Zhui Xu

Vol 9 Chapter 399: Resentment and conspiracy

"...How do folks talk about the same category? What is the population of the text, and it belongs to the same category. Cai Taishi has been slaughtering for more than ten years, some good things, some bad things, but it is not so simple to evaluate. Nowadays, The first of the martial arts is Tong Shu Mi, and when it comes to Wen Chen, the world’s hope is not the old man, not Li Xiang, but the old-age teacher who writes at home. To be honest, if there is any problem with the Northern Expedition If I can't hold up with Li, I can't stand the scene, only the old man."

After dinner, Qin Yuyuan and Ning Yi spoke, leading him to the garden behind the Xiangfu, and he also talked about Cai Jing. The old man who has been slaughtering for more than ten years is not good at the bottom of the time. The literati is mixed, and most of them can understand his status. Qin Yuyuan is also sixty years old. When he talks about the other party, he still has to call it "the elderly". If he wants to come to Li Gang and Qin Yuyuan, the other party is probably the first person to resume the stability situation.

Fortunately, this time Li Gang came out, the best time for the Northern Expedition, Qin Yuyuan is like the sea, although there is no accumulation of Cai Jing for more than ten years, but it is not a fuel-efficient lamp, enough to match it. These conditions will not appear for a while.

Qin Yuyuan also talked about it casually, and did not have any deep meaning. Under the accompanying guards, the two walked to the rear garden. Qin Yuyuan asked people to take Go. For example, in Jiangning, he was prepared to go to the last game with Ning Yi. After chatting a few words, the old man asked: "Li Heng What do you think of governing the country?"

This question is really too formal. Ning Yi was a little surprised, hesitating, and said with a smile: "The right-handed adult... Some asked blindly?"

His right-handed adult is a little weird. Qin Yuyuan laughed and was talking. Someone came with the family, but it was Cheng Zhouhai who came to visit Xiangfu. After saluting with the teacher, Qin Yuyuan waved his hand to indicate that he was sitting next to him.

"The Northern Expedition is a lot of hardships, but at the moment, the child is already in the dynasty of the dynasty. It is against the Xiaogan confrontation and the Changsheng Army is sincere. The Liao people are defeated under the attack of the Jinren. If all goes well, this year will be It’s possible to end the war. It’s possible to recover the Yanyun. After the beating is over, the next thing is the placement...” The old man dropped the chess piece. “So it’s easy to talk about it.”

"What do you say?" Ning Yi laughed.

The old man smiled and nodded: "Well, just talk about it."

"Okay, just say it." Ning Yi looked at the game. After thinking about it, after dropping the chess piece, I waved my hand: "Qin Xiang is here every day, looking at the city, what did he see?"

At this time, the pavilion where the two were located was on a rockery in the back garden of Xiangfu. The terrain was slightly higher, although it was impossible to overlook the truss. But the glow of the night in the city, the lively atmosphere can still be felt. Cheng Zhouhai looked around, Qin Yuyuan said with a smile: "This question is a bit big? Liheng may wish to speak up."

“Have you seen resentment?”

“Well?” Qin Yuyuan frowned. “What is this?”

"If you want to talk about governance, you have to see grievances." Ning Yi took the chess piece at the fingertips and rubbed his fingers. "On this road, every life is born. It must be with the people around you. Collision friction. Large and small grievances are also accumulated."

"Today I had a fight with my neighbors. It was a resentment. I had a fight with others. It was resentment. I was cheated by people. I was resentful. I was blamed for no reason. I was blamed. Officials, officials and officials, there is resentment here. The case is unfair, there are grievances... These grievances, big and small are recorded in the heart, some can be eliminated, some can not be eliminated. To death, a write-off, Qin Xiang said, I think to the actual point, the rule is this resentment."

Qin Yuyuan smashed the shackles and dropped the pieces: "It’s quite new to Li Heng’s words."

"I don't know what to say, I will do it on paper." Ning Yi smiled and continued: "There is two aspects of grievances, education and justice. Moralization is morality, culture, and customs. Kong Shengren said Tiandi Jun’s relatives, row by seat, said the saints said that the peasant industry and commerce, listed a list of important and not important, think about a peasant, never read a book, not much, and the scope of life is only one village and one town. Such people, even if they are being bullied, they feel normal, they forget it at night, and they don’t have much grievances. I read some books and walked more. I feel that I am awesome and have more friction with people. Who can look down on me, I am angry in my heart, and I have estimated more grievances in my life..."

He said this, Qin Yuyuan and Cheng Zhouhai, who were listening to each other, laughed. Ning Yi then smiled and said: "In this world, moral standards are better, each other is polite, knowing what can be done, things should not be done, friction is less, and there is less chance of resentment. Different, the degree of Ming Li is different, and people are different in their own positioning. When they encounter different things, the possibility of resentment is different. Scholars will be angry because of the lack of attention of others, and old farmers will not."

“Culture and customs tell everyone, where are you here, what kind of respect you deserve, morality makes this society lubricated, you go home, neighbors and sisters, brothers and sisters, wife, gentle and kind, these things, It will alleviate grievances, and justice is the last resort."

Ning Yi dropped the chess piece: "I have a friction with my brother, and I have grievances. I can't solve it. If I don't feel comfortable, I can only sue. If the judiciary trusts, the government will follow the rules and be fair and strict. He and I are both convinced and oral, and grievances can be dissolved. But if the justice is not fair, people in the world feel that the officials are guarded, the law is useless, and I and the brothers, to the newspapers, the first thing I want is to find relationships everywhere, in the end, his The relationship may be able to suppress me, but I can't stop it for a while, but my heart is still unable to lift my grievances. And when he is rich, even if I take it for a while, he still feels that this person dares to provoke him, I must regret it, even The grievances in his heart cannot be eliminated. The justice is a joke."

He shook his head: "This grievance will have nothing to do for a while, but people will remember all the things that have happened in the rest of their lives. Slowly, the grievances intensify. If there is too much grievance before death... people will kill, they must rebel. Some people don't dare, but he is more likely to be incited by others and more likely to become a scourge. People are weird and trust each other. A society, the most important thing is to eliminate this grievance, make it... ...the symptoms are lighter, the number is smaller, and the world is better."

After he said this, Qin Yuyuan and Cheng Zhouhai were silent for a moment. Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said: "According to this, is it not the best to teach the world? Everyone is a peasant. Without a scholar, there is no grievance... ..."

"But humanity pursues better." Ning Yi smiled. "You are pursuing a full meal, pursuing good dressing. After eating and wearing, you want to have a girl. There are girls who want to pass on the family and want to do something in the middle. Something is self-evident. In social development, it is necessary to eliminate grievances so that it does not collapse. Resentment is also to make the society go more stable. It is only to rule this. It should be based on the principle of eliminating grievances. Treatment and development are parallel. Developing this thing can't stop it, just like changing the law..."

He paused: "The past dynasties. Every time the reform, not a smart person thinks of a good way, so promoted this world. But the development of the world, to the checkpoint. Only someone came out to promote change, because everyone sees. Must Changed. Since the beginning of the commercial transformation, the implementation of education, the number of scholars has gradually increased, more and more people want to go up, if they can not go, grievances will increase, to a certain extent, they have to implement a new method, Everyone has a hope, the purpose of each reform, the purpose of adjusting the church and the social structure, most of them, if someone is dissatisfied, they must satisfy them. The law of the world has always been useful, it will appear. Instead of it appearing, people follow it..."

After he finished this, Cheng Zhouhai thought for a moment: "Now this world, the number of scholars is indeed more and more, it seems that it will change soon?"

"I hope there is something to change." Ning Yi replied casually. "In fact, there are more and more businessmen. They have money and have the mind to climb up. Now many senior officials are not affected by businessmen? Now they can be slow. Slow influence, to a certain extent, will definitely change... Oh, I am also talking about business..."

Cheng Zhouhai frowned, and after a moment, he nodded and agreed: "A large number of people will die."

Ning Yi is still watching the game: "A social trend, a change is two hundred or thirty years, and I am hiding."

He actually did not say a word. The Wu dynasty is now literary and martial arts. It seems that singing and dancing are flat, and in fact, they do not know whether there is any chance of change. However, after this sentence, Qin Yuyuan, who had been listening to him and silently playing chess, opened his mouth.

"Liheng... What do you want to do in the tyrants?"

Ning Yi frowned. Since he was in Beijing, he probably knows that Qin Yuyuan is very interested in this. He knows that he will have an inquiry, but he can't think of this question.

"That's a recipe." After thinking for a while, he said, "It has nothing to do with the world. And... It's hard to say now, if you have the chance to see the results, you can talk about it later."

He looked at Qin Yuyuan.

That is really just a remedy. The cure is weak, not the world. The most commendable revolution in China's modern history was the incitement to every member of the grassroots involved. Prior to this, every rebellion, uprising, or large-scale armed struggle, the level of incitement only stayed at the level of the scholar-officials and generals. The true bottom members always followed the tide and did not have the value of incitement. And the value of this incitement can only be reflected in combat effectiveness, but not in others.

Qin Xiaoyuan nodded and smiled: "Liheng has such an idea, and has such ability. Since returning from Shandong, why not go to the Guozijian and try the fame?"

Ning Yi also laughed: "I just said nothing. For those things... I have no ability, and I am really not interested."

Ning Yi’s ability to do things has long been there. Qin Qinyuan will question his ability, but he can only smile and shake his head at this time: “When it’s worth it, we’ll come back and say... There’s still something today, this is a veteran Lost. Zhou Hai, you will accompany him as a teacher, and you will leave, and also send Liheng. Oh, when Li Heng leaves the day after tomorrow, I will send you again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left Ning today Yi, the main seems to be the "ruling of the country" with Ning Yi's argument. At this time, he rushed to deal with his own affairs. After the old man's back disappeared, Ning Yi turned to look at the next boat.

"Cheng brother, is it specifically to come over and find it?"

This time, Cheng Zhouhai came over and said nothing about Qin Yuyuan, and looking at his expression, it seems that there are still some things to tell yourself, Ning Yi is slightly confused. Over there, Cheng Zhouhai looked up at the sky and smiled.

"There is still time to say while walking?"

"it is good."

Just as the two left the Qin government together, another place in the city of Yanliang, Zhou Pei broke into a bag with a dagger and, with a firm expression, was putting himself in a hemp sack. After the sack put her in, sealed the mouth, and then was opened again. Zhou Pei drilled his head and looked at it before he went in again. He said to the person next to him: "You are lighter."

The moonlight is gentle, Ning Yi is ready to leave the first two days of the beam, the night before the real departure from the beam, something is happening...

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