Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1-8? Chaos·War (Part 1)

   "Master, your pancakes are really delicious... You changed from Wu Dalang?"

   The night was getting deeper, and in front of the pancake stall on the street, two young men enthusiastically waited for the food to come out of the pan. Long Aotian, the learned martial arts leader, expressed his knowledge and emotion. They have eaten it for a round and found it very delicious. This is the second time.

   The owner of the pancake stall didn’t know what the boy said, so he didn’t answer the words, but the little monk beside him cheered in time.

   "What is Wu Dalang?"

   "My dad said he was the one who made the best pancakes in the world."

   "Your father must be hungry when he ate that pancake."

   "Hey, maybe it is."

   Of course, the two of them were going out to find the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng, the "Roller King" subordinate, but the night market hadn't stopped at the moment. They looked for a while and became a little annoyed. They felt that doing bad things should be late at night. This is also the trouble of reopening a new game.

   There are fireworks at this time to make arrows fly into the night sky. .

   The little monk moved his ears, and he almost looked at the street near the Qinhuai River not far away with Long Aotian.

"problem occurs."

   "Master, where is it over there?"

  The pancake master looked at it: "There... is the direction of the Jinlou. It's the busiest place. It is estimated that the negotiation will not be successful, and there will be fights. Don't go by your age."

   "Yeah, sir, hurry up and fry."

   After a while, they picked up the pancakes and ran away.

   Long Aotian, who was running ahead, had his eyes filled with excitement in calmness, while the little monk behind him opened his mouth and his face was full of unconcealable joy. He used to walk in the Jin region. Although he learned martial arts following his excellent master, but he lost his parents since he was a child, and was often thrown into danger by the master. It is impossible to say how interesting it is. . Most of the time, I was tense, and I was beaten with a bruise and swollen face, and cried secretly.

   It was only after arriving in Jiangning this time that he met this capable elder brother. Between the two of them running around every day, he really felt the joy of playing kung fu and having fun everywhere. He thought to himself, maybe the master let himself out to make friends and manage these things. The master is really deep in Zen and wise, hahahaha.

   In such a mood, the two of them rushed all the way in the direction of the excitement.


   Inside and outside the golden building, chaos spread.

On the street outside the building, Yan Yunzhi, who hadn't figured out what had happened, was almost knocked to the ground by the rioting crowd. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and ran to the side of the street to stand by Qiang and observe the situation.

The first few people who came out of the wall were brilliant and brilliant. Perhaps one of them was the Jackdaw Chen Juefang under the command of the “Roller King”. From the perspective of the lightness and skill displayed by these people, his own This little effort is still beyond reach.

   Someone on the street was yelling to order "Undead Guards" to stop people, and I don't know what kind of sudden fire broke out in the yard. In the field of vision, there are vendors pushing their cars from far and near, and some beggars, pedestrians, and people in the green forest who come in for begging are also hurriedly scattered into the distance. There are "undead guards" with knives in the shops on this side of the road. "Or the members of the "Resentment Society" came out, and the shopkeeper and Xiaoer hurriedly inserted the door panels, no one wanted to be easily involved in such a chaos.

   The warning arrow has flown into the sky, and the "runner king" men who have seen fireworks around will probably gather here on a large scale.

   Yan Yunzhi stood in a dark place on the side of the road and took a deep breath, calming his thoughts.

She could see that it was not a large-scale conflagration that was evenly matched. The person who escaped first threw a thunderbolt into the crowd. The purpose was to disturb the situation and increase the commotion. But now there are pedestrians on the streets and the green forests that join in the fun. There are hundreds of people, and the number of people in the courtyard of the Jinlou has already exceeded a hundred. As long as the initial chaos is suppressed, whether the "runner king" or the "fair party", it is impossible to question so many people.

   As long as he is not involved in the initial chaos, theoretically, there is no danger.

   However, I am also currently being captured by people from Shi Baofeng who are drawing pictures. If the nearby streets are blocked by people, I have to check the Wenban guide when I enter the city, then my situation may get worse.

   She thought of this, spotted the dim area on the side of the road due to the light problem, and started silently to the end of the long street. At this time, there were people running around and around. On the surrounding wall of the Jinlou, people from the green forest turned out one after another, and some people rushed out at the gate of the courtyard.

  Yan Yunzhi suddenly realized that in the chaos of hundreds of people, he was not the only one who was worried that his identity was unclear and he did not want to be interrogated.

   She has been in a depressed mood for the past few days. Every day she practiced, only thinking about killing Chen Juefang or the instigator Long Aotian for revenge. Experiencing these things at this moment, seeing everyone running wildly, I don't know why, but in the dark laughed angrily and annoyed.

At this time, on the fence over there, a figure rushed to the top of the wall like thunder, waving a stick figure in his hand, knocking down several green forests who were trying to jump out of the fence, only to hear that figure also shouted violently: " I am the guardian of the sacred religion, the'Monkey King' Li Yanfeng! No one is allowed to walk on the street today! The Great Bright Church! All stop people for me—"

   The thunderous voice spread towards both ends of the long street, with unparalleled domineering.

   The good people who are spreading out on the street heard the voice, but some people didn't buy it, and sneered: "What's the'Monkey King', what..." The steps kept moving.

   Then Li Yanfeng looked over, and the figure rushed over the wall, jumped up suddenly, and fell towards the street. I saw that the long stick in his hand was clashing and beating, and a large part of the crowd running towards the street was knocked over while the stick shadow whizzed. There were still people in the crowd who were dissatisfied. They charged out and were beaten back by a long stick. Two people rushed out and were beaten back to the ground. Li Yanfeng stood there holding a stick, and the tip of the stick hit the ground. For a while, no one dared to rush over there.

   At this moment, another person rushed to the wall, only to see that figure holding a big knife, also followed the "Monkey King" to speak.

"I am the'Heavenly Sword' Tan Zheng! Today, several assassins are assassinating Liu Guangshi’s envoy, intending to flee. The innocent people stand against the wall. Don’t make noise or cause trouble to avoid being tricked. After the investigation, I will know it. Send you away!"

   "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng has been famous for a long time. At this moment, when he speaks, his inner strength is steady and deep, and it is also spread far away on the long street.

If the previous "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng came out and directly ordered everyone not to go, what he showed was his own domineering, at this moment, the ins and outs of Tan Zheng's words have been explained clearly. This vigorous internal force is actually teaching the great light. The overbearing of one party is even more profound.

   And following the appearance of "Tiandao", several more voices rang.

   "I am Jin Yongsheng on the Baofeng ship. I will do everything to keep you safe."

   "I am under the command of'Gao Tianwang', Guo Shengtian..."

   "I am the'Wu Feng Sword' Wei He, I hope you don't fall into the treacherous tricks..."

   "I am the Chen Bian of'Huaquan'..."

   At this moment, the street smoke is scattered, and the figures of big figures appear on the wall or roof of the golden building. For a time, hundreds of people on the long street, inside and outside the golden building, are robbed.

   These days, all the green forest people have come to Jiangning. What they want to participate in is the vigorous heroic moments in various stories and storytelling. I even hope that I can participate in it and become a participant or witness of such heroic events.

At this moment, heroes and giants from all walks of life gathered, and the sense of shock and oppression in this chaotic scene became more real and powerful. The single stick of "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng almost sealed half of it. Street, the rest of the heroes stood out one after another. The will of the "Roller King", "Equality King", "Gao Tianwang", as well as Dai Mengwei, Liu Guangshi and other people came here. Some people in the Green Forest who have not been involved in it understand that they only need to arrive tomorrow. The grand occasion at this moment in the building will spread among the green forest population of the whole city.

   Some people calmed down in the smoke and dust, and began to wait on the street and stopped running around. At the same time, naturally a small number of people were still running around to find their way. Someone laughed, even reported their name, rushed to Li Yanfeng, and was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Part of the pedestrians are beginning to spread out on both sides of the street, and there is a thunderbolt on the side of the street. This is the effort of the assassins who are in the crowd trying to disrupt the situation again, but at this moment, only the high wall is seen. Tan Zheng's "Heavenly Sword" screamed and rushed down the wall.

The sword master plunged into the smoke exploded by the thunderbolt like a fierce tiger. He only heard a few clanging sounds. Tan Zheng grabbed a person and dragged it out. He stood on this end of the street and pulled that whole body. The blood-stained body was thrown on the ground, and he shouted:

   "The big man is acting upright, and he can live with the knife in Tan's hands today, so how about letting you go!"

   On the other side of the street, the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng knocked down another person under the stick again, majestic and upright.

   The coercion of a group of masters for a moment is breathtaking, but there are naturally some people on the long street who can't escape and are rushing around. Yan Yunzhi noticed that two men and women holding steel whips were running on the street. They rushed to one of them, but Li Yanfeng seemed to recognize them. He raised the stick and pointed at them. The two immediately turned around, and a small amount of "immortality" came out from the yard. "Wei" and "Resentment Society" members surrounded them.

A tall man with a thick and long iron ruler and blood on his shoulders approached the two from the gate of the Jinlou. As the man walked, he said, "Don't be stubborn, I'll keep you all right!" The words are sonorous and steady, and seem to have a weight of a word.

  Yan Yunzhi naturally didn't know that this person was Meng Zhutao, who was in charge of the "Resentment Club" under the command of "Roller King". After he killed Monk Tanji, his heart was shaken. The four juniors and younger sisters immediately launched a sneak attack. The two seniors, Yu Bin, acted fastest, hitting Meng Zhutao’s shoulder with a steel whip. At that moment, Meng Zhutao almost He couldn't close his hand, and hit the opponent with all his strength.

   After that, the three younger brothers and sisters failed to take advantage. After the fourth child who married the younger sister Ling Chu was restrained, the younger brother dragged Ling Chu and fled outside. However, their martial arts and light skills are not high-strength. When they are being watched by everyone, where can they really escape?

   Meng Zhutao walked over step by step and spoke.

"Listen, you and me are just private grievances. These assassins took advantage of the chaos, and it is not your fault. The Fourth Junior Brother was restrained by me and the injuries were not serious. As long as you don't mess around, I guarantee you can leave safely today. !"

   His majesty is profound, these words approached with his footsteps, surrounded by undead guards, it really makes people feel that it is difficult to resist.

   I saw the two women with single whips shouting "Ah--".

   She said: "Master, you said you were talking to your father, and you also said that you carried forward the Ling family's whip method. Don't you know the Ling's whip method, would you rather bend than bend——"

   Yan Yunzhi stood in the crowd on the side of the road. She didn't know the grievances of these people. She just heard these words, and her heart was upset and moved for a while.

   Meng Zhutao's footsteps stopped slightly. He stood there, looked at the two for a moment, and then said to the side: "...get the fishing net."

   The two of them didn't seem to expect that Meng Zhutao would come up with this sentence, and they were stunned for a while. Then the two suddenly turned their heads and charged towards the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng not far away.

   Li Yanfeng whistled the stick in his hand and turned around.

   "Please try to keep your hands and don't hurt them." Meng Zhutao said over there.

   "Proper measure." Li Yanfeng said. After all, the street he was standing on at the moment was spacious. When he saw that the two rushing over were standing side by side, they were so angry that they laughed a bit, and said, "Run separately!"

   The two rushed up: "Get out of the way—"

  Li Yanfeng helplessly shook his head: "I'm really sick..."

   The night wind blows over, sweeping the smoke and dust caused by the thunderbolt on the long street. There are small-scale riots near and far, and waves of fighting are continuing. Some people rushed to the distance, fighting with the people guarding the entrance of the street, and fleeing further away. Some people tried to turn into the surrounding shops or ran into the dark alleys, and some people ran towards them. On the Qinhuai River on the other side of the Jinlou, there seems to be someone shouting: "General Gao is here...lock the river..."

The messenger sent by Liu Guangshi was killed. This is no small matter in the city. People on the side of the "runner king" are trying their best to remedy, suppress the scene, and regain their majesty. However, among the crowd, they are unwilling to let the "runner king" Or how many people have Liu Guangshi lived through?

   Yan Yunzhi tried to calmly think about all this.

   Another thunderbolt flew out. In the crowd here, a figure rushed towards the battle group of Li Yanfeng and the double-whip senior brother and sister, and slashed at Li Yanfeng. This may be an assassin who was hiding in the crowd before. Now that he saw the opportunity, he had to fight Li Yanfeng with two tricks, and he wanted to flee far away quickly.

   At the other end of the street, Chen Juefang, who had previously chased the first assassin, was whistling back.

The assassin was so outstanding and capable. After he succeeded in the assassination, he ridiculed him and dragged Chen Juefang into a fight among nearby buildings. He was missing now, so that Chen Juefang was also there. He shouted from the top: "Block the surface of the river!" Then he summoned the undead guards who did not know that part: "Enclose me here—"


   The fireworks made arrows rang one after another.

  You Hongzhuo watched everything in the darkness between the buildings.

   With the appearance and action of one after another of the Green Forest heroes, and the arrival of some members of the "Roller King", the battles on the Long Street have not subsided, but they have been reduced. If according to normal circumstances, perhaps for a period of about half a stick of incense, those who run around on the road and climb over the wall will be controlled.

   But that is just normal.

The situation near the Golden Tower is complicated, and all forces have infiltrated it. At this moment, the people of the "Roller King" made a joke. Who made the joke and what thoughts the rest of the parties would be like? No one knows. . Maybe one party will pull a group of people in at this moment, and publicly announce that Gu Anhe was done by me. I just think Liu Guangshi is not pleasing to the eye, and then ping-pong to fight a bigger one is unknown.

   Those who have no background are running away on the street below, and You Hongzhuo can feel that there are more people, just as he stands in the dark and spying on all this.

  He was watching Chen Juefang.

   The identity of the previous assassin, he is not currently interested. This time, apart from the fourth brother Kuang Wenbo, it was a pleasant surprise. "Heavenly Sword" Tan was the object to be challenged sooner or later. It was the "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang that he had to kill in these two days.

Because of Liang Siyi’s involvement, Miao Zheng on the side of "Roller King" had to seek refuge in Wei Zhuwen. Then Wei Zhuwen set a trap to try to catch An Xifu. Soon after the unsuccessful result, Miao Zheng returned to Chen Juefang’s hands. Being killed by Chen Juefang...The relationship between them is intriguing. Of course, You Hongzhuo doesn't like to go into it.

   But according to An Xifu, Liang Siyi has some problems and needs to be solved.

   Where will Yu Hongzhuo solve it?

   After thinking for a long time, I had no choice but to come over and kill Chen Juefang.

  According to previous observations, one's own lightness is not as good as the other's. The current situation is complicated, and it may not be the best time to assassinate...The main thing is that he can't understand the thoughts of other people on this street. In terms of the possibility of success, this assassination is best to wait until the other party hosts the arrest tonight. It is better to be more tired...

   He thought about these things and looked at the figure of Chen Juefang rushing back after giving orders on the top of the wooden building in front.

   At this moment, his eyes moved, and he noticed a silhouette moving slowly in the darkness on the second floor over there.

   Chen Juefang waved his long whip and took advantage of a roof corner, and his figure flew down.

  You Hongzhuo shook his head.

   But the figure lurking in the darkness on the opposite side has already greeted Chen Juefang, the long sword traversed the sky, reflecting the light of fire.

  ——Peacock Ming Wang Qi Zhan Yu!

  You Hongzhuo's figure squatted down, violently exerted force, and hurriedly rushed out over there!

Liang Siyi experienced the most battlefields. She was never like her righteous brothers. She had never been released to fight in the rivers and lakes, robbed of money and subsidized the army. For this reason, she did not understand that people like Chen Juefang, In the current environment, vigilance is still very high. It may even be the highest moment.

   The long sword waved and slashed towards Chen Juefang. Then there was a violent sound of gold and iron hitting each other in the air, and the air burst into flames. Chen Juefang sealed the opponent's sword with his long knife, while his other hand was holding the long whip, his body turned in the air and hit the wall of the wooden building, and then his legs were on the wall. With a full kick, he threw at Liang Siyi, who was in the air and was falling on the street.

   Announcement, the novel app I'm using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] Both Android and iPhone support!

   At this moment, You Hongzhuo's figure has already rushed from a short distance with all his strength, and along the way, the tiles on the eaves of the second floor burst into pieces.

   On the other side of this house, Qiu Changying, who was patrolling here, was almost subconsciously aroused and ran across the roof.

   Above Long Street.

   Chen Juefang's long knife flew down under Liang Siyi.

  You Hongzhuo's figure burst into the sky, and the light of the knife in his hand bloomed like a thunderbolt, swinging towards Chen Juefang's head.

On the side of   , Qiu Changying's gun shot out.

You Hongzhuo was in the air. With a wave of his left arm, he hit the barrel of the long spear. As a result, his figure fell. The knife in his hand and Chen Juefang made a stab in an instant. He waved the big circle in the air. It's two fights...

The riots of various sizes on the street continued, and the four figures almost suddenly jumped out over the long street. There were several clanging sounds in the air, and only those figures fell and rolled in different directions. . Two dodge behaviors were smashed to the ground by the famous "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang, a small car that was too late to close the stall was smashed by an unknown figure, and debris and water splashed on the side of the street.

   Many people's eyes were attracted by this scene.

   Liang Siyi and You Hongzhuo rolled around on the ground a few times, relieved their strength, and stood up. What Chen Juefang received in mid-air was almost a fierce stab at the bottom of the box by You Hongzhuo, and he was almost decapitated. He was also embarrassed to resist hastily, but he smashed two pedestrians and buffered most of his strength.

Na Qiu Changying shot two shots in the air. It was not troublesome, so he ended up relatively unrestrained. He just got up on the spot and shouted: "I am the'Soul Broken Gun' Qiu Changying. How sacred and sneaky are the two? Damn, you dare to sign up!"

You Hongzhuo retreated to the rear, his shoulder was pierced by the opponent with a shot, and he was in mid-air with a strong force. When he landed, he smashed the car and was the most injured. At this time, he tried his best to adjust his breath and whispered: "If you want to escape Don’t choose the other side of the river, they prepared fishing nets."

   Liang Siyi stood with him: "I'll fight, you try to escape."

  You Hongzhuo has rushed towards Chen Juefang.

   Life and death are a matter of life and death, he can't stay anymore...


   At the moment when the four masters fell from the air on the other side of Changjie, Yan Yunzhi, who was trying to leave, saw Jin Yongsheng, the treasurer of Baofeng, not far in front of the road.

   The thunderbolt released by the assassin who tried to escape under the Monkey King's stick made the surrounding smoke and dust filled the surrounding area. Many people on the side of the road were choked and coughed, and some were also running far away. The escaping killer was intercepted by several members of the "Undead Guards" in front. They were fighting each other. Among the two men and women who used steel whips, the man had been knocked to the ground by Li Yanfeng, and he was thrown into the fishing net, the woman. Fighting hard while shouting, Li Yanfeng held a stick in one hand, but just smashed the opponent's steel whip a few times, which was a face to Meng Zhutao and teased the woman to play.

Some members of the "Undead Guards" and the "Resentment Society" urged the people on the roadside not to move, but in fact, the orders were relatively chaotic and made people stand up, and some squatted everyone, in the midst of coughing, There are also small-scale conflicts.

   Yan Yunzhi has already seen the power of Li Yanfeng. In such a smoky occasion, she certainly has a chance to shoot, but the chance of winning is slim. She wants to take this opportunity to leave. A member of the Undead Guards blocked in front and tried to hack someone with a knife. Yan Yunzhi stepped closer and knocked the opponent to the ground in a violent but as neat manner as possible.

   She walked a few steps forward. At this moment, she heard someone falling to the ground in the night sky at the other end of the street during a fight. She didn't look back, but when she stepped out of the next step, she saw Jin Yongsheng.

   The senior treasurer of Baofeng's herringbone bears a hand behind his back, and is looking at her with a deep smile. She understood that it was too late if she wanted to turn around casually.

   Yan Yunzhi's hands pressed the hilt of the sword.

   Jin Yongsheng opened the mouth and said: "Unexpectedly, Miss Yan is here too. It's messy here, let's go back with the old man."

   Yan Yunzhi shook his head.

   Her figure is backward, hidden in the smoke.

   Jin Yongsheng sighed. Immediately, whistling came.


   At the moment when she retreated into the smoke, Yan Yunzhi was a little bit confused. She didn't know whether she should try her best to assassinate Li Yanfeng next to her, or deal with the golden shopkeeper and try to escape.

   This thought only appeared for a moment, and was about to rush out with the sword, only a voice rang from the ear: "Now, trouble..."

   The voice seemed calm and soft, and as the voice sounded, one hand pressed her shoulder.

   On one side of her body, someone lifted the cloak on her body.

   appeared behind her and beside her, it was the brothers who rescued her that day, He Ping and He Yun. At this time, Daping was standing behind her, while Xiao Yun had already lifted the cloak next to her.

   Jin Yongsheng came whizzing.

   is waiting for him, is the extreme


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