Zhui Xu

: Chapter 1?9? The Judgment of Life and Death (3)

The time has entered September, and when the people of the day cast most of their attention on the fight between Liu Guangshi and Zou Xu in the north of the Yangtze River, and the hero meeting held by the Fair Party in Jiangning, a complex storm also appeared on the southwest land. It is brewing quietly.

This is the second meeting of the first Huaxia People's Congress. Compared with the gathering of all parties, the grand scene and the attention of the world when the first meeting was held last year, the momentum of this meeting is relatively ordinary.

Because many political frameworks that are truly representative and full of rituals have been determined with great fanfare at last year's meeting. Only one year has passed, and this year's meeting, at first glance, seems to be more like picking up on some of the continuing work last year, and even perfecting the details of various frameworks. Such a meeting naturally does not attract the interest of most people to watch the excitement.

Last year, the first meeting was held at the beginning of August. This year, for some unknown reason, the meeting was held at the end of August and the beginning of September, which is similar to that of the Jiangnan Fair Party. In this way, aside from the trivial and incomprehensible content of the proposals at the congress, the more interesting gossip content in the southwest market has instead become news about the shameless Fair Party and the Huaxia Army.

In this direction, we know that since He Wen announced the news of the Jiangning Heroes Conference, within the Southwest China Army, there have always been "He Wen's white-eyed wolf", "rubbing heat", "borrowing chickens to lay eggs", and "fairness". The party is really dirty" and other complaints, but in August, such complaints became more and more obvious.

In such an atmosphere, it seems that they are aware of the value of this wave of news. From July to August until September, various large newspapers in Chengdu used a certain amount of space to introduce the affairs of the Fair Party three thousand miles away. . Of course, this kind of introduction is not detailed first-hand information. It is more of a framework description based on theories, programs, and general practices. Although the article on theoretical differences seems to describe the advanced nature of the Huaxia Army framework, there are still many "dissidents" in Chengdu, and of course such conclusions cannot be said to be convincing

All these public opinions seem to be logical and free discussions, and some unscrupulous tabloids have also published some lace news and even fabricated stories based on the news of the FAIR Party under such circumstances. For example, the five kings of the fair party talked about swords in Huashan, the king of the wheel bullied men and women, Zhou Shang killed people like hemp, and so on.

This unusual atmosphere of public opinion continued until the end of August and the beginning of September when the second conference was held. As the conference seemed to be held peacefully and experts watched the door, several sensitive topics still appeared on the proposal list of the conference. A depressive atmosphere began to gather in the city of Chengdu.

Several proposals on "land reform" were thrown out by several representatives with business backgrounds, and then they were gradually listed on the key discussion topics of the conference. At the same time, some authoritative newspapers in Chengdu continued to discuss the methods of the fair party and began to focus on the theory of "people's livelihood" in the so-called "four people" of the Huaxia Army.

This is the elephant in the room.

For the people watching the excitement, such a discussion does not mean much. It can't compare to the success of the traitors Zou Xu and Liu Guangshi in the north of the Yangtze River, nor can it compare to the Jiangning Conference that determines the future of the entire Jiangnan. But in the southwest, the nerves of certain groups of people have suddenly become tense.

By the third day of September, the sixth day of the conference, some trivial things began to happen in the city. On this morning, more than 20 village elders, village chiefs and other figures from all over the world gathered in front of the conference building in Chengdu, knelt down and complained. There are detailed witnesses and testimonies for the accusations of veterans dominating and bullying men and women in the village.

In the evening of the same day, a representative who put forward a proposal for "land reform" was assassinated by assailants in the boulevard beside Yingbin Road after the meeting adjourned, and his blood spattered all over the ground.

A large number of lobbyists and inquirers have already acted secretly.

After the agenda on the fourth day of the fourth day was over, Ning Yi held a small family banquet in the yard next to the Moha Pond to entertain a few relatives and friends including Su Wending and Su Wenyu. After dinner, he will serve as a representative Wen Ding and Wen Yu stayed behind, and the three of them sat by the lake for a while.

In the late autumn of Chengdu, the climate is pleasant, and the evening wind blows from the side of Maha Pond. Ning Yi opened his mouth to the two of them, but he got straight to the point.

"The Su family has finally become a few people. Even if you want to choose someone who can talk, you can just have one. Now two come here. Why, do you want to stop the rotation of the earth?"

Hearing his words so direct, Su Wending and Su Wenyu, who now have a share of affairs in hand, looked at each other with wry smiles, and then Su Wending said: "How dare you, brother-in-law, the young man who was originally arrested should be Wen Yu, but I happened to be in Nearby, I was pulled together. To be honest, several people in the family were nervous and asked the two of us to come together, find out what we heard, and then relay it back, so that we can't lie."

"I'm used to being petty." Ning Yi shook his head and smiled.

Wen Yu on the side said: "This matter sounds not trivial, brother-in-law, of course we have no opinion on how you want to do it, but we are also curious, and want to find out if it is really going to be done, and to what extent."

"What do you think?" Ning Yi asked back.

"Isn't it because I was not mentally prepared?" Wen Yu smiled wryly, "You have mentioned a few words about the land reform before, but this time, there is really no sign outside. Look at those people outside, how caught off guard? The meeting Before, I thought that this matter would not come to the fore, but who knew it would suddenly come up, and the private means couldn't be suppressed at all, so I didn't count it in my heart. Now there are various speculations in and out of the city, some say It’s brother-in-law, you suddenly want to do something, some say it’s just the game of the congress, they’re not familiar with it yet.”

"Unprepared. I think they moved fast enough." Ning Yi smiled, "You are right in what you said later. They are not familiar enough with the gameplay of the congress, so they are not sensitive enough. But just now Under such circumstances, someone reacted so quickly yesterday that more than 20 people were organized to file a complaint, the evidence was prepared, and they even killed people at night. I didn't expect them to be so fast. The few uncles who came today didn't participate, right? ?”

Wending shook his head: "How dare they."

"The matter of killing the representative will kill a group of people. Those who get involved and can't escape outside are really not very familiar with our gameplay. In other words, after being friends for two years, they are starting to feel confident."

Sitting in the pavilion by the lake, Ning Yi looked at the water and murmured this passage, while Wending and Wen Yu's scalps were numb, and they were silent for a moment.

Wen Ding said: "Brother-in-law, how do we cooperate with this matter? To what extent will we achieve it? Should we explore their thoughts or have we already decided?"

Ning Yi glanced at him: "What do you think?"

The two looked at each other, and Su Wenyu considered for a moment: "Land reform, which seems to be four words, will actually determine the roots of all people in the Southwest. This matter is really too big. You suddenly throw it out, and the general My point of view is that you want to test everyone's reaction, that's why there are so many private inquiries and lobbying, and want to know how far you plan to do it."

He paused slightly: "In addition, the land reform, the detailed rules are the real big problem. The fair party was introduced in the news paper two months ago, and it has already paved the way for land acquisition. But if it is like the fair party that kills and seizes property, The opposition is definitely the biggest one. Apart from that, what everyone cares about is whether there is any compensation, whether the compensation has been negotiated, whether the land will be taken over directly without any ambiguity, or there can be changes in the middle, and there are loopholes that can be exploited.”

Ning Yi smiled: "What you are asking is your opinion."

Su Wenyu thought for a while, and gritted his teeth: "Although the outside world said that you suddenly threw out a proposal to test everyone's views, and there may be room for change, I think you must do something. There is a Signal, in July you began to thoroughly investigate the army's problems, and then in August, you let the Seventh Army and the Fifth Army's second and fifth divisions switch defenses. It seems that you are dealing with the long-term garrison of the Seventh Army and the Fifth Army problem, but in fact, the Seventh Army has never performed a garrison mission in the Southwest, and it is still a complete outsider here."

"On the other hand, each of the four peoples seems to be too big and unreasonable. Everyone thinks it is extremely difficult to implement it, but brother-in-law, you are not a person who talks about it. We used to be in Xiaocanghe and Liangshan. , the place is not big, and later it was rented. There is no basis for such reforms. After coming out of Liangshan, it has been preparing for the Southwest War. But now that the Southwest War has ended, we have repaired it for more than a year. Going forward, you said The vested interests in China are going to start to take root in the Southwest, and now I am afraid that it is just the last time to tear their face apart."

"I think you don't want to wait any longer."

When Su Wenyu said this, Su Wending, who claimed to have been arrested, nodded his head: "Actually, I also vaguely have such thoughts, but I also have some doubts, so Wen Yu came here, and I also want to ask."

"What concerns?"

"You talked about the issue of capital before." Su Wending said solemnly, "You said that the development of the Huaxia Army will be the main line of investigation and capital, and the development of these capitals may cause most people to lose their land sooner or later. On the one hand, you said that you want to promote this matter, but on the other hand, if you really want to promote its development, at this time, land reform, so that the tillers can have their land, is it not a bit contrary to it? After all, if everyone If the fields are divided, will there be fewer people who will run out?"

He said: "On the way here, I talked to Wen Yu about the change of defense in August and the propaganda in the newspapers for more than two months. I also think that you are going to implement the link of people's livelihood. But you also said that capital is strong. Rules, we must promote and make good use of them, so the risk of land reform at this time is a bit too high.”

At that time, Su Tan'er was officially in charge of the family. After Ning Yi made a plan to go to Beijing to help Qin Yuyuan, he began to bring Su Wenfang, Su Wending, Su Wenyu, and Su Yanping, who were relatively close to the second room of the Su family, with him for training. A lot of conversations. Over the years, the four of them each have their own responsible side, and the communication has been less, but when Wending and Wen Yu finished speaking, Ning Yi still nodded with a smile.

He considered it for a moment.

"Capital and landlords would have fought." Ning Yi said with a smile, "After the victory in the Southwest War, large-scale development began around Chengdu. This year, every inch of land is expensive. Some businessmen began to consider developing in the surrounding areas, and some landlords joined in. Before the meeting, I made some provocations, so some businessmen felt that the Huaxia military government would strongly support the construction of factories, but many people who had land in their hands were stubborn, which led to land criticism. If they don’t come down, then they will encourage the representatives to start directly on the agenda of land reform.”

"Of course, they mainly want to ask for directions. The four words of land reform are too big for them to bear, but they can be used as a bargaining chip in the negotiation, so that a few landlords can make a compromise but the proposal is sent up. How can they hold back?" I have to go down. I take it as a smooth sailing, so things will come up."

Su Wenyu blinked his eyes: "So brother-in-law did make a decision from the beginning."

"The matter has just begun. Let's divert everyone's attention. Although it is of little significance, sooner or later it will become popular." Ning Yi smiled, "For things like land reform, only a few founding courts in the past dynasties can push It can go on, the impact it brings may not be all good, just like what you said in Wending, obviously everyone is dying of poverty, and suddenly everyone is given a piece of land, how can my factory recruit people? But in the long run, if it can be successful, most of it must be a good influence, because the essence of land reform is not actually about people’s livelihood.”

He paused: "It's about seizing power."

The night wind whimpered and blew ripples all over the lake. There were not many people in the gazebo. Ning Yi's words were low and soft, but Wen Ding Wenyu's scalp suddenly felt numb in the back of his head, as if there was a fire burning around him.

"From ancient times to the present, the central government has ruled the local area. It is said that the imperial power does not go down to the county, and the officials go down. The stability of the rural areas in the largest area depends on the townspeople. This is actually handing over a large part of the state power. Of course, the past dynasties It is very reasonable to do so because of the lack of political resources in China, but we can consider making new changes when we reach this step of enlightening the people’s wisdom.”

"Wen Yu is quite right. Although we had already shouted slogans in Xiaocanghe and Xiaoliangshan, we had no basis for doing so. When we began to rule the Southwest, we have been preparing for the war and have not started to implement these policies. In fact, no matter how beautiful the policy is, it is true if there are preconditions for its implementation.”

"After winning the Southwest War, we rehabilitated thousands of soldiers and sent them to the countryside. One after another, we sent teachers, doctors, circuit courts, and militias to the countryside below. The essence of these things , are all preparing for the abolition of the power base of Xiangxian, and now, this preparation is a bit reluctant, but it can indeed be launched."

"Continuing to maintain private ownership of land and maintain its free flow, in the short term, can indeed provide a hotbed for the development of capital and factories, but such development will kill many people. The power at the end of society, no matter what we do in the future, it will be much smoother and we will have more choices, including those farmers who have divided their land. They will stand with us. In the future, when we fight out, more people will Welcome to us, we can plan the development of all places in a unified way, and we don’t need to look at the face of private land.”

He smiled slightly: "After we conquered the Southwest, we didn't do a drastic division of land and production. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com mainly because of the areas that we couldn't manage. It doesn't make much sense to divide the fields hastily. Part of seizing power. Some people in the Southwest saw my gentle attitude, and gave preferential treatment to some landlords who stood on our side at the beginning, thinking that they could bargain. I still want to be a village sage, or I may die as a village sage.”

"As for what Wending said, capital is a strong rule." Ning Yi paused slightly, as if feeling a little emotional, "Capital is indeed a strong rule, and we can't see its full power yet, but sooner or later, Its high efficiency will sweep everything else, it will go to the most extreme place, it will also precipitate its own problems, and then get out of hand, but before it can't find a better rule to replace it, it is advisable to abandon it Impossible, what should I do?"

"Except that every generation will continue to patch and vaccinate him in the future, we can only do something that is not a retreat."

"Take back the land. When some people can't stand it, at least go back to farming."

Ning Yi has been promoting the development of Gewu and capital over the years. Although he occasionally talks about some future issues, it is not in-depth. At this time, when it comes to the last few sentences, Wen Ding and Wen Yu are not very understandable, but they have already I'm used to my brother-in-law occasionally saying strange things, so I looked at each other at this time and didn't say much.

In the pavilion where the cool breeze was blowing, Ning Yi took a sip of tea.

"This time it's a big deal. I'm not sure if it can be done, but it must be done while the Huaxia Army is still killing people on the Chengdu Plain. The success of the land reform proves that we have succeeded in seizing power. Tell a few uncles, no matter what it is in the end. Such a charter, be more conscious, and don’t do anything that makes your relatives hurt your enemies and make your enemies happy.”

He waved his hand slightly.

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