Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 87: lively

"...That! Yes! He! They! Smear! Slander! My—"

In the early morning, under the rain curtain in front of Wuhu Inn, two groups of people were still confronting each other. Some people with higher martial arts skills heard the cry of grief and indignation that seemed to come from not far away.

There are dozens of people on each side of the confrontation, and the side headed by Shi Weiyang has a strong army and a gathering of experts, so it naturally has the upper hand, but their original intention of coming here has been disrupted by the people who are not afraid of death at the inn. I can't care about anything anymore.

There is pressure and scolding at each other. In the alleyway behind the inn, the boy who screamed in grief and anger is also confronting the dark-skinned girl in coir raincoat in front of him. A small bald head pokes out from the garbage dump behind him, looking at him in confusion. watching this scene.

The figure in the coir raincoat in front seemed quite at ease. Hearing the boy's cry, he smiled a little.

"Really? I don't think so... Everyone, brother, friend Long, who doesn't know what he did in the southwest. You are lewd and lustful, and you have **** with women. How did you run away from home this time? You still don't know what to do. ?”

Hearing these words, the little bald head turned around curiously.

In the cold rain, Long Aotian clenched his hands into fists, his face was flushed red. .

"Black girl, I warn you, don't make fun of this kind of thing!"

"Oh, I'm angry." The woman named Hei Niu blinked her eyes, "I'm not kidding, I'm talking about serious things, everyone knows it. By the way..."

"Tell me again that I'll kill you—"

"Kill me?" The woman who was laughing on the opposite side tilted her head, her eyes were rounded, and then I saw her shaking her wrist in the rain, and the surrounding raindrops splashed away, like a whip whipped on the water, she leisurely Approved, "Okay... ah, it really is a five-foot demon, who has become famous and promising, and even my sister will not let it go. I want to see how you plan to kill me..."

The little bald head walked around in the rain, full of interest.

Long Aotian, who already had the desperate aura of a sophomore boy here, was stunned: "I...I...you know they are slandering me!"

"I don't know." Hei Niu shook her head, "Things in the world have always been about knowing people and knowing faces but not knowing people's hearts. My friend Long, if the reputation you gained this time is spread back to the Southwest, you know what will happen?"

"You... just stop talking nonsense!"

"This matter is beyond our control, after all, everyone already knows."


"But now, there is a way. You ran away from home for four months, your reputation was in a mess, and you didn't succeed in a major event. It is fate that you were caught by my sister today. In this way, you will be captured obediently and don't resist. Let me beat you up and take you back, and then we elders will settle your affairs for you. After all, family ugliness is family ugliness, and we want to save face outside. Do you think it's okay?"

The autumn rain in the alley was dripping on the woman's coir raincoat, and the dark-skinned woman said these words slowly with a smile. The young man's aura was suppressed quite low, his face turned red and turned pale, but after hearing these words, he suddenly burst into flames.

"Fuck you! I haven't finished my work, so I don't want to go back with you!"

"Oh, I went out for three or four months for a girl, but I haven't found it yet..."

"Sooner or later, I'll skin her..."

"One night couple, one hundred days of grace, Xiaolong. Come on, let my sister teach you some principles of life."

The two sides confronted each other with one word and one word. At this point, they had already stated their positions. The woman in the coir raincoat clasped her hands together, her fingers clicked, and she stepped forward. The young man here also shook his fists in the rain, clenching his teeth and preparing to fight.

"Don't be arrogant."

"I'm not arrogant, I'm still waiting for you to kill me."

The dark-skinned girl had a smile on her face, and the moment she walked over, she showed her white teeth between her lips. Such a confrontation between the two has obviously happened more than once, and they seem to be very familiar with each other. The little bald head who was poking his head into the **** dump at the back asked in a low voice, "Brother, brother, who is she?"

"It's the enemy!" Long Aotian shook his fist in the rain, shaking his legs, "Get ready to attack, let's kill her!"

The little bald head didn't look like much, so he asked in a low voice, "Wouldn't it be nice for the two of us to fight each other?"

"...Ah?" Long Aotian tilted his head, his expression was complicated for a while, he didn't know how to explain.

The black **** the other side of Qiu Yu heard this, and smiled even more cordially at this moment: "This is Brother Qi Tian, ​​Little Sage Sun. I see that you have a good relationship with Xiaolong. Come on, call me sister Hei Niu."

"Don't pay attention to her!" Long Aotian said.

"Amitabha." The little monk clasped his hands together, "Sister Hei Niu."

"Good little monk." Hei Niu laughed, "It's fine if you help him, my sister's attack is very light, it will only hurt a little, just cry a bit..."

At this point in her words, her footsteps stopped abruptly. Long Aotian, who had been looking around all the time, seemed to see her distracted, and slowly took a step back, but then also stopped, turning his suspicious eyes Looking at a fork in the side road.

There are subtle movements in the rain.

At this moment, it was the subtle sound of this fork that alarmed both sides, but what first made the change clear was a roof that was in disrepair more than ten feet away. Two figures suddenly clashed on that roof. Their movements were weird and fast, but they still smashed some tiles on the roof. One figure retreated quickly, and then fell into the courtyard below with a few bangs. , it seems that the force has been relieved with light work.

"Someone is following."

A voice came from the roof, the black girl frowned, and the boy here also frowned. The voice on that roof was obviously the most dangerous sniper in the Huaxia Army at the moment—Yuwen Feidu. He obviously ran around to find the commanding heights habitually, but he didn't know which side he fought with. With these words, the figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

And Hei Niu and Yuwen Feidu have both appeared...

The young man walked to the side, looked towards the fork not far away, and saw a knife light slowly appearing among the sundries over there - this was a person who had been ambushing here for a long time, And the reason why he showed up was not only because Hei Niu and Aotian paid attention to this side at the same time, but also because a little further away from the side road, another figure in coir raincoat had been standing there quietly for a long time .

This person's skin is also relatively dark, tall and thin, and the muscles of his arms under the coir raincoat are like iron stones. Long Aotian gritted his teeth, and said to Hei Niu: "You are so insidious! Shameless."

From childhood to adulthood, he and Hei Niu had fought countless times, and they knew each other's strength from the bottom up. The other party is a little older, and the girls develop earlier, and they are at the same level as his sister-in-law. He has been beaten and cried many times by the other party along the way, so even if he shows a little fury because of the other party's words at this moment, that's okay. It's just a short-term bluff.

Once there was a real fight, the side road that didn't seem easy to walk was the escape route he had chosen, but now it seemed that as long as he ran over, he might be caught by Xiao Hei who was hiding there.

The most poisonous woman's heart!

Relatively speaking, Yuwen couldn't shoot casually when dealing with his own people, but he became the least threatening one.

Of course, at this moment, Hei Niu is almost a senior sister of the same generation, so she can't beat her. Xiao Hei and Yu Wen are senior brothers of the previous generation, and now they are all great masters who have received the true biography of Aunt Hong, Uncle Chen, and Uncle Du. , I can't beat any of them, let alone three together.

On the contrary, the two big villains who appeared out of nowhere may become his lifeline.

"It's not me who is hiding in the dark, insidiousness and shamelessness have nothing to do with me." The black girl said with a smile, and by the way, she underestimated her companions and eavesdroppers.

At the other end of the fork, Xiao Hei sighed, and then said: "This friend who is hiding, who is the hero?"

The middle-aged man who appeared with a knife stood horizontally, and he seemed to be a very well-organized master: "Everyone hides, the boss can't say the second. I am Lu Xian, the vanguard under Wei Tiansha's command. Where are you friends from? Dare to state your name?"

The autumn rain fell, and for a while, the three parties faced each other here. Long Aotian waved his hand towards the back, he knew that he had a chance...


After discovering the problem at the Five Lakes Inn, Lu Xian secretly passed the information on the two demons to Shi Weiyang in Zhong'an Square, and then continued to watch the neighborhood with his master Li Duanwu for a whole morning.

Theoretically speaking, if Shi Weiyang maintains a basic sense of vigilance, the search for places like the Five Lakes Inn should be based on raids. But firstly, Weiyang was quite confident in his team and his father's brand, and secondly, it was impossible for Lu Xian to give the information about the book club in Wuhu Inn. As a result, when Weiyang swaggered over, the inn already had some information. Without preparations, the two sides confronted each other in front of each other, which made Lu and Li's imagination of "the inn was smashed, chaos, and all parties appeared" came to naught.

In my heart, I couldn't help complaining about the unreliable handling of this kind of young master's work, but the two people's stalking from the back of the inn overlooking the overall situation still played a role. When the two figures sneaked out from behind, and even watched the excitement from the roof, Lu and Li preparedly captured their movements with the posture of a oriole behind them.

The big thing right now is the relationship between the Five Lakes Inn and the book club, and the bigger thing is whether the background of the book club has anything to do with the Southwest. The arrest of these two demons is not that important. That's why, when the two climbed out, Lu Xian was not in a hurry to attack the target, as long as he followed them and found out whether their next foothold was related to the group of people from Wuhu Inn, maybe he would be able to save the people from the book club. Clues were cleared from the mess.

As a result, when I followed into the alleyway behind the inn, I really heard some amazing information.

However, he prayed for the cicada, and the other party also had the oriole behind him. Seeing that the woman in the coir raincoat was about to fight the five-foot demon here, Uncle Duanwu, who climbed up to the high place on the nearby roof to watch, was suddenly discovered, with both hands After the fight, Li Duanwu went downstairs and listened from a distance. Although Uncle Duanwu chose to retreat, he was not overly panicked. This made Lu Xian somewhat relieved. One is already standing there.

Lu Xian was taught by Li Duanwu to lick blood for many years. Even if he encountered a little danger, he would not be too flustered in a one-on-one or one-on-two situation at this time. The appointment understands: this time I really met a top-notch product.

Most of these people in front and behind are from the authentic background of the Southwest Huaxia Army.

In the past two years since the establishment of the Fairness Party, its momentum has expanded rapidly. While raising the flag with the background of the Huaxia Army, it has also rendered the power of the Southwest mysterious and powerful. Lu Xian's martial arts skills are superb, and he followed Wei Wenwen's affairs, and gained a certain amount of power and reputation internally. However, in the past, internal cleaning, facing the most dangerous situation, was nothing more than cleaning up some lunatics, or taking some book clubs seriously. member.

This is really the first time since he took office to face people from the southwest.

He evened his breath.

"...I am Lu Xian, the vanguard under Wei Tiansha's command. Where are you friends from? Do you dare to report your name?"

The words in the mouth are exciting.

In the cold rain, in the alleyway ahead, a woman in coir raincoat said: "Good man."

The boy opposite her named Long Aotian also said at the same time: "Black!"

On Lu Xian's side, the tall black man who had spotted him and blocked his way sighed slightly at this moment: "Hey..."

At the moment when their respective eyes met in the rain, the young man named Long Aotian waved his hands slightly, as if he was about to run away. Lu Xian swung the long knife in his hand, and his left hand went deep into his bosom, and took out a pyrotechnic tube with a ringing arrow. In the middle, Heigao's eyes sank, and his figure rushed towards him, reaching out to grab it!

The light of the saber in Lu Xian's hand struck out.

In the alleyway ahead, the figure of a woman in coir raincoat broke through the rain curtain with a "bang—" and said, "He's handed over to you—" He rushed straight to the young man who was trying to escape, and the young man stopped at his feet. , his legs suddenly condensed into a horse stance in the rain, his hands intertwined with each other, and he opened his fist with a grand air: "Come on!"

Even though he has been beaten and cried many times in the past, he has never been really afraid of confronting such a lifelong enemy! According to my father, after all, I am still young, and when everyone is in their twenties, they still don't know who is beating whom!

He is ambitious.

Even if he wanted to run, it would be after he was beaten.

Hei Niu's fist broke through the rain and rushed straight. Long Aotian's pace here was like a ox plowing the ground. With two bangs and two bangs, he also moved forward twice, and then he raised his elbow upwards. Do your best to parry the opponent's straight fist.

Splashes of rain burst between the two figures.

The next moment, the fists of the two people staggered in the air. The boy swung his fist obliquely from bottom to top and hit the black girl's ribs, and the black girl's swinging fist almost hit the boy's face. The next moment, she transformed her fist. In order to catch him, he grabbed the clothes behind the boy's neck, and suddenly hugged him with the other hand.

The two sides have been fighting since they were young, and there is not much intimacy between them. It's just that in the absence of weapons, wrestling techniques are sometimes more terrifying than fists. Ning Ji knows that once he is hugged by the other party, he will probably be beaten next time. He was half dead and couldn't even run away, so he struggled with all his strength with a sound of "Ah-", punched towards the opponent's door, and shouted: "Monkey stealing peaches!" There was no corresponding movement in his hand.

"I'll kill you!"

The black girl let out a low cry in embarrassment, their fists and feet staggered in the rain, and they both punched each other a few times in a blink of an eye.

On the other side, the moment Lu Xian took out the fireworks arrow, the light of the saber in his hand had already been slashed out, and the rushing Hei Tall was as swift as thunder, clasped his hands, and suddenly smashed the precious saber in his hand directly. Clamp it with both arms, and you can't even pull it out. His heart shuddered, and he immediately understood that the opponent was using the Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Shield.

The thirteen Taibao's horizontal practice is hard work, but in the face of swords and guns, it doesn't necessarily mean that people directly fight with flesh and blood, but more hard work is used to seal and seize. When the opponent's arms were sealed, Lu Xian immediately understood that the opponent's horizontal kung fu had reached a very high level, and even if he really got stabbed, he probably wouldn't suffer too much damage.

He knew how difficult this kind of enemy was, but he was not mediocre, and was about to start wrestling, when he heard a voice from afar: "Be careful!"

On the roof in the rain in the distance, a figure suddenly raised a long knife, and slashed towards a figure with a bow on the opposite side. It was Li Duanwu who discovered the shooter's intentions on the roof, and had no choice but to come out to save others.

Arrows flew through the rain, Lu Xian threw away his knife and rushed out. His body was rolling in the rain in embarrassment. He just got up when the tall black man's fists and feet came in a row. In an instant, he saw the surrounding people The ground, debris, and walls exploded in a series of bang bang bang bang bangs. The tall black man was like a chariot, waving ferocious iron rods with his hands and feet, smashing everything in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Lu Xian dodged in a panic in a hurry. In this critical situation, almost every movement was made subconsciously. The iron-like attack brushed past his face, creating a burning feeling. In this hasty time, he also abruptly pulled away the pyrotechnic tube in his hand.

There is a certain probability that this kind of pyrotechnic arrow cannot be fired in the rain, but he felt the breath of rushing out after pulling it out. And at the next moment, the waving fist slammed down.

In the rain curtain, only a few turnings were heard, and the fired fireworks hit the ground and the wall, bounced several times, and then exploded in the rain with a bang.

This prevented the arrow from reaching the sky.

Not far in front of the Five Lakes Inn, the two groups of people who were confronting each other heard strange movements in the rain behind them.

Neither of them knew what happened.

But at this point in the negotiation, there was no progress at all, and Shi Weiyang had lost his patience. At this time, he suddenly noticed that there was an accident behind the other party's shop—even though he didn't know what the accident was, but—it was a good thing.

"Damn! Mother-in-law, don't talk about it, go in and get someone for me!"

Shi Weiyang's fear of his father has reached the extreme, knowing that today's affairs are likely to be ruined, but no matter what, the other party is so nervous that he is not allowed to go there. Tell others the secret, instead of returning in vain, I have to save some face.

"Catch those two demons who are causing trouble in the world! Whoever dares to stop me will hit—"

The two sides showed their swords and collided on the road ahead of the bridgehead.

While resisting, the people at the inn sent out people: "Go and call someone! Please Junxian and Longxian to uphold justice!" Shi Weiyang also sent people here: "Call all of us nearby, and adjust as many as you can." , today must not return without success!"

The fight between the two sides started, and there was chaos, some people had already fallen in a pool of blood, Shi Weiyang was guarded by several masters, and he was about to enter the inn by force. Also at this time, several figures rushed towards the road on the side of the inn. The one running in front was a young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face and ragged clothes. Behind him was a young monk with a bald head. As they ran, While shouting in the mouth.

"Help—" the boy shouted, "The robber killed—"

Among the shouts of fighting all over the street, this kind of voice was actually not outstanding. The two figures mixed into the crowd were not inconspicuous at first, and even occasionally mixed with a few words: "The sky is falling! The earth is falling! The little yellow dog is gone!" !" and other weird words, if you don't listen carefully, you won't be able to hear any problems.

But Shi Weiyang's spirit was tense, and his eyes were suddenly attracted by the bald young monk.

He looked at the two figures who rushed into the fighting crowd like ducks in water and became ordinary at first. At a certain moment, he suddenly reacted, jumped on the spot, and shouted: "Catch them!"

"Grab that bald head, and that thing in front—"

"They're the five-footer and the four-footer—"

Shi Weiyang was very excited. Although he had never seen the appearance of the two of them, he had been slapped coldly and violently by his father in the past few days. He had already thought about the characteristics of these two demons countless times. The one in the house is a monk—what can't tell!

Following these two demons all the way into the crowd, there was also a dark-skinned girl in a coir raincoat at the moment, and a tall black man and a **** who followed a little further behind, which did not attract too many people's attention at this time.

"The sky is falling! The ground is sinking! The little yellow dog is gone—"

Teaming up with the little monk, Long Aotian, who had finally escaped from the black girl's pursuit, rushed into the group of people fighting, and was very excited for a while. He yelled to himself, and by the way, there were people around him, so he was a little confused.

I obviously haven't started to offend you yet!

Among the crowd, Hei Niu and others sneaked over.

After a while, Long Aotian cursed in grief and indignation.

"What's wrong with you baby shit, your father is dead—"

Shi Weiyang jumped up and down and shouted: "Catch them! Catch them!"

Several thugs under the command of Equality King had already come close. After the young man finished cursing, he leaned down in the crowd and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The next moment, the lying knife unfolded, and the nearby people fell short without a sound...

The boy rushed towards Shi Weiyang in grief and anger, and behind him, Hei Niu and others had also rushed over.

"what happened…"

"How did this happen..."

"Take him back and talk about it, I think things are going to be big..."

A few people whispered and overturned the people who came to them. This kind of fight in the rivers and lakes is no better than fighting on the battlefield. Before they are targeted, they deal with it very easily.

More people rushed over from a distance, and the fighting spread on the long street...

At the northern end of the city, He Wen entered the city amidst the rain. Looking at the crowd kowtowing in the rain on the side of the road, he sat in the carriage without much expression.

Several kings of the Fairness Party have already arrived. With his entry into the city, it seems to be a grand event for the outside world, but for the Fairness Party, the entire negotiation is about to begin. It will determine the face of the fair party, and even enough to determine the survival of the fair party.

He has already made up his mind in his heart, but at the moment when things have to be done, he will inevitably feel uneasy and uneasy in his heart, and he has a more complicated sense of guilt in his heart for these people kowtowing by the roadside exist.

However, when things come to an end, UU reading www.uukanshu.com needs to be bold.

In such a mood, at a certain moment, he noticed the movement on the other side of the city.

"What's going on over there?"

"...It seems that Shi Baofeng's people are fighting in the city." The place is relatively far away, and someone brought preliminary news after a while.


He Wen was silent for a moment. In fact, this kind of thing is the norm in the fair party nowadays, so it's not surprising. After a while, more detailed information came.

"...It was Shi Weiyang, the second son of the Shi family, who had a conflict with some people under Nong Xian, and Long Xian was intervening...Mr. He, you happened to enter the city, is this incident..."

"It's so lively."

He Wen sighed, shook his head and laughed.

He paid no attention to the matter.

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