Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 81: Chaos·War (in)

The crowd ran away.

The smog in this section of the street is slowly dissipating, and the members of the "Undead Guards" and "Resentment Society" who are coming around are having a small clash with pedestrians who want to take the opportunity to separate.

In the center of the street not far away, Li Yanfeng held a club to fend off the woman's steel whip in front of him. . He has always been watching the four roads and has a keen mind, and he has also noticed the changes in the scene.

On the other side of the long street, Chen Juefang, who turned back after an unsuccessful chase, encountered a volley, and four figures fell from the air and hit the street. This sudden appearance of a man and a woman with high martial arts skills is no longer comparable to the few parallel imports who hold steel whips here.

On his side, there were also notable minor changes.

"...Ha, what's the matter? Mr. Jin?"

"Baofeng" is divided into three big cabinets, each with two or three big shopkeepers. Jin Yongsheng is the shopkeeper with the deepest hereditary name. It is said that he is very tricky and extremely difficult to deal with. Although the two sides are now meeting each other at the same banquet, they seem to have the same position, but it is hard to say whether the enemy is a friend or an enemy. He suddenly ended at this moment, and why Li Yanfeng was concerned about his purpose.

Girl Yan, who is that...Although the surrounding voices are noisy, Li Yanfeng also heard these words.

Just thinking in his heart, Jin Yongsheng suddenly exerted his strength on the side of the street behind him, his figure was like a hurricane dance, and he was already thrown into the smoke and dust. Li Yanfeng thought that he was not young and he was doing things slowly, but he didn't expect his shots to be so violent and decisive. The man in the crowd said that he would have to be caught and ruined by this old man. He didn't have the opportunity to do more tricks.

This thought flashed through my mind.

Among the crowd beside him, someone lifted the cloak and greeted Jin Yongsheng. The next moment, the fist wind roared out in succession. Li Yanfeng raised his brows, just by listening to this voice, he could hear the clues of the opponent's fist and destructive power. In the smoke, two figures collided.


Suddenly, Jin Yongsheng saw Yan Yunzhi, he was preparing to grab the opponent with a sharp knife, and end everything, but he didn't expect that his figure rushed forward, and a counterattack in the mist followed.

The howling fist slammed in front of him, he was also a battle-tested veteran. He stretched out his hand and swiped it behind his back. A dark and heavy iron abacus swiftly spun and swung it out.

The name of the abacus in Jin Yongsheng's hand is "Taishan Pan", which is also the origin of his nickname for years. This iron abacus is a side weapon, made heavy and rough, spinning like a grinding disc in the hand, waving and smashing, broken bones and heads are just waiting for a while, well controlled, can also be used as a shield to resist attacks, or use the gap of the abacus Seize the weapon. At this moment, he swiped his calculations, and rubbed his opponent's fist and even his head like a grinding pan.

The fist was heavy and fast, the first two punches avoided the heavy abacus, and then his body changed, with punches, elbows, splits, and hits.

Jin Yongsheng's Taishan plate offensive is intensive, and most people think he is a slow play style when he is older. However, with the heavy and partial goal of the iron abacus, his offensive has always been a series of attacks that the opponent can't respond. But the figure in front of him was agile, his fists were like electricity, between the sturdy elbow blows and swings, his arm was obviously protected by iron, and the iron abacus made a heavy and violent noise.

As soon as the two sides fought, they both attacked each other for the first time, trying hard to gain the advantage. In the smoke, in a blink of an eye, the roar of almost thunder and rain rang, and the white smoke was tumbling.

In the face of the opponent with the abacus in his hand, Jin Yongsheng suddenly flashed a name in his mind: Fanziquan.

This is the fist technique passed down by Zhou Tong, the "iron arm". It is said that the "eight flashes" in the fist technique emphasizes the agility of the body technique, but the offensive between the punches pays attention to the punching like a rainstorm and a crisp like a whip. In his old age, Zhou Tong's martial arts became extraordinary, and he often only talked about the knack of this boxing method in concept. As for the actual martial arts competition, few people need him to dodge, let alone who can withstand his "punching." Like a rainstorm, it’s as crisp as a whip."

Zhou Tong taught many apprentices when he was in the Yuquan Gym, but later became famous mainly for using weapons such as guns and sticks. As for those who are good at Zhou Tong boxing in recent years, they often get their fur and the essence is difficult to understand. However, the man in front of him was not only sturdy and torrential, but also swift to dodge in a small area. He already combined this frontal attack with his body and steps seamlessly, and he gained the concept of "Iron Arm". Essence.


Jin Yongsheng shouted, and the abacus in his hand swung, smashed, blocked, and blocked more quickly. He can now be regarded as a hero in the world. Although he usually deals with practical matters in intrigue, his martial arts training has never been lost. At this moment, I was happy to see Hunter, and the other was arrogance in my heart. Both sides are doing their best, and the destructive power that erupts from this fight in a moment of smoke and dust can be called terrifying.

Such a fight was just a few breaths away, and Jin Yongsheng shouted: "Small single!"

Shan Lifu, another shopkeeper on the Baofeng ship this time, was already walking towards this place. Not far away, Li Yanfeng tapped a stick in his hand and picked it up. He knocked out the steel whip in the hand of the woman named Ling Chu. Directly towards Meng Zhutao, he also walked towards the crowd in the smoke and dust here.

With blood-stained shoulders, Meng Zhutao grabbed the staggered younger sister's shoulders, and fixed his eyes on the fight that suddenly exploded in the smoke and dust.

Interpersonal shadows in the smoke and dust. Yan Yunzhi was pulled by "Han Ping" and walked to the side, and the calm voice of the other party rang in her ears.

"They have too many people... Don't love to fight..."

"After you shoot, you find the right opportunity and run towards the second alley ahead... Take care of yourself, don't worry about us..."

Han Ping said, "Are you clear?"


The other party's words were calm, and Yan Yunzhi also nodded calmly.

She heard "he" smile and said, "Okay."

At this time, Li Yanfeng carried the stick and walked over here. Although there was smoke and dust scattered on the road, with his skill, he left an impression at a glance, and he was still able to accurately notice the position of certain figures in the crowd. With a wave of his club in the air, it directly blocked the front. The runaway passerby was beaten and rolled out.

On this side, just after Han Ping's words fell, Yan Yunzhi felt him let go of his hand, and then pulled down a long cloth pocket on his side, turned around, and faced Li Yanfeng.

At this moment, Li Yanfeng, who was holding the stick in one hand in front, sank the stick and turned to hold the middle section with both hands. Amidst the smoke, a gunman leaped up and rushed out silently.

Li Yanfeng slammed the front end of his club, fired a long spear, and then swept the back end toward the front. The gunman retracted like a phantom. After a moment of blankness, a gun whisper came from the smoke and dust.

Just after the shot, the long shadow of the gun shot out like an angry tornado dance. Yan Yunzhi rushed to the side, only feeling that the surrounding space began to roar.

Here, Li Yanfeng waved his long stick, blocking the return attack at almost the same speed in the roaring gun shadow. The gun shadow and the figure were pushed to the center of the street in a sudden, and Li Yanfeng rushed to fight, and the fight between the two broke out to the peak in an instant, crackling crackling—in a blink of an eye, there were countless sounds. The smoke and dust on the street was rolled up, and thousands of dragons and snakes were prancing away frantically on the street!

Everyone on the street looked at the scene that suddenly broke out.

The fierce fighting continued, and a figure rushed to the rear of Li Yanfeng silently and quickly. Under the cover of smoke and dust, he handed out the short sword in his hand in a short time. When Li Yanfeng felt the danger, the blade of the dagger had almost approached the side of his neck.

At this moment, the "Monkey King" who has experienced many battles said "Ah----", and with a sudden force on his feet, he exited the battle group embarrassedly towards the rear. His figure rolled over the street a few times, and he almost rolled to the other side of the street before stopping. The road after the rain was full of sewage, and his figure was particularly embarrassing when he stood up.

The figure that made the gun shot wanted to chase, but the shuttle dart in the hands of the treasurer of the "Baofeng" Shan Lifu had already swept the night sky. The chain was tied behind the shuttle dart, and a large circle was drawn in the smoke and flew back to his hand. . Deterred here.

Not far away, Jin Yongsheng and the boxer who made the shot finally separated after a fierce battle. Jin Yongsheng's figure withdrew two feet away, his abacus turned, and his hand fell behind. Swallowing a long breath in his mouth, and then spit it out again, a little smoke and dust spread all over his body.

Irrelevant pedestrians on both sides of the street were still running, and in the escaping smoke and dust, Li Yanfeng, Jin Yongsheng, Shan Lifu, Meng Zhutao, and the two men who suddenly appeared with fist and gun also walked a few steps. The two figures that suddenly appeared were not too old, but one was fierce, and the other shot like a dragon, purely based on skill, and they were already one of the best in the green forest.

Li Yanfeng was standing in the middle of the street before, and he was so majestic that he was a single stick to prevent others from running away. At this time, the body was rolling in the dirty water on the side of the road, but for a while, there was no happiness or anger, but he shouted in a deep voice: "Good skill! Whoever is here, dare to report your name!?"

The young man who fisted in the smoke paced his feet and laughed: "I am... your long-lost father!"

Everyone at the scene knew that Li Ruoque, the father of "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng, was trampled to death by the cavalry under the command of the demon Ning Yi. Hearing this sentence at this time, each looked strange, but naturally no one answered. Taking it is tantamount to enmity with Li Yanfeng.

Li Yanfeng just sneered.

In the crowd not far from Li Yanfeng, Yan Yunzhi, who had just handed out a sword, began to walk not far away.

Jin Yongsheng, who appeared to be facing the boxer on the other side of the street, suddenly looked at him and said, "Xiao Shan, keep them."

Just after this sentence, these people on the street moved almost at the same time.

Jin Yongsheng rushed in the direction of Yan Yunzhi.

Li Yanfeng, who seemed to be irritated by the boxer's words, also slammed, shouting: "Can you escape?" He turned his gaze on Yan Yunzhi's side.

The slowly spinning shuttle dart in Shan Lifu's hand slammed and expanded along an irregular path, shooting at the two enemies.

Meng Zhutao sighed, waved the iron ruler, strode forward, and shouted: "The'Resentment Society' will obey the orders, keep these people--"

He shouted like thunder, and here, the **** young man picked up a stone drum on the street, and threw the stone drum towards Jin Yongsheng with a roar of "Ah--" The stone drum smashed across the street, and then smashed into a shop on the other side of the road with amazing power, with debris splashing everywhere.

He roared: "Old thing, you can run!?" The figure has clashed, like a galloping chariot.

The figure of the spear in the middle of the street was also thrown at Li Yanfeng at this moment, almost the same shout as Meng Zhutao: "Everyone is not running yet—"

Several voices rang out on the street.

Before and after this long street, hundreds of people watching the lively crowd or the green forest people with ghosts in their hearts were deterred by the majesty of a large group of masters, and gradually began to give up resistance and gather on the side of the road. At this moment, a few masters suddenly appeared on the street, and the scene was once again chaotic. Under the double stimulation of Meng Zhutao’s "Keep these people" and the gunman "Don’t run," the crowd on this section of the street suddenly exploded. Some people who had originally given up the idea of ​​resistance and were unwilling The person who was checked for identity took the lead and ran away along the dark side of the street.

Yan Yunzhi ran wildly.

At this moment, she didn't know whether the two benefactors, Han Ping and Han Yun, could leave smoothly, but in any case, she had to leave first, because she understood that staying here would only be a burden.

While chaos broke out in this section of the street, at the other end of the long street, You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi were rushing through the street with two swords and one sword.

Chen Juefang and Qiu Changying tried to intercept them. Around the street, the rest of the people also began to greet them one after another. Several "undead guards" were chopped to the ground by You Hongzhuo's whistling and fierce sword light, and they fought each other. It also caused the surrounding pedestrians to start waiting for an opportunity to escape. For a time, chaos spread.

During the fierce fighting, blood was seen almost in a blink of an eye. Liang Siyi's Peacock Ming King Sword opened up and closed. She also adapted to a similar battlefield environment. On the one hand, she resisted the attacks of Qiu Changying and others, and on the other hand, she deliberately led the enemy to crowded places on the side of the road, creating chaos as a way to reduce the opponent's number advantage. The bargaining chip-most of these people on the roadside are not ordinary passers-by. Once they are hit by the battle group, they will never stay in place and wait for death stupidly. Instead, they will spread out like a school of fish, and then they will be broken. Running into the distance, many people fought with the "Undead Guards" and the "Resentment Club" in the middle of the journey.

At the moment when he had to let go of the fight, Liang Siyi discovered that the knife in You Hongzhuo's hand was far more terrifying than what he had shown in the past. Many times I saw him advancing like a wind with a single blow, almost one person resisted the offensive of Chen Juefang and Na Qiu Changying, and the "undead guards" who were killed on the roadside were often beaten by a single blow. He chopped to the ground.

The feelings of Chen Juefang and Qiu Changying, who are facing the two opponents, are even more profound. The most terrifying thing about fighting this single-handed man is that the rhythm he gives is particularly uncomfortable, often three or four knives are lightning-fast and desperate, and the first half of the knife is still fast when it comes to the next one. In the second half of the knife, it seemed to be missing abruptly. With a shot or a knife from here, the opponent's offensive came before his eyes.

Everyone has been practicing martial arts for half their lives, and they often used thousands of trainings to conditioned the opponent's actions. However, the opponent's sword is often fast and slow at critical moments, giving people a very twisted and weird feeling, like the moon in the sky. I was missing a piece, and responded according to the instant reaction. I was caught off guard, and talked several times. Fortunately, they are also veterans who have been fighting for many years. For a while, both sides have seen blood, but they are not serious.

This fighting group spread forward along with You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi's rush. "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng looked at this side. He walked all the way, and when he got close, he just laughed and said, "Good sword technique, this A friend’s sword is clear, fast, slow, and perfect. In time, it may be a great success...it's a pity."

As soon as the three words "It's a pity" came out in his mouth, the figure rushed forward, like a phantom, stepping over a distance of several meters, a long knife came through the sky, and only heard the sound of "Ping--" He flew out with a knife.

"The key to the way of perfection is to bring the opponent into your own beat by rushing to attack." Tan Zheng said calmly, "Although it is easy to know and difficult to do, it is not difficult to decipher after understanding."

Before everyone fought in a round, Chen Juefang and Qiu Changying brought a lot of them, but they were only in a situation where they had a close relationship. At this time, Tan Zheng shot You Hongzhuo into the air, talking and laughing, they were really domineering. Over there, Liang Siyi used the Peacock Ming King's sword to chop a person, and a sword was hit in her body, splashing blood, she turned around and attacked Tan Zheng as if she hadn't noticed.

"Dozens of people come in turns, because you old man has a noisy face--"

She usually had a cold face and didn't speak much. At this time, the round of fighting seemed to arouse blood, and she cursed in her mouth.

Tan Zheng sighed with a smile, and swung his knife to open the opponent's offensive: "Girl, if you don't die today, then you will know what dozens of people are and come here in turn."

While talking, Liang Siyi's sword danced like a round, Chen Juefang attacked from the side, and from behind, You Hongzhuo swooped back, saying: "Tan Zheng, your opponent is me!" , The two of them, back to back, faced the attacks of the surrounding several parties in an instant.


When the situation at both ends of the long street began to boil, many people still stood outside the battle group, watching the chaos in the street.

In a side dark alley not far from the chaos scene, two figures were sneakily inspecting the body of the man on the ground.

"Oh, this man's nose is rotten."

"Let me see, I see... Wow, it's disgusting..."


"The man is still alive. If there is anything to chant, please hurry up and take off his pants..."

"Amitabha Buddha is not reciting sutras, this is the monk's mantra... His pants are so tight..."

"Their clothes and pants of the undead guard are all like this, messy, but it looks magnificent..."

"But is he a bit taller..."

"The two fools before were taller, it's okay, I will wear the taller one..."

It took a long time for the two of them to be sneaky and undressing.

In the darkness, I saw these two young heroes full of heroic vigor, and they were obviously the "Martial Arts Leader" and "Qi Tian Xiao Sheng" who came all the way to join in the fun and make trouble for the "Roller King". They ran over the road, put the delicious pancakes in their pockets, and on the way around the gathering spots of the bad guys, they found this alley and sneaked in. When they approached the alley, they knocked over. It might be a "resent and hate meeting". "Arranged for two secret whistles here to block people. After a while, the two rushed out of the alley, only to see chaos on the street, there is a lot of excitement to watch.

They found another "undead guard" lying underground not far from the entrance of the alley. The light in the lane was dark, and it was not clear how the two people who were knocked down to the ground were dressed up. At this time, the light was brighter. Long Aotian, who had undergone various combat training, came to his heart, and the fellow monk Some total.

"...I used to learn to disguise and disguise...Today we are going to have a big fight anyway, we have to be more prepared... this way... we take off his clothes, if we are chased, we can’t escape. , I just pretended to be an undead guard, just grabbed you, and then swayed out of the bad guys... I tell you, when the Huaxia Army fought with the Golden Soldiers, they did it like this..."

The little monk worshipped: "Big Brother knows so much."

"Yes, yes, I wanted to do this once..."

They dragged the poor "undead guard" member who fell on the ground back into the alley and stripped off his clothes and pants.

"It's so lively outside, Xiao Na just heard the name of Li Jianfeng."

"Sure enough, we have come to the right place, but we said yes, this time we should keep a low profile, and don't be stunned."

"Well, there are a lot of bad people outside..."

"So you have to listen to my instructions. Let's pretend to be stupid first, mix in the crowd, wait until we see who the monkey Li Jianfeng is, and then wait for him on the way back, hehe..."

"Brother, his martial arts is very high, do you want to wait for him to come home, let's blow him up with that dynamite barrel?"

"The dynamite barrel is hard to grab... and you can't write on the wall if you blow up the place..."

"Amitabha, too."

The two were having a conversation that if Li Yanfeng heard it, they would surely rush to the forehead. Someone on the street outside shouted: "...Who is the one coming? Can you dare to report your name?"

Replied over there: "I am your long-lost father!"

The voice of this dialogue made the two of them bright, and Long Aotian admired: "Oh... this is good, this is good, I will say this next time..." The extra hero cherishes each other.

After this conversation, the roar on the street was like thunder intertwined, and a more intense fight had begun. The two of them quickly grabbed the hapless clothes and pants with their broken noses. Before they were finished, someone had already rushed in at the alley. These were the people who had fled. Seeing that there was no guard at the alley, suddenly there were five or six people. Pouring in this way, when I saw the two figures in the alley, I was stunned.

The people on the outside didn’t know which side it was on. If it was under the "King of the Wheel", it would be unavoidable that they would have to fight a game to pass, and the two of them also jumped up, slightly stunned, and the little man said: " Brother, fight or not."

The big brother slapped the little man on the head: "They are not bad guys...Ah, we are also good people, and we are also running away..." He pulled up the little man, turned and ran, waved his hand, "I don't hit my own person." ."

In many cases, it is not a matter of position to fight in such a narrow encounter. But because the alley is narrow, two people who don't understand their identities stand in here, and naturally they can't help but make a call with each other. The leader of the martial arts is well versed in world affairs, and seeing the excitement ahead, he still decided to keep a low profile, so as not to make a match with five or six fools inexplicably and expose himself first.

As he ran, he said to the little monk: "Let's go around the front and come back again." The little monk understood and admired his strategy.

In front of this dark alley is a dead end with a wall built up, but if the wall is light enough, you can still climb out. There is a yard on the other side of the wall, and the two of them sneaked over from here. At this time, he was mixed in with this group, and pretended to be light-hearted, crawling on the ground and flipping out. They mixed up among these people, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and it felt quite interesting.

Climbing over the fence to the back of the yard, the two helped a person who was struggling to climb the wall to climb over, and then bluntly ran forward along the muddy ground behind the house. At this time, the fireworks of the "undead guard" exploded in the air again, and there seemed to be someone fighting on the roof not far away. Someone accidentally stepped on the roof and fell into the building. Everything was extremely lively. Long Aotian walked side by side with a figure, eagerly showing them the way: "You run over there, go around and you will be on the road."

He squinted at the other person, and the other person turned his head and glanced at him. The two ran a few steps together, and then looked at each other again.

The fireworks in the sky are turning into embers and falling.

People running around turned aside, preparing to run towards the exit of the courtyard not far away. Yan Yunzhi's face suddenly turned pale, she stopped, and Long Aotian also stopped. The next moment, Yan Yunzhi's steps suddenly jumped backwards, and Jian Feng raised his finger.

The little monk ran forward, stopped and hurried back: "What, what?"

Yan Yunzhi over there was like a ghost, gritted his teeth: "You, you..."

Long Aotian also looked at her, stunned for a moment, and explained to the little monk: "She is the woman who caused me to be slandered. Look at her slingshot sword, bang... just popped out."

"Ah." The little monk glared. "Is she that... the woman with the baby shit?"

"Well, she is the concubine of baby shit." Long Aotian whispered.

"Then what to do?"

"Calm down, I have to think about it." Long Aotian folded his chest and his chin with one hand, and then looked at the other person: "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

"You squirt with blood..." Yan Yunzhi seemed to have tears in his eyes, "I am innocent..."

"Dir...I'm filthy you innocent? Obviously you are bad guys! You are in the same group with the **** babies, and you are in the same group with the people who pass the mountain!" Long Aotian was beaten up and almost jumped to his feet, immediately accused , Complaint.

"Who said that I was in the same group as them--" Yan Yunzhi said in a suppressed voice.

"Uh... isn't it? I want to quibble! You guys are obviously..."

"You fart! I killed you—"

The woman gritted her teeth and wanted to attack. In the past few days, she had thought about the scene when she was desperately working with this person many times, and it turned into reality, and she was a little uncomfortable. At this moment, in front of the courtyard outside, someone whizzed to the ground. Several people running in front seemed to be scared enough to make a noise, but the figure was holding a long stick and came straight to this side.

What caught Li Yanfeng's eyes was the situation where the three figures were facing each other.

His thoughts were meticulous and deep, and he was puzzled by Jin Yongsheng's words before. At this time, he quickly recalled the recent actions of the Baofeng ship and everything related to "Girl Yan". The interests behind Yan Yunzhi's representatives are not small. If she can be taken down today, she will have a bargaining chip to trade with Baofeng. In any case, it is a deal that can be done.

The two people who appeared on the street over there were very skilled, but in any case, they were a little younger after all. Although they encouraged many people to escape from the chaos, even if they tried their best, they only temporarily held Meng Zhutao, Jin Yongsheng, Shan Lifu and other three people, he has already stepped up to the roof one step ahead of time, and intercepted them by taking a shortcut.

Seeing this Yan Yunzhi at this time—thinking whether the other party’s insulted news was released on his own side, it is equivalent to manipulating the whole situation with one hand, playing with the Baofeng ship to applause, and speaking out is also a feat— Can not help but feel happy.

At that time, martial arts were only a small part of the world. What really made him proud was to stir up the situation and eliminate dissidents in Tongshan. Just a few years ago, the Li family became the number one in Tongshan. What I longed for in my heart is actually the ability to manipulate people's hearts and situations like the enemy's demon.

What is actually worth the outcome of the green forest?

At the moment, the pace slowed down, he retracted to his side, and walked steadily over. In the dim light, I could only hear the great green forest owl laughed loudly: "I am happy today, irrelevant people, let you go. Let's go."

Yan Yunzhi raised his sword and turned towards him. The two figures here were a little confused for a while, and stood still in front of the man's momentum. Both Long Aotian and the young monk are thinking: Who is the irrelevant person?

Li Yanfeng frowned, and perhaps later discovered this loophole, and the club lay on the ground.

"My ‘Monkey King’ Li Yanfeng! Today is just to keep this person." He raised his finger slightly and pointed at Yan Yunzhi, "You are not going yet!?" He didn't even look at the two figures too much.

The two figures still didn't move, they looked at Li Yanfeng, because the other side raised their hands, they turned to look at Yan Yunzhi, and then turned to look at Li Yanfeng.

The little monk stretched out his finger and poked the elder brother next to him: "He, he, he... is Li Jianfeng."

"Hmm, I heard it."

"What to do..." the little monk asked in a low voice.

They made a plan. It is clear that they will go to the other party to settle the accounts tonight when there is no one, so as not to fight in the street today and kill the innocent too indiscriminately. At this time, the plan has not started yet, and it died...

Li Yanfeng was full of momentum. He thought the two onlookers would run away after saying the name. However, after breathing twice, the two passers-by standing on the side did not move. He turned his gaze over, UU read www.uukanshu.com and found that they were also looking at him.

The six eyes were facing each other, a strange embarrassment.

Li Yanfeng's cheeks twitched, and he muttered in his heart: "The door is wicked, there are really any fools tonight..." When he was stopped in the street before, there were a few fools who were clearly okay, but they had to rush over and be beaten by him. He had a blue nose and a swollen face, and he was beating people to gain power at the time. Without the bystanders at this moment, there is nothing but disgust for this bunch of miscellaneous fish.

Then, he saw the tall young man on the opposite side stretched out his hand and pointed to this side: "Why are you catching her?"

This voice sounded... a bit naive.

I'll care about you uncle.

It's your business--

The back of the yard was quiet, autumn and rainy night. At this moment, Li Yanfeng had a tsunami in his heart, but his eyes were calm and no one knew.

(End of this chapter)

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