Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1116: break (3)

Faintly, the restlessness in the distance is like the sound of boiling water in a pot just before it rolls over, depressing and low.

The spreading murderous intent approached the center of the eyebrows, bringing hallucinatory pain, Lin Zongwu opened his eyes, got up from the futon, and walked out the door.

On this crucial day, the area around the old yamen was restless for several miles throughout the morning, but at the moment before him, the water in the entire Jiangning City was about to boil.

And in front of him, Lin Zongwu, who had recharged his energy all morning, had already made up for the loss of fighting against Meng Zhutao last night, and before a huge event, he competed with those masters who had stepped into the realm of masters and won. The whole thing was like a warm-up, making his strength and state reach the peak of a new stage.

This is the third floor of a majestic apse of a monastery in the city. Lin Zongwu, who walks up the stairs, has a wide robe and full of energy, just like a giant Buddha in the world. On one side of the huge hall, a tall ginkgo tree is spreading its canopy all over the sky, and the white sky light in late autumn hangs down from the gaps in the golden leaves.

A restless breath came from the southwest direction. It was the site defended by the masters of Yan Luo Wang and Gao Tian Wang. "Heavenly Knife" Tan Zheng, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang, "Wu Luo Zhan" Tang Qinghua and other well-known Dharma protectors and masters at the level of guest officials also appeared in the field of vision one after another.

To be aware of the cicada before the autumn wind moves, this is the embodiment of the astonishing achievement in martial arts...

In the distance, there was a strange signal bomb across the sky, and the faint and crisp sound was like firecrackers scattered in the world at the end of the year, and it rang a few times.

Looking there from the height of the temple through the leaves of ginkgo, there are waving flags above the row upon row of courtyards, but at a certain moment, a flag in the distance in the field of vision swayed a few times, and after a short time...

A black flag slowly squeezed into the top of the field of vision, as if a drop of black ink had suddenly dripped into the sea of ​​flags.

Flags flutter.

At noon, at this moment, the entire sky above Jiangning City seemed to be quiet for a moment. A certain atmosphere was suppressed from the sky, and it was like a sea tide, and it was rumbling, sweeping from afar, and finally turned into a raging tide as high as a thousand feet.

In the distance, a firework suddenly rose into the sky, and the firework was accompanied by a crisp warning sound.

And then, a series of fireworks, even accompanied by the roar of earth cannons, shot up into the sky one after another, interlaced with light and shadow.

The people guarding here are warning and reminding their companions in countless directions, and the people who set off the warning fireworks are running on the street, and some people even shouted loudly.

The autumn wind stroked the leaves of the ginkgo and the large cassock on the body of the giant Buddha. Above the surrounding courtyards, Wang Nanda, Chen Juefang, Tan Zheng, Tang Qinghua, Jin Yongsheng... one after another master figures leaped onto the balcony or the roof, Lin Zongwu looked over there with indifferent eyes. Amidst the rising and falling warnings like sea tides and torrential rains, he slowly opened his arms, and then with an "ah", the sky shook like thunder.


The giant Buddha's voice was loud and heavy, and as the huge and astonishing internal force in the body urged, this roar also spread towards the countless courtyards like a sea tide, and it gradually merged into the warnings that rose and fell one after another. , and then turned into the most obvious signal in the chaos of miles around. A well-known master and grand master on various joints, hearing the sound of thunder that seemed to descend from the sky, was horrified at first, and then turned into calm and surprise excitement in their eyes.

Under the sun, ginkgo leaves are fluttering, and the sleeves of the giant Buddha in the world are fluttering. With the power of one person, he is stabilizing the chaos of people's hearts within a radius of several miles. The sense of oppression brought by the black flag is overshadowed by this huge Roaring and rushing, it seemed that a wave of hedging was formed above the city, and the black flag seemed to become less alarming.

At this moment, Lin Zongwu seemed to be the absolute number one in the world, according to what people wanted. Even Zhou Tong in the past has never left a legend like his at this moment.

Throughout his tossing and turning life, he wanted to become the most undoubted number one expert, but because of Zhou Tong's early death, he always lacked some proofs; he wanted to achieve a career, but he always faced military and political challenges. He was defeated all the time, went to Bianliang, was hunted down by cavalry, wanted to fight against the gold, and the soldiers under him were just mobs, and wanted to spread teachings in Jin, but found that he was not even as good as a woman in terms of intrigue...

As the undisputed protagonist on a huge stage, he always seemed to be a step short. Even if he followed Wang Nanda to Jiangning, the breakup between Xu Zhaonan and He Wen always seemed to make him lose his sense of righteousness. He didn't really want to kill Meng Zhuotao, but in his heart, he was against Meng Zhuotao. I even agree with him a little bit, wanting to see the other party's future growth...

But even with so many flaws in life, adults in troubled times always have to make their own choices and pay their own price. And when he made that choice, Lin Zongwu was still the leader of the Great Guangming Sect who had been fierce for half his life, the strongest master whose martial arts throughout his life could not be compared with anyone else.

For more than ten years, he never went to the southwest to find Ning Yi's troubles, but it was because it was unnecessary. And at this moment in Jiangning City, no matter which master came from the Black Banner Army, he decided to fight with all his strength to suppress the opponent's sharpness, as his consolation for his career in life, and his true love. Evidence of a world of pressure

The sudden fighting and explosions rang the noon, but the little monk didn't notice too many boring noises. When Xue Jin walked by him, the dark-skinned southwestern expert walked by him, holding a People with swords, shields and strange long sticks walked by him, and his mind gradually calmed down as the black flag stretched in his hand.

He rushed forward and crawled towards the nearby roofs. The fighting in the surrounding streets had already started. Surprisingly, no one came to stop him, and he didn't know whether it was unnecessary or subconsciously ignored his existence.

The little monk rushed to the nearby roof. He found a relatively high attic, went over and pushed it to the flagpole, threw away the colorful flag on it, and put the black flag on it. Afterwards, he put the black flag on the attic. stood up high.

The banner stretched out, looking down from the top of the building, several lines of blood rushing in were spreading from the periphery of the street towards the front.

And just a moment later, he saw the sound of cannons and warning fireworks rising continuously. They pointed here from countless directions. Their mighty sound waves almost drowned the entire city. Others warn.

Black Banner Army.


The little monk widened his eyes.

He had never seen such a mighty scene.


He raised his arms and yelled from the rooftops.

I am Monkey King Monkey King

Little Sage Monkey King wanted to shout such words in his heart, but he was too shy to speak out. And just after this moment of hesitation, the little monk's wide mouth changed into a horrifying shape. Looking at the rain of arrows rising in front of him, he turned around abruptly and ran away with his head in his arms.

Running at high speed to the edge of the building, the figure of the young monk jumped up to the roof on the other side nimbly, and just stood still, a shout like a raging tide swept from a distance under the impetus of surging internal force.

ah? master...

Monkey King slipped under his feet, knocked off a tile, and fell towards the courtyard full of panicked enemies...

With the rise of various warning fireworks and the roar of the angry Buddha sweeping across like a sea tide, the Jiuwu Yamen radiated a large area within several miles, and every bystander or lurker also had their own reactions one after another. .

In a courtyard facing the main street in the north, Fu Pingbo, the "Long Xian" who stayed in Jiangning City temporarily, went up to the roof in three steps and two steps. He raised his binoculars to observe the movement in the distance. It will take a while before the specific situation can be determined.

"...The black flag is coming...Has the Huaxia Army made a move?"

"What's going on... Didn't you say that our side will move first? Why is he in the limelight? What time is it now..."

Witnessing the expansion of the situation over there, Fu Pingbo even reconfirmed the specific time with the people around him, and then quickly went down from the roof: "Everyone, get ready"

The actions of the Jiangning Supervision Department are to show He Wen's "people's will" in front of the eyes of the world. Therefore, even if He Wen holds a large army, he cannot directly send troops to flatten the entire city, but to let a large number of people The warriors, ordinary people, and some forces that had already chosen to cooperate with He Wen "spontaneously" rushed out of the positions of the other four kings.

It is precisely because this goal is full of difficulties that the other four are willing to set up such a formation, one attack and one defense to show the world the choice of most people, but instead of killing Xu Yongwei, and the old The Yamen was burned down.

With such a purpose, Jiang Ning's bet must be based on He Wen's forces first coming out and building momentum, and the black flag as foreign aid will then intervene as an auxiliary. But Fu Pingbo, who has always been well-mannered, never imagined that the world-renowned Black Flag would be so ignorant of martial arts. Before the time came, they actually grabbed the show ahead of time...

More than a hundred people lead the charge, do they want to die?

Although furious in his heart, due to the scarcity of allies, Fu Pingbo immediately began to issue and transmit orders as quickly as possible, preparing to make amends for the recklessness of these allies. Anyway, in such a chaotic ecology of the Fair Party, his rescue is not once or twice...

At the same time, on other street intersections near Jiuwu Yamen where the riots had not yet started, some ordinary people who saw the leaflets and tried to appeal for grievances began to move. Wheel knife and gun. As the huge warning sounded, the elite guarding in front of each intersection also put away their last playful thoughts.

The war has begun.

On the east side of the old Wu Yamen, in a dark alley in front of the intersection guarded by the "Immortal Guards", You Hongzhuo and Liang Siyi picked up their swords amidst the rising warning fireworks, and then Lin Zongwu's roar swept across the street. Countless warriors on the ground showed amazed expressions. In the dark alley, the two quietly felt the message in the raging tide.

"The grandmaster in the southwest may have weaker internal strength..." You Hongzhuo said his own calculations softly and calmly.

"The foster father once said that Lin Echan's physique is superior, and there is no such a unique body in the world to exercise his inner strength..." Liang Siyi said, "But there is nothing to be afraid of."

Wang Yin, who practiced Peacock King Qizhanyu, had a deep understanding of Lin Echan's martial arts in the past. However, in the second half of his life, Wang Yin changed his name to Wang Juyun, and rescued people and trained soldiers in the north. He was short of clothes and food, but he was exhausted. Martial arts were no longer an important thing in his life. Wang Shangshu, who is both perfect, is extremely far away. And this romance belongs to Lin Echan right now.

Liang Siyi said "it's nothing to be afraid of", more like a calm statement like "death is nothing to be afraid of", You Hongzhuo smiled. Of course, their purpose this time does not need to face Shanglin Echan, and they may be able to accomplish it. The two stood there, waiting for this wave of overwhelming voices to pass.

Farther away in the city, Ding Songnan, who was holding a telescope, saw the black flag waving. The scene of Qian Luoning and various special operations teams rushing towards the inner circle made his expression complicated.

In the past, he has also been part of this fierce team.

And then, he had to rack his brains every day to think about how to face the impact of this kind of attack in the future.

Countless bystanders were shocked by the arrival of the black flag and the momentum of this wave of roar.

On the teahouse in the south, after Qian Luoning and the others went downstairs, Zuo Xiuquan still stood by the window there for a while. Lin Zongwu's roar came, and the sound was still clearly audible several miles away. The old man's face gradually faded. His face changed, and he said, "Is this not human?"

Yue Yun listened, and gradually frowned: "Father and General Gao... seem to be a little behind..."

Yin Ping said: "There are not many people on the battlefield, but the internal power of Master Lin... is indeed so deep that it is unimaginable."

"The man with the black flag..." Zuo Xiuquan turned his head, recalling the last conversation just now, feeling slightly confused. But then, he shook his head: "Forget it, don't think too much... According to the scheduled plan, you should also start preparing."

He looked at the people in the teahouse.

"Play by ear, there is only one goal for you"

There are still groups of forces, and orders one by one, began to be issued among countless bystanders.

On the southwest side of the city, the sudden attack of the Huaxia Army and the flying of the black flag brought the first wave of huge chaos, but then, the chaos began to reorganize amidst Lin Zongwu's roar.

"It's Hierarch Lin"

"There is the leader of Lin Lin in the battle"

"So what if it's the black flag, there aren't many people..."

The first wave of chaotic people gave warning while running, and immediately, in courtyards and streets, the elite killers and green forest masters who had certain psychological expectations began to boost their morale, and some people stretched their bodies and breathed Running, began to push to the peak, someone jumped up and rushed out of the house. Those with light skills have jumped onto the roof and opened their eyes during the attack. Those who are good at concealment walk along the heels of the house at high speed and start rushing towards the outside. On the second line of defense at the back of the street, the elite soldiers pushed up their shields. The car began to press forward like a wall.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah"

"Kill them and eat them"

"I want to **** a woman from the Southwest"

On the south side of the defense "fortress", the masters under "King Yama" Zhou Shang were bloodthirsty and crazy, while on the west side, the subordinates of "King Gao Tian" were the soldiers most adapted to the battlefield among the four kings. As the Huaxia army broke through a section of the outer courtyard, the counterattacks of the masters, guided by Lin Zongwu's roar, rushed towards them like mountains and seas.

And the surprise attack of only a hundred people also collided with these masters in an instant, and then opened up, like the knife edge of a meat grinder, flying flesh and blood

As one of the vanguards of "Heavenly Killer" Wei Yanwen, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Lu Xian is not only strong in martial arts but also rational, and possesses a certain overall view. Therefore, when deciding the defensive position, he and his team The subordinates were arranged in the second formation of the street, that is, at a fork seven or eight blocks away from the intersection where the great master "The Promise" Gao Haifeng sits.

The moment the enemy appeared from the street and the black flag fluttered up, he and his subordinates looked a little pale, but immediately, Lin Zongwu's roar spread. As the deputy, Li Duanwu seized the opportunity, commanded the surrounding soldiers in a deep voice, and began to push up the row of hideous shield cars lined up on the street.

This is a huge wall full of knives across the street. Even a master-level martial arts master will feel helpless in the face of these shield vehicles for a while.

At this time, the flesh and blood in front of them was mixed. In a fierce confrontation, the group of black flag masters had already run over Gao Haifeng and his group of disciples. Some people were running and jumping on the roof, and some people jumped off. Li Duanwu With a hoarse voice, he rushed forward with the carts of the crowd, and the figure of the Huaxia Army was also moving forward...


Collision unfold

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