Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 88: verdict of life and death (1)

At the end of August, with He Wen's entry into the city, the five kings of the Fair Party had already gathered in Jiangning City.

The troublesome security issue in the city was calmed down for a few days, and the fights that broke the dog's mind in the past disappeared. Xu Zhaonan, the "King of the Wheel", suppressed the madness he had been prepared for. Except for Shi Baofeng's second son, Shi Weiyang, who set off a large-scale group fight on the day He Wen entered the city, the rest of the families have re-entered the serious reflection of "who is the enemy and who is the friend", because in the In the next negotiations, this may become the most important issue.

On the day He Wen entered the city, in the fight near the Five Lakes Inn, both sides dispatched hundreds of people and made a big scene, but in the end they failed to produce any results. Gein's chaotic Rush situation didn't really add much to the action of catching a specific object. The two Y demons of five feet and four feet were scurrying around in the crowd, although Shi Weiyang once saw several An unknown master chased and intercepted those two things, beat them until they fled, but in the end no one caught these two and brought them to him to receive the reward.

On the other hand, the people at Wuhu Inn were strictly guarded against their own territory. After Shi Weiyang's focus changed, the fight in front of the inn never spread to the inn. It was also because of this that Shi Weiyang failed to catch anyone during this operation, and also failed to find out the secrets hidden in the inn, and finally returned without success. .

Of course, being able to cause such a big incident on the day of He Wen's appearance, the Second Young Master became an out-and-out topical figure among the friends around him. Thumbs up, admiring him for not giving the fair king face, and praising him as a real "warrior". Shi Weiyang was naturally complacent on the surface, but when he looked back, his **** was beaten by his embarrassed father who enforced the military law, and he could only lie down at home for a while.

A few days later, in a dilapidated courtyard where the "White Rakshasa" gathered in Jiangning City, a group of women were gathering together, lamenting the changes in the rivers and lakes.

"This...is that what...a hero is a boy...Is that what you say?"

"How can you be a hero? This is obviously a big villain..."

"That's the big villain... a boy?"

"My God, what evil did he do? It's only been half a month since he entered the city. The reward has been raised five times..."

"If we catch him, we will have nothing to worry about in this life."

"Yes, yes, grab him, grab him..."

A group of women who were not very good at fighting were dazzled by a certain reward on the news paper, and they were gearing up for a while, chattering, and quite excited. Firstly, it was naturally because the price of the reward was too high, which was really attractive, and secondly, the things committed by the object of the reward really touched their nerves.

There are also a few reminders in the world.

"I don't think you guys should think too much, let's see how much this reward is? Five thousand taels! Those who can be offered a reward of five thousand taels in the Jianghu are all villains with great reputations, high martial arts skills, and powerful means. Do you want to Go to catch people, be careful not to catch people, but they will do it for you... I don’t even look at what they have committed, and the sheep are in the mouth of the tiger..."

The title of Demon Y on the newsprint reward is quite conspicuous, coupled with the high reward, it symbolizes that the other party is by no means a simple person who is easy to get along with. However, facing such worries, many of the surrounding women laughed on the spot.

"That's not bad. You see, the five-foot Y-moon and the four-foot-Y-moon just said that they ruined people's reputation, and didn't say that they killed people's girls, so let's catch them , isn't it just right?"

"That's right, you guys look at the picture in the painting, it's quite beautiful..."

"You're not that old..."

"We have money if we succeed, even if we don't succeed, we won't lose our lives..."

"Maybe he's so powerful that he can kill people... Then people will admit that he is a real little hero..."

"Look at Ah Xiang, she's so cute, otherwise we'll use a beauty trick..."

"It's not a disadvantage anyway... Hahahaha..."

The "White Rakshasa" are all women. Although they have done a lot of bad things, they have also experienced many bad things in their lives. At this time, when they talked about the young Y demon, they didn't have too much obstruction in their mouths. Instead, they were laughing and very happy. is easy. Some of these women are beautiful and delicate, and they are usually the best at playing the role of the poor who is insulted by the landlords and gentry. When it comes to beauty tricks, they are even more eloquent and joyful.

Among all kinds of tiger and wolf words, only Qu Longjun, the "little scholar" who was in charge of reading the newspaper, was still holding the newsprint with the rewards and portraits on it, wrinkled his face into a bun, but his eyes were a little dazed. with.

How could this be?

Thinking back, the little brother Long who saved his life in the southwest should not be such a person.

However, looking at the person on the image, even though they are only five points similar in appearance, as someone who has seen Brother Long, she can indeed recognize that the person wanted on the image is indeed that young hero Long.

Moreover, recalling the night of the southwest incident, the heroic figure of that Long Shaoxia beheading more than ten people in a pool of blood with one enemy in the yard, like standing melons and cutting vegetables, is still vivid in my mind. It's not surprising that he wandered all the way to Jiangning and lived in embarrassment. It's not surprising that this Long Shaoxia can quickly become famous with his extraordinary skills. She believes it. But I can't figure out why the other party has such a reputation. With the issuance of this arrest warrant, he will soon be famous all over the world...

Half a month ago, Long Aotian's name appeared on the wanted list for the first time, and Qu Longjun still had doubts in his heart. The wanted notice said that he had defiled the girl's name in Tongshan, and offered a reward of 800 Two, Qu Longjun felt that it must be a misunderstanding. However, only ten days have passed in this world, and the eight hundred taels suddenly turned to five thousand taels, which is comparable to those of the most vicious family-killing thieves, and the arrest warrant specifically emphasizes his evil deeds...

Could it be that he has done many such things in the ten days since he entered the city...

Qu Longjun experienced several ups and downs in this world. Before he was ten years old, his parents died, and he became an orphan and was sold as a skinny horse. Later, Wen Shoubin brought him up for nearly ten years, and temporarily regarded him as a relative. Wen Shoubin was not a good person. After her death, although she said she regained her freedom, she also returned to solitude at the same time, without any relatives.

At such a point, only Aunt Gu in Chengdu and Long Aotian who somehow saved her have a special place in her heart.

She has never had a deep understanding of the Long Shaoxia who rescued her in Chengdu, took care of her, and then arranged for her to escape.

At first, I thought that he saved her because he coveted her body—this is not a big bad thing. After Wen Shoubin died, it was already a good thing that someone could take her and give her a home. Not to mention that the other party is not very old, and even looks quite good-looking.

Even if he looked domineering and moody, it wasn't a big deal. During these years of being raised as a skinny horse, what she learned was how to flatter and serve her husband's family. Most of the heroes in the world are headstrong and say what they say, but as long as they find the right way, it is not too difficult to live a good life.

— This is what she thought after waking up in the health center in the southwest.

But soon she found that the other party didn't mean that.

The young man named Long Aotian was just doing official business, and even reluctantly checked her body every day, but his limbs were actually well maintained. Aunt Gu came over for many hidden things that needed medicine She helped to complete it, and even called her "little bitch" in private in a very impolite manner. She knew it, but she dared not speak out.

After a period of time, she realized that the Huaxia Army had strict rules, and it seemed that he had to be responsible to himself to the end if he saved her. Although marrying herself as a wife and concubine is also a kind of responsibility to the end, but the other party has no such intentions. They don't have much contact and conversation, and the other party even puts strange books like "Women Can Hold Up Half the Sky" beside her pillow.

After reading the book, and with Aunt Gu's guidance, she entered a new world and had a new view on the world. She still knew very little about the boy named Long Aotian.

This young man was ruthless, but he saved himself in the end. The specific reason is not clear; he seems to have known himself earlier, and nicknamed himself "Little Dog" in private. Regarding the reasons for these things, She couldn't figure it out either. She was a little curious in her heart, but in the end what happened between the two was just some broken communication. He left from Chengdu suddenly, like a simple passer-by. Until she also left Southwest, she couldn't see each other again.

But even though the relationship between the two is so broken, she is still willing to believe that the other party is a good person in her heart. He is so kind to herself who meets by chance and doesn't seem to appreciate him. How could it be possible to become... what kind of five-foot-y demon...

The little scholar, who no longer had any relatives, was holding the newsprint with the picture in his hand, thinking about these things in a turmoil. In this dangerous city, she really wanted to see the other party again, to prove that these things were not true, and she even wanted to defend the other party openly. However, the other party has become such a big man worth 5,000 taels, and he is probably hiding now. With his own identity, how can he meet the other party?

The women around were giggling, and didn't pay much attention to the little scholar's occasional trance, until someone laughed and said, "Let the little scholar use the beauty tricks, she is about the same age as this five-foot Y demon." It was only then that Qu Longjun blushed slightly, and lowered his head to continue reading other contents on the newsprint.

Then I thought, if the sisters of "Bai Luosha" really used beauty tricks to capture Mr. Long, wouldn't I be able to see him...

Everyone on the side of the broken yard was laughing and laughing, but most of them were just joking in a relaxed mood. At the same time, at the other end of the city, as the reward on the news paper increased, another group of people gathered again and had a short and impromptu meeting.

"...How could it not be caught! Why did it run away! Look at this...what a mess it has become, five thousand taels...now it is more famous, and it can't be covered..."

"...Baye, I've said it... What can I do? That kid has a wild temper. How was he taught since he was a child... It doesn't matter if he can't beat it. The important thing is that he can escape. Several young masters have such a way. In Zhangcun Dan I didn’t feel much about the challenge, but when I came out, I realized how slippery he was when he refused to surrender…” Those who answered all laughed helplessly.

"...Our little young master Long is trying to die. Now that the pictures are all drawn, when he goes back in the future...it will be shameful."

"...will be beaten to death..."

"...Speaking of which, this training policy was set by Mr. Ning. After the battle last year, everyone knew that he would not be free. In the second half of the year, he went to the barracks for special training and strengthened these...Baye, it is really useful."

"Don't mention Mr. Ning." The figure known as the eighth master's head was already hurting, "Look at this, and think about his expression after this matter is reported to Zhang Village!"

"I feel... dumbfounded?"

"Mr. Ning is quite generous, you won't be angry?"

"He and that lady Ba Dao are going to play a mixed doubles with Xiaolong..."

"Don't make jokes for me here!" Qian Luoning slapped the table with his hands, "You were all taught by Mrs. Hong. You are the members of the Ning family who took over the mantle. Quickly find a way to wipe your ass! Otherwise, you will Pointing back and not being beaten?"

"Xiao Hei Thirteen Taibao Henglian, I am disabled, black girl... Although she doesn't look like it, she is probably a woman. Mr. Ning will act with discretion."

"Look over there!"

When the sound sounded, Yuwen Feidu lowered his head to hide, but Qian Luoning's slap still slapped him on the head.

"Good job." The black girl nodded. Then, under Qian Luoning's gaze, he slapped the table with both hands: "Okay, 80% of the bounty was added by that **** Shi Weiyang. In this way, stop stalking me, and I'll do him tonight." , and asked someone to withdraw the bounty."

"Good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles. I just do it. I'm afraid it won't be very effective. I really want to wash away the reputation of the five-foot Y demon... Let's ask Shi Weiyang to add more money and offer a reward to the righteous 'Martial Arts Leader' Long Aotian , What do you all think? I know the best about publicizing this kind of thing, and I have a few friends who are there..."

"I said you don't need to worry too much. Anyway, as long as you are in Jiangning City, you can meet him next time. At that time, give him some strength, break his leg, slowly heal him for two months, and he will be home. ..."

"Why don't we give it a little effort, you are the most useless cripple, tell me, did Xiaolong escape from you that day? He usually brags, ah chicken sniper...you are a soft man in Xiaolong's eyes Persimmon, you have planted a ruthless hand..."

"I'll go... I'm holding a gun, how can I hit you hard, you are black-hearted and black-hearted, right? Come on, let's fight one-on-one, if the grandson doesn't hit you hard, I can't beat you to death if you practice relentlessly with the Thirteen Taibao you…"

"Although Xiao Hei is not a good person, but this time I agree with him. Eighth Master, I blame Yuwen, a soft persimmon. We didn't talk about this matter last time. Take care of his face. You can hack him to death now. Come on, Hands up and down..."

"I'll kill you three bastards—"

"Baye, are you kidding me that there are three of them, they are obviously just two bastards..."

For Long Aotian, it is something to be avoided, even in this team, not everyone is qualified to know. A small number of insiders vented their anxiety here for a while, but in the end they couldn't think of too many good solutions. They could only do some hard work of tracking and casting nets, waiting for the next accident to appear.

Noisy and lively, for Jiang Ning at this moment, whether it is the fight at the Five Lakes Inn, or the little movement caused by the boy named Long Aotian, they can only be regarded as trivial matters in a corner of the city.

Time entered the beginning of September, and the bustling Jiangning martial arts competition was finally officially held. Previously, the heroes who had emerged from the five major competitions had also been selected from the club's various heroes, or those who came to Jiangning to sign up under other forces or even personal names. Fang characters, began to formally enter the stage of the group arena. The law and order in the city eased slightly, and the market entered a carnival stage that seemed calm and exciting.

At the same time, led by King He Wen of Fairness, including "King Gao Tian" Gao Chang, "King of Equality" Shi Baofeng, "King of the Wheel" Xu Zhaonan, "King of Yama" Zhou Shang, who raised the banner of the "Fair Party" Members of various forces, large and small, held their first comprehensive meeting in the city on the first day of September.

At this meeting, He Wen directly raised several core issues within the fair party to everyone, including what to do if there are many parties in the fair party and government now; How to unify; whether the constitution and purpose of the fair party should be more detailed; at present, there are a lot of hedonic emotions that break the rules in all parties, how to combat them; how the fair party can avoid the failure of the peasant uprising in the past...etc.

The Fairness Party has been rising for two years. In the past, there was a meeting for gathering righteousness. At that time, in order to unite all parties, it only set the general policy that all parties who acted in accordance with the "Fair Code" belonged to their comrades. So at that time, the entire gathering The righteousness was enjoyable and extremely harmonious, and it basically laid the foundation for the fair party to sweep Jiangnan in the following year.

At that meeting, He Wen didn't raise a single sharp question, but this time, when he opened his mouth, it was these basic problems related to the core survival of the Fair Party. Among these issues, he even brought a large amount of supporting data, and made the conclusion several times that "if we don't change it, the fair party will die".

Although many things sound trendy, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But this kind of problem is not advanced at the upper level of the Fair Party. This is mainly because the Southwest has done a lot of theoretical work on social deduction over the years. The deduction of change, the thesis that "the peasant uprising will die if it takes the first step correctly or the second step is wrong", at least at the upper level of the system that cares about these things, it is already understandable.

After He Wen finished his speech, it caused a lot of contemplation among the participants.

The other four kings and representatives of various parties who spoke afterwards also gave a lot of gag-style comfort, most of which were similar to "this problem is very complicated", "it's not that serious", "we are still different from Fang Labi" , "We are just, and justice will win" and so on, and there are also occasional "beating landlords is to be radical", "correction must be overcorrected", "temporary corruption is nothing, it is much better than landlords" and so on. words appear.

So the meeting on the first day of September came to an end. All parties involved had a cordial and friendly conversation and basically exchanged opinions. None of the parties were angry. This was the beginning of the negotiation of the entire Jiangning Conference. Under the lively atmosphere of the martial arts competition, it seemed a bit flat It's no surprise that 90% of the people in the city don't even know what happened.

Undercurrents of real complexity have gathered beneath the surface...

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