Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 86: The city is full of wind and rain (Part 2)

The east side of the sky was infiltrated with cyan light, and the rain that lasted all night gradually became softer.

In the Wuhu Inn, there were subtle and cautious footsteps, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Guest officer...Guest officer... I'm really sorry, knocking on the door at this time... There is a waiter in our shop, I don't know if you still have any impression..."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I suddenly couldn't find him, I just came to ask you if you have seen him..."


"Well, guest officer, you also know that the city is not peaceful... We are also afraid..."


"Sorry to bother you...you rest..."

The sound of knocking on the door and conversations gradually continued until they reached the end of the passage on the second floor, hesitating a little. . .

"Here are the two children...isn't it..."

"...Ask, too."

A man in a green coat and a cap rang the door, and the middle-aged man dressed as the shopkeeper stepped aside. After a while, a bald man rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

"Ah... ah... Amitabha... what's the matter?"

"I'm really sorry, knocking on the door at this time... There is a waiter in our store, the one who is a little shorter, I don't know if you have any impression..."

"Ah..." The little monk stared sleepily with his mouth open for a while, and then nodded, "Ah, Ah Qing...it's the second brother named Ah Qing..."

"That's right, that's right, it's him. The city is in chaos, and we can't find him since last night. We're a little worried, and I want to ask if you've seen him..."

"Last night...I went out last night, I don't know..." The little monk rubbed his eyes, rubbed the bruises on his body, and gritted his teeth in pain.

The little cap in Tsing Yi sniffed the smell in the air, and also looked into the room a few more times. The two sides made some simple inquiries before apologizing and leaving.

The shopkeeper of the inn met Xiaomao in Tsing Yi.



"These two children seemed to have fought with someone last night. Look at that little monk, his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and the room smells like medicinal wine... Could it be that Ah Qing was caught by them..." The little hat in Tsing Yi frowned.

The shopkeeper also thought about it, and then shook his head: "...Not necessarily, if it is really beaten up, it must be a big noise. If these two children are really Ah Qing, it should be a surprise attack, not three people fighting together. And you Thinking, if they really did it, why would they open the door directly with the smell of medicinal wine?"

"These two children are not simple."

"For those who stay in the city at this time, how many people are easy? They all have some background, and they sneak out at night, which is troublesome..." The shopkeeper thought for a while, "It is unlikely that Ah Qing will be in their hands. Worry now, he fell into his own hands..."

"A few things he brought back yesterday... oh..."

The two whispering figures gradually left, and the little monk returned to the bed and continued to sleep soundly. On the other bed, the taller figure suddenly sat up, and his consciousness was a little confused: "It's strange, I didn't see you last night." You knocked on the door in such a hurry this morning?"

"Huh?" The little monk turned his head to the side.

"It's tricky." The five-foot Y Demon muttered, and after a while, he lay back down again.

At this moment, dragons and snakes are mixed in Jiangning City, and many people have some little secrets of one kind or another. However, what's the matter here at Five Lakes Inn, does it have anything to do with me and the little bald head? Thinking through it like this, he fell asleep soundly.

The cold drizzle outside is still falling, and the situation in certain areas of the city is changing bit by bit.

In Zhonganfang, the east end of the city, a train team came in the early morning rain and entered the most core courtyard of the "Juxian Hall". The one who got out of the car and entered the lobby of the main courtyard was the current "King of Equality" Shi Baofeng. The person in power who dominates most of the business affairs of the Fair Party is tall and tall, with a gentle but dignified appearance. From a distance, he looks more like a Confucian scholar than a businessman. Many people say that he and the southwest Mr. Ning's style is somewhat similar. And many actions of the fair party, including the construction of the "Juxian Pavilion" in Zhong'anfang, which is analogous to the "Yingbin Road" in the southwest, more or less reveal such traces.

It has been several days since Shi Baofeng entered the city. As the leader of the Pingping Wang family, Baofeng has been patrolling the surrounding territory these few days, and met with some people secretly. Last night, the incident happened in the Jinlou, he was the first to know the news, and he came to Zhonganfang only in the early morning to meet Jin Yongsheng who had personally experienced the incident last night.

During the time when Jin Yongsheng was summoned, Shi Baofeng inquired about the second son's whereabouts, and one of the stewards in Zhong'an Square came forward to report back, and the second son Dao summoned people out half an hour ago. The famous Ke Qing who can fight was also taken out by him.

Shi Baofeng frowned: "What trouble is this rebellious son going to cause?"

"According to people's reports, it seems that someone has found the whereabouts of the two Y demons."

"...What demon?" Shi Baofeng was taken aback.

"It's...the two related to Miss Yan's family..."


In the few days after entering the city, Shi Baofeng was quite dissatisfied with Shi Weiyang, a "rebellious son", and slapped the child in private. The specific reason is that Shi Weiyang's recklessness drove Yan Yunzhi away and disturbed the marriage with Yan Jiabao.

Shi Baofeng and Yan Taiwei of Yanjiabao had acquainted at the end of the day. Although in the past two years, Shi Baofeng took advantage of the east wind of the fair party and suddenly became one of the most powerful figures in the world, in the eyes of outsiders Yan Jiabao's support is already dispensable, but as a businessman, he deeply understands that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

In his opinion, a pig can fly to the sky when standing on the wind, but if it loses its caution and loses its foundation when it flies to the sky, it is a sign that the pig is not far from death—this principle, especially when it comes to making a fortune suddenly people must keep in mind.

On the second level, he believes that he has something in common with Ning Yi in the southwest. What is the most important thing for a businessman? The southwest side has already done it on the bright side.


If a businessman does not abide by the contract in public, even if the other party seems weak and easy to bully at first glance, it will actually damage his most important foundation. Who can do business with such a businessman in the future?

Southwest has always adhered to this principle, and he is not ambiguous. This kind of coincidence is exactly what he and the hero in the Southwest saw similarly.

Based on this reasoning, although the girl from the Yan family encountered some things in Tongshan and had some bad rumors, what kind of bad thing could this be? Especially when the other party made a mistake, on the contrary, I can clarify it with great fanfare and accept it. In this environment where all parties gather, I can truly show everyone the magnanimity and open-mindedness of the "King of Equality". What an ideal opportunity for a daughter in the city?

Don't say that Tongshan's matter is nonsense, even if that girl Yan really encountered something in Tongshan, she came all the way, shouldn't what I should express here be tolerance and kindness? Things like the hero conference are the moment to show one's image in front of everyone. How important are the other sections? If you are not happy after getting married, just go out and play.

Before arriving in Jiangning, he had already made a full set of preparations: expressing sympathy and condolences to the Yan family, exaggerating the marriage with the greatest strength, and at the same time sending someone to make publicity in private—although the girl from the Yan family already had There are a few flaws, although Yan Jiabao itself is not considered strong against the fair party, but Shi Baofeng will never go back on the agreement, anyone who comes from a long distance, the Shi family will treat them the best.

As a result, the first thing he did when he came to Jiangning was to find out that his son had scared him away because of the sperm on his brain.

All the preparations were in vain, and Yan Tiehe, the second child of the Yan family, ran up to him and scolded him harshly. Shi Weiyang slapped him across the face, and his address directly became "Nizi".

Coming here early in the morning, Nizi called his friends and ran out again. He was already planning to punch and kick the child in his heart, but when he heard that it was related to the two demons, he snorted coldly and calmed down a little.

The proper resolution of the Yan family's affairs depends on two directions. The main body of the matter is naturally to find Miss Yan back, to complete this marriage, and to bridge the overall situation of cooperation with Yan Jiabao. On the other hand, the other party came here and was stigmatized, and of course I also have the responsibility to wash away the shame for the other party, so that I can be regarded as doing things properly. If those two messy Y demons could be captured back, they would still be of some use.

"Hmph... You son of a bitch, don't make any more trouble!"

The anger subsided, but there was still a curse in his mouth. After cursing this sentence, Jin Yongsheng from outside the hall also came over, Shi Baofeng had a gentle face, called "Jin Lao", and went up to meet him.

Jin Yongsheng's complexion is not very good at this time. His martial arts skills are wide-ranging, and he has always used force to overwhelm people. His fighting style is fierce and consumes a lot of energy. Who would have thought that last night he met a bouncing little guy who was quick to escape with vicious attacks. He passed the opponent for a few streets, and several times he was about to beat him to death, but in the end he was dodged by the little monk in embarrassment all the way. The beating was very tiring. For his age, it was considered a super-heavy exercise.

And the most terrifying of the two enemies was not the little monk, the young man who was right with Li Yanfeng grabbed a long knife on the street and let go of his life for a few moments, Jin Yongsheng really felt the true essence. killing intent.

That was the most ferocious style of attack on the battlefield. When the saber light unfolded, it seemed as if it was going to exchange one with Li Yanfeng directly, causing Li Yanfeng to retreat subconsciously. And Jin Yongsheng also withstood such two attacks while chasing, their martial arts were naturally superior to each other, but when faced with those few moments of attack, they all subconsciously chose to save their lives—they naturally didn't want to really have a relationship with a child Both died together, and later in such a frenzied fight, the other party finally saw the opportunity and ran away, making Li Yanfeng and him a little ashamed.

Li Yanfeng has a sinister personality, he is not a good person, and he did not say who these two people are from the beginning to the end, but based on some recent news, Jin Yongsheng has some guesses about this matter.

After he came back last night, his waist was sore and his back was sore. Now that he had rested, he cheered up to meet Shi Baofeng, and then said: "I am ashamed, I saw Miss Yan near the Golden Tower last night, but it is a pity that Li Yanfeng and the rest A few people messed up the situation, but in the end they failed to find Miss Yan, and I hope the proprietor will make amends."

"Oh? Found Miss Yan?" Shi Baofeng dragged Jin Yongsheng to his seat, "Mr. Jin told me in detail what happened."

Jin Yongsheng recounted the second half of what happened in the Golden Building last night: "For some reason, Miss Yan has been away for a few days, but she has strange connections with several young masters. The one on the long street took the first step to cover her from escaping. Da Wu, using Fanzi Quan, one person using five steps and thirteen spears, obviously inheriting the mantle of Grandmaster Zhou... As for the latter two, one is a young monk with a short stature, and the other is a young man with a faint sense of saber technique. With the might of a Tyrannical Sword, I can only guess about the identities of these two people..."

"...In the green forest rivers and lakes, these young heroes have family backgrounds. These four young people, no matter where they are placed, have the skills of first-class masters...I can't imagine how Miss Yan can make friends with them one by one... "

When Jin Yongsheng said this, his words were actually a bit complicated. After the Yan family came to Jiangning, he naturally investigated Yan Yunzhi's matter because of the rumors circulating in the market. He knew that the girl was innocent at the beginning, but she was framed by accident. Unexpectedly, it was only a few days since he escaped this time, and he suddenly got in touch with the four young heroes, so that the four of them could fight desperately for them under such circumstances.

This doesn't make sense, she turned bad after being treated lightly, and immediately turned bad after she escaped? Is this enlightenment or self-defeating?

Hearing the implication in Jin Yongsheng's words, Shi Baofeng frowned for a while, and said: "The Yan family is above the rivers and lakes, and they are actually quite prestigious. Maybe there are other friends who take us in when we come here this time..." Paused After a pause, he said again, "By the way, Elder Jin thinks that the two young men in the back may be those four-foot and five-foot... Y demons?"

"I just think it's possible..."

Shi Baofeng said: "After Mr. Jin came back last night, did he talk to that Nizi about this matter?"

Jin Yongsheng hesitated slightly: "Actually... when the old man fell asleep, the second young master was still outside..."

"..." Shi Baofeng pursed his lips, and after a while, "Elder Jin may not know that someone came to report this morning, saying that they had found the whereabouts of those two demons, and this Nizi called people out...Look It's a coincidence to come here.

Jin Yongsheng nodded: "...Though the two escaped, they suffered a lot of injuries, so maybe their whereabouts were exposed. If the second young master can bring them back, the matter will be resolved...Well, maybe the whereabouts of Miss Yan can also be revealed. So we found out and brought them back together."

"That's the best." Shi Baofeng waved his hand, "I'll let that Nizi handle this matter, so I won't mention it. It's Mr. Jin, what do you think of the impact of this incident on Jinlou?"

"The old man was about to talk about this matter." Jin Yongsheng's face became serious, "Boss, Xu Zhaonan has a domineering temperament, and he is not a person who will suffer from being dumb. It seems that the incident in Jinlou this time is just an envoy sent by Liu Guangshi. But if Xu Zhaonan takes advantage of the problem, we have to be on guard. The old man didn't make it clear about the news that was first sent last night, and I just thought about it carefully. Things need to be prepared early..."

"Haha, Mr. Jin, don't be impatient, you and I want to go together." Shi Baofeng laughed, "I know Lao Xu's character best, they are a bunch of magic sticks, and they always have a big scene when they have nothing to do. This time I must take advantage of the situation to go crazy and force people to stand in line to get some benefits. Fortunately, if he can force people, we can show favor, and if he wants to scare people, we can protect them, so last night you sent someone to pass the news, my side We have already made an arrangement, and sent people to inform the messengers in the city overnight, saying that Xu Zhaonan is going to move them, as long as Xu Zhaonan makes a move today, someone will definitely ask us for help..."

Jin Yongsheng had a sore back and a sore back from the beating last night. After he came back, he just sent Shi Baofeng the basic news of the Jinlou incident, and did not give any more warnings. Hearing that Shi Baofeng had already made arrangements, he was surprised and relaxed. Take a breath. Immediately, he expressed his admiration for the proprietor, and Shi Baofeng was also modest, and then the two discussed the next arrangements.

In fact, it has long been the formula of all parties that the situation in Jiangning City will intensify. At this stage, everyone is also consciously adding fuel to the middle and showing their holiness. After discussing these matters for a while, the soldiers who reported the news suddenly rushed in from the rain outside to inform them of a certain accident. some commotion.

Shi Baofeng and Jin Yongsheng stood up, frowned and went to the attic near the outside of the street. In the misty autumn rain, a large number of people faintly moved on the street in the distance, and some flags were being unfurled.

"Fu Pingbo, a rotten snake, what is he going to do?"

Those who are moving on the street are vaguely the hands of "Longxian" Fu Pingbo under the banner of "King of Fairness" He Wen.

The five great kings of the Justice Party are now said to be different, but on the bright side, He Wen, as the leader, is still the most special and detached existence among them. And Fu Pingbo, the "Dragon Sage" who is now in the city, also has the highest authority in public security management in name. The other four kings in the city fought back and forth without any scruples, and it seemed normal to use various means, but only the power belonging to He Wen always seemed to have a final meaning when they moved.

At the moment when the Jinlou accident happened, Long Xian's people suddenly moved on a large scale, and no one could ignore the possibility behind this movement.

Shi Baofeng and Jin Yongsheng watched on the attic for a while, and suddenly a horn sounded at the southern end of the city. During this period, some people who went out to inquire about the news came back.

"'Junxian' Lin Jiaojiu led a light horse into the city from the south, only five miles away from the city gate—"

Shi Baofeng frowned, and then waved his hand: "Fuck him, Lin Jiaojiu, if I don't explain it clearly, I would think that He Wen has arrived!"

Jin Yongsheng thought for a while: "Lin Jiaojiu's sudden entry into the city at this time may be to suppress the chaos caused by the Jinlou incident."

"Of course I know." Shi Baofeng replied calmly, "Yesterday he was stuck thirty miles outside the city, not moving at all. The sudden light riding over early in the morning is of course for Fu Pingbo's help."

Gu'anhe in Jinlou was killed, and the next wave of chaos in the city was about to begin. Fu Pingbo probably couldn't control the scene, so He Wen came urgently... These things are not surprising. After Shi Baofeng finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. After taking a step, he seemed to suddenly think of something, then turned back, looking through the rain curtain, looking thoughtfully at the north side of Xiaoyu.

In the city, groups of people were secretly acting. When Fu Pingbo's team started to clear the streets, Xu Zhaonan was already arranging the order of threatening the various missions; The warning from the side was calling Yin Ping, who had caused trouble last night, to a meeting with Yue Yun and others; the envoys sent by Wu Qimei and Tie Yan, who were the most vulnerable among all parties in the city, fled the inn overnight and moved to Place... Some people are watching the changes on the street, discussing the changes that may be caused by the arrival of the "jun xian".

To the north of Jiangning City, on the pier outside the city, many workers were already working in the cold autumn rain. Groups of troops came towards this side. Then, someone raised his head on the wooden frame of the pier in the drizzle, looking Towards the surface of the Yangtze River, which seems to be misty and rainy.

A fleet of ships flying a huge flag has already crossed the river, and the huge building boats are slowly heading towards this side.

Someone recognized the flag and fell to his knees.

"...Save the people..." Some people kowtowed.

"...King Fairness, save the people..."

A piece of news was like a stone knocked on the bank of a river, and the ripples of the news began to cover and spread out towards the entire Jiangning City. Soon after, some people rushed around the city with the news.

The King of Fairness, He Wen, is here.

Shi Baofeng stood on the attic and looked towards the river bank to the north for a while. On the street in the distance, there were people galloping on horses in the rain.

He rubbed his fingers.

"Some small things, whatever."

he said.

"Get ready to negotiate."


Rewinding the time by half an hour, in the side room on the second floor of the Five Lakes Inn, the five-foot Y Demon, whose name had already been spread, suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Not quite right..."

His eyes were still closed, and his ears moved, listening to the movement around him.

It's raining outside.

In the inn, the shopkeeper and a few companions searched for the mistress named Ah Qing but failed, and some companions ran in from outside.

"Something happened..."

"What's wrong?"

"There is a large group of people coming this way, and they asked someone about our seat on the way..."

"Who is it?"

"No, no, I don't know... It looks like the flag is from King Equality."

"Go ahead, call the people around and come here. Ah Qing didn't see you last night, so if you come here now, things are going to get worse... Take all the things you have in your hands, and I'll burn them first!"

There was continuous drizzle outside, and Xue Jin, who had been worried all night, came up from the bridge hole in a tattered coir raincoat. Then he stood on the side of the road and saw a large group of people leisurely coming over. The leader was a young son. They crossed the bridge and were about to start a procession in front of the Five Lakes Inn.

"Kick away everyone around, and surround me here."

The son gave the order.

The minions spread out in all directions, and someone came towards Xue Jin and shouted: "Get out of here!" Xue Jin shrank humbly to the edge of the river bank, he was a little stuttering and wanted to speak, but the other party had already approached: "Come on!" ah."

Xue Jin wanted to go back to the bridge hole below. He took two steps towards this side, but the other party kicked him: "You don't understand me when I tell you to go."

"I returned…"

Xue Jin knelt on the ground and started to kowtow, the man kicked him into the muddy water.

In some buildings around the inn, many people began to pour out at this moment, greeted Shi Baofeng's team, and began to confront each other on the street.

"What are you doing?"

"The people from 'Equality King' are here to make trouble?"

"...Is there any royal law?"

In front of the team, Shi Weiyang frowned, surrounded and obstructed, he called the people around him, and went over to negotiate—according to his past temper, he would ask the people around him to beat people directly, but now he has grown up, matured, dad Here we come, we have to take the overall situation into consideration, there is no need to make things big easily, after all, it is nothing more than searching for two outsiders who have nothing to do with the Fair Party.

After the initial negotiation here, the messenger rushed into the inn and reported to the shopkeeper that the other party just wanted to arrest two outsiders who offended them, one is a five-foot Y-moon and the other is a four-foot-Y-moon, just search for them , the other party arrested the person and left.

"...The other side seems to be Shi Baofeng's son, Shi Weiyang. We can't afford to offend him. If it's true, is it enough to give them people?"

The shopkeeper's face was cloudy and uncertain: "Ah Qing disappeared, and people came. He said he wanted to arrest him, so you searched for him. Can we stand the search? Next time someone says that the chicken at home is lost, you Do you want to search him again? Do it, if you can’t offend him, you will offend him. We are playing the banner of Nongxian, and we don’t want to pee in the same pot as King Pingping! If you want to come in, tell him there is no way.”

The two Y Mo brothers with bruised noses and swollen faces quietly ran out of the main building of the inn. They watched from the side for a while, and then quietly climbed to the wooden building next to them.

"Who is this? What happened?" the little monk asked curiously in a low voice.

"People who look like **** babies..."

"Are you here to catch us?"

"No way." Long Aotian thought for a while with his fingers, "Recently we mainly offended Wei Yanwen and Zhou Shang, and we also had a fight with the monkey, and the **** baby, we haven't started to offend yet. .”

He felt that he was innocent: "However... no matter what, he is a bad person. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Let's go out from behind to avoid the limelight, so as not to be affected."

"What is a gentleman who does not erect a dangerous wall?"

"It's an idiom."

Taking advantage of the confrontation in front, the two quietly climbed out towards the rear. Of course, out of the psychology of watching the excitement, they also stayed on the roof for a while.

On the road in front of Wuhu Inn, the quarrel became more and more intense. Shi Weiyang's complexion has become extremely ugly. The people he brought are many and strong, and he gave them a little courtesy out of his own kindness. What neurosis?

Just as they were about to get mad and fight, some movement began to become apparent on the main road not far from the city, and a large number of people, horses and flags moved around.

Not long after, the news came that "Military Sage" Lin Jiaojiu had entered the city.

The clerks in the inn and the nearby people who were helping fists suddenly became excited, and some even ran to the main street, and began to complain and ask for help from the "Longxian" and "Junxian". For a moment, in front of the Five Lakes Inn, where the **** tragedy was about to happen, the situation of confrontation resumed. Shi Weiyang maintained his sanity.

Amidst the rain curtain, there was a lot of noise.

The little monk and the young man turned out from the side and the rear watched the excitement on the roof for a while, and then went down the back alley, preparing to leave this land of right and wrong. At this moment, Xiao Aotian, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, wanted to go over and shout: "Listen to my advice... Let's fight."

"Let me tell you, watching them fight secretly is the most interesting."

He passed on life experience to his younger brother.

In the long and messy back alley, there were some sundries, and there was mud in the rain under their feet. At a certain moment, the two people walking forward saw a figure in front of them, and they evaded to the side at the same time. The little monk walking in the back hid behind a pile of rubbish, and Long Aotian in front was slightly stunned.

He heard a voice ringing. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Yo, what a coincidence."

This voice was somewhat familiar, it came from a dark-skinned plump girl under the coir raincoat.

Her next sentence was: "...Isn't this our famous five-foot demon, Long Aotian?"

The young man's face was originally flustered and frightened, but at this moment, all expressions on his face froze.

He knew that he was dead.

"...That! Yes! He! They! Smear! Slander! My—"

In the chaotic city early in the morning, someone shouted out in grief and indignation in the rain. At this time, the King of Fairness was entering the city, countless people were kowtowing in the rain, and the streets were confronting each other. Xue Jin crawled back under the bridge, crying tremblingly, and countless intrigues were intertwined. Ning Ji saw something that shouldn't exist here. brunette.

he died.

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