Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 91: life and death verdict (4)

After a strong statement and direct threats, the two brothers-in-law left with the answer.

Ning Yi sat in the pavilion for a while

The ancient trees beside the pavilion are dense, and the water waves on the Maha Pond are peaceful. As the center of the southwest, the city of Chengdu at this moment is glowing peacefully and prosperously in the night.

After defeating Zong Han and Xi Yin's Jin Guo West Route Army, the Huaxia regime has been kind to people and has been recuperating in this place for more than a year. Although the core philosophy of the Huaxia Army sounds radical, including its attitude towards Confucianism, which disgusts most people in the world, and even keeps making predictions that it will be strong and fragile, in the past year or so, the Huaxia Army The pace of the regime can be regarded as steady by anyone.

A large number of work teams entered the grassroots, stabilized people's hearts, supported farming, built water conservancy, opened their doors to do business with all parties in the world, absorbed countless gold, silver and materials, and prospered the market. Sichuan and Shu were originally the land of abundance. With such a steady cultivation, the Huaxia Army set up the political framework of the People's Congress, attracted the attention of all parties in the world with magnificent actions, and even shot a large number of Jurchen war criminals to make all detractors have nothing to say

During this period of time, all parties in the world outside the Southwest seemed to be in a state of desperation.

Dai Mengwei tried her best to stabilize the situation, even relying on a large number of human trafficking to have a full meal and maintain basic decency

As a traitor to the Southwest, Zou Xu is on the cusp, begging his grandpa to tell his grandma to develop himself, hoping to survive the next storm

Liu Guangshi wanted to regain Bianliang because of his love for Southwest, so he took Zou Xu's head and turned over at once.

Wu Qimei and Tie Yan have only been attacked by one or two factions of the Fair Party, and they have become the end of their battles, and they are now besieged on all sides

The new imperial court in the southeast is brave and radical, and various political and economic reforms have offended the original fundamentals all over the place. It is almost impossible to be relieved in the embarrassing situation of advancing or retreating.

And even the most powerful fair party swept Jiangnan in two years, but inside it was only puffy and had countless hidden dangers. Therefore, He Wencai was in a hurry to hold a meeting in Jiangning. Piao's Jiangning Conference is indeed much more confusing, with more than enough excitement and a bleak future.

In any case, with the exception of Jin, which is too far away, the Southwest regime at this time can be regarded as the best in the world in all aspects, whether it is military, economic, people's livelihood, or stability. The amazing vitality, even those who are keen to bad-mouth the Southwest, can't find too many problems to criticize during this period of time.

Because it is really too stable.

Ning Yi sat in the pavilion, looking at everything that was peaceful.

The discussion on the concept of land reform has been embedded in it since the Four Peoples were thrown out. "And so on, the radical discussion of the big frame, it does not show a huge weight in it.

This is because the Huaxia Army had a relatively small stall in the early stage, and Ning Yi could maintain the relatively clean egalitarianism in it with a strong attitude. After arriving in Liangshan, the Huaxia Army lived in borrowed land, and it was impossible to promote land reform to the surrounding Ni people. After the unification of the Southwest, the Huaxia regime's promotion of the concept of Gewu and the promotion of capital accounted for the largest focus of its work.

After a large amount of materials entered Chengdu, countless working groups went to the countryside, which will actually bring a lot of material products to everyone. People express it most in publicity, which is also the prospect of material abundance after the development of Gewu. People who are not good can naturally enter the workshops and factories in big cities to make money and become masters. At this stage, this prospect itself is quite reliable.

The concentrated development of industries near major cities such as Chengdu and Zizhou has temporarily delayed the conflicts caused by land in other non-core areas. Although at the beginning of the Huaxia Army's departure from Liangshan, some people still worried that "the Chinese soldiers were equal and wanted to kill rich households", and even ran away many people. The preferential treatment from the squire dispelled most people's doubts.

It was only after the soaring land prices near the big cities that some businessmen had a few small-scale frictions with the surrounding landowners, and it is not to the point of being overwhelmed right now.

But looking back, many people also know that most of the discussions on land reform in the Huaxia Army are linked to "equal land rights", "land to the tiller" and even "state-owned land". In fact, even the strategies of "one-whip" and "door-to-house" are considered to be small troubles.

The sudden appearance at this congress made many people a little confused.

If it is put into the modern society of later generations, when many people hear the concept of land reform, most of them think it is glorious and great on the one hand, and feel that it is a bit ordinary on the other hand. People will think that as long as such a magnificent concept is sold out, Naturally, it will be supported by most people. However, this is a pass that no one can really break through in the feudal society for thousands of years.

Even in the vigorous modern history of another world, Mr. Sun, the forerunner, first put forward the program of equalizing land rights, which was supported by countless latecomers. For decades, such a taken-for-granted and glorious consensus concept has hardly made any decisive progress.

Because the basic members of the Guoguo Party are the local sages and elites who are entrenched in various places and control the vast power of the world.

At that time, another political party with red blood reached an understanding with the Guo Party in 24 years, thinking that the right things could be carried out without hesitation after starting cooperation, so they carried out drastic land reform, and they began to realize what Mr. Sun advocated. The "people's livelihood" theory, and looking back, ushered in the "April 12" and "July 15" massacres in 27 years. The revolution failed.

Land is more than land.

It is the most core production resource at the end of the largest power in the entire society, and it is also the most obvious indicator that symbolizes the ownership of this huge power. The success of land reform is based on the meticulous control of this huge power system. Once such power is in control, what can be done is to distribute the acquired land to the people?

What is involved in this matter is already a big net similar to Confucianism.

Since the Huaxia Army jumped out of Liangshan, no one in the entire Chengdu Plain, Sichuan and Shu could resist it. As the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchen West Route Army, the few landlords and village sages left in the southwest, no one dared to fight against them. Do not surrender. Compared with the Jurchen army sweeping the world, those so-called Confucian scholars, landlords, and village sages all seemed weak, and the enemies on the surface were the easiest problems for the Huaxia army to deal with.

However, land is something related to the way of life of all people in the world. If we want to change this way of life and rule, we will be resisted by the "consensus" and "subconscious" in everyone's mind, and the huge network of erosion will go in the opposite direction. If it rushes over, it will reduce the efficiency of the ruling structure that is not firm enough from the inside, and it will cause public dissatisfaction to boil. Even when there is a problem with the entire structure, people will not realize that it is caused by the land reform.

Are you prepared enough? Have grassroots officials and veterans in various places exercised enough? They may be able to defeat the enemies on the surface, but when the land is turned into benefits and real calculations begin, can they resist the corruption in it? Can the tide of left and right be contained? So much rectification has been carried out, can it be stricter?

Even taking a step back, is it necessary to implement land reform right now?

As Su Wending said, the strong rules of capital will find their own way, and the privatization and free flow of land can provide a breeding ground for **** growth. Following this path, and then carrying out certain manipulations to promote the awareness of the people and the emergence of civil rights, is already a relatively appropriate development framework. The profit-seeking nature of capital will overthrow the feudal production relations in all aspects. The big net with the core will be stronger than that net. It is woven by laws and is far better than the strength of human beings.

Is it necessary for me to touch Xiangxian's net first?

Is it really necessary 100%?

Ning Yi himself actually has such doubts.

There are many reasons for both positive and negative directions.

In the positive direction, the benefits of land reform are of course very many. Once successful, the Huaxia Army's control over the bottom will directly leap to a new level. Compared with all external forces, the Huaxia Army will seem to have entered a threshold of a new dimension. , in such a battle, the core enemy is still to contain the distortions within the system. If it can pass, it will become a reliable training for the future to deal with the big net of Confucianism

However, in the opposite direction, the advancement of a large force must properly distinguish between the primary contradiction and the secondary contradiction. Once unexpected problems arise in this land reform, such as the intensification of the left-right line, internal fighting, and the root cause of the reform will fall halfway. In the future, the power of the Huaxia Army may not be able to contain the burgeoning capital sprouts. A failed land reform may not directly cause the failure of the Huaxia Army, but if it fails in the future, such an action will inevitably be a big hit on the camel's back. Bale of straw

Now that the Huaxia Army is only in control of the southwest, the troops on hand have overwhelming control over Sichuan and Shu. The concern lies in the long-term and internal changes in the organization. Once the Huaxia Army breaks out of the southwest and annexes the world, if the land reform has not been carried out, it may not be able to formally mention this matter in the future. This is its positive urgency

However, each era has its original considerations. In the great era that I lived in the past, the country that experienced suffering lost its first-mover advantages in capital and property acquisition. Land reform mobilized the masses to recover the advantages. However, in In this era, if we already have the initiative to investigate property and capital, is land reform still such an urgent and necessary part? Are my own actions also dominated by dogmatism and pure tribute to the emotional thinking to a certain extent?

These piles of considerations have been hovering in its mind for a very long time.

He himself could not say a definitive result.

In such a complicated matter, the members of the Su family are just the most insignificant details.

For a long time, both Ning Yi and Su Tan'er have been very strict with these family members. Although the water cannot be cleared, it is only a matter of one or two years to get some land benefits in the southwest. If Ning Yi asked directly, they would not even dare to have obvious interests under their names, but some landlords and squires might share some money benefits on hand, in exchange for them to inquire or overhear some information.

And even the two brother-in-laws who already had a certain status couldn't afford the weight of a supporting role in the next incident. The reason why Ning Yi would have such a long talk with them during this period is that on the one hand, it is to cultivate the people around him, and on the other hand, it is because he is not doing such calculations and calculations in his heart all the time. think.

Such hesitation and questions may continue for a long, long time, and even in the future when the dust has settled, he may ask himself again and again. But thinking can be cautious, he can deduce, summarize, and reflect, but when things come to an end, the choice must be firm.

Temporarily, he has made a choice.

As always, Ning Yi chose the more difficult path.

There may be a chance to repent before the conference ends, or even a month or two after it ends. But he knows that the probability of stopping is already very small.

The Maha Pond in late autumn was sparkling, and he stood there for a while in a daze.

The days of peace are coming to an end.

Occasionally raising his head, he looks at the stars in the night sky, and he also thinks of other lively places on this land, such as wars, hero conferences, the confrontation between Liu Guangshi and Zou Xu may be very interesting, and Jiangning Hewen must have encountered to a very complex problem

Such news often comes, and for him, it is already an extremely, extremely relaxing pastime

I really want to switch places.

No matter who it's with, it's like starting a new game from scratch

that would be fun

It would be great if I didn't know Qin Yuyuan

Thinking of Xiao Ningji's trip to the rivers and lakes

I don't know where I'm wandering, but I should be very happy anyway

No matter, no matter. I had a brain twitch for a while, and I caught up with it for a lifetime

Let the children play for a few more days

In the future, I won't scold him anymore.

The middle-aged man named Ning Yi sighed.


This chapter is very complicated and very strange, I thought about it for a long time, and decided to publish it. Some people will definitely say it's water, it doesn't matter, just post a big chapter tomorrow.

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