Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 85: Wind and rain in the city (middle)

"He's meow...dead monkey...dead monkey...his...meow..."

Outside is the night rain. It is located in an unknown material warehouse in the south of Jiangning City. Small oil lamps are lit on the high pile of goods. Two young figures, shirtless, are coating the medicinal liquor with a slight flame. Each other's bodies, and then they grinned desperately with their teeth and teeth, regardless of whether there was a flammable sack under them.

According to the older of the two young people: "If you light it, you light it, and burn the **** to death."

Anyway, the unlucky broken warehouse belonged to Baofeng.

The two were severely beaten tonight. The little monk was slightly injured, but his body was already blue and purple. This night, he was mainly chased by Taishan Panjin Yongsheng. The opponent is old and still has strength, but lacks agility. The little monk relies on tricky play to attack him and saves him. He doesn’t suffer much, but occasionally he gets hit a few times. At this time, it was unavoidable to roll on the ground grunting, internal injuries and external injuries appeared, and a gap in his mouth was knocked out, which seemed rather pitiful.

But compared with the older brother Long Aotian on the side, the little monk's injuries were nothing. As the main force blocking Li Yanfeng and Jin Yongsheng from pursuing and killing, in the first period of time to cover Yan Yunzhi's escape, this domineering young man took over most of the pressure brought by the two green forest tycoons, and not only met the iron abacus thrown by Jin Yongsheng. , And dragged and beaten each other with Li Yanfeng who was good at boxing for a very long period of time.

When it was predicted that the girl had already run away, the two young men desperately fleeing one after another, and the injuries were less severe, but at the moment when they could find a place to stay, the little monk took off his clothes and the little monk suddenly found himself here. There was almost no good place in the upper body of the eldest brother, and he vomited a lot of blood in the mouth, and his internal injuries were obviously not minor.

After taking a rest and adjusting their breath, the two men found medicated oil to treat each other's injuries. The little monk was rubbed by Long Aotian and his teeth cracked. He also rubbed his hands vigorously on each other's body to loosen the bruises and purples. By the way Admiringly began to flatter.

"Big Brother Long is really amazing. After so many blows, the bones are okay... Really resistant to beating..."

"Heh...he's meowing dead monkey...ah...well, let's just say that before you practice beating, we practice getting beaten up. Our family has been practicing the Thirteenth Taibao horizontal training Golden Bell from an early age...heh, it hurts...you didn't Have practiced..."

"When Master taught me to practice, I was too young. It was useless to practice anti-beating. I was hiding..."

"It's useful when you grow up...it's a pity, the thirteenth Taibao horizontal practice is a boy skill, and the most effective practice since childhood...do it, I will kill that monkey sooner or later...and the old thing!"

"The old man doesn't know who it is..."

"Abacus, old age, just ask...I will take you to revenge."

"Amitabha... Uh, it hurts..."

"Ah, hiss, it hurts...you tap..."

The two rubbed around and hurt each other. After a while to calm down, I began to reflect on the gains and losses of tonight. The biggest problem at the moment seems to be some bad luck. I said that I would secretly spy on Li Jianfeng's situation, and then find a chance to kill him in private, who knows Before the place arrived, he ran into the head and fled in embarrassment. They almost lost the reputation of the two peers.

"...But I turned around and thought about it. When we met someone, we started fighting inexplicably. I didn't seem to report my name, right? Goku, do you recall that?" Long Aotian, who was beaten as a pig, reacted. Come here, remembering the key things.

The little monk thought for a while: "Okay, it seems to be..."

"Then it's okay." Long Aotian said, "Fortunately, I didn't smash the sign, otherwise I will be laughed to death by that monkey... Hmph, his martial arts are just like that. Let's join hands and make a few more traps when that time is enough. Killed him."

"Amitabha, Xiao Na feels that we should be more cautious."

"What are you afraid of! Don't worry, I still have a lot of tricks that I don't use. Look at me to figure it out, and I will definitely do it next! Hmph, let me do this beautifully."

Coming to Jiangning from the southwest, I finally received such a congenial little brother. He has a good personality and a tacit understanding in fighting. This is an excellent thing. It’s a pity that after joining forces, the two were frustrated in doing major things. They tried to find "God Kill" Wei Zhuwen and couldn't find a place. The younger brother who caught him accidentally knocked him to death and said that he would find Zhou Shang to come. I didn’t have any clues. I turned to catch Li Jianfeng. I wanted to change my policy. I did an investigation first. The result was that I met each other head-on. I was beaten up and hugged my head... As the backbone of the two, they always have Ning Ji, who had the plan to say so well, felt a bit embarrassed.

After all, Long Aotian wanted face.

Of course, after all, he is still young. Although Long Aotian’s face is not comparable to his body that had practiced the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises since childhood, and practiced Tai Chi's unloading techniques, and then fumbled and beaten on the battlefield for a period of time. He resisted the beating, but after a lot of cursing, he could throw a little shame on the other side of his memory. .

The little frustrations of the young people are treated as if they had never happened.

Healed in the middle of the night in the rain, and then blew the oil lamp and rested in the warehouse for a while. After the internal injuries that could not be healed in a day or two were temporarily healed, the two figures found their clothes and put them on in the rain. Sneaking through the dark city, he went back to the five lakes inn where he was temporarily staying.

This is the ugly time of the early morning.

Near the Five Lakes Inn, Lu Xian and others who had originally received Wei Zhuwen's order to investigate the Four Chi and Five Chi Y Demon incidents were still stalking the inn at this time.

This was originally a relatively simple matter, but when he started to investigate at night, the shop Xiaoer caught was actually a person from the reading club background, but the whole incident suddenly became complicated.

This so-called "reading club" in the Fair Party is a weird thing that only emerged at the end of last year. At first glance, this leader is innocent to humans and animals, but privately spread, it belongs to some pamphlets discussing the concept of equality in the southwest.

The nature of this matter in the fair party can be large or small. After all, in the face of it, He Wen’s idea of ​​establishing the "fair party" came from the southwest, and so far no fair party has officially denied this argument. —After all, the tiger skins of the China Army are really easy to use.

But for the middle and high level of the fair party, the uprising of the fair party and the exploration of the concept of the southwest have completely different meanings. The exploration of Southwestern ideas is too pure in some aspects, and too conservative in other directions. Copying is absolutely impossible, and in some public opinion that is close to public opinion, He Wen does not like the Southwest China Army. Not much secret. The fairness party was established with the tiger skin of the Huaxia Army, but when the five kings were divided and ruled, the entire system would sooner or later disagree with the Southwest China Army. This is not difficult to understand, and the reason is that it is disagreement rather than conflict. , But it's because the distance between the two parties is too far.

Of course, since the Fair Party has used the name of the Huaxia Army from the beginning, although most of the middle and high-level leaders have subsequently accepted the reality that the two sides are not all the way, a small number of existences have become inclined to the Southwest, admire the Southwest and even begin to learn from the Southwest. , It is not a strange thing. Because of these complicated reasons, those in the Fair Party who were curious about the Southwest initially circulated the pamphlets in the form of "reading clubs," and most of them turned one eye and closed one eye.

But this perfunctory did not last for a few months. For some deep-seated reasons, several princes in the fairness party began to investigate and clean up the existence of the "Reading Club". Among them, the "Yam King" Zhou Shang was right here. The reading club has the greatest effort to clean up, almost as soon as it is discovered, a large number of implicated people have to be killed. This is because the followers of Zhou Shang are the most fanatical among the five kings, and they are all poor with the most extreme attitude. Wealth and the division of land, in such a team, discussing how to handle things sensibly and how to achieve the goal of "fairness" in itself is tantamount to a kind of rebellion.

The rest of the great kings, even including the "fair king" He Wen, chose to suppress the existence of this "reading club" in private. Although their situation is different from that of Zhou and Shang, during the process of investigating the reading club for more than half a year, Lu Xian was able to notice that the pamphlets distributed by these members of the “study club” may not actually be transmitted from the southwest. The original thinking that comes.

In other words, there is this certain group. Since the end of last year, it has secretly passed on its own "private goods" in the name of the "Southwest China Army" in the Fair Party. Perhaps there is something hidden here that can be shaken. Conspiracy to fair the foundation of the party.

For any "big king" of the Fair Party, they don't need some "orthodox" fairness thought to exist here. After all, if orthodox "fairness" appears, how should their thoughts behave themselves? With the scale of tens of millions of people in the Jiangnan Fair Party, the so-called "orthodox" must have been beaten from scratch. Anyone who preaches orthodoxy will inevitably be beaten by everyone.

This whole thing is really ironic even in Lu Xian's eyes. He Wen, the "King of Justice", used the name of the Southwest, but he was in fact different from the Southwest. Now some people want to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan and engage in some conspiracy, but they also want to use the name of "Southwest" in private. The thoughts that come in are repaired and modified, and you have the right to make use of them.

And in this entire complex situation, Lu Xian can also feel that although the "reading club" has been suppressed by coincidence, the big figures behind it have always had the worst worry, that is... they are worried about this. The master behind the "Reading Club" might indeed be the person sent by the "heart demon" in the southwest.

After all, if this opponent is a figure within the Fair Party, everyone can still weigh it, and it won't be too surprising. But if it was Mr. Ning from the southwest that stretched his tentacles over thousands of miles, he would use those illusory pamphlets to pinch the deformed "evil son" of the Jiangnan Fair Party to death in a swaddling... usually speaking of heroes in the world. People who can be arrogant will really feel scared.

Because of these reasons, the suppression of reading clubs has never surfaced, but most of the participants know the seriousness of the matter. Lu Xian had already temporarily escaped from this matter, and only after catching the second person in the shop did he find that things became tricky.

He gathered his nearby men and sealed them first, and then sent Li Duanwu, the oldest in the team, and others to investigate the surrounding situation in detail. The matter of the two Y demons is nothing compared to the "Reading Club". It was the same thing to arrest the Reading Club on the territory of King Yama, but now in Jiangning, the five great kings are intricately involved. Someone in the Reading Club Coming out of the backstage, it's probably the father he can't afford to offend.

"...The task is a task. After receiving the order from above, to check the reading club, that's nothing to say. But now we don't have this task. We just ran into it suddenly. If you want to mess with it, you have to weigh it."

In the night rain, Lu Xian hid in the darkness, while watching, while sharing the experience of the rivers and lakes with the younger brother who was next to him.

"...Outside the Five Lakes Inn, there is a sign of'Nong Xian' Zhao Jingci. Although it is said that the seven sages of'Justice King','Nong Xian' is notorious for not causing trouble, but it does not mean that he does not have trouble. Ability to provoke... After our fair party uprising, in the whole Jiang pumpkin division, we are the most decisive to kill the gentry landlords here, but the divisions are also in tatters. The "king of equality" is engaged in business and has the most gold and silver under his command. It seems to be the richest, but the one who is really going to be peaceful is the side of the'fairy king'."

"...Why is this? Because on the land of the'King of Justice', land reclamation and re-agriculture are the fastest. We have been fighting for two years, a lot of land has been deserted, and no one has planted it yet, because we have planted it. They will be burned out, but only King Fairy’s side has planted crops in several big cities, and this year’s harvest is okay...Look, this winter, they will be the ones who will starve the least to die... And these things belong to the "nong sage" "Zhao Jingci and "Zhang Xian" Shen Li are in charge."

"...They don't cause trouble, because if others provoke them, they don't need to do it themselves, these people will be done inexplicably. Especially when everyone is short of food this year, Zhao Jingci can easily be troubled."

Lu Xian was able to gain a firm foothold under Wei Zhuwen's men, relying on the men of the same village and clan around him, so he took them with all his heart, and said things carefully when they were said. When he finished speaking, everyone looked at the Five Lakes Inn, their eyes became complicated.

Lu Chuanwen, a relatively young member of a group of juniors, previously participated in the activities of the second in the interrogation shop, but later killed the second in the shop and found a place to bury it. At this time, his emotions were a little anxious.

"What should we do? We have killed people, no matter what, if they find that there are fewer people, they may be stunned. Brother Xian, could we just turn around like this? Stay here if they are found, then It's a beam."

"When you encounter major events, you must be calm." Lu Xian glanced at him, "Leader of Wu Lin and Little Sage Qi Tian have not returned yet, what are you worried about?"

Lu Chuanwen was glared like this, and he dared not speak any more. Someone on the side said: "Previously, it was said in private that the matter of the'Reading Club' was probably instigated by the Southwest. This child who claims to be the'Leader of the Martial Arts' is also said Come. Brother Xian, if this Five Lakes Inn is the place where Southwesterners stay here, this matter... can be big or small."

"If it is reported, this wave will develop."

"If it's true, let's report it, can the matter be picked up? I'm afraid it's life to collect money, life to enjoy happiness..."

"Thousands of miles away from the southwest, how can it be so mysterious..."

Everyone whispered in the darkness, and each expressed some opinions. Lu Xian did not participate in the discussion anymore. After a while, it was Li Duanwu who came back with someone.

"There was an accident in the city. Fireworks were set off in the middle of the night. People died on the Jinlou side. The envoy sent by Liu Guangshi was killed. Many people were beaten to the blood on the Jinlou side. It's a big deal..."

When everyone met in the dark, Li Duanwu first said something that was not directly relevant, and then he walked aside with Lu Xian.

"The foot of the Five Lakes Inn, I have been inquiring about it. The owner's flag was taken directly from the'Nong Xian', not indiscriminately... This thing could have been figured out, and if the flag was planted indiscriminately, there would not be many people. I will insert the Nong Xian. Since Nong Xian is inserted, it is mostly a direct line... but it can be big or small..."

The banner of the fair party is chaotic, but in general, most of the direct subordinates will be covered by people. As the subordinates of the "God Killer", they really got into the "good farmers", and the final result is hard to say.

Lu Xian nodded: "Just now, he was still saying that the two martial arts leader and Qi Tian Xiaosheng were so public, maybe because of their background...Long Aotian made it clear that he came from the southwest, Uncle Dragon Boat Festival, behind this incident If it is really found out that the'Reading Club' has the instigation of the Southwest... we are the king of one step, one step of death, and the whole village may die."

"You have to be more cautious." Li Duanwu nodded, "Fortunately, it's not that there are no scapegoats this time. You can help us throw stones and ask for directions."

In the darkness, Lu Xian also nodded.

"Wait first, as long as you make sure these two are really in this inn... things are easier to handle."

They agreed on this, and then watched for a while. After the ugly time passed, Li Duanwu finally found two sneaky figures circling around a few times and quietly entered the second floor of the inn.

"Everyone will withdraw first, and the matter tonight will be sealed, no one is allowed to talk about it. The matter here will be handled by me and Uncle Dragon Boat Festival for the time being."

The whole matter has been complicated by the reading club. Lu Xian did not dare to leave novices, and immediately sent the rest of his men back, leaving himself and Li Duanwu to watch.

The two did not intend to go in and capture the five and four Y's, because in the city at this time, many people were more interested in them.

"Go to Baofeng to report the news first." Li Duanwu said, "Don't tell the treasurer, it's an old river and lake, and you have a sense of measure. UU reading www.uukanshu.com tried to pass the news to Shi Baofeng The son, it seems to be called Shi Weiyang, a young man, impulsive, this time being hated by the five-foot Y demon, it is easy to make things worse if he comes forward."

Lu Xian thought so too.

He passed through the dark rain curtain and passed towards the "Juxian Pavilion" in Zhonganfang.

At the dawn of the day, the second son of the Shi family, who had learned the shocking news, summoned the men and horses and slew them toward the Five Lakes Inn.

The two little Y demons who were beaten up with swollen noses and swollen faces during the fight last night were still sleeping on the bed at this moment. They didn't know that the danger would come under the rain curtain in the morning.

In the inn at the northern end of the city, Yan Yunzhi was sitting in front of the bed, watching the morning light gradually stretch out her brows from the dark rain. When the day came, she had bandaged her chest injury, but she hadn't slept for the whole night, and her mind was noisy.

"Your grandpa..."

"Let you..."

"…have they gone-"

The figure of the young man who was fighting seems to be still shaking in front of his eyes, and his roar actually suppressed the invincible Monkey King.

What a wonderful memory.

But from the first sight Tongshan saw, the young man coming from the southwest was so fierce and overbearing. He could walk to other people’s Zhuangzi to kill, and for a scholar, unscrupulously confronted the entire force of Tongshan. , And even to the place where Jiangning gathers together, he is still such an unbelievable fight against Li Yanfeng and Jin Yongsheng...

Is he still alive?


I want him to die...

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