Zhui Xu

Vol 9 Chapter 398: Honey language

With Jin's things, it is a matter of happiness for Ning Yi to be able to make an understanding and get a solution before going to Shandong. In the recent period, three things have finally solved one. In the afternoon, Jiner has returned to the state as usual. In the evening, I talked to the little girl who finished the matter in the yard: "Small, the one who taught you before, don't you practice?"

"Ah, but... that hurts..."

Then Xiao Yan was taken away in such hesitation.

Too obvious change in attitude can probably make the family guess what happened. When Yunzhu is sitting and resting under the armpit, Yun Zhu’s smile contains these things. In the evening, Xiao Xiao, who was tossed by Jin Er for a while, can understand it. It is just that she knows that Ning Yi is in trouble at the moment. Everything is ridiculous and she can solve this trouble. She even looks a little happy.

After the two went to bed in the evening, they stayed in the night, and Xiao Xiao snuggled in his arms. Ning Yi reached out and rubbed her, stroking the hair behind her head: "Before... Tan, come up, You will tell her about these things truthfully."

Xiao Yan looked up: "Well?"

"The things of Nie Yunzhu and Yuan Jiner, these things are said, I can't help you."

Listening to Ning Yi said this sentence, originally a small donkey who snuggled in his arms, reached out and hugged him hard, his head buried in his chest, as if he wanted to connect himself with him, after a while, He smiled in his arms: "Actually... the things of Jin's girl, it's a bit embarrassing to get married?"

"Oh... it’s a bit unprepared..."

"Nie girl, Yuan girl, are actually good people..." Xiao Yan said on his chest. "But there are some things, not good people will be fine... Previously in the Su family, some of the old men who came back from the wife, Xiao Yan. At the beginning, they were all good, and the family of the temperament... But as time passed, some things changed..."

Moonlight 朦胧, the little wife who is in her arms is also very light and clever. It sounds like there is not much emotion: "The high door, the words, the words. The lords... the anger at the outside The mind that has accumulated in the business field. Come home from the outside. Slowly, alienate who, close who is, the difference will come out. The things inside the heart are slowly piled up. Then... good guys and bad guys In my heart, I have grievances and smugness... These things, my grandfather knows..."

The little wife in her arms looked up and her eyes were crystal clear. These things are probably her heart, Ning Yi nodded. Holding her, she kissed her lips in her eyebrows, and her eyes closed, so she embraced for a while.

"These things. Some are actually what the lady said... especially after the case of Nie’s sister came out, she said, it’s not a big door, there are always exceptions. It’s always necessary for the husband and wife to understand each other. Miss said, my grandfather is a strange person. I would rather throw everything out of the house and not throw us down. Miss thinks so, I, I think so too..."

Xiao Yan arched his face on his body: "Small cockroaches... just a pass room, some things, should not be said in front of the aunt, but... the lord is a weirdo, may be spoiled by the little sister Xiao Yan wants to talk to her aunt, not the bad words of Nie girl and Yuan girl. The lady said, these things can actually be done by mutual understanding between husband and wife..."

She fell in Ning Yi's arms and paused: "Small 婵... In fact, I have encountered many good things in my life. It is a good thing to be a servant in the Su family. It is a good thing to meet a young lady. It is a good thing to have a younger sister. Xiao Xiao thinks that the best thing is to meet a grandfather and be able to give his body to his grandfather, not to other people. This is the best thing in his life. Sometimes I think that if you are young, you may It’s hard to be a woman who stays in a black house all day and is awkward and vicious."

When she said this, the voice even had a few whimpers: "Small cockroaches... Only aunt, there will be not many things to do, to fold the clothes for the aunt, pour it into the tea, and pack up the things. Xiaoxi only hopes... Will not want me, happy to hug me, not happy to yell at me, as long as my grandfather is still around, Xiaoyan will not become that sly and vicious woman, anyway, my grandfather is a weirdo, these things, my grandfather can Just remember it... just remember, it won't go bad..."

Her words have probably been thought for a long time in my heart. At this time, Ning Yi was silent for a long time and said: "I know." The wife’s words are also alarming rumors for him. After a while, I added: "There will be no such thing in the future."

Xiao Yan smiled in his arms: "This... it’s hard to say..."

"Well?" For Xiao Xiao, look down on him so much, and make him a big radish. Ning Yi is a bit uncomfortable.

"My grandfather, is a very determined person, the average woman, even if he has a good impression on him, he will not move for it. Jiangning's Lanlan girl, so many people, are the same. However, My grandfather’s sincere intentions to others can’t be rejected. Jin’s girl is like this, isn’t it?” The little boy in his arms looked up and looked at him, revealing some wise smiles.

Ning Yi frowned, and the accusation could not be refuted. After a while, Xiao Xiao said: "It’s like... the big knife watermelon princess, the aunt and her, what will happen later?"

Xiao Yu and Ning Yi are trapped together in Hangzhou. They know the whole process between Ning Yi and Liu Jiangan. When she talked about this, Ning Yi smiled and laughed: "Liu Watermelon... She is doing rebellion and rescue. The great things of mankind, when they were at the barracks camp, those things were all temporary, and they couldn’t talk about this. I’ve thought about it...”

"Oh..." Xiaoxiao was slightly hesitant. She actually only felt that there was some embarrassment between Ning Yi and Liu Jiangan. It was impossible to determine whether it was really something. "No?"

"Not counting." Ning Yi replied, and thought for a while, "And... I forgot about the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that there is no chance of goodbye, and there are so many things, I only hope that... she will not be imprisoned. Grab, you can get a good end in the future..."

For the female owner of the tyrants, although she was afraid at the beginning, Xiao Yan still liked her very much. Listen to Ning Yi to say this. Realizing that the other party is rebelling at this time, Xiao Yan can't help but feel a bit embarrassed. After a while, he said: "In any case... my grandfather has always been such a strange grandfather, then it will do..."

"Where am I blame." Ning Yi smiled and pinched her nose. "However, I will always remember... you are the most important thing in my life..."

It’s been a long time since I came to the Wu Dynasty. This is the first time he has clearly stated this in front of people. Perhaps it is also because in front of Xiao Yan. Can you say so frankly.

I talked to Xiao Xiao this night. On the second day, Ning Yi went out and went to Qin to visit again. He came to the squatting beam, which was originally one thing, and later became three pieces. The temporary settlement of Jiner was made. The second one is about the prototype of the entire bamboo plan, but to be honest, there is still a lot of time to do. As for the preparation of Liangshan, it is a small incident that can be done without deliberately, although it is also a business. But don't deliberately count it in.

As for the third thing. It is a question about the sorghum in the extra-budget. For this matter, he can stay a few more days, but to be honest. At present, there is not much possibility of solving it.

The main trouble with this matter is that he does not have much information network in Yanliang, and if he wants to avoid the investigation by the Secret Investigation Department. Only Li Shishi can be used. But Master Li is good for himself. But it is hard to say how much you can trust. If Ning Yi really wants to kill Gao Muen's thoughts, it is difficult to determine whether she will turn around and report to the Taifu government to extract herself.

Ning Yi is good at strategizing and good at resource operation, but in the absence of too many operational resources, he is just an ordinary person, not a god. All kinds of books on the so-called multi-intelligence and near demon are also resources that can be piled up. It is very clear to the people around him to know how to do it. It is very important to know the details of the nature, ability and style of the temple. These things are very important and the premise of all conspiracy.

If you must kill Gao Muen, there is no way at the moment, and there are even many alternatives. But killing him wants not to be traced, it is difficult, especially now that he has just had a friction with Gao Muen, no matter what happens, he will be suspected. If you are really stared at by the Taifu government, it will only make the whole situation worse. Don't kill Gao Muen, at least the protection of the Qin government, Yun Zhu Xiaoyan, these people will not have anything, if they kill high Mu En, if you want to take revenge there, it is true that even Qin Yuyuan may not be able to protect it. I still go to Shandong, and it is better to take people to run.

For this reason, he has basically given up on the plan to kill the sorghum. When I came to Qin, I was going to confirm the other things.

After Taner went north, Budai and Zhuji needed help and care. There were several small plans for supporting Zhuji. For example, I hope that Xiangfu will help buy a papermaking workshop and a printing bureau. I hope that the Secret Investigation Division can help arrange A master collected and archived various anecdotes and news among the green forests. These trivial things were mentioned before, and this time it was officially confirmed.

For those of Qin Yuyuan and Qi Zunian, I am afraid that his idea of ​​"Wulin Top 100 Masters" is a bit of a play, but since Ning Yi spends money, they do not need to stop. Before the plan of Zhu Ji really started, Ning Yi also knew that the role of this matter was not great. Who knows what a literati has compiled? Only when Zhu Ji expands and can be spread in the streets and lanes, is it really possible to produce results. But at the moment, I have to start preparing. In short, I will put it here before he returns from Shandong.

In the past few days around the Dragon Boat Festival, the city inside and outside the city of Liangliang is lively and lively, and it is also lively inside and outside the hall. The Tongjun army was in place, the Changsheng Army’s investment was fully implemented, and the Liao people were beaten by the Jin people. When the Changsheng Army invested in the Wu Dynasty, the Liao people chose to surrender to both sides.

For such things, the brains know that the Liao people want to delay the time. The few masters and factions in the dynasty are still desperately publishing their own views. They believe that the Wu dynasty can actually be a brotherhood with the Liao Kingdom, but it cannot be adjacent to the Jin people. However, such remarks are already weak, and everyone knows that peaches can't be picked. The war is on the verge of attack, but there are many places worth discussing.

Because of the atmosphere in which the arrow has been wounded, Qin Yuyuan has been very busy recently. Since he promoted the Northern Expedition, he has been coordinating logistics. When Guo Yaojun led the Changsheng Army to bring the two states to the army, all kinds of trivial matters will be more. This day is nearing the evening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Yuyuan came back from the outside. For Ning Yi’s two days, I knew it before. I stayed at home for dinner this evening.

"Liheng came to Beijing these days, it seems that everyone is busy, I want you to participate in several poetry meetings, to join in the fun of Liliang, Liheng you are not interested. It seems that you can only wait for you to come back from Shandong It is."

"There is always a chance." Ning Yi smiled.

"There is nothing else to say, but after the Dragon Boat Festival, things about you have been raging. Tang Qinyi told me several times that there are talents, and you should not let your pearls be dusty. What are you?" The idea should also let you enter the country's sub-supervisor to study, and take the right path of the imperial examination. In addition, Cai Taishi heard that there are opinions on you, and if you are willing to go, you may be able to pay good words."

Taishi Cai Jing, Qin Yuyuan said that this name seems to have faded out of the power circle, and Ning Yi’s heart is slightly moving. He came to the Wu Dynasty for more than two years. Although he could hear the name occasionally, he had no interest in the political circle of Wu Dynasty before, and he could not hear any evaluation. This time I came to Suiliang and added a little knowledge. I probably knew that the other party had already made a resignation in the early years. At present, I maintain the identity of this Taishi, and I will support my life in the city of Yanliang. However, if you dig deeper, you will know that the old man who is already in his 70s is the most oss candidate in the current political arena.

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