Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 84: Storms in the City (Part 1)

The rain on the autumn night extinguished most of the light on the ground, and the people who worked in the dark were hiding in the darkness.

Near the Jinlou, the various subordinates of the "runner king" who were in charge of the aftermath were still wearing robes and searching everywhere. In the New Tiger Palace, more than ten miles away from the Golden Tower, Xu Zhaonan, Lin Zongwu, Wang Nantuo and others who were disturbed by the turmoil have gathered in the main hall.

When the time passed, all the information was basically collected, and then "Jackdaw", "Tiandao", "Monkey King", Gao Huiyun, Meng Zhutao and others also came over one after another.

In the gloomy night, the atmosphere in the New Tiger Palace also seemed cold. Xu Zhaonan's eyes were gloomy, and some of the masters who appeared in the temple at this time were also injured in the previous chaos. This sudden conflict caused great damage to the face and lining of the Lord of Wheels.

"...The group of people who previously assassinated in the Jinlou, our side has now caught four live mouths, and the first round has been tried."

Jackdaw Chen Juefang had some bandages on his body. He accidentally caught lime dust in the fight with Liang Siyi and You Hongzhuo earlier. His injury was still unhealed. Tonight, because he rushed too fast, he was in the shop. Zhong encountered a grenade explosion, and the old wounds were not healed and new ones were added. He was very embarrassed and his words were rough.

"I can't figure out any clues. We now know that these people are hired people from the rivers and lakes, and they don't even know each other. The people who pay the money let them do it tonight, so that they can muddy the water. Really do it. Only one or two masters killed people... the one who succeeded was very good at light work. I had injuries on my body and I couldn't catch up..."

Chen Juefang finished the matter. There was a moment of silence, and the inside of the hall seemed quiet. Everyone's expression was a little gloomy. The killing of the envoy Liu Guangshi had lost everyone's face today.

Xu Zhaonan looked around and said coldly: "The perpetrator has a high martial arts and a light skill. Who is the specific person? Does anyone have a clue?"

"In this world, light abilities beat the'Jackdaw', but the number of five fingers."

"I have injuries on my body." Chen Juefang said.

"This person has a bad mouth, but it reminds me of someone." In the hall, Tan Zheng opened his mouth. At this moment, he also had some bandages on his body, but he suffered some bruises in the explosion. It was not serious, it was just an insult. He is extremely sexual, which makes him seem quite terrifying at the moment. He looked at Lin Zongwu and Wang Nantuo above: "The leader and the deputy leader, do you remember a monk in the north?"

Wang Nantuo frowned: "Swallow the cloud."

Tan Zheng nodded: "This person's nickname was Cloud Swallowing Iron Armor in the past. It looks like he is famous for his iron armour and iron sleeves, but he is actually quite trivial. After removing the iron armour, Zhou Tong couldn't catch him. His. The martial arts is extremely high, but he is greedy for pleasure and has no ambitions. In the past ten years, he has often been hired by big households to help with dirty things, and he has also appeared in Jiangnan. If he was the one who shot this time, Gu Anhe would not have died. injustice."

Wang Nantuo nodded: "The monk's mouth is not good."

"The question is, who hired him this time..."

"Wu Qimei and Tie Yan are very likely. In this Jiangning conference, once we are fair to the party integration, the first to bear the brunt is the small court in Lin'an. There is nothing wrong with this. Killing and causing trouble is something they can do. And ah. , This group of scholars love to use these little tricks the most..."

"Zou Xu is also possible... Liu Guangshi is now leading the Northern Expedition and wants to regain the Central Plains, and he is fighting with Zou Xu. If Zou Xu hired this cloud-swallowing monk, it would make sense to kill Liu Guangshi first. "

"Also, everyone, don't forget, there is a shadow from the southwest in this incident..."

"It's just a hand grenade in the southwest. It's not that there are no outside. The old man feels that there is no need to be suspicious..."

The heavy rain is falling outside the temple, everyone is looking at me and talking about the possibility in the middle. At a certain moment, I heard someone in the corner of the hall suddenly say: "This time, Mr. Meng wants to give me an explanation."

Right now in this hall, those who can speak out are all well-known and well-established masters in the world. Everyone heard such unceremonious words. They turned their heads and looked over there, only standing with their arms in their arms and a gloomy face. The one over there is indeed the "Monkey King" Li Yanfeng.

Li Yanfeng's experience tonight was extremely strange, and others were not even easy to ask what happened.

This time the Jiangning Conference is one of the most grand gatherings in the arena over the past few years. There are countless masters and rookies from all walks of life who dare to come from everywhere. But no matter who you compare it with, the Monkey King of Tongshan is one of the most outstanding newcomers. Not only is his martial arts strong, he even dares to fight against the old world like "Heaven Sword" Tan Zheng in terms of his character and the forces behind him. It was underestimated.

In the past, although Li Yanfeng had an arrogant disposition, he still maintained the politeness and courtesy of a junior, and dealt with a kind of senior in an extremely decent manner. And when facing outsiders—just like on the streets outside the Jinlou today—his martial arts display, majestic and heroic, can often subdue or even overwhelm countless enemies he faces.

But in the second half of the battle in Jinlouwai Avenue, the Monkey King, who blocked half a long street with the power of a single stick, didn’t know where he went, and started a fight with some unknown characters. People say that the Monkey King suffered a loss, chasing a few children into a frenzied manner. Others say that he was put together by the treasurer of the Baofeng ship Jin Yongsheng. In short, he failed to get any results. He was beaten until his nose was blue and face was swollen. When someone asked about the ins and outs, he didn't say much.

This is not surprising.

Although the banquet at the Jinlou tonight looks lively, Baofeng and Zhuan Wang are not **** after all. What happened between the "Monkey King" and Jin Yongsheng, a foreigner, is difficult for ordinary people to think clearly, but no matter what kind of conspiracy theory is, it is feasible and possible in the middle. He didn't say it, so it's natural not to ask others too much.

On the other hand, among the envoys sent by Liu Guangshi this time, Gu Anhe who was assassinated tonight was the principal envoy, and Li Yanfeng was one of the deputy envoys. After Gu Anhe was killed, Li Yanfeng certainly lost some face, but his fierce performance on the street basically brought face back.

If this kind of thing can continue, perhaps Li Yanfeng will be amiable now, but who would have expected the bizarre development later. After Zhengshi was killed, his deputy fell into chaos and was beaten into a pig's head. His face was lost clean. Perhaps it was because of this that caused his bad words at the moment.

However, no matter what kind of anger is hidden in his heart, Meng Zhutao, the "Measurement Ruler" who is in charge of the "Resentment Society" at this moment, is by no means easy to follow. This big man who once killed his masters by himself has a superb skill with an iron ruler. Although he has not been aggressive on the streets today, when it comes to martial arts, he can be regarded as the strongest rank under Lin Zongwu in the temple, plus his " The position in the "Eight Deeds" is important and the authority is profound. Most of the time, even Xu Zhaonan dare not scold him at will.

At this time, Li Yanfeng’s spearhead was aimed at Meng Zhutao, and the atmosphere in the hall seemed to be suddenly colder. Meng Zhutao squinted his eyes and fixed Li Yanfeng. On the side of the hall, the "Heaven Sword" Tan Zheng opened dryly. Mouth: "Hey, calm nephew, calm down." It can be regarded as helping to pull the frame and fulfilling the obligations of the elders.

Meng Zhutao said slowly: "What does King Li Hou mean by this?"

"Mr. Gu was killed today, General Liu lost face, and Li Mou went back, this matter is hard to explain." Li Yanfeng looked at him unwillingly-if the right eyelid was not swollen, it might look more mighty. "Senior Chen said that he had arrested four people over there, but no one knows the details. Could this be the case?"

"Tell me what you think." Meng Zhutao said.

Li Yanfeng nodded: "In the Jinlou today, the thief was waiting for an opportunity to assassinate. How did the chance come about? Everyone has not forgotten. Mr. Meng, it was your younger brothers and sisters surnamed Ling who made trouble. The timing of the thieves’ assassination, and now that there is no breakthrough from the four thieves, it is always fair to ask your juniors and sisters if they have colluded with others, and who are they that colluded with? You are in charge of the resentment. Yes, the justice party presides over the responsibility of the criminal law. Is there any problem with my statement?"

Facing Meng Zhutao, Li Yanfeng's remarks can already be called aggressive. Meng Zhutao looked at him there, after a while, but also nodded lightly: "You also have some truth in what you said. I will check this matter."

Li Yanfeng said: "But since Mr. Meng is in charge of the criminal law, and the matter involves relatives at this moment, you go to the trial in person, do you show justice? I feel that you, the juniors and juniors, should be handed over to Senior Chen for interrogation to be even more fair. You Say it?"

There was another silence in the hall, and some people had already frowned. Meng Zhutao looked at him with the same expression in his eyes, but slowly said, "It's impossible."

When he said these four words, there was no debate or explanation. Li Yanfeng let go of his hands on his chest and confronted Meng Zhutao. Here, Tiandao Tan Zheng was about to say a few words to ease the atmosphere. Xu Zhaonan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, slapped his palm on the armrest of the seat: "Enough!"

"Isn't the matter of today losing enough? I still have internal strife?" Xu Zhaonan looked around and paused for a moment on Li Yanfeng, "Mr. Li's loss today, this seat promises to compensate. As for Mr. Meng’s younger brothers and sisters, I understand that they really have nothing to do with this matter. Please Mr. Meng to deal with it at his discretion. Back and forth, this matter has lost our own face... Teacher, this matter , Your opinion is..."

He looked at Lin Zongwu next to him. From the very beginning, the saint hierarch was a little bit smiley at the whole situation, he didn't seem to care, and it seemed that Zhizhu was holding it. Naturally, he wanted to inquire at this moment.

I saw Lin Zongwu shook his head and smiled: "From the perspective of this seat, you are just blinded by the flowers. The original simple things seem to be very complicated, and they almost have to fight."

He paused when he said that, Xu Zhaonan said: "Please show me the Holy Master."

Lin Zongwu's gaze dropped slightly: "Since I entered the city, I have helped fight a few arenas. On the side of the king of runners, the momentum is prosperous, but the world is cheap, how can the family take advantage of it? Yesterday, I took advantage of it. Today, there will be preparations for being targeted. Gu Anhe was assassinated at the banquet of Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng, and it hit us in the face. And even if it’s not Gu Anhe’s assassination today, I feel that there should be other things to do. When it happens, the other four will not look at our dominance, will it? This is the first place to know."

When the big fat man said this, he smiled and paused: "And the second thing is that it’s important to know who hit the face? Everyone, what's the situation in the city, everyone knows now. Ming. There are five fair parties, and now they are going to be separated from the Chou Yinmao. Apart from the fair party, there are dozens of households, large and small. Seeing that the day of negotiation is approaching, these dozens are no matter what. So, there is always a fight. Today, even if it is found out that Wu Qimei did it and Zou Xu did it, what can you do? Kill it back? Or is it not that Wu Qimei did it. When it’s time to fight him, Stop hitting him?"

"The dozens of houses in the city will be in chaos sooner or later." Lin Zongwu said, "It is a boring business to make everything clear. We are just one of them, and we need to distinguish clearly, it's just who is standing with us. If you are in the same place, who doesn’t stand with us. Since you are your own people, you must unite, not your own people. Tomorrow, you can find someone to kill him from the beginning, such as Wu Qimei’s group and Zou Xu’s group. Next, talk to them. If you can be your own person, this matter has nothing to do with them. If they can't agree, if they kill Mr. Gu, do you want them to leave Jiangning?"

"As for how many people have taken action today, how many forces behind have moved their hands and feet, and which masters have taken action, it is really meaningless to analyze and analyze. The situation is so chaotic, there will be many experts coming out of everything in the future. Yes, don’t let everyone’s mind be lost by these things. What you are facing now is not a quagmire, nor is it a small matter of pleasure and enmity. The political arena is deep, so please be alert. Xu Gong, you say , Do you say that?"

Sitting on the top of the hall, Lin Zongwu was shaped like a mountain, and his words were calm and slow. He has come into contact with more political events now, and has a deeper understanding of many things. When he said these views, it also gave everyone a strategizing and stable perception. Xu Zhaonan took a deep breath, arching his hands in admiration.

"The saint's master has insights and sees through the clouds. It is admirable. My admiration for the master is like a surging river..."

Immediately, he followed Lin Zongwu's statement and issued an order.

"...According to the teachings of the holy leader, who did the matter, the investigation still needs to be investigated, and Chen Juefang and Meng Zhutao are fully responsible. At the same time, Wu Qimei, Tie Yan, and Zou Xu are summoned in the city. When the representatives of all parties come to sit down and ask who the murderer is. General Liu Guangshi has always had a good relationship with us, and his envoy was killed at our banquet. Xu must be traced to the end and tell them that there is Suspect, don’t want to run away! This negotiation will be presided over by General Gao, with Mr. Tan as the deputy, how about it?"

Below Chen Juefang, Meng Zhutao, Gao Huiyun, Tan Zheng and others immediately respected the order.

"...In addition, the King of Justice is about to enter the city, and the situation will change a lot whether it is fighting or talking. You need to respect the teachings of the holy leader, and maintaining unity is the first priority. Yan Feng, you are young. Sheng, it’s good to be aggressive, but in any case, Mr. Meng is my comrade and your predecessor. You shouldn’t be aggressive towards him... Your loss today will be made up for you by this seat. For the several businesses mentioned in Tongshan, I have agreed to do so, and there will be other compensation within three days to ensure that you are satisfied. What do you think?"

Li Yanfeng immediately thanked him, and then apologized to Meng Zhutao, and then turned to Xu Zhaonan and said: "Mr. Gu's justice and General Liu's face depend on Mr. Xu and the seniors." But it was for Gu Anhe. In the name of debt collection, it was properly handed over to Xu Zhaonan.

Xu Zhaonan laughed with everyone, and then said: "As for how many masters appeared on the streets today, and which side they are, I don’t think we need to mention them anymore. Those who have given face and been taken down, we want Behave more generously. Later, I will meet them in person, and then let go, without being aggressive. As for the Liangzi with you today, there are grievances and grievances that I have to say..."

Xu Zhaonan paused, and his eyes swept across the crowd: "...these grievances and grievances are flattened by themselves, how?"

Under the big scene of Jiangning City where fish and dragons were mixed, a few masters were suddenly killed in a certain place, who was killed and who was injured, which actually had little to do with the overall situation. Xu Zhaonan didn't bother to take care of it, and Lin Zongwu didn't care-as the number one in the world, he neither had the time nor the mood to understand the situation of a certain or a few young masters-everyone listened to it and immediately said that it was reasonable.

Although a few people ran away tonight, and because of various conditions, Tan Zheng, Chen Juefang, Li Yanfeng and others were all injured and lost some face, but on the whole, the few masters that appeared, who was not crushed by them? He was fighting and almost killed him? As a master of this level, for the next matter of slaying enemies, he has a sense of urgency, a sense of hunger and thirst, and is full of self-confidence in his heart.

As for putting it on the table and saying that it was shaved off by XX and even needed to be organized to take revenge, that really lost the last face of the old rivers and lakes.

"Finally, if the Yunyun monk is really in the city, he will meet him in the future..." Xu Zhaonan added, "...give him a price and let him come over to us. Let's not blame him."

"What if he refuses?"

"Then kill it, what's the use of keeping him."

Xu Zhaonan smiled and waved.

The rain is still falling.

Everything is immersed in the clammy darkness.

After the meeting in the New Tiger Palace was over, there were naturally another group of forces in other places in the city, discussing strategies to deal with the whole matter. After whispering, the dark figures parted again.

Endless cold is surging from all directions, drowning the broken body.

In the rainy, occasional sober appearance, only the figure carrying her forward in his eyes.

Without knowing what kind of place, the figure tore her clothes apart, as if to mend the breach in her body.

His body was also seriously injured, but I don't know why, he hasn't fallen yet.

"Wake up..."

"Wake up..."

"Wake me up!"

I would feel that I was slapped in the face when I was in a trance.

In the rainy night, a broken body is hardly repairing another broken body.

"You, You Hongzhuo..."


"Do you remember... remember..."


"Do you remember... Luan Fei... and Qin Xiang..."

"Yeah, remember." The broken figure didn't feel strange to the name she mentioned.

"That's my... brother righteous... and sister... you... you..."


"Yanmen Pass... Yanmen Pass is too desolate... There is no food, everyone will starve to death..."


"The older brothers and sisters...they went out to find food, figured out a way...make money, send the money back..."


"Sometimes, they also deceive people...kill some people... Brother Luan and Sister Qinxiang... Do you remember..."

"...The third sister treated me very well." The broken figure replied, muffled, "I was killed by Tan Zheng's gang..."

"After Big Brother Luan went back, he had no legs, and Sister Qin Xiang went too... he, he had a bad time..."


"Later you became famous, UU read www.uukanshu.com to help the female photographer, and the heroes are righteous...he sometimes talks about you..."


"Say... It's a pity that your brotherhood is fake. He... didn't treat you as a brother..."

"...Is he still alive?"

"The chaotic teacher...so poor..."


"Nothing to eat..."

"... Is he... alive?"

"He...has no legs..."


"The chaotic teacher...so poor..."


"Juzhen is going south, he has no legs... and sister Qin Xiang... fell into the well and died..."

The rain did not stop, and in the silence, You Hongzhuo hugged her, slightly startled...

"God damn... Jurchen—" the woman cried out, "Central Plains... Before Central Plains... Very good..."

Qiufengqiuyu was cold and cold like a knife, cutting from under the dilapidated eaves and from endless directions. He still remembered the scene that he saw in Zhaode. The chaos group rushed towards the enemy one after another. A group of people was broken up, and another general named Wang Juyun's righteous son and daughter led him. They attacked again, the city wall was broken, and several teams kept rushing forward to seal the opening. The cold-faced female general was exhausted, and finally held her brother's body in a pool of blood, crying up to the sky.

In the chaotic division's battle, there are not too many powerful tactics, their materials are too few, and the training is not enough, they just...exhausted.

So he also tried his best to let her survive...

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