Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 89: life and death verdict (2)

"Old He came prepared this time, and wanted to see you poorly."

The sky had already darkened, and Jiangning City was surrounded by light from far and near. On the brightly lit teahouse, several figures met in an ordinary way, made tea in an ordinary way, and talked about ordinary topics

The meeting on the first day of September has just passed, and it is not too special to talk about these current events. However, considering the real identities of the people in the teahouse at the moment, every topic they talk about actually has a not simple meaning.

"Measurement Ruler" Meng Zhutao, "Wuba" Gao Huiyun, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang, and an accompanying "Tuohe Sanren" Xu Longbiao who is not low in martial arts and status, the four present were basically It is already equivalent to half of the top executives under the command of the "Runner King" in Jiangning City this time. After dinner, the four of them simply took a rest in this tea house.

The first one to speak in a casual tone was the tall "Measurement Ruler" Meng Zhuotao who was still wrapped in bandages on his shoulders. While he was speaking, he poured tea for several people: "What do you guys think?"

"I've seen the picture, but I don't see it." Chen Juefang picked up the teacup, shook his head and smiled, "The things that Lao He threw out were not aimless. What's wrong with the Fair Party, everyone? Don't you know, the five great kings have ordered many schools. Throughout the ages, it will not last long. I think it is almost time to solve the matter. You see, he threw out a question today and didn't answer it. This picture is not counted. Poor, the knife hasn't come out yet."

"Old He must have already answered in his heart." Gao Huiyun, who was as tall as Meng Zhuotao, smiled, "It's nothing more than looking at the opinions of all parties first, and then choosing the right time to throw it out. What does Mr. Xu think?"

"Tuohe Sanren" Xu Longbiao is in his early fifties, with half-white hair and a long beard under his chin. Seeing that everyone has spoken, he also laughed: "In the final analysis, the most important question raised by King Fairness is Who has the final say, if you want to be more detailed, it's nothing more than how to play these things next, isn't it already in everyone's expectations. Since he raised a problem, this time he wants to solve the problem. Jiang Ning's hero conference will start One month, everyone discusses in private for a month, discusses the next gameplay, and beats those who disagree, everyone can understand, it's simple."

"Old Xu is thorough, to the point." After Xu Longbiao finished speaking, the rest of them picked up their cups and touched them with a smile.

"But..." After a while, Chen Juefang rubbed his ear with his little finger: "Since the problem was thrown by Lao He, it is in a general direction, that is to say, it is up to him to take over the power of Lao He, isn't it right?" Bar."

"It's not surprising that he has taken the title of King Fairness."

"Naturally, the name is not surprising, but the five parties of the fair party originally fought their own way, and no one took a bite of his fair king's food. He has already taken advantage of the nominal advantage, but in reality he will take it. I think Not everyone wants to."

"Didn't you see it at the meeting? To be honest, it's just like what Lao Chen said just now. Our fair party has developed to this day. We should think about who has the final say and how. The question is not unreasonable. But these questions, he should not throw them out, at least after the five parties have discussed them, they should throw them out together. Now that he wants to show off the limelight, the rest of the parties will just be perfunctory and muddy the water. .To put it bluntly, who can be reconciled to being crushed by him without breaking his wrist?"

Everyone drank tea and chatted slowly, Xu Longbiao frowned: "King Fair's behavior this time is indeed a bit strange, such a big matter should have been discussed clearly by the five kings in private. Let’s talk about it at the meeting, why it’s not handled so beautifully this time. In the past, it was said that the King of Fairness is very important, and when he first gathered for righteousness, he was full of praise.”

"The five of you met a few days ago, but they didn't seem to have a very pleasant conversation."

"A year ago was a year ago. At that time, everyone was in a difficult situation. Of course, the corporal was respectful. Now the fair party is rich, and Mr. He is better than Mr. Ning in the southwest. He is a scholar, and that's how it used to be."

Chen Juefang and Gao Huiyun said a few words with a smile, and Meng Zhuotao over here also smiled as she fiddled with the tea:

"How can it be possible to negotiate, everyone, who has the final say, is a big problem. Under this, there is still a problem of how to do it. Isn't it small? Let's be fair to the five parties, and divide the land after capturing the territory The division of land has different ways of doing things. On the side of Gao Tianwang, he likes to fight. He fights the least against the landlords and gentry below. As long as these people are willing to help and join in, there will be fewer real family ruins. The rules are strict, and some people say that compared with other companies, it is not fun to beat the landlord there.”

He paused: "From then on, when it comes to King Equality, to us, to Zhou Shang, each has its own way of doing things, let's not talk about others, let's just talk about Zhou Yanluo's way of doing things, the rich will be killed cleanly. Afterwards, turn around and kill again, who can bear it, but the insanity, this insanity can't listen to other people's persuasion. They are very reasonable, if their attitude is not firm, nothing can be done, and corrections cannot be corrected. I heard that the Southwest Zhou Shang has been reading all kinds of brochures from the side. He is much more powerful than Ning Rentu in the southwest. He is the only one who can achieve great things in the world.”

When Meng Zhutao said this, he shook his head and smiled: "Look, the problem of who has the final say may not be unsolvable. In the end, it is nothing more than our five parties sending people to discuss what to do. But how to solve the problem of how to do it , Zhou Shang will not agree. Take a step back and say, in the future, do we do what He Wen did, or do what we do. Of course we can’t change a lunatic like Zhou Shang, but if we do what He Wen did, you will be willing?"

Gao Huiyun laughed and shook her head: "There is something to talk about."

"How to talk is a big problem." Xu Longbiao took a sip of tea, "Open the door and speak brightly. You should all be invited."

The other three people looked at each other, Gao Huiyun didn't care, and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about other people who are out of tune, Gao Chang and Lin Jiaojiu invited me to dinner first, and I have already reported it. Xu Gong said, let's have a meal." It doesn't matter if you eat, anyway, he invited many people."

"He Wen's rules are strict, and Lin Jiao's nine commanders don't care about trifles. I heard that he has always complained about King Ping's rules. Lao Gao is also in command of the army. Do you think there is a chance for this?" Meng Zhutao asked.

"It's hard to say." Gao Huiyun shook her head and smiled, "It's still early, let's check it out first. Where's Lao Meng?"

Meng Zhutao spread out his hands and counted fingers one by one: "He Wen, Gao Chang, Fu Pingbo, Shi Baofeng, Jin Yongsheng, Chen Yanda, I'm more surprised, why did Zhou Shang want to talk to me? Zhe Wen also sent an invitation over.”

"Lao Meng is still very popular." Everyone laughed, "Man of the hour."

"It's still early. This time we have a public meeting, and the private connections are the big ones. No one can escape before Old Hetu meets." Meng Zhuotao smiled lightly: "It's you guys who are so cute." Just don't hold back."

"I am absolutely loyal to Xu Gong." Chen Juefang stated.

Xu Longbiao smiled: "Mr. Xu is my family."

"Let's see." Gao Huiyun said.

"Just kidding." Meng Zhuotao said, "just kidding."

Afterwards they drank several more cups of tea.

Gao Huiyun changed the subject.

"Lao Meng, how are you handling the matter of your junior and junior sisters?"

"Why do you ask this?" Meng Zhutao raised her eyebrows.

"The case of Jinlou has not been closed yet. Someone is watching you in private, or is it that you are covering up the murderer? After all, Gu'anhe is dead, and the identities of the people involved on the surface are clearer, only your juniors and sisters. In addition, you are in charge of the Resentment Society, so there have been some rumors recently, and it sounds like they are aimed at you."

"Who? Or that monkey?" Meng Zhutao smiled.

"Not at all." Gao Huiyun waved his hand, "Although the Monkey King is a rising star and has some ambitions, he has his sense of propriety. It was his fault that he borrowed your affairs to make a fuss about him that day, but after Mr. Xu made up for his loss , it won’t be endless, didn’t I make a special trip to apologize to you afterwards?”

At the side, Chen Juefang spoke up: "This time, it's because you, Lao Meng, have done too much. To put it bluntly, the next Jiangning Conference is nothing more than choosing a method to decide who has the final say. The five parties are involved in each other, and it is impossible for He Wen to cover the sky with one hand. Most likely, it is to set up a new thing above, discuss it, and the one who can enter this circle at that time will be the real person in power. Lao Meng, you have a high position and authority, so let’s leave a story now, and it’s not surprising that some people hit you twice if they have nothing to do.”

Xu Longbiao smiled: "In the end, it's still the Monkey King's fault. If he hadn't made a fuss, no one would dare to follow him."

On the night of the accident in Jinlou, Li Yanfeng, who lost face, made an excuse to get angry at Meng Zhuotao, and then Xu Zhaonan came forward to appease and calm the situation, but the reason he used to get angry has now become a new problem. Meng Zhuotao was silent for a moment, put his hand on his mouth and smiled slightly: "Li Yanfeng and Tan Tiandao have a good relationship, I will give Tan Zheng some face."

"You just want to trouble him, and I have no objection." Chen Juefang, who has a better relationship with him among the few people, said with a smile, "But I'm not talking about you, brother Meng, some people say that brothers are like brothers and sisters. Wives are like clothes, this is certainly not true, but if you really want to help someone out, at least you have to be your own woman, look at your useless juniors and juniors, those who have been engaged to each other, messing with juniors, juniors just think about it If they wanted to kill you, the whip on your shoulder would still be beaten by them, why did you come here?"

Everyone also nodded slightly, Meng Zhuotao glanced over, and then smiled half-smile:

"Brother, I'm good at this."

There was a moment of silence ahead.



"Transparent, able to play."

"Brother Meng is indeed capable of anything."

Several people were giggling, expressing their admiration for Meng Zhutao. After drinking a few more cups of tea, everyone was about to leave, but Chen Juefang finally said a few heart-to-heart words to Meng Zhuotao.

"No matter who spreads the rumors about you outside, catch a group first and kill a group before talking about it. It should be treated as an example to scare the monkeys. Hurry up. Things like power can't be delayed. If you don't want to do it, I'll help you do it also."

"Understood." Meng Zhuotao nodded, "I know it well, do it yourself."

"Okay." Chen Juefang patted his arm.

This simple tea party was originally Meng Zhuotao's proposal. At this moment, Chen Juefang, Gao Huiyun, and Xu Longbiao left separately. Only Meng Zhuotao was in the teahouse, watching the three leaving behind, under the shaking of the lights. , and sat quietly for a while.

The night flowed into the depths, and time passed, Meng Zhutao left the teahouse, and took a carriage to a courtyard in the city that was being guarded by the power of the "Resentment Society". In the room deep in the courtyard, he visited Yu Bin, the second junior brother who was seriously injured and unconscious. An old medical officer was following.

On the day when the Jinlou incident happened, Yu Bin took advantage of Meng Zhuotao's distraction and brandished a double whip to attack secretly, which caused Meng Zhuotao's shoulder injury, which has not healed until now. He died just then, and although Meng Zhutao arranged for all-out efforts to treat him, the situation was still not optimistic.

"Not to mention whether his lower body can recover to walk." After asking the medical officer for a while, Meng Zhuotao sighed, "Just let him come back to life, is that okay?"

Meng Zhutao's tone lowered, and the old hospital felt a little uneasy, hesitating for a while: "Actually, the doctor's parents believe that we have already done what should be done. Whether he can wake up or not can only depend on himself or his luck."

This answer is not much different from the previous few days' answers, and if I ask further questions, it will at most be some more detailed pathological explanations. Meng Zhutao was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Going out of this room, there are three people in the courtyard standing under the eaves looking at him, they are his junior sister Ling Chu, and the fourth junior brother among the other two juniors is already Lingchu's husband.

The three of them also had unhealed injuries.

"Meng, when will you let us go?"

None of the three looked kindly at Meng Zhuotao, but only junior junior sister Lingchu dared to ask such a question at this moment. This may be because she was too indulgent to her when she was a child. Meng Zhuotao glanced over coldly.

"Wait for you to recover from your injuries and send you away."

"We don't need your kindness, you let us go now!"

"There is a lot of chaos outside, and there is going to be another war. With your kung fu and character, how many days can you live with your injuries?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Can you beat me?"

"Your martial arts prowess doesn't mean you're right"

"If you can't beat me, just kneel down and be obedient!" In the night, Meng Zhuotao's eyes suddenly became fierce, "Otherwise I will call twenty people and play with you all night in front of your man, so that you know What is the danger of the world!"

These words tore through the night, Ling Chu's eyes under the eaves widened, his lips parted, and at a certain moment, his face suddenly turned pale. She is already a married woman, so she naturally understands the specific meaning of the other party's words.

When she was speechless, Meng Zhutao waved her hands, turned and left.

Walking out of the courtyard and passing through the long verandah, another deputy who reported the incident followed.

As the leader of the Resentment Society of the "King of the Wheel", he has to deal with a lot of things every day, especially when the September meeting kicks off, he has more work. From time to time, some people even secretly Come and meet me. It took more than half an hour to deal with such a matter. When he saw one of the assistants in the study, he also asked about the matter that was reminded not long ago.

"What is the route of the group of people who spread the rumors outside? Have you checked it out?"

"The mastermind behind the scenes hasn't been found out yet, but some lists have been found for some specific people who have handled it. We haven't made a fuss yet." The deputy handed over a list.

Meng Zhuotao took a look and put it aside: "Who is behind the scenes, continue to investigate, I will find a chance in the next two days, and have a fight with Monkey King Li Yanfeng. After I finish beating him, no matter who is on your list Anyone, arrest people one by one, drag them to an open place, and do it beautifully."

"Yes." The deputy promised, hesitated, and said in a low voice, "But according to the result of this inquiry, it really has nothing to do with the Monkey King."

Meng Zhutao nodded: "Yeah." She didn't look at him anymore.

The deputy went down.

The night was as black as ink.

Under the darkness of night, the lights and lights of Jiangning City occasionally light up and occasionally go out. The speckled flames are far from the appearance of the city in its prosperous period, I don’t know how much it has been depressed, but in the darkness under the flames, countless intrigues and secret connections are happening quietly, and the levels involved with the possible consequences, already growing

At midnight, Night Breeze whimpered.

Near an old dilapidated house that was requisitioned as a military warehouse outside Jiangning City, two furtive figures showed their figures in the night. They exercised their bodies on the grass under the cover of night. Although the light at night at the beginning of the month is dim, we can still see that the two heroes who appeared on the grass are the two famous heroes of the five-foot demon and the four-foot demon in Jiangning City.

Just at this moment, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Both of them have hair.

After doing a set of exercises on the grass and venting some of his strength, our Little Demon Long Aotian put his hands on his hips and looked at the Jiangning city in the distance.

"Hmph, everyone thought I liked to join in the fun, so I ran outside the city to see if you can still catch me. Wukong, wait for two days, tomorrow, when our injuries are healed, we will go into the city to have a blast! "

"Ah, Amitabha, brother, this hair is so uncomfortable."

"Ah, Ami Tofu. Do you know the truth that you can only be a master if you eat hard? And now there are portraits of us in the city, and your bald head is so conspicuous and difficult to tolerate. How do we get in? I Let me tell you, this method of disguise is so advanced that no one will recognize it!"

Long Aotian said with his hands on his hips in the night, with two fierce eyebrows on his face.

"Hmph, when I regroup and enter the city this time, don't even try to run away, such as Li Monkey or Shit Baby! And you! Wukong, I didn't say you, who is your boss? Who gave you food? Next time you see a black girl, don’t call her sister again! You’ve lost all my face, do you know what’s more, to deal with that kind of scum, you don’t need to talk to her about the morals of the rivers and lakes. Why are you hesitating, she seemed to be singled out that day, but in fact it was three of us ambushing the two of us, two of them are black-hearted, and one is crippled. If they really want to kill someone, even Fatty Lin can't stop them, they are very fierce."

"In addition..." Long Aotian's words were rambling, in fact, in the past few days, these words have been repeated countless times. The little monk cried and ran away with his head in his arms.

"I'm sorry, help me"

"Don't run away, I haven't finished yet"

The two figures have used the highest lightness kung fu in this life, chasing and escaping, making rapid progress


Dear friends, Happy Dragon Boat Festival! ^^

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