling to follow me up the mountain. Later... Jiangbei was in a bad situation, and the mountain had changed to eat. There were not many things in my village, and there had been some troubles under his hands. Master every time he asked me to tell me , Big and small things have been mixed together, and finally there is no way to say... Master said, my generation of warriors use martial arts as the way, since I can't say it clearly, then use martial arts to defend the way."

   "...We had a fight, it was an upright fight. Ling old hero said, this is the gift of thanking the teacher, and since then, I will be sent to the teacher."

   Meng Zhutao stood there quietly for a moment. He raised one hand and looked at his right hand.

"You heroes, Meng has been working hard in the torrents over the years. The martial arts in his hands are not beautiful flowers. There is too much blood on my feet and hands. If this is the case, the kung fu must be extremely violent. Master he The old man, I used some of the fine arts among the steel whips. I couldn't stop it and injured him... This is Meng's sin. But if the old hero died because of me, I don't agree. Ling old hero is the last He didn't say that I was wrong. He just said that I had to part ways when the road was different. And for the Ling family's whip method, Meng has never let it down."

   "It is this world who killed the old hero Ling!"

   Meng turned around with Tao, slowly walked up the steps under the eaves, then turned around again, and said loudly.

"Everyone, my disagreement with the old hero Ling is a difference in martial arts. The old hero wants to die generously. Meng admires him in his heart, but Meng's path is to allow more people to survive... These people have survived."

   He pointed his finger at the four people in the middle of the courtyard.

"In the mountains, Meng let the people in the stockade survive... In Yujia Village, Meng let the people in Yujia Village survive... When the Jurchens were killed, Meng let thousands of people survive. ...In addition, there are tens of thousands of people from the Fair Party, and Meng has kept them alive."

"If you are talking about whether any innocent people have died in the process of surviving, Meng wants to say that not only there are, but there may be a lot...In this world, you let some people survive, and there must be some people who live. Can’t go down. Why? This is because after the Jurchens raged, the rice in the world is no longer enough to eat—"

"At such a moment, some people still have food for ten people in their homes. Do you think he is guilty? He is innocent but guilty! The ten people without food are about to starve to death, so we can only take out this One person’s ration allows ten people to live. Heroes, the fair party cannot afford to cook without rice. Millions of people are dying in Jiangnan! We can only take some measures to reduce the number of dead people! When the situation eases a little, Do your best to let more people, even all of them, survive!"

"I just heard people talk about whether Meng Zhutao is qualified to be in charge of the'Resentment Society'. Heroes, whether they can control the'Resentment Society' is not based on reason. It's not because Meng Mou can be a human being, not because Meng Mou is here. When facing the Jurchen, he rushed up generously and died, but because Meng was able to let more people survive, because Meng was able to choose one of the two bad choices and not the worst. "

"Everyone, the meeting of resentment, as long as you make a choice, resentment will always converge on this person. You make people alive, and those who died will hate you. You presided over justice for one party, and those who were dealt with. Will hate you, this is the so-called resentment society. Those who do not make choices have no karma..."

   Meng Zhutao looked at the younger brothers and sisters in the courtyard below, whispering among the people around the courtyard, it is difficult to judge this matter after all.

   If Meng Zhutao claims to be a gentleman with perfect morals, then maybe he can be blamed. But the other party promised countless blood on his hands. He is a person of both righteousness and evil. He parted ways with Ling Shengwei because of differences in work, which is not totally unreasonable. The most important thing is that he has just spoken this time. On the surface, he is calm and generous, but in fact, he is very tough inside. For a time, few people dare to speak about it and use simple morals to "judge" him.

The complexions of several juniors and juniors changed. The fourth junior who had gone to the juniors was gritted his teeth at this moment and suffocated a sentence: "You are so clever and tongue-tied, and there are countless misunderstandings. Do you want to expose this kind of hatred? "

"it's not true."

   Meng Zhutao shook his head. Calmly said: "My disagreement with the old hero Ling is for the people of the world to hear the truth. This is right and wrong. It is neither on the old hero Ling nor on me. On the day of the contest, the old hero Ling sent me out as a teacher. What do you know? You are my juniors and sisters. I used to treat you as children, but you have grown up. It is a matter of course and reasonable for you to come for revenge."

He said: "Yu Bin, you used to think about coming here to seek revenge, but then you look forward and backward, worrying that I will instruct my subordinates to treat you casually. This is too small for your brother. Martial artists use martial arts as their way. , If you have a firm mind and want to kill you, Senior Brother will only be happy in his heart."

   "Then, today, at this moment, you are here to seek revenge, whether you will come alone, or four, and Meng will only take over...how?"

   Meng Zhutao said this, spreading his hands toward the front.

  The audience became excited, knowing that although they had spoken before, Meng Zhutao was really angry, and there would still be a fight at this moment.

This Ling family’s four-person martial arts may not be strong, but if the four of them join together, everyone will be able to see how high the martial arts of Meng Zhutao, one of the eight clans, is. Come.

   Meng Zhutao’s words fell, and there was a moment of silence in the courtyard. Although the four people who came to seek revenge were generous, they hesitated slightly about Meng Zhutao’s direct appointment.

The crowd whispered for a while, and on the second floor, Jin Yongsheng, the treasurer under King Ping Ping, opened his mouth and said: "Since today’s matter is here, I can be a guarantor. Everyone in the Ling family will seek revenge in an upright manner. Mr. Meng fights, no matter which side of the death or injury, this matter needs to stop here. Even if Mr. Meng dies here, everyone is not allowed to seek revenge, and if it is the people of the Ling family, there is also that... little brother Yu Bin If you go, you are not allowed to have any enmity. Everyone said, how about it?"

  "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zhengdao: "It should be so."

   Li Yanfeng, Guo Shengtian and others also said: "I can also be a guarantee. If anyone is endless, I will not give face to the many heroes who come today!"

At this point, some of the crowd came out and said: "Amitabha." Everyone present was shocked, and they could feel the inner strength of the Buddha's name, as if directly sinking into everyone's hearts. .

   I saw that what came out at this time was a tall monk with white beard, wearing a shabby gray robe and holding a crescent spatula. The monk walked out of the crowd and came towards the center of the venue. The four people in the center of the venue seemed to have found a savior, and they all joined together to meet each other. I saw the monk who was in his fifties raised a single palm to the front and said with a smile: "Meng Shizhu, can you still recognize me?"

   "It turned out to be Master Tanji." Meng Zhutao clasped his fists and saluted, "It's been a long time."

"When you met Ling's benefactor ten years ago, your martial arts were already good. Lao Na asserted at that time that you would one day make the Ling family's whip technique shine, but he did not expect that ten years later, you and I will see you again, but this is the situation. Up."

After the monk smiled, his face became solemn: "Not long ago, your younger brothers and sisters found Lao Na and asked Lao Na to be fair for the death of the donor. Lao Na recalled what he had seen ten years ago and knew that the donor had knowledge, so today Let a few of them come forward first to urge the donor to speak out and discern the cause. At this moment, it seems that it is really...a wicked debt."

Hearing what he said, Meng Zhutao over there also let out a sigh of relief: "It turns out that, I originally noticed that several juniors and juniors were doing this. Maybe someone behind them was instigated and worried that they would be used by bad guys. I didn't think it was Tan. If Master Ji comes over, there will be nothing wrong."

   "If you say nothing, it may not be."

   "...what does the master mean?"

   Meng's expression with Tao was slightly wrong.

   The opposite monk Yun Ji put his palm up and sighed slightly.

"Amitabha, before Lao Na became a monk, he was old acquaintance with Ling Shengwei’s benefactor. Back then, Ling Shengwei and I discussed martial arts through the night, and gave me the essence of the whip technique in my hands, so that Lao Na can make up for what he has learned in his chest and eventually kill the enemy. Retributing the great enmity in the family...Meng Shizhu, you have a different path from Ling Shizhu, but even so, you are frank and open, Lao Na can't say that what you did is wrong, so Lao Na has nothing to say about Dadao..."

   "But other than that, for such small things as private grievances, Lao Na is limited by cause and effect and has to do something..."


  The gaze of the old monk looked at Meng Zhutao over there with a bit of fatigue.


   Meng Zhutao's eyes were complicated, and he opened his mouth slightly, which lasted for a while, but finally he sighed.


   "...That's it."


   In the misty night and the fire shining in the courtyard of the Golden Building, a group of green forest people leaned toward the rear to make room for the two who are ready to fight for life and death.

   Chen Juefang, Jin Yongsheng, Tan Zheng, Li Yanfeng and others also came down from upstairs at this time.

   originally thought that the next fight was Meng Zhutao bullying a few little-known children, who knew that the appearance of the old monk changed everything.

This monk from Wutai Mountain was not a lonely unnamed person in the green forest. His martial arts was high and the most important thing was that he was active in the enemy-occupied areas on both sides of the Yellow River during the more than ten years of the fall of the Central Plains. Little chivalry.

With his martial arts and fame, he has become a figure that all the heroes on the scene have to respect. Even Tan Zheng, Jin Yongsheng and others can only talk to each other as a peer at this time. As for Li Yanfeng, he can only talk with each other here. Meng Zhutao generally claims to be a junior.

   This time, the three men and one woman of the Ling family came out holding the tablet. On the surface, they were seeking revenge and seeking justice, but in the position of one of the eight clingings, Meng Zhutao was worried about the manipulation by more caring people. He used some words to push Yu Bin and others to the choice of martial arts duel. He wanted to put pressure on several juniors and younger sisters to force out possible pushbacks. Who knew that with the appearance of monk Tanji, he These words trapped himself.

   is that he himself admitted the rationality of the other party's seeking personal revenge.

In the venue at this time, Tan Zheng and others used verbal skills to persuade, or that both of them are useful bodies. They should retain their strength to join hands in the fight against gold, or when it is time to repay the grievances, the old hero Ling Shengwei After all, it’s not Meng Zhutao who killed him... However, as a monk, Tan Ji has a clear mind and is accustomed to playing the front line. How could he be moved by such simple words? Everyone persuaded him. Reluctantly shook his head and smiled.

   His friendship with Ling Shengwei was too special. After Ling Shengwei's death, he also had to take action for his private enmity. This is not righteous, but it can only be said to be imperative.

   Meng stood still in the field with Tao, and closed his eyes with the iron ruler in his hand.

He is tall and sturdy. He has been a player for three times in his life. He first practiced stick and marksmanship, and then practiced the whip technique of steel whip. At this moment, the iron ruler in his hand is longer than the average steel whip. The iron rod is no different, but in terms of his size, it can be used in rotation with one hand and both hands. It is already regarded as a side-door weapon of the opening sect. This iron ruler has no front, but the destructive power between swings is the same as that of a steel whip. When it is recovered, it can resist the attack like a stick. In the past few years, I don't know how many bones have been smashed.

Monk Tanji turned around and told a few people from the Ling family, and then came towards Meng Zhutao. He held the heavy crescent shovel in his hand, and said: "Old Na is practicing a mad wand. Meng donor knows that once he hits I can’t control myself if I can afford it. Today’s things are only a private grievance, but I have to do it. I am really ashamed."

   Meng Zhutao opened his eyes: "If the master is dead, where should I bury you?"

   "Let's burn it to make dust, and sprinkle it."

   "...That's it."

   Meng Zhutao sighed.

   Yunji suddenly grabbed the crescent shovel, and screamed out in the midst of a big drink!


   At this moment in the night, on the street outside the Jinlou, Yan Yunzhi was wearing a suit, watching the crowd surging forward.

   "It's about to fight, it's about to fight..." someone said excitedly.

   "Isn't it just playing? What's so great!"

   "This time it's different, but Master Tanji has a life-and-death battle with Meng Zhutao of the "Resentment Club", or it will never stop--"

   The good people on the street belong to those who want to get involved in the party but are not qualified enough for martial arts, and the words at this time are full of excitement.

   Yan Yunzhi frowned. She didn't have much idea about Meng Zhutao of the ‘Resentment Club’. She only knew that it was in order to welcome him. However, his father Yan Taiwei has spoken many times about the charitable deeds performed by Master Tanji in the Central Plains over the years.

When I was in doubt, I could only hear a loud shout from the courtyard, and the sound of shouts shook all around, followed by a loud bang of "Bang——". I don’t know how powerful the two iron tools are. Make such a noise. In the crowd on the street, there was another exclamation immediately...


   At the same moment, at the other end of the city, on the street near the Five Lakes Inn, a team of people approached here in the dark.

   "...It's the beginning."

   The person who led the way reported back.

The leader of this team is carrying long and short knives. The small leader Lu Xian who is responsible for arresting people under Wei Zhuwen’s subordinate. Lu Xian’s deputy is a little older, but he brought Lu Xian to the road. Everyone lives in the village. The oldest Li Duanwu.

   After receiving Wei Yunwen's task, Lu Xian pretended to inspect every night, and during the day he released his hands to inquire around. After a few days, he found the place where the suspected Long Aotian and Monkey King lived.

   People who come in from outside the city want to find a decent place according to the rules. After all, there are not many places to choose from. Li Duanwu was born as an old head-catcher, and the disciple Lu Xian brought out was also experienced. He noticed that the two teenagers didn't smell much sleeping on their bodies, so he narrowed the scope of investigation.

   "It is the flag of Nongxian, the leader of the Fair Party." Li Duanwu took a closer look and said.

"Nong Xian Zhao Jingci is a person who doesn't care. It is rare to have his flag." Lu Xian smiled, then looked at the environment near the inn and made arrangements. "There is smoke under the bridge hole next to the inn. Check out the pillars. Who is stalking? After the text is passed, I will go in with Uncle Dragon Boat Festival and pretend to stay in the store to find out the situation. Two young people, the youngest of them is a monk. If there are no accidents, the news is not difficult to inquire. Give some money if necessary, and pass the text to learn more."

After he finished saying this, the young man named Pillar walked towards the bridge hole near the inn, and when he was close, he saw a figure under the bridge hole struggling to make a fire with wet wood-his original fire pile may have been extinguished. At this moment, only small embers were left. This ragged figure kneeling on the ground put a few slightly dried sticks on top of it, carefully blowing the air, and the smoke emitted from the fire made him cough non-stop.

   There is another weak figure lying on the upper wind in the bridge hole, sickly asleep.

   The young man named Pillar came close, perhaps it was the wind that disturbed the entrance of the cave, causing the small flame inside to tremble, and it was about to be extinguished. The beggar who was blowing the fire turned his head, the pillar went out and drew a long knife, and pressed it against the opponent's throat: "Don't talk."

   The beggar was trembling in terror as the little flame trembles.

   Zhuzi carefully watched the beggar trembling in front of the long sword, and then took a step forward, to the other side, to see another figure lying on the ground. But here is a woman, skinny and sick enough. Seeing him coming to look at the woman, the fire-blowing beggar knelt down and wanted to come over, his eyes full of begging, the pole's long knife turned and pointed at him again, and then he pulled up the woman's tattered clothes and looked at it.

  The current situation in Jiangning City is complicated. Some places just live together with ordinary people, and some places seem unusual in appearance, but in fact they gather murderous people. You must be cautious. Lu Xian and others are not familiar with this side at present, and after observing the pillar for a while, it was confirmed that these two people were ordinary beggars. The woman was sick and looked groggy as she was about to die. The man limped on one leg and stammered and became ambiguous. Seeing him holding a knife, he kept crying and begging for mercy.

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   Zhuzi looked upset, and couldn't wait to kill the opponent with two straight cuts.

   After a while, someone from the top of the river called to clean up, calling him to go up.

   He ran to follow him, but he saw Lu Xian and others also running in the dark street. The young man named Chuanwen carried a man on his shoulders, and he didn't know the origin. The crowd walked to a nearby ruined house, threw the unconscious figure on the ground, then lit a fire, and after speaking, they knew what was happening in the Five Lakes Inn.

"Mother... it looks like an ordinary inn, and there are not many people in it. Who knows that this young man is quite alert. We asked him the whereabouts of the two young men. He said he didn't know, but he looked at him. There are some problems...Uncle Dragon Boat Festival took me out, and then turned back. Seeing this Xiaoer going inside, he wanted to report. We quickly stopped him in the corridor, knocked him out with a punch, and found a belt. Jump out of the window room..."

   The young man named Chuanwen chattered and spit: "Mother, there must be something there..."

Someone lit the lamp, Li Duanwu leaned down and searched the whole body of the shop's second person. At this time, the shop's second person woke up in a trance, and he was struggling as soon as he saw it. Several young people around rushed to hold each other, and someone blocked him. Hold the mouth of this little second. Li Duanwu rummaged for a moment, and pulled out a small cloth bag from the **** the opponent's foot. He opened the cloth bag and frowned.

   "The blind cat ran into a dead mouse, and it really caught the top stuff..."

   Li Duanwu murmured, handing the things in his hands to Lu Xian, only to see two hand-copied pamphlets from the cloth bag.

   Lu Xian frowned and looked at the shopkeeper on the ground: "Reading club?" Then he drew a knife in his hand, knelt down, waved his hand and said, "Let him talk."

   The attendant who blocked the opponent's mouth reached out and removed the cloth ball from Xiao Er's mouth.

   Lu Xian stared at each other for a moment, and the little second gasped, his eyes uncertain. Lu Xian sighed: "I came here this time not for looking for you... I just read a few books, so why react so much? Tell us the news about Long Aotian and Monkey King and let you go back. Why bother? ?"

   Xiao Er panted for a while: "You... Since you know about the study club, this matter... won't be small, you... where are you from?"

   "Sent from the King of Equality." Lu Xian said casually.

The other party obviously didn't believe it, and looked at Lu Xian for a moment, and said: "You... wantonly... arrest people, you... look at the city like this... If the fairness party does something like this, it won't be possible, think To be successful, there must be rules...it must be rules..."

He said these words as if he was facing some kind of incision. Lu Xian frowned: "We are not here to catch you. We are asking about those two people, one is called Long Aotian, the other is called Monkey King, and Monkey King is a man. Little monk, if you know, just tell us, this thing is over, will it happen?"

   "...I don't know what little monk...I thought, I thought you were catching me..."

   Lu Xian stood up, sighed, and finally said, "...Ask more." He looked aside, "Pass the text, come and learn crafts."

   On the street in the night, after a while, there was a scream that was suppressed like a ghost cry. After the arrogance of Jiangning City, there are many ruins. Such a sound seems to be true and illusion. It shouldn't be a surprising thing...



  In the courtyard, the monk Yunji's crazy wand whizzed like a wheel, waving horizontally and horizontally, and the two fighting each other swept across the entire venue like a hurricane.

   The sound of heavy blows kept ringing, and the mad wand became so powerful that there was almost no retreat during the attack. And the power of the iron ruler in Meng Zhutao's hand is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. When he holds the ruler in both hands, he can block the opponent's crescent shovel from the front, and if he holds the ruler in one hand, he swings like a steel whip. When it hits, the burst of power is even more amazing.

   In the first half of the match between the two sides, Meng Zhutao seemed to still want to give in. He was mostly on the defensive when he was chased by Monk Tan Ji, but in the middle of the game, his temper became more and more serious. Monk Tanji attacked with a mad wand, and Meng Zhutao waved the iron whip several times against his counterattack. Between his violent swings, he even smashed the opponent's offensive momentum several times.

   A decorative stone pillar on the side of the field was hit by two weapons, exploded with stone dust, and a table placed next to it was also directly smashed into tatters in the subsequent whistling. The onlookers on both sides of the venue couldn't help retreating back for a while, knowing that if they were involved in the fierce fight between the two, the flesh and blood of ordinary people would definitely not be able to withstand a heavy blow.

   In such a fight, everyone was secretly surprised, and Jun Dao's reputation was indeed well-deserved. Monk Tanji has been famous for many years, that's all, this Meng Zhutao is in his thirties, not yet in his forties, and has the upper hand in comparison with his opponent. No wonder he can become a hero. Although he had entered the Ling family, but including Ling Shengwei, this entire school might not be enough for him to fight, and it made sense to leave at this time.

   The crazy fight between the two sides made the audience panic. The monk Tanji was originally kind, but after playing with the mad wand for a long time, he was able to kill, and there was another shout between the hands, which narrowed the distance between the two. He pressed the opponent's iron ruler with an iron rod, rushed forward, and slammed his head against Meng Zhutao’s face. Meng Zhutao dodged hastily, and the monk’s head hammer hit his neck. Holding Tao with both hands, his knees hit the opponent's lower abdomen and kicked him up!

The two figures were entangled together. Monk Tanji was hit by the knee. Even if it was a punch back, the two men pressed their weapons at a short distance and beat each other frantically. The monk Tanji's mouth opened, shining on Meng Lutao’s neck. Taking a big bite, Meng Zhutao struggled to get away, avoiding the vital part of his throat. He pulled up the iron ruler and tried to get a distance. The old monk grabbed the crescent shovel and shoveled it fiercely. Meng Zhutao's figure swiftly swirled in the retreat, and the monk Tanji rushed over with a heavy shovel. The body hit the opponent's shoulder.

   The old monk swung his shovel and wanted to fight back, but Meng Zhutao's body was swirling in the air, the same thing was looking back at the moon, and the tip of the iron ruler hit the old monk's head.

  The old monk couldn't turn his head, his body threw out toward the front, his head was shattered by the opponent's iron ruler just now.

   Meng Zhutao landed with difficulty, and also staggered a few steps to retreat. This fierce fighting almost stopped in an instant, and Meng Zhutao was also a little stunned for a while. According to his thoughts, if it is possible, it would be better not to kill the opponent, but if he fights to such a fierce level, how can he stand it? Just like the last fight with the master, he can't stop it. The shot eventually caused the opponent to be internally injured. This time Monk Tanji's martial arts was higher, and he became more and more unable to control the situation.

  The crowd onlookers hardly reacted for a while.

But at this moment, someone had already jumped out from behind Meng Zhutao, but it was Yu Bin, the second elder brother of the Ling clan, who was previously named by Meng Zhutao. He raised his double whip and hit Meng Zhutao’s head hard. under.


"Be careful!"

   "Zhuzier dare——"

In the surrounding fields, someone suddenly got up, "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng drew his knife with a "sniff", "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang pounced towards this side, Li Yanfeng smoothly waved a fruit... ... Meng Zhutao's figure shook, and there was an iron ruler in his hand. Everyone heard the whip fall, and they didn't know where they hit. Then Meng Zhutao's iron ruler swung horizontally, knocking Yu Bin's body into the air. Get out.

   "Don't make trouble—"

Meng Zhutao was yelling in his mouth. At this time, he was talking about the three brothers and sisters who were about to rush out from the crowd. The four Lingshi brothers and sisters were also strong temperaments. Previously, Meng Zhutao took the initiative to invite them. They pretended to be hesitant and were The people around him looked down on it for a while, and when the monk Tanji failed to make a move, they still seized the opportunity and tried to kill them, who were regarded as cowards. Obviously, they had already done a good job of care.

   However, everything is not just that simple.

When it was, the audience's attention was already attracted by the Ling brothers and sisters. A figure rushed to the nearby wall, stretched out his hand and threw it violently, and threw things into the crowd in a rainy manner. In the crowd, the explosion exploded, and the smoke was everywhere.

You Hongzhuo was originally observing the surrounding situation. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the thing that exploded in the crowd was a hidden weapon called "Thunderbolt Fire" in the past. It was actually a small gunpowder toy. It was not easy to explode, and it was a spoiler. Some effects. As these thunderbolts exploded, a figure sprang out from the crowd, calling out: "Kill Chen Juefang--"

   Chen Juefang's whip danced over the courtyard, and a killer fell in the air.

The explosion of the thunderbolt made the crowd in the yard very panicked. While the other party shouted "Kill Chen Juefang", You Hongzhuo almost thought that he had encountered a colleague and wanted to draw a knife. However, in the midst of this panic, he It was only then that the other party's intentions were more complicated.

   At the front of the courtyard, Tan Zheng swung his long sword, blocking a flying knife. "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng grabbed the stick and threw several sticks in the whistling, blocking the path of an unscrupulous warrior. And not far from the crowd, another figure suddenly jumped out during the chaos and passed by... Liu Guangshi's envoy was in front of Gu Anhe.

   After the figure passed by, Gu Anhe clutched his throat and sat down slowly.

   Everyone saw the figure leaping across the yard at high speed, knocking out the two members of the undead guard who was coming up, but there was a high-profile laugh: "Hahahaha, a bunch of poor dogs, too slow!"

"Chen Juefang!" Li Yanfeng yelled loudly, "Don't run away from him--" He was the deputy envoy of Liu Guangshi's mission. In front of him, Zhengjun was killed, and he had to eat and hang him when he went back. .

   "No one can run--" Chen Juefang, who claims to be No. 1 in the world, whizzed and chased after him.

"Don't let go of one!" There were other assassin accomplices who were fishing in troubled waters in the crowd. "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng also yelled and walked forward. The moment Chen Juefang left, he was the yard. The oppressor in the battlefield.

Seeing the figure of the assassin running across the fence, Chen Juefang quickly followed, and You Hongzhuo was also overjoyed. Hearing the shout of "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng in his ears, he also shouted: "Enclose them, one I can't run anymore—"

   As soon as he said these words, the many veterans who were trying their best to keep calm after experiencing the changes immediately fry the pot. Everyone is a gangster. After such things happen, waiting for the fair party to catch them one by one for cross-examination? Even if they know that they are innocent, who can trust the other's moral standards?

   When someone rushed to the door, someone rushed to the wall.

   On the street outside the fence, Yan Yunzhi was in the crowd, only to hear that the fighting inside the wall suddenly turned into chaos after a moment of calm. She still couldn't figure out what was going on, and a figure laughed, "...a group of poor dogs, too slow!" rushed out of the wall, and then sprinkled it smoothly, and then sprinkled it with a flood of rain. Wave things come.

The bombs burst into the crowds on the street cracklingly. These people were already crowded around the wall to listen to the movement inside. At this time, together with the smoke and dust, there were countless clueless shouts, and the figure plunged into chaos. The crowd shot a member of the "Undead Guards" who came up. On the rear wall, Chen Juefang had also rushed out, his cloak in the darkness like a jackdaw, shuttled across the street.

   The first person who came out laughed and rushed to the distance. UU read www.uukanshu.com and said: "Come on, little crow, see if you are good or Zhou Dong is good!"

   On the fence, another figure threw out at the gate of the courtyard, and some of them shouted: "Look here, no one can run away——"

The members of the undead guards on both sides of the street were already moving at this time. They subconsciously followed the voice's call to try to block the street and prevent others from leaving. No matter what the truth of the matter is, it is always right to control the scene at this moment. of.

Kuang Wenbai was holding a single whip in his hand and rushed to the far side of the street, trying to tell the "runner king" members at both ends of the street to set up roadblocks and block the street. He was running while he heard that voice in his ears: " No one can run away!"

   He thought it was his own, and turned his face to look aside. The figure running side by side with him slammed a fist, and the point of this fist was the front door where he had previously broken the bridge of his nose and had not recovered.

  Kuang Wenbo’s face was black, and he rolled out with a grumble, smashing over a few shabby tables and chairs on the side of the road. The blood on his face began to leak from behind his broken nose...

   At this moment, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang seemed to have fought the assassin ahead, and the two figures rushed onto the complicated roof, and they fought like lightning. And in the streets and courtyards behind, a chaos has erupted.

   Yan Yunzhi hugged his head in the chaotic crowd.

   On a street not far from here, two teenagers named Long Aotian and Monkey King were squatting in front of a pancake stall, watching the stall owner making pancakes for them.

   Zi La La Zi La La.

   "Master, your pancakes are really delicious... You changed from Wu Dalang?"

  Long Aotian is expressing his unnutritious point of view...

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