Zhui Xu

: Someone is actually spreading rumors that I am divorced, and it is the only time to do this for th

Today, a reader said in the book review area that he heard that I was divorced and came to care about me. I deleted such a boring book review, and later found out that someone was spreading rumors in other places, and many people actually believed it. became a sort of public figure.

First of all, the marriage is still good. I actually don't want to talk about it with anyone in an confessional way, because no matter benevolent or malicious, I personally don't think that any outsider is qualified to care about my private life. But without mentioning this point first, the follow-up speech seems to be impossible to follow, so here is the first and last time to talk about this.

In the past few years, I will try my best to talk about my past and my understanding of life candidly in my essays, but readers who really read it may find that what I have always shared is after these real lives. Some summaries of life, I think these life experiences may be useful to some friends, so I share them, but I will not share my life itself with people other than relatives and friends in the real world, there will be clear boundaries in the middle exist.

In the process of my continuous writing, especially after the influence began to grow this year, it is not unimaginable that some people will spread rumors for various reasons and wantonly spread their despicableness, even, This is a kind of inferiority that I have always been deeply aware of. I have no obligation or interest in their lives. And in these rumor-mongering places, there is also a kind of well-meaning book friends. They said, I used to think that Banana’s life was very happy, but I got divorced. My illusion about love was shattered. I actually want to say to these book friends some words.

In this pitiful human society, there is currently a despicable phenomenon called an idol. When it has gone through some assembly line operations to the present, it is almost a monster that combines the bad roots of the entire society. You see, people’s own lives are poor, so they pin their hopes for life on other people. You expect others to be handsome, handsome, knowledgeable, and sensible, and you expect them to sing, dance, film, and not get married, so some star-making The company puts some young people in their early twenties or even under twenties to entrust your imagination, and at the same time exchanges huge amounts of money, which is essentially a kind of destruction to people. Of course, people frivolously pin their imaginations on others. When this imagination cannot be pinned, people are keen to destroy others to gain a sense of superiority after dinner... And when this behavior begins to expand, people begin to use these Imagination is entrusted to doctors, lawyers, writers, and the future is even entrusted to scientists. People think this is a wonderful thing, but please remember that no one can carry the sustenance of most people, just like Luo Xiang, Just like Zhang Wenhong, when they face tens of thousands of people, no matter how gentle, courteous and frugal they are, while making thousands of people feel comfortable, there will also be thousands of people who want to show their own by destroying them. exist. But regardless of the pros and cons, the lives of Luo Xiang and Zhang Wenhong are not for these bystanders...

My life is also the same. I am a writer and I make a living by writing books. The only thing in me that I can and is willing to exchange for money is my book writing skills. Occasionally, I also share my experience and insights. Come to communicate with you, but I don't carry anyone's imagination of my life, I don't entrust anyone's love, or the sustenance of life efforts, everyone, please don't entrust your own life assumptions on anyone , Everyone has to face their own life and go all out, but I only occasionally provide my own experience and summary for reference.

In the past few years before the country took various measures, for example, in 2019, the national divorce data once exceeded 40%. For every five married couples, there would be two divorces. Faced with such a high data, people There will still be a lot of talk about the divorce of every pair of stars, as if visiting a social miracle that has never been seen.

In my life, I have never seen a perfect person. Every friend has flaws of one kind or another. A relatively common flaw is that many people are keen to evaluate the lives of others on the Internet based on the standards of saints. Just like in the past, everyone talked about other people's private affairs in the yard after dinner, but today, we make celebrities and public figures into consumable items that carry our maliciousness.

In my life, there are naturally good and bad things, but it is gradually difficult for me to talk about them. I am an ordinary person, with an ordinary marriage and life. If I want to show off, of course I also have things to show off , but when more and more people care about it, various distortions will occur in the process. Such distortions will not only damage my life, but also damage yours. And wanting to have a good life, a good love, or other things, it is meaningless to entrust others. The reason is that we always have to face it with trepidation and handle every bump in life carefully. , My wife and I have entered the seventh year of marriage. There have been break-ins and quarrels, and sometimes I feel handy. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com But even the most loving couple in the world will want to divorce hundreds of times, we may be able to go to the end with trepidation, but that has nothing to do with you, you have to face your own life. And even if anyone can't go on one day, it's just some common social phenomenon.

If I was a so called idol, I would create the illusion of my life and tell you how perfect I am and at the same time I take your money through this scam, but it's a poor thing, life Experience tells me that there will be no such perfection. This illusion of perfection is caused by the extreme distortion of a person. Fans gain pleasure by destroying a person, and idols gain wealth by destroying themselves. It may be an exchange of equals, but I'm not selling any private expectations or imaginations of myself. Please do your best to face your own life.

This is the last time I talk about this matter. I will still record my life in the future, but it must be shared after I have insights. I can only guarantee the sincerity of this sharing. And if there are friends who are interested in my life or love, please respond with this article. And if one day I run into the article and just sell it miserably... well, then please reward me with a little money. At that time, I will probably be miserable... :-D

Don't entrust your life to others, that is the embodiment of all cowardice, laziness and despicableness, and it will give birth to twisted monsters.

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