Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 82: Chaos·War (Part 2)

The sky was gloomy, the fireworks of the transmission rose and fell in the air one after another, and the chaotic fighting sounds from the outside were still coming, setting the atmosphere behind the courtyard a little bit anxious.

Li Yanfeng ignored the two young men who suddenly appeared, and the tall figure walked towards Yan Yunzhi in the corner.

For the outsider who suddenly appeared, he had already said two words out of kindness. Although the response of the other party made him somewhat angry, more noise has become unnecessary.

In the past years of martial arts practice, Li Yanfeng has been born in blue and rarely meets opponents. He had only defeated a large group of warriors on the long street with only a stick, and then had a moment of attack with the master holding a gun. At this time, the warm-up is complete and the blood is like mercury. It is in the most peak state. A large group of people rushed forward, and he was confident to knock it over.

On the contrary, the business is ahead, and there is no delay.

He held the stick and moved forward, and Yan Yunzhi's body suddenly tightened in the darkness. A young man who didn't know the height of the sky came over and said, "Aren't you in the same group?"

Li Yanfeng swung out abruptly.

He walked forward, and the stick in his hand swung horizontally, silently but as fast as lightning. The front end of the stick took the right temple of the opponent. This stick is like a phoenix nod in marksmanship. With just one touch of the stick, it can break a person's head like a crock pot. Most people have no chance to react at all, and they will die.

But occasionally there will be unexpected situations.

The young man was taken aback, and he didn't know when he lifted his hands to catch the stick that hit his temple.

"You are like this..." His tone was a little angry.

The night seemed to be chilly, and the next moment, the stick between the two suddenly became complete and arched into a semicircle.

The hair on the back of Li Yanfeng's head exploded.

With a "bang--", the long stick bounced back in the air, Li Yanfeng's steps suddenly sank, his figure danced like a phantom, and then his fists roared towards the opponent like a python, Bai Yuan The force of the thong-arm punch is fierce and majestic. And here, the boy who released the stick stepped on the ground, and rushed out toward the opposite middle road. Li Yanfeng threw two fists in the air. On the third fist, his fist had already hit the boy severely. On the defensive arm.


The surrounding mud splashed, and the boy's counterattack fist hit Li Yanfeng's chest.

Then came an extremely fierce counterattack...


The autumn breeze swept the sky, and in the night sky, rain clouds piled up and surged like upwelling mountains.

Chaos is spreading in the streets near the Jinlou. But there were also arrows flying from far and near. At this moment, the surrounding forces belonging to the "Roller King" group were being mobilized, and the echoing momentum seemed to be a tide coming from all directions. .

On the east section of the street, Tan Zheng pushed away the smoke diffused on the road, the big knife in his hand was raised, and the next moment it fell like a thunderbolt. In front of him, You Hongzhuo swung his sword to counterattack, and two long swords burst into the air.

The light of the sword fighting with all its strength was heavy and bitter. At this moment, the steady "Heaven Sword" Tan Zhengnai is holding a sword in both hands, while You Hongzhuo on the other side is half-blooded. He has also replaced the one-handed sharp knife with a two-handed grip. His gaze is fierce, and the blade is fully swung. Quick and heavy, the collision with the long knife in Tan Zheng's hand in the street was like a hurricane torn apart, crackling almost forming a terrible area that is difficult for outsiders to enter.

If the sword in Tan Zheng's hand is magnificent and stable, and he already has a mountain-like grandmaster atmosphere, then the sword in the hands of this young swordsman who has not yet been known by many people is full of wildness and destruction at this moment, just like a new birth. The calf generally rushed towards this mountain.

He was already injured under the siege of everyone, and he did not take much advantage in the first few encounters with Tan Zheng, but by this time, You Hongzhuo, who was half-blooded, seemed to be more and more courageous, time and time again. He changed his style of play, and now he is fighting head-on with Tan Zheng.

The long knives held in both hands collided in the air like a rainstorm, and no one backed away for a while. After a little shift, the pace of the two moved towards the side of the street. During this period, several tables and chairs on the side of the road were caught by the violent light of the knife, and they all flew away as if they burst open. A member of the "undead guard" killed from the side, holding a spear and seemed to want to support Tan Zheng. , Had just entered the fighting group, the gunman in his hand was cut off by the knife light, and then the knife light exploded from his thigh and side, blood flying.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

The enemy caught by the sword light also broke the balance in the competition. You Hongzhuo’s mouth shouted like a trapped beast, and he still tried to charge forward. However, Tan Zheng's eyes in front of him were like water, and the heavy sword gang continued to fall from the front. His offensive split, and after several more knives, You Hongzhuo staggered back.

Tan Zheng's steps followed like a shadow, and he slashed towards him one by one.

On the chaotic street, Tan Zheng was splitting five times in a blink of an eye, and You Hongzhuo flew back embarrassedly. On the fifth one, the door was opened wide. Being unable to parry, Liang Siyi's sword came over from the side abruptly, she blocked Tan Zheng's sword, her arm was almost numb, Chen Juefang killed from the side like a ghost, and slashed her body with blood. Fly, Liang Siyi swung his sword at Chen Juefang in an almost changed posture, and Chen Juefang evaded again.

"This is my business! Go--"

Liang Siyi yelled, this woman crawled out of the corpse on the battlefield, covered in blood, still trying her best to attack. You Hongzhuo was still retreating, swallowing a bit of blood abruptly, grabbing an "undead guard" who rushed nearby, and rushing towards Tan Zheng with all his strength on his hand.

The distance between the two sides narrowed in a blink of an eye. Tan Zheng grabbed the back of the "undead guard" with one hand and grabbed the person with his left hand. The knife in his right hand had already been slashed towards this side. The "undead guard" was still fighting with his hands and dancing. You Hongzhuo had blood in his mouth. Chao Tan Zheng spouted, and the blades of the two sides fought together again in the blood.

Onlookers from far and near looked at the man and woman in front of Tan Zhengdao, almost killing them into two blood men, still fighting with all their strength, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.


West side of Long Street.

On the second floor of some shops on the side of the road, the sound of fierce fighting was spreading. Some tables and chairs suddenly broke through the doors and windows of the wooden building and smashed into the pedestrians on the road, making the situation more and more uncontrollable. There were also spear shots rushing out of the roof, stirring up the tiles in the sky.

Yue Yinping and Yue Yun stopped Jin Yongsheng, Shan Lifu, Meng Zhutao and others from chasing Yan Yunzhi. Under Yue Fei’s training, the two sisters and brothers who have been with each other for many years cooperated tacitly. The younger brother Yue Yun was born with supernatural power. Although he did not make good use of weapons on the battlefield, Chen Fan also faintly had Chen Fan between his shots. The assassination of Bao Dao Yi on the streets of Hangzhou at that time fits the old saying "fights are afraid of being young and strong"; and the sister Yin Ping was originally good at Zhou Tong's five-in-one guns. She has a tall stature, marksmanship, and legs. The law is astounding. My brother threw things in the room with a strange force, and even when she smashed through the wall board and jumped into the next room, she jumped on the beam and even rushed out of the roof to overlook the situation. The two of them each other. Echoing, it dragged the battle group to raging everywhere for a while, except for a few masters, those far and near were a bit unable to catch up.

If they can retreat from the whole body, just this big uproar will be enough to make them famous.

But if you really want to talk about the situation, it is not optimistic. Jin Yongsheng and Shan Lifu are both non-skilled players. Even if the siblings and siblings play against each other, the outcome is actually quite difficult to say. Among the three, especially the injured Meng Zhutao, his The martial arts power is still hidden on the two treasurers of the Baofeng. If he hadn't killed his elders and arrested the same door, his killing intent had subsided, and he could not figure out the intentions of Jin Yongsheng and others, and was a little passive. Some of them may have been injured.

Just now, Jin Yongsheng and Shan Lifu still wanted to catch Yan Yunzhi. At this time, Yin Ping waved his guns like rain. After a while, they were able to stop the three with their younger brother. In fact, they had reached the limit of their abilities.

At this moment in the fight, Yin Ping was also sending out a signal to Yue Yun who was on the side-he must escape as soon as possible.

Yue Yun was also anxiously sending out a signal during the fight: Someone was chasing him.

Yin Ping just shook his head.

This fight has bought a certain amount of time for the other party’s escape. At this moment, there is a wave of shouts in the night far and near. The brigade of "Roller King" and "Wu Ba" Gao Huiyun will be possible in less than a cup of tea. Surging. What can be done has been done. If you don’t leave at this time, do you have to take yourself up too...


In the gloomy courtyard not far from the street, Yan Yunzhi saw that the atmosphere went from being calm and suppressed to erupting, and it only took a short moment.

The two figures in the dimness were still talking the moment before, but at the moment when they wrestled with sticks, the reaction of the real master was detonated.

Prior to this, Yan Yunzhi had also considered how to confront Li Yanfeng, but at that moment, facing the young man from the southwest, the "Monkey King" who passed the mountain swayed, and then went wide. The closed white monkey thong arm fist rushed over to the sea. This may be the real martial arts master's violent reaction after he perceives the danger. Yan Yunzhi even felt a flower in front of him, followed by Li Yanfeng's body shape relaxed, fist and wind howling.

There was a faint light falling in the sky. It was also at this moment that what surprised Yan Yunzhi most was that the young man named Long Aotian rushed towards Li Yanfeng’s white ape thong arm fist, if it was Li Yanfeng’s fist. After unfolding, it was like a surging ocean wave, coming from all directions. At this moment after the stress, the figure of the young man was like a rock, rushing into the center of the wave.

The fists of the two figures were intertwined. In the dim light, Yan Yunzhi couldn't even see that the two of them were moving in a small area and dodge in a blink of an eye, but the sound of "Bang Bang Bang -" sounded. It was a fist. The sound of hitting the meat. It was as if two violent beasts had to press down each other frontally at the first time they met, and no one was actually willing to retreat.

The next moment, a figure appeared abruptly and silently between the two.

It was the little monk who followed the action of "Long Aotian", and rushed to Li Yanfeng at the moment when the two fist winds fought fiercely. In the dark, Li Yanfeng said "Ah--", the surging inner breath bulged in the back of this courtyard, his body moved, and the sound of thunder and wind became more pronounced when he swung his fists, as if unfolding in the dim light of fireworks. Arms, and the little monk followed him like a tarsal maggot.

Even though Yan Yunzhi, who is well-versed in the way of assassins, couldn’t see what tricks the little monk was using at this time, but judging from Li Yanfeng’s sudden reaction at this moment, he must have felt the thorny threat and dealt with the front. "Long Aotian", the little monk who wanted to get rid of this dead skinny face.

Another moment when the light bloomed, Yan Yunzhi saw Li Yanfeng's figure swirling backwards two times. He grabbed the little monk's hand, and in front of him, a young man named Long Aotian leaped up. Only the right fist has been raised in the air.

With a bang, a sturdy fist struck Li Yanfeng’s face. Li Yanfeng’s stature became short, and he seemed to throw the little monk away into the distance. At the same time, his figure looked like After narrowing down a circle, he slammed his foot diagonally towards the sky, and the moment he punched his face on the side of his face, it hit the young man in the chest.

The three figures flew out like cannonballs.

Li Yanfeng's body rolled on the ground several times, until he reached the corner of the wall before he stood up hard; the little monk who was clingy like a ghost was thrown by Li Yanfeng towards a further corner of the wall, and the basket smashed several tiles. The tank also stood up the next moment; and the young man who was kicked in the chest after he flew out, stepped a few times in the mud on the ground, his hands stretched in the air, and his feet slid backwards. , But already took hold of his figure, and a long breath exhaled from his mouth, as if infinite power surged in this body.

Yan Yunzhi had seen a similar situation when he passed through the mountains, and he didn't know what kind of inner family exercises this young man was practicing. Such movements would appear when he was fully relaxed. But as a warrior, she also has to admit that even she can feel the blood boiling with such an appearance.

The previous fight between the three of them took place in just a few breaths. Li Yanfeng and this Long Aotian confronted extremely fiercely, and the little monk advanced like a tarsal maggot. Then Li Yanfeng threw away the little monk. After being punched in the face and kicked back, the whole process was fierce and neat.

In fact, even Li Yanfeng, who was slightly embarrassed with the punch on his face, showed an exceptionally powerful boxing technique and response. At the beginning, he fought against Long Aotian with the white ape thong his arms. When the little monk rushed over, the whole way of the fist was actually changing in the direction of the monkey fist, and he avoided the opponent's two attacks while jumping. , And then took the opponent’s hand to throw the person away, and although Long Aotian hit him in the face with a punch in the face, he could spin and kick while throwing the little monk away, hitting two with one, which was already extremely Beautiful confrontation.

——If he is facing a warrior who is similar to his age, it seems that there is no problem in this way.

But at this moment, he was facing a young man who was only fifteen or six years old and another young man who seemed to be younger. The two men showed their skills like monsters.

When Yan Yunzhi was passing through the mountains, he was knocked down just for a moment when he met Long Aotian. Although he knew that his martial arts was superior to himself, he never thought that he would be facing such martial arts masters like Li Yanfeng. Instead of launching an uncompromising frontal confrontation.

And the little monk who was thrown out may be the rumored "four-foot YIN demon". Although he looked younger, it was able to excite Li Yanfeng in a short moment that he would rather get a face-to-face punch. He threw it away, enough to prove that once he gets close, his attack methods may be fatal.

The night was blurred, and the hustle and bustle of Jinjie spread not far away. Yan Yunzhi's teeth were clenched, and his heart was pounding.

On the opposite wall, Li Yanfeng's tall figure has stood upright, and he has received a punch in the face. At this time, his long hair has been scattered, and his body has become muddy because of rolling on the ground. He stretched out his arm, grabbed his own clothes, and tore it straight off, revealing the outline of his upper body in the dimness, murderous in silence.

In the further corner of the wall, the little monk who had smashed a few bottles and cans seemed to melt into the darkness. Only at this moment, there was a sound of "Amitabha Buddha": "The donor's action is too vicious, it is indeed a bad person. "The words are old-fashioned, but the voice is quite immature, which makes people feel an unspeakable weirdness after hearing them.

Here, the young man named Long Aotian was the only one who did not fall. His figure stretched out and then slowly fell, and there seemed to be an extremely long breath in his mouth.

"Today, Jiangning, it seems that there is indeed a gathering of wind and clouds." In the darkness, Li Yanfeng said, "Everyone is coming."

"I asked you something, can I answer now?" The boy here also said.

"What did you ask?"

Yan Yunzhi saw that the young man named Long Aotian pointed his finger to his side: "You guys, aren't you in the same group? It fell out?"

On the other side, Li Yanfeng frowned and moved forward: "A group? Do you know who she is?" He walked to the long stick that fell on the ground, stretched out his leg and swept it, the stick bounced on the wall next to it, and then bounced. When he came back, Li Yanfeng grabbed it smoothly and took it neatly in his hand.

The young man named Long Aotian dropped his hand.

In the darkness farther away, the little monk walked towards this side, and Li Yanfeng glanced at him from the corner of the light. His club is hanging down, but at this moment, even Yan Yunzhi knows that what everyone has to face is to really make a full shot, without the slightest reservation of the "monkey king" of this generation.

After a moment of silence in the darkness, Long Aotian didn't speak, he put down his hand pointing at Yan Yunzhi. Then he said: "Li Jianfeng, your family is doing evil in Tongshan, do you know that you are wrong?" He did not ask Li Yanfeng's relationship with Yan Yunzhi again. I don't know why. When he said this, his tone seemed to be slightly low. .

"Tong, mountain, doing, evil..." Li Yanfeng smiled slightly, "It turns out that you are the five-foot YIN demon..."

"I'm not."

The boy walked forward, and Li Yanfeng sank.

"I am your long-lost father...Grandpa!"

The next moment, Yan Yunzhi saw the club in Li Yanfeng's hand whizzing up like a tornado, and on both sides of his figure, Long Aotian and the little monk rushed forward and circled towards both sides. Almost at the same time, different from each other. In the direction of Li Yanfeng launched a surprise attack.

Li Yanfeng said, "Wow!" The figure dancing wildly in the darkness resembled an ape, a monkey, and a madman. He fell forward like a thunder-like rod, and Long Aotian rushed over. The pile of debris and silt burst open, and then the stick rolled up the sludge in the sky, and the debris splashed in all directions, Li Yanfeng rushed into the flying sludge, and in the darkness behind him was the blade of a knife that slipped silently.

Accompanied by the wild dance of clubs, the three figures shuttled and staggered, and then Yan Yunzhi discovered that Li Yanfeng's figure holding a club pounced towards her.

Yan Yunzhi is also a warrior. Seeing this sudden outbreak of fighting, the sword in his hand sank and waved to meet him. It was also at the next moment that she heard a "fuck" curse from the front, and her body suddenly reacted and generally retreated backwards. The stick in Li Yanfeng's hand seemed to lose its shape in the dark. When it suddenly appeared, a bang sounded. On the wall where she had just stood, stone chips splashed.

As the master of martial arts, Li Yanfeng's hands-off fight swept toward her, her figure was already flying backwards, but the next moment there was still a sudden pain in the right hand that was defensively forward, and then the club swept across. , Swept her side ribs.

The body was still flying out in mid-air, and Yan Yunzhi saw that the stick in Li Yanfeng's hand seemed to explode into fragments in the air. A figure slammed into Li Yanfeng from the side, and then slammed into a slumped wall on the side of the yard.

Yan Yunzhi fell from the air and rolled on the ground. She knew that her ribs might have been interrupted, but Li Yanfeng's rod didn't seem to exert all her strength. Her body rolled on the ground and then struggling to get up. And just not far from where she was standing, a whole earth wall was rumbling down, and the surrounding debris, garbage, altars and pots were all shattering. The figure of the young man grabbed a clay pot with water. , With a bang on Li Yanfeng’s head, the sky full of tiles and stinky water splashed, Li Yanfeng also knocked the opponent down in the ruins with a violent punch. Behind his body, the little monk rushed forward and waved towards Li Yanfeng’s The throat stroked across.

Li Yanfeng's right arm tied with a slender iron ruler slammed into a square, and the air was a subtle and crisp sound of golden and iron strikes. The little figure entangled him in the air, followed by two violent stabbings. Li Yanfeng threw out the intractable ghost-like figure, and Long Aotian, who stood up from behind, pounced on him again. With a wave of his fist, Li Yanfeng blocked several times, all with a crisp sound of golden and iron clashes.

He threw the difficult little monk out. At this time, facing the attack of the young man, he staggered back in the danger, and then fell into the muddy water. The young man rushed up and was kicked away by him. Before he could get up, the young man grabbed a large brick in the ruins on his side and smashed it down according to his head and face. Li Yanfeng struggled to block it, but it was a mud brick. Although it was heavy, it burst out with a bang. In the air, Li Yanfeng couldn't get up either, and he took a trip to the ground, using the way of lying on the ground, kicking with his feet to deter, and then rolling towards the rear, Long Aotian and the little monk rushed up from both sides, three Dao figures slammed into each other fiercely again, smashing a nearby rockery that had collapsed.

Standing there, Yan Yunzhi could hardly feel the pain under his ribs for a while.

This is the first time she has seen such a brutal and imageless style of play-on that long street before, Li Yanfeng was solo and swept a field, the master's skill was unmistakable, and she had experienced so many things in the past. In the competition in the arena, everyone clicked until the end, even if there was a difference in martial arts, they all maintained their demeanor.

But at this moment, everything that appeared in front of me was like the most tragic battle on the battlefield. Both sides exploded their killing intent and wanted to kill each other in the extreme. Even Li Yanfeng failed to maintain the slightest in such a fight. His grandmaster demeanor, he was covered with mud, stinky water, and his long hair was messy. Speaking of the large and small monkey fists with agility and flexibility, he didn't even have the chance to jump off the ground. The two sides pulled and beat each other almost Become a mud monkey.

This is...Southwestern style of play?

Yan Yunzhi thought of the origin of this boy and the legendary place, and his heart was hot for a time. Her right hand was beaten with blood by Li Yanfeng. At this moment, she was holding a sword in her left hand and was about to rush forward.

She didn't know who to help, but it didn't matter which one she killed.

Long Aotian was entangled and beaten with Li Yanfeng among the rubble. The blade in his hand stabbed at the opposite door and was opened. When he looked up, he saw that the girl who had been in Tongshan was silly with a sword about to come over. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com scolded: "Fuck! You don't want to go quickly--" Li Yanfeng kicked his body abruptly, feeling dull for a while.

On the side of the street not far away, someone ran towards this side. It was an old man in a long gown holding an abacus in his hand. He has a quick stature. He was very excited when he saw the people here with a glimmer of light while he was running. He said from a distance, "Ms. Yan..." Inner strength rushed and rushed.

When he got close, he had already seen a messy scene here. A awkward figure was standing among a large piece of rubble, muddy and even blood all over it. If not for a few more glances, he could hardly recognize it. It was the "Monkey King" who had been deterring the entire long street before—in fact, it was because Li Yanfeng took off his clothes just now, and he became even more embarrassed in such a fight. Long Aotian's clothes were tightly dressed, even though he was affected. Some injuries are not visible on the outside, and they are definitely not covered with mud and smelly water like Li Yanfeng.

What's wrong with Li Yanfeng? Who is this boy? How is it like this?

"Taishan Pan" Jin Yongsheng spoke only halfway, suddenly a little surprised. But here, seeing the other party's help coming, Long Aotian and the little monk also subconsciously stopped their hands. Everyone looked at each other, and the scene was a little quiet for a while.

"...Brother Li, what's wrong with you...?"

Because he didn't know what to say, after a while, Jin Yongsheng spoke calmly and asked.

Li Yanfeng looked at him, then raised his hand with a smile.

"This girl, it's yours."


Jin Yongsheng frowned.

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