Zhui Xu

Vol 9 Chapter 400: Cheng Zhouhai (Happy Mooncake Festival)

The moonlight stopped at the treetops, and there were high red lanterns hanging high at the entrance of Xiangfu. When Ning Yi and Cheng Zhouhai came out, the carriage drove past the street.

“Ning Xiandi has been exploring the news about Gao Munen recently?”

When Cheng Zhouhai first said this sentence, honestly, Ning Yi was really shocked, but after a while, he calmed down.

"What happened to a brother?"

"On the day of the fourth day, I saw it when I came out."


To figure out the reason for the incident, Ning Yi nodded. Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said: "Today, Ning Xiandi has not told the teacher about it, indicating that Xiandi has not completely given up, maybe he is going to wait until the day after tomorrow to leave. ......Taiwan House has been operating in Yuliang for several years. To be honest, it is not difficult to kill Gao Muen. It is good to settle Lu Qian, but if you want to be undoubted, Ning Xiandi would like to pass the Secret Investigation Department. Arrived."

He smiled at Mimi: "In this regard, the dumb brother can help the younger brother."

Ning Yi frowned. "What is the idea of ​​a brother?"

"I see that the flowers are too old to be pleasing to the eye."

"What kind of jokes are you doing?"

"Oh, it sounds like a joke, but... this is the truth."

The two walked on the road, Cheng Zhouhai said this, and his expression was serious. Ning Yi is somewhat puzzled. To be honest, although they have had contacts with each other in the past few days, they have also said that they are not friends or confidants. They only look at the opportunities for cooperation with each other in the future, and they have given each other a respect. After saying this, Ning Yi did not believe that Cheng Zhouhai had lived for a long time before he continued.

"Flowers are too old, this person in the capital, the women are arrogant, complaining, I am in the Secret Investigations these days. I have seen a lot of things about him. To be honest, he did these things, although angry, but... At this level, the harm is not too big. I have to admit it. If something is a bit deeper, I can say that he is a son of too embarrassed, so blatant and guilty. But those are not true... Do things, want to save the world and help the people. Not want to see these people rampant, although most of the time can tolerate, but if possible, Cheng does not mind to find an excuse to do him, which can make me feel good, thoughts accessible Not for a long time, aversion to the things on hand. The reason is very simple, just look at the good faith of the younger brother..."

Cheng Zhouhai said something in the sorghum, lifted his chin, and looked cold and chilly. It seems that this "want to do things" mood is not formed in two days. Before Ning Yi’s ancestors and Qin Yuyuan said that they had some anger in Cheng Zhouhai’s temperament, I can’t think that this statement can be literally understood. He didn't care much about whether this was true or not.

"Cheng brother said this, what is the relationship with the younger brother?"

Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said: "A few days ago... No, actually, from a year ago, there are some things. It is already done. Gao Muen has harmed many women, and his family members are afraid of anger and dare to speak. In the early days, it was erased by the Taifu House. But there are still some people who have made a sound. But they have become the fish of the net. In the Taiyuan House, there are always many people in the heart. There is a member outside the city who is surnamed Tian. His temper is violent, but also evil, and he bullies the village, but his daughter, who was raped by Gao Muen, was killed. He was angry and said that he had to pay for the people to make the best for the reward. There is a knight in the past who looked for him..."

Ning Yi looked at the boat and talked about it.

"Gao Muen has a few guards around him. They are actually very loyal, but they do a lot of things with people's money. One of them will help the others to harm Gao Muen. When they escape this night, they will be the one." Killing and killing..."


"That is tonight." Cheng Zhouhai smiled. "A similar line, more than one, after Gao Muen’s accident tonight..."

"What the **** brother wants to do."

Ning Yi interrupted his words and spit out words from the teeth. He did not have much opinion about Cheng Zhouhai. With the power of the Secret Investigation Division, he had to be a high-powered person. If he had no intention of being unintentional, he would not have no problem. He just did not like the imminent feeling of things. I felt that this stock was uncomfortable, and Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said things.

"In fact, I saw Gao Muen’s things with me that day, and there is another one..."

Ning Yi’s eyes suddenly turned to him: “—— Zhou Pei?”

Cheng Zhouhai’s big eyes smashed, and then he handed his hand: “Shenxian is really smart. Because of this, Zhou Pei promised to use her as a bait to get rid of Gao Muen. We will take the woman who should be arrested by Gao Mu’en. Put the county magistrate in the room of Gao Muen's Bieyuan. When Gao Muen and the county owner clashed, we rushed in. The things I planned for a long time, but only the royal identity, can be completely suppressed. Hey!"

Ning Yi pressed his anger: "You never thought that a fifteen-year-old girl couldn't kill anyone and could be injured!?"

"We have someone to look after, the county owner will be life-threatening. As for killing, of course, can not kill, this can be confirmed at the beginning. Oh, the car is coming, Ning brothers on the bus, we walked on the road and said."

A carriage stopped next to it and the two got on the bus. Cheng Zhouhai said: "We have set up some clues. Gao Hao may doubt the Xiandi in the first time. This is because of the relationship between the county owner and the sage. But then he will confirm that things are not done by Xiandi, but he will use this to privately say to Xiangfu. We will give him some sweetness here, and each step back, things will be taken out..."

"How do you make him think so much?"

"Because Gaochun is a person who thinks more about it." Chengzhou Haidao, "If there is no royal relationship, Gao Song may be calmly scrutinized, but things are related to the county owner. The pressure of the royal family is down. Gao Muen is also good in his daily life. Misunderstanding, Gao will only feel that he has troubled himself, and then he will doubt what conspiracy there is - Gao Muen is inferior, but for the sake of private enemies, no one who has the ability to kill him wants to kill him, just like Ning Xian The younger brother does not believe that I am interested in aerodynamics. The younger brother has come all the way, doing the next thing, the Taifu government will check the general will find out, you are in conflict with Gao Muen, how can you kill him in the first time! Zhi! So I have to invite the younger brother tonight, and the younger brother appeared on the scene for the first time. This coincidence is just proof that it was planted by others."

Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said: "The sorghum got the position of being too embarrassed. It is the deliberate arrangement of the present. He is a favorite. It is not a lord. Although the civil and military officials are afraid of him, he does not want to see him, so he is also trembled. How he handles things, I have been studying for a long time, when the clues point to other officials in the church, he will certainly believe this, and in turn, will take the opportunity to find a good fortune. After that. Really ready Things will happen."

"Gao Muen made this matter, regardless of the truth, Gao Hao will be reprimanded by the emperor. At the same time, several bitters who have been hurt by Gao Muen's family will take the opportunity to jointly file a complaint. At this time, Tai Chi Fu do not think about it. Put things down. Things are interlocking, and Liheng’s hands behind it may be completely clear, because if you just went to Beijing, even if you really want to get rid of Gao Muen, you can’t do it. When things are out of control, Nowadays, we are responsible for many political affairs. We can help the Taifu government to be a little busy... At that time, he will accept the feelings."

On the carriage, Cheng Zhouhai closed his eyes slightly: "For a long time, Gao Taizhen was a **** placed between the civil and military officials. On the one hand, he can balance and cushion the strength of the child, on the other hand, Gao Song The ability of the emperor is not enough. The emperor does not appear to be heavy and martial, and puts down the sorghum to the ranks of the princes. It will not be vigilant by Wenchen. Gao Taihao himself has always understood this point, he wants to do it all, and may not be able to do anything. However, if you want to make trouble, you must have his own methods. We want to show him how difficult it is. But this time, he can offend anyone. The royals have been offended several times. The holy man has withdrawn his hand and can arrange others. Going up, he is afraid of this, he will accept the human condition and settle things."

"I have already calculated this matter many times, and I am well prepared. The younger brother does not have to worry about going out of the scorpion." After a while, Cheng Zhouhai opened his eyes and smiled at Ning Yi, then his eyes gradually turned cold. After the sentiment is over, Gao Taijun will stare at others, and I can really do things. If I kill Gao Muen, I will not be suspected."

Ning Yi sat there, his eyes were cold, and he could already understand the whole plan of Zhou Hai. There was no fuel-efficient lamp around Qin Yuyuan. He knew it, but of course he felt a bit emotional.

"...you have a lot of ideas... Learn to cook with me."


"Nothing...when did you tell Qin Xiang about this?"

"After the incident, Gao Taizhen will naturally bring things to the teacher before he goes to the government."

"Oh... your first miscalculation is already there..."

"Hey... why did Ning Xiandi say this?"


You came to Xiangfu and didn't talk to Qin Yuyuan, so I know that you came to me. When Qin Yuyuan left, he was not curious about the reason for coming over, indicating that he knew the purpose of your coming. You were too excited to look for me to go out. This was not discovered. Waiting for the old man to smash the bastard...

Ning Yi thought in his heart and turned his eyes to the curtain.

For a justifiable reason, the remaining value that can be drained is squeezed out, and then you can go back and let yourself know. Ning Yi did not sigh for such a plan. If he really wants to do things in the Secret Investigation Department, he must at least have the ability to carry out such things. It’s just the style of anger and youth, and the unscrupulous style of work, let him see a former figure, like the same year...

... Tang Mingyuan.

That night, when Gao Muen screamed excitedly into the room of Bieyuan, he encountered a strange problem that he encountered for the first time.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... little Mimi, you don't want to hide inside, let Xiao Enen let you... Hey, your mother, the rope... What a bag, bastard! How can I solve without the rope! Little Mimi Don't be afraid, I am going to... ah? How to solve it..."

Then he sincerely sighed: "Beauty...female...Lu Qian, you are very kind to me, and changed me a lot more ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

In an instant, the blood is blooming, the screams are deafening, men’s and women’s –

"Help! It hurts - Lu Qian -"

"Ah, ah, ah - who are you -"

"Ah - my finger -"

"Dare to dare to this palace... Father! Father! Save me..."

When Lu Qian was alarmed in the outer court, the door of the courtyard was kicked and exploded. A guard at the wall of the courtyard rushed over and was robbed of the knife and flew out.


"Protect inside!"

In the middle of it, Lu Qian’s figure fluttered out, and the knives of the knives and knives swept up. He flew a fishing net and two smashing arrows. When the lime bag flew, he was crossed by a knife. Hit, fly out a few meters before the explosion, the flash of fire in front of the eyes, a loud bang, a body guard around the body blood spurt spread.

"Lu Qian -"

"It's you!"

"--Do you know who you have caught!"


Discourse staggered, Lu Qian recognized the people who rushed in, but also reacted to the situation inside, and the figure flew back: "Protect inside! Don't let them in!"

"You also dare to touch the county magistrate, not afraid to copy the family!"

The guards in the outer court were caught off guard by the people who suddenly rushed in, but Lu Qian had already taken the door. When the scholar named Ning Yi rushed over and exchanged a few knives, Lu Qian was alert and screamed, and suddenly flew away, avoiding a squandering trap, and taking a note on the other shoulder. . He didn't expect the other party's tricks to be so strange, but he also knew the gap between them and rushed again. Suddenly, the hurricane came from the side.

The guns were like a dragon, and they danced wildly. Lu Qian’s knife was hard to fight. The next moment, almost subconsciously shouted out: “Lin Chong!”

In a twinkling of an eye, the fire broke out, and the two men who had played against each other had already rushed into the yard. Lu Qian struggled hard, but was beaten and repulsed, and then was swept away by the man. The sword in his hand was holding up the defensive, and the tiger's mouth was faintly numb, only to confirm that the figure in front of him was not Lin Chong. This figure is more burly than Lin Chong. There is a similar place in the shooting method to Lin Chong, but the gun is more stable and more sturdy. , they can tie game with Lin, for this man, but there are still poor.

The room is heard screams and cries Yanei woman over there, Ning Yi has been rushed to the door, blocking a bodyguard with him bump into each other, chest burst blood filled the flower, which is highly explosive internal forces , Lu Qian was waiting and turned toward the window of the room, rather Yi broke down the door. The room, bloodied little girl crying with Gao Yanei who have blood, but the girl holding the hands of a dagger, blood are from Gao Yanei who come.

Gao Yanei **** were cut off ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ behind the chest were scratched several times, running snoring, crying and shouting, trying to get something around the girl broke down, girls on one side waving daggers Cried and chased him. Until Lu Qian was waiting rushed in, grabbed high Immanuel Lutheran rushed to one side, here is the hindquarters of plasma Ning Zhou Pei Yi grabbed the back of her dress caught into his arms!

"Teacher... Teacher..." Zhou Pei cried.

"My finger... my finger..." Gao Muen also cried, and Lu Qian guarded him out: "You do this, I will remember..."

"Your mother, wait for death! Miscellaneous!" Ning Yi clenched his army knife, the blue veins violent, full of blood, and they had to smash their master and servant on the spot.

Someone shouted outside: "The people of Chongwangfu are here, and the people of Chongwangfu are here."

The voice is noisy, the fire is bright, the night is shining, it seems to be burning...

For the first time, I wish to wait for friends at midnight, Happy Mooncake Festival. ^_^

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