Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 83: Fierce shadow

The sky is dim, and the clouds in the night are surging like a sea hanging upside down in the sky.

The orange-red pyrotechnic light rose slowly between the sky and the earth.

In the dilapidated and chaotic backyard, a short and strange confrontation is taking place.

Jin Yongsheng, who arrived here at a sudden, scanned the surrounding scenery calmly, and looked at several figures in the dim light with a cautious and suspicious look.

The four figures all looked strangely embarrassed. A young man and a younger monk did not know where they came from. At this time, they were surrounded by Li Yanfeng, the previous imposing monkey. At this moment, Wang was muddy, with a blue nose and swollen face, and he didn't know what kind of battle he had experienced before. Yan Yunzhi, the only one of the four with neatly dressed and neat makeup, was standing in a strange posture. It seemed that he had been injured in the previous fight.

The surrounding yard was in a mess, a few sections of soil walls collapsed into one piece, and even a rockery was knocked open, and the traces seemed to be new.

It is hard to imagine what kind of fierce fighting took place in the entire courtyard in the short time after Li Yanfeng first shook them off and caught up with Yan Yunzhi, and it was also difficult to tell which family the young man and the little monk belonged to. people.

"This girl is yours."


In a simple conversation, Li Yanfeng stood up on the half-depressed rockery and let out a long sigh of relief. Jin Yongsheng heard this in his ears, and responded with a tentative look at Li Yanfeng. Li Yanfeng's expression was also not a smile. His right eye was beaten and swollen, and some mud fell from the swollen eyelid. Down, the Monkey King stretched out his hand to wipe off the mud, his hair was messy and his eyes were calm.

The young man and the little monk who had just gone through the fight were also walking slowly in the dimness at this time, taking advantage of this moment of confrontation, adjusting the breathing rhythm between their mouth and nose.

Where Jin Yongsheng couldn't see, the young man waved his hand quietly to Yan Yunzhi.

Holding the iron abacus, Jin Yongsheng tentatively walked towards Yan Yunzhi. The young man walked horizontally, separating Jin Yongsheng from looking at Yan Yunzhi. The little monk surrounded Li Yanfeng, shaking his arm, and approached Jin Yongsheng. Once Jin Yongsheng continued to Earlier, he and the young man would double-team Jin Yongsheng again.

The four people formed a slowly deformed quadrilateral, but no one showed the intention to kill at this moment. Li Yanfeng stood still, Jin Yongsheng smiled, and the young man walked slowly, spreading his arms and doing a few stretches. Movement, the little monk with his hands on his hips, his neck slightly twisted.

Another orange firework climbed into the night sky, and the light soaked.

The young man's hand waved to the rear, and his five fingers bounced and retracted between the light and darkness.


Yan Yunzhi retreated to the rear.

Jin Yongsheng looked at Li Yanfeng. At this moment, the haze and killing intent had already flooded the monkey king’s expression. The muscles on his right arm were stretched. He grabbed a piece of bluestone on the side of the rockery and used the biggest one in an instant. The power must be thrown out according to Yan Yunzhi.

The rockery was broken and the stone chips splashed.

Almost at the same moment, the young man walking slowly had thrown out the throwing knife in his hand, his toes provoked the long stick that was dropped by Li Yanfeng on the ground, and reached out to grab it. .

Bang Ying was about to whistle and unfold, and the heavy iron abacus in Jin Yongsheng's hand had been thrown out on the other side.

The thrown knife plunged into Li Yanfeng’s shoulder, causing the stone he threw to lose accuracy instantly, and whizzed past the boy’s side. At the same time, the iron abacus slammed into the wooden stick in the boy’s hand with a "boom". The club broke apart, and the young man's figure was smashed and flew back.

Yan Yunzhi had already used all her strength to leap into the distance. The moment she turned her head, the figure of the young man was almost beaten back by Jin Yongsheng's iron abacus for more than a mile. The full blow of this iron abacus can almost smash the outer wall of the house. The young man named Long Aotian steadily endured the blow that made her scalp numb, but at this moment, she could only make it happen. Run with all your strength to the front.

In the peripheral light of the field of vision, the boy's body rolled backwards in the mud, and then his legs fell on the ground, and he stood up half of his body abruptly. On the other end in the dark, Li Yanfeng was like a fierce rushing tiger, the white ape followed his arms The momentum smashed over like a meteor hammer, as if to smash everything along the way. But the boy did not hesitate at all, opened his arms and greeted Li Yanfeng.

With a loud bang, the two sides confronted each other, and Li Yanfeng rushed forward. With a heavy punch, the young man who rushed to meet him and tried to stop him rolled out again.

In the darkness, the monkey king's steps were huge and he chased ferociously. He was besieged by the young man and the little monk before, and was embarrassed. At this moment, he shot with anger, and the outline in the night looked crazy. However, the next moment, his leaping figure was suddenly caught and smashed into the ground from the air. , The figure of the young man leaped behind him.

"Your grandpa..."

Yan Yunzhi ran out of the yard, and heard the figure of the young man named Long Aotian dullly in the night sky, with blood in his mouth. Although his age is not as good as Li Yanfeng, it was revealed at this moment. But it is all crazy and domineering.

"Your grandpa..."

"Let you..."

"…have they gone-"

Accompanying this roar was the sound of entanglement and fighting coming from behind.

Yan Yunzhi ran as hard as he could.

Although the two sides had a holiday during the mountain pass, and even their innocence and reputation were ruined by the other's light words, but at this moment, she also clearly understood in her heart that she was in front of Li Yanfeng and Jin Yongsheng in such a night. , How difficult it is in the end.

Why does he want to do this? You can only ask later.

In the dim light, Li Yanfeng and Long Aotian fought together and crashed the wall next to him. The boy's mouth was full of blood, but he was grabbing him, several head mallets hit his face endlessly, and the fierce color in his eyes had completely changed his life.

Li Yanfeng has been arguing about the world for decades, and he is also fierce, but he rarely encounters such a martial arts high-powered opponent who does not regard himself as a human opponent. But it is reasonable to think about it again. The other party is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old young man who understands what life is precious. This kind of kid is the most crazy!

He has been famous for learning martial arts for many years, and his martial arts attainments and internal strength training are actually a bit higher than the opponent's. However, in this fighting time, he can't suppress the opponent's madness anyway. Anger was boiling in his heart, and then he was dragged into the mud by the opponent.

On the other side, Jin Yongsheng suddenly encountered the attack of the little monk, and it was not easy for a while.

After all, he had just arrived here, facing the short figure, his heart was a little big, but as the little monk rushed, the old man who was used to the big gangway noticed the other party’s troubles. . The small figure wielded a knife with both hands and attacked only the position below the knee, causing him to be awkwardly left and right in the rush and dodge, and finally almost bent down to deal with the opponent's blade.

There are a variety of ways to compete in the arena. However, if the number of ways is vicious, lying on the ground with knives and punches are definitely ranked in the top few. This type of tumbling and slashing on the ground does not seem influential, but in fact, since the agility of the feet is far less than that of the hands, it is often this type of offensive that is really difficult to prevent, and even some troops will be specially trained Lie on the ground with swordsmanship, the formation on the battlefield is chaotic, people go to the ground and cut people's legs and feet, most of the time they can have a good record.

This young monk’s sword technique is obviously an evolution of the lying sword, but it is a one-way sword technique specially designed to suit his height. Jin Yongsheng doesn’t know which wicked elder did this kind of thing. Most people teach children to practice martial arts. When you are young, you usually lay a good foundation. When you are old, you will come out to kill. What is the use of teaching a child to match his height? Will it become useless when he grows up?

After all, he is also a veteran for many years. Although he used to be very accustomed to the old days, he was not so good when his waist was old. He leaned over to deal with a vicious kid, and nothing happened after all. It was just a rush to deal with it, and there was no time to chase Yan Yunzhi at all. For a while, he had to curse in his heart the wickedness of the little monk and elders, while seriously dealing with the attack of this vicious child.

And seeing Li Yanfeng and the boy beating each other banging in the ruins on the side, it seemed that he had a bit of scalp tingling. Compared to the brutality of the young man's actions, the viciousness of the child's actions now felt a little better.


As if in the boiling fight, the blade slashed across the body, seeming to take away part of the life steadily.

Life becomes crippled.

Liang Siyi accompanied You Hongzhuo in the hostile street conflict. Every moment, it seemed that he was about to be overwhelmed by this hostility...

Liang Siyi remembered that there was a period of time like that, when injury was as simple as eating.

Or rather, during such a period of time, even eating is not a simple matter.

From the first time the Jurchens went south more than ten years ago, to the fall of the Central Plains, the first place in every war that started was always the area south of Yanmen Pass and north of Shanxi.

Liang Siyi's home was in Taiyuan. When Jurchen went south for the first time, this ancient city remained for nearly a year under the auspices of Qin Shaohe. After Bianliang first rescued the siege, the imperial court’s reinforcements did not arrive, and finally Taiyuan ran out of ammunition and food, and experienced a retaliatory massacre after breaking the city.

At that time Liang Siyi was still young, and she had even forgotten how she survived the mud of that corpse.

The parents died in the chaos of the massacre, Taiyuan was burned to the torch and never rebuilt.

Since then, the sky and the earth in her eyes are gray and black.

At some point, a middle-aged man named Wang Juyun came to the desperate land to help beggars and teach martial arts. She almost forgot when she followed the other side. The beggars and hungry people who had no way out gathered behind the man wearing a shabby gray robe with two swords on his back. Sometimes they could have a bite, and many times, everyone would be hungry. Some die, some leave.

There have been many sufferings in the intermittent hunger and separation. In the years of military disasters, the infrastructure in the area south of Yanmen Pass was almost completely destroyed. People who were able to go south had already left. Those who stayed here were either the old, the weak, the sick, or the beasts. Cannibal bandits, even if there are people who want to live a good life, plant a field, sooner or later, they will experience the ravages of bandits.

Stepfather Wang Juyun always saved people from the ruins.

He is a person who can go south, and after gathering a group of people, he can also take them to a better place and start again. But year after year, he never left the ruin-like land. Most of the time, they fought with the bandits in that land, and also fought with the mob-like army under Liu Yu's command, and even killed the Jurchen envoys. Sometimes, they were defeated in the battle. The village was burned by gangs of large and small nearby.

The man holding both swords never fell.

As the people around you gradually increased, the power expanded, but more materials were needed. From time to time, someone would suggest that you move, and from time to time, someone would leave. Every year, there are always so many times, Wang Juyun, whose hair is graying and getting old quickly, gathers the children or young people around him, pointing in the direction of Taiyuan and saying to them: "After you are loyal, your fathers once In that ruin, I resisted the Jurchens first, and they won't change until death!"

Liang Siyi didn't know if her parents had participated in positive resistance, but occasionally she heard people talk about such things, and she would feel that there was still a little light in this dark world.

Being accepted as a righteous son and daughter by Wang Juyun does not actually mean that he has many privileges in the army. For more than ten years, there were hundreds of people who were accepted by Wang Juyun as his sons and daughters. They could not get enough to eat or wear warmth, but they still have to practice martial arts every day, and those who practice well can eat more. Something.

For a period of time, among these righteous sons and daughters, there was also considerable hostility and antagonism. They were fighting on the school grounds, and sometimes they became angry and even killed people.

But in such chaotic years, every time they fought side by side against the raging bandits and the rampant army on that land, they could gradually accumulate some affection.

Liang Siyi was killed in such an environment. She fought with her brothers and sisters on the school field, sometimes beating others with bruises and swollen faces, and sometimes being beaten to blood. At those times, the medicine to heal injuries was precious, and there was not much food. There were several injuries, and Liang Siyi didn't even know how he survived.

When the adoptive father Wang Juyun appeared occasionally, he always watched them fight each other indifferently, and then indifferently taught them how to improve their killing skills. He was such a cold steel man. Later, because he used his "children" as the foundation to lay the foundation of a "chaotic teacher", some scholars or people from outside always criticized him for his hypocrisy and cold-bloodedness.

Some children or young people have also raised such resentment thoughts. After they have some abilities, they angrily leave from the "chaotic teacher". They go south to find a better way to survive. For these things, they are chaotic. There have been some purges in the division, but in fact it has always failed to receive much effect.

From this, the army of beggars that existed in the ruins always looked like an ordinary and strange existence in the entire world. Unusually, this army failed to advertise how much benevolence and righteousness, but there is not much benevolence and righteousness to talk about in the whole world; and strangely, that beggar-like army has always been entrenched in that ruined area. Here, he gradually expelled numerous bandits, slowly cleaned up the mess of the past, and survived tenaciously.

In Jurchen’s fourth southward war, they once again bore the brunt, encountering the strongest Jurchen West Route Army troops in the world...Although they began to merge with Jindi and Huaxia Army troops after that, they had only a few homes. Karma disappeared again in that torrent.

They have experienced continuous fighting, fighting with the Jurchens and the division of the Jindi forces led by Liao Yiren. The weapons of the "chaotic division" are not sophisticated, and the training is actually not excellent. The only thing worthy of praise, perhaps only every time. In the battles, the righteous sons and daughters of the "Wang Family Army" sat on the battlefield and even launched the first charge.

Perhaps it is because these righteous sons and daughters who have been suffering for so many years still remain in the chaotic division, when facing the battlefield, they rarely flee because of fear. They do not flee, and even if the soldiers below are not strong, they can often muster the courage to strike forward.

"After you are loyal, your fathers, in that ruin, first resisted the Jurchens, unswervingly until death!"

In Jindi's battle for two or three consecutive years, she had seen too many deaths of her companions, and she fell in a pool of blood several times. Generals died in a hundred battles, and strong men returned for ten years. In such a battlefield, whether people can survive or not is more dependent on luck, but in addition to luck, there are also some older and more mature brothers and sisters who have taken the initiative to take on the most dangerous tasks. Some rescued her with a desperate fight on the dangerous battlefield, but they went to death generously.

On such a battlefield, Liang Siyi didn't know how many brothers and sisters he had sent away for more than two years. And she herself woke up after being injured again and again.

Some people think that there are more injuries, and people will gradually get used to this feeling, but in fact, no one can really get used to it. In the interlacing of every sword and every sword, human life will become broken, and even sometimes …People who survive will hate themselves.

"...Let's go—"

The embarrassed figure rushed into the crowd.

Blood ran down from his forehead, dyeing his vision scarlet, and the pain and weakness caused by the sword swing over his body continued.

The crowd on the side of the road rushed away, some ran away, some rushed over. After the sword light swung back from the enemy in front, she whizzed from behind with a long-handled hook. With the instant response, she subconsciously leaned back with her back. The handle of the gun, the dazzling hook almost plunged into her shoulder. Before the other party could exert any force, Liang Siyi cut the sword in his hands and chopped the wooden handle of the hook and sickle spear into three pieces!

I don't know how many knives and swords he has suffered. The coolness in the night is accompanied by the gradual weakness of the body, which seems to be felt. But the most uncomfortable thing is the obsession of being unable to die generously. This obsession comes from the man named You Hongzhuo beside him.

In the two-year war in Jindi, the "chaotic division" led by Wang Juyun was the unit with the highest casualties.

The army trained on the land near Yanmen Pass was short of materials and training. In the past, the quality of the battlefield was not high. It was only due to its unique "righteous son" and "righteous daughter" leadership system. Among them, there are certain generals who are "obedient" and "not afraid of death". Such a combination ultimately resulted in a tragic battle.

In many cases, it was unnecessary casualties in the eyes of some professional generals.

After more than two years of war ended, a large number of familiar people have died in the war, and the world of survival for the past ten years seems to have become empty. After the Jin area calmed down, Liang Siyi had made contributions in the most tragic battles, but received a lot of awards and praise, but she knew in her heart that these so-called credits were actually used by the dead brothers and sisters. The life piled up for her is nothing more than that she is still alive, so she has received these compliments.

Let her lead the soldiers, she didn't know what to do.

After this Jiangning meeting, You Hongzhuo was ordered by her foster father to take her over to "freeze her mind", and she also obeyed her orders.

After all, things on the battlefield are different from those on the rivers and lakes. After asking her to contact Miao Zheng, there was a problem halfway through, killing the other's family. For Liang Siyi, such failure and inability made her feel painful, and these pains piled up together.

But the remedy that followed was in fact simple.

Assassin Chen Juefang, trying his best to make the other party pay for his life, and if it fails, then pay for his own life-in the chaotic division, there has never been a person who is afraid of death-this has always been the logic of the army.

It's just that she didn't expect that the Jindi knight named You Hongzhuo, who had been with each other for a few days, also came over.


Struggling to fight, growling in the mouth, for the quack people who are accustomed to seeing life and death, this is actually not a bachelor's behavior. Just like seeing the sacrifices of those brothers and sisters on the battlefield, everyone knows that crying is useless, so they can only fight hard to kill the enemy.

But at this moment, You Hongzhuo and those brothers and sisters are ultimately different. Although hope is slim, Liang Siyi still hopes that the other party will turn and run at a certain moment, and he will save his life here to take the "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng, " Jackdaw" Chen Juefang and others blocked it for a moment.

But the other party remained silent, except that the long knife in his hand was fierce and fierce, and the knife in Tan Zheng's hand, who was pressing on him, put out countless flames in the air.



In the night, the clouds in the sky were falling down. At a certain moment, during Liang Siyi's cry, You Hongzhuo turned and dashed. He pushed up Liang Siyi's body with one hand, and swung the long knife toward the rear with the other hand.

Tiandao Tan Zheng strode forward and slashed his arm.

The next moment the blood flew, the figures of the two rushed past several pedestrians on the side of the road, and rammed straight into a shop beside the road with a closed door. This was originally a restaurant. Seeing the spread of fighting outside, the owner sealed the door with a wooden board. At this time, with a bang, the two smashed the door and rushed towards the house. While the sawdust flew across, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang and "Heavenly Sword" Tan Zheng chased in.

Liang Siyi slammed into the wooden door, suffering from severe pain, but still managed to hold his footsteps, trying to run towards the back of the house at the fastest speed, but You Hongzhuo behind him ran into him with greater force. The person fell to the ground in the collision room, Liang Siyi only felt the other person stretch out his hand to grab his shirt, and the two rolled towards the depths of the dark house. During this tumbling, You Hongzhuo seemed to kick over a table, throwing something out of his hand.

Under the deep night, on this side of the street, Chen Juefang and Tan Zheng chased into the restaurant room on the side of the road. The next moment, only a loud noise of "boom" shook the ground, and the white dust was blasted with air. The restaurant shuddered and spouted out.

The people on the whole long street looked over there.

Sawdust and stone chips are flying.

A figure was rushed out of the room by the airflow and rolled on the street.

It's a mess…

As if being alarmed by the turmoil above the earth, the rolling clouds gradually approached the earth, and the cold autumn rain began to drop bit by bit.

With the Golden Tower as the center, the huge chaos caused by the assassination lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour on the long street. The fierce riots expanded in all directions, and were then suppressed and calmed down by the surrounding Runner King forces. But in this process, several tributaries of riots broke through the line of defense for a while and went far away.

At a moment in time, a storm swept across Guizhi Street, which is located a hundred meters away from the Jinlou and southeast of the Qinhuai River.

This was originally an inconspicuous narrow street. It suffered military disasters when it broke the city. The courtyard wall near UU Reading www.ukanshu.com collapsed, and many refugees lived. After the Haishi, with the rise of a large number of fireworks and arrows, the people under the king of Zhuan began to approach the Jinlou, and several groups of people passed by Guizhi Street. After that, more than ten people led by the small boss Fang Jinwen stayed temporarily. Here, watching the waves of commotion in the distance, at the same time ordering the nearby refugees to hide in their own huts or tents, not to cause trouble.

For a moment, sparse raindrops fell from the sky, and the torches on the road also shook. In the dark courtyard, four figures suddenly rushed out into the street.

The four figures are different in height, short, fat and thin, chasing each other and fighting each other. A young man headed by one rushed to the street and grabbed a long knife, and then almost turned half of the long street into a Shura-like killing field.

Fang Jinwen didn’t know for a moment who was good and who was bad among the four, but the young man who had taken the long sword was as fierce as a tiger, and a smaller figure, like a ghost, rushed into the crowd and moved around. From time to time, behind these two men, a man snatched a long stick and wielded it like a madman. He fought the young man with a long knife the most. The fourth figure was an old man with a heavy hand. His iron abacus was swung and beaten, and the tattered tables and chairs in the nearby streets were almost smashed by the abacus, and even the half-collapsed earthen courtyard wall was smashed by the abacus he threw.

The four figures were fighting on the street, and several runner kings who would not be able to run away in the future were involved in it, bleeding all over the ground, and then rushed into the nearby shack area, extending towards the distance.

In the darkness, Yan Yunzhi ran away into the distance.

The broken ribs in the chest are constantly aching.

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