Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 1: Stars in the night

The moon fell and the sun rose. In the morning, there was a dull scent in the courtyard of Wenhui Building.

"... These things are not to be done now, but how many preparations are also good... The new treasurer, how to choose how to choose, you actually have the knowledge of people, for the time being, it does not matter, it is amazing, the most important The thing that can be done is to do the same thing. Regarding this, the government will help you, but you don’t have to worry too much... I leave this time, as long as everything is done step by step, when I come back, I should have a prototype. ......"

"...you...according to each other, Xiangfu went to visit more, and the exchanges with Mrs. Qin and the mother-in-law are not broken. Mrs. Qin does not say that the mother-in-law, in fact, many of the secret investigations are through her hands. First, do the archival processing for Qin Xiang, of course, you and her as usual, that is..."

The sun shone into the room, and Ning Yi, Yun Zhu and Jin Er sat at the table and explained the things for the piles. Jin Erdao: "You said that you will go tomorrow, and suddenly changed to today, is it the last night... there will be trouble?"

Ning Yi smiled and shook his head: "Of course, there is trouble, but it is not what you think. Last night, the matter was too ruthless, and I didn't dare to really do it to me, but once it was pressed down, I began to investigate. I may have to stay here for half a month, and I will wait for the time, so I will go out of the city and say it. In addition, the right side will be pressed down."

Yesterday evening, Cheng Zhouhai’s sudden shot made Ning Yi not do anything to prepare. However, as the most central part of the Secret Investigation Division, the other party did something like this. Ning Yi did not worry that the other party was a pure pig teammate.

The things at night were step by step. When the people of Chongwangfu arrived, Ning Yi guarded the half-blooded blood and the clothes were ripped open, and Chong Wang Zhou’s anger was furious. The knife pulled the murderous Gao Muen to kill half a street. During this period, Lu Qian could only protect Gao Muen from running away. The guards of the two Taifu Houses were hacked to death under the anger of Wang Ye. Lu Qian did not dare to hide too much. He also smashed a few times and was beaten by the blood. When Gao Yan hurriedly brought people to rush and complained that he should die, things have already been set.

The next thing, Cheng Zhouhai has been prepared for so long. I don't think it will go wrong. However, as one of the involved people, Ning Yi did not want to be left behind. He had to arrange to leave as soon as possible. He came back last night and said that he would arrange something for Xiao Xiao. Early this morning, I began to work on Yunzhu and Jiner. Things suddenly came a day earlier, and although there was a lot of talk in each other's hearts, there was some that could not be said at one time.

At this time, in the Imperial Palace, the 30-year-old is now, and he is slamming what he can see. For the squatting in front of the ground, too much sorrow and temper.

"Globe! Gao Yan! You are mistaken for you, you have no way to teach your son, this kind of thing is done for you!"

He slammed a glass lamp into the ground and smashed it.

"朕的侄女! Come over to the Queen Mother Heshou! In the land of the capital. I met this kind of thing at the foot of my son! Flowers are too old! This morning, the Queen Mother is angry, how to be this son, how to be this uncle! Sorghum! You I thought you could know how to be ridiculous!"

The sorghum in the underground is sinless. It’s just that at the end, it’s a little bit that the rebellion may have been framed and the words have not been finished. A plate smashed and fell in front of him.

"Framed! Gao Taihao! What kind of virtue is your son? I don't know who else in Liangliang City! You think that you are sitting in this palace all day, you really don't know Li Min's world? Your son, evil. It’s a streak, you don’t kill him, it’s a bitter and hard work for you, but you dare to shout in front of you?”

"The sinner did not dare..." Gao Song did not dare to argue again. "That is a bad character. It is the sinner who teaches no party. This time, he will be severely punished and will not be tolerated..."

This is only the promise of Nono, the upper anger sighed for a while, only to blame him for getting out. Only after the sorghum left, the palace man came in and cleaned the debris on the ground. The emperor sat down at the desk, but his expression was a little bit and he couldn’t see the anger of the genius. He even reached out and tied the crown of the crown.

The woman dressed in the Queen's Palace came to the back with a soup, and smiled and said: "There is a big temper under your arm."

"His son is in a mess, not to the point where he dares to start with the county owner. I don't know who is behind the man, but this loss, he has to eat it." The man in the royal robe looked calm and calm, " Wenchen Wuchen, loyal ministers and jesters, can make troubles, but also good, after all, the way of the Son of Heaven, the first check and balance, don't care who is the plot of this time, but involving the royal family, if you also help Gao Song, then he will die Set it. He is to save him, he will understand... Queen, what do you say?"

"His holy light. But this time, who is the one who brought the little county owner into it, do you really have to figure it out?"

“How can it be clear?” The emperor smiled and took the ridicule from the Queen’s hand and took a sip of sugar. “In the ancestral hall, although it’s a **** family, it’s mostly stupid, and inside and outside the hall are smart people. When they are involved, when they are involved, when they are expelled, even they themselves may not be clear. If each of them is used, they must intervene, don’t get tired, the world’s big things, care, as for the church Fight, the truth, no psychological, as long as they balance."

What happened last night, for many people, is related to the life of the family, but for the emperor, it is only like a small wind ringing through the palace, and it is drowned in the wind.

Around noon, Ning Yi walked into the Chongwang House and entered the courtyard where Zhou Pei now lives. The girl with a bandage on her head is waiting for him. In yesterday's fight, Zhou Pei wanted to set a high level of death. Gao Muen was smashed by **** and called for a fight. He also tried to make a counterattack, which made Zhou Pei suffer some minor injuries, but such a dressing is absolutely Used to earn sympathy. Just wrapped in a bandage and a little medicinal taste, it also makes the girl in front of her eyes look particularly delicate.

"Why do this kind of thing?"

"Zhou Pei will go back soon and want to help the teacher to do something. This matter... Zhou Pei and I have thought about it before and after, I hope that I have not given the teacher too much trouble before and after."

"It doesn't matter. It's just that you are only fifteen years old. You shouldn't take this risk. You shouldn't be involved in these things... you shouldn't just believe in people."

The sun was shining, and the two sat down in the shade of the courtyard. Zhou Pei smiled reddishly.

"Actually... I have to be a relative when I go back. I can do something for the teacher before. The most important thing is that being able to do this kind of thing is also very meaningful for Xiao Pei himself."

She used to call herself "Zhou Pei". At this time, she changed to "Xiao Pei". Ning Yi listened to her and looked at her. She vaguely felt that after yesterday's incident, the girl in front seemed to have a little difference. It’s like making some decisions and getting some insight.

"Decision is a good dear?"

"Yeah." Zhou Pei's expression was a little bleak, and then he laughed again. "After all, it can't be dragged on. I haven't found the right man... but the face is always facing. Drag it down. It’s not always a way, what do you say to the teacher?”

"It's not good to do things for doing things, but you can figure it out, just let me."

Zhou Pei laughed and said: "Yes, teacher and Tan Ershi, what did it look like before?"

"Do you not always know?"

"Know a little bit, can the teacher talk to Xiao Pei?"

The face of the little county owner looked a little embarrassed. Ning Yi thought for a moment: "Oh, we, when we first got married, we didn’t even know each other. I was beaten, she fled...."

He recalled those things, and he would talk to his wife about Zhou Pei: "In fact... as long as everyone is willing to learn from each other with sincerity, after all, I can still find a good place, I think This has the basis for getting along. After you go back, you don't have to look at people's lives too much. What is the relationship between people and people? At least half of the reasons are on your own."

"Yeah." Zhou Pei nodded. When Ning Yi wanted to leave, she sent Ning Yi to the door of the hospital and tried to laugh: "Teacher."

"Hmm?" Ning Yi turned around.

"We will not see it in the future..."

"It may not be much more." Looking at the smiling girl standing in two steps, Ning Yi smiled. "Maybe you are in Jiangning, I am in the beam, but I will always go back, you may come up. The fate between teachers and students, as long as there is a heart, will not be completely broken."

"Well... teacher, take care." She looked at Ning Yi, finished this sentence, leaned down and was deeply blessed. It is a near-perfect lady's etiquette. Under the sun, Ning Yi feels beautiful like water.

Sure enough... I can’t teach such a disciple...

He thought about it and left the palace.

After Ning Yi’s figure left, Zhou Pei sat under the tree in the yard, waiting for the sun to the west. Some things, she could not see, but she could know. When the sun was slightly reduced, Ning Yi went to the side of the hills outside the city to say goodbye to others. Yunzhu and Jiner did not come. Xiaoyan was also left in the city. When I cried and gave him the luggage, he said: "You can't take me if you are in the same place..." The heart is the smell of tears.

This time I went to Shandong, except for a few well-behaved guards in Xiangfu, the three brothers of Qijia and Sujiasu Wenyu. As for Su Yanping, they were left behind in Liangliang, and after the arrival of Taner, Go to Shandong to report with him and meet.

The Ming and Qing dynasties, the ancestors of the ancestors, and Cheng Zhouhai came out to see him off. Soon after, a car came over and came out with Qin Yuyuan, and Ning Yi talked to the side.

"Liangshan's things are not easy. I know that you are revengeful, but if you can't solve it, it doesn't matter. No one here dares to say that he can solve Liangshan's troubles. The mountain and the moon are extreme, if possible... you look at him."

"Know." Ning Yi nodded. "Yunzhu, Jiner, Xiaoyan, and Taner who wants to come up. They are very important to me. Please, you are not afraid, but after this incident, I hope that Gao Muen will not What will happen."

"The old man understands that this matter is important, and he will arrange the manpower to prevent it. This matter is handled by Ji Kun. He is the most meticulous in his work. Liheng can be assured. No one has moved them in the city of Liangliang." Qin Yuyuan paused, "Zhou Hai The second plan, there is indeed a feasible place, the old man secretly confessed, may make Li Heng a little unprepared, the old man will be responsible for solving the following things. Zhou Hai this character is not bad, but still not honed, will probably let He went to the north to supervise the food..."

"Hey...hehe..." Ning Yi smiled. "It seems that he can't kill Gao Muen..."

"If it is too embarrassing, this flower is too old, the old man will kill him..." Qin Yiyuan sighed and shook his head.

Soon after, say goodbye to everyone.

"Confidence in life for two hundred years. When the water hits three thousand miles, all the things in the public have something to do, go back... take care."

The horse and the horse whip, leave the beam and go to the east.

The west is slanting, and soon after, the sky is burning with blushing clouds. When the setting sun came down and the stars rose, Cheng Zhouhai entered the Chongwang House. After entering the yard, I saw the little county owner sitting in the moonlight.

"Mr. Cheng..."

"In the afternoon, Ning Gongzi has left the beam, I think... I should tell the county owner."

"I know."

Zhou Pei nodded and answered, and Cheng Zhouhai stood there for a while.

"Forgive a certain blunt. If the county's main prince likes Ning Gongzi." Zhou Pei Lili's gaze looked over, he smiled calmly, "Why don't you do something to fight for it?"

Zhou Pei looked at him for a while, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile: "Mr. Cheng, how about fighting for it?"

"If you want to drag it, there is still a way, such as being a monk... or being frightened this time..."

"Zhou Pei fights for the future. Will the teacher like me?"


"The teacher won't like me, I already want to understand. Teacher... There are many women around, he is not a thin person, but... that is fate. I know the teacher for more than two years, slowly Know him, understand him, admire him, but I don't really understand him, the teacher is always a teacher. I am always only his disciple, two years...this is fate..."

Zhou Pei said this. Looking down, my eyes are clear: "...I suddenly grew up, and this fate will end."

After all, he became a hot person. After all, he didn’t know what to say. After all, he could only give up: "So... after the county owner returns, he will be married. Cheng is there. I wish the county lord to be in harmony with the county Ma Qinsei, and I am happy."

Zhou Pei smiled and said: "Actually... being a pro is not a big deal. Mr. Cheng, I am very happy to be able to do such a thing for the teacher before I marry. But last night’s experience also suddenly told Zhou Pei, Zhou Pei It’s always a royal family, always annoying to marry people, and it’s too small, and I hope to be happy in the future. But what this tells me is that there are still many things that Zhou Pei can do.”

The girl looked at Chengzhouhai, and Yingying got up: "If there is another high Muen, where is the arrogance, for example, there are corrupt officials, bad, Wuji Foundation... I always wanted to do something, and always felt that I was a woman. Anything can't be done, so every time the temperamental younger brother is angry, hate iron is not steel. But this incident tells me that if you want to do it, there is always a way to do things. This time... Zhou Pei wants to thank Mr.'s help, if there is a chance, I will thank Mr. Yu."

"Oh... well said." Cheng Zhouhai arched his hand, vaguely, and did not understand whether the things in front of him were good or bad. He saw the 15-year-old girl standing there and looking at the night sky. She was not taller than herself. But in the figure, there was a vague strait in it. He knew that it was the momentum brought by the royal power.

Cheng Zhouhai left with a message.

Zhou Pei stood there for a while, the air cooled down, and there was no one left, she felt that there was water stains falling from her face.

Tears are cold and cold... The teacher has left...

From last night to today, she thought a lot of things, there are many things, she can do it in the future, there are many things, she can't do it anymore. But things that are clear can only be placed in the future, but do not help to take care of the current mood.

She just doesn't want to be weak in front of others.

The fate is gone... I can’t see it... The teacher finally left...

When she met him, she was thirteen years old. When she found out that she liked him, she was fifteen years old, but he was leaving. She wanted to marry.

If you think clearly, you can't restrain your heart's sadness. After tonight, youth has passed away. It is like a dead body buried in the earth. The new trees will sprout, the old body will die, and people can pretend to be strong, but no one knows what will be waiting in the future.

She stood there, holding the trees in the yard, bowed her head, and covered her mouth and silently wept. In her consciousness, there is such a carriage, which left the squatting beam on the afternoon of the same day, and went to the east. The carriage was the teacher she liked when she was fifteen, and then the carriage kept going, she was away. Farther and farther...

In the sky, cross the meteor.

Luliang Mountain, Qingmu Village.

Lu Hong raised his head and watched the meteor pass through the night sky, then he stroked his hair. Walking into the lodge in front, in the room, the old man is holding a writing brush and is studying at the desk.

"Grandpa Liang, I am coming in."

"Oh." Liang Bingfu leaned his head and sorted out the things on the table. After a moment, he nodded. "Oh. Red, you are coming..."

"Grandpa Liang, you said something before, what is it?"

"Go out and walk." Liang Bingfu thought about it, then he got up with a cane and got up and went out. Lu Hongti followed him. Look down from the hillside. In the Qingmu Village, people come and go, and a little light, this is one of the scenes that Lu Hongli feels most like.

"Before Meng Shuizhai came to raise a relative, how about your thoughts?"

For a moment, Liang Bingfu suddenly asked, and the woman was slightly embarrassed: "Grandpa Liang, how suddenly asked this..." The matter of raising relatives more than once. Meng Shuizhai’s relatives are not special. She doesn’t understand why the elderly have specifically mentioned it.

Liang Bingfu smiled with a cane: "Just ask casually, how do you think?"

"I think... it seems. No... oh..." I can't be too old, and I refused too much. Lu Hong said that he was a little hesitant. Liang Bingfu stood on the side of the mountainside and looked at the scene below. I laughed for a while.

"Actually... Lu San and Li Li, they went to the south together."


"Red, you also pack your bags. Go to the south."

"Grandpa Liang, what happened?"

Speaking of this, I finally had the atmosphere to talk about business. Lu Hong was puzzled in his heart. Liang Bingfu stood there, holding a cane and looking serious.

"Lu San, Li Li and these people have been out of the market since they were driven out. They went south to find the trouble of Ning Liheng. These people have never been out of Luliang for a lifetime, and the south is prosperous. Many things are Unclear, I found Tianliu lead, they thought I would not know their movements?"

Luliangshan is a wild land. Many things are solved with knives. They survive and the rules are different. Although these people seem to be free, they live in their own land for a lifetime. They may not be able to adapt to other places. Far away, there are always people who have been outside to help lead the way and teach them customs. Tian Bing in the mouth of Liang Bingfu is one of these people. Lu Hong mentions a long while: "Grandpa Liang, this..."

"They have been away for a few days, Luliang territory, you can't stop them."

"But me... I can't go now. Grandpa Liang, everything is just on the right track... Qingmu Village, how do I go?"

"I also thought about this." Liang Bingfu closed his eyes and shook his head and sighed. "But... it doesn't matter for a while, I can help you see it for a while..."

"No, Grandpa Liang..." The woman shook her head and passed a moment. "That...Ning Liheng, he learned my kung fu. He is very powerful. Lu San can't beat him. If he is intriguing, They are going to die, I don’t have to worry about him..."

Liang Bingfu looked at her: "I have no heart, are you so sure?"

"I..." Lu Hongti said nothing, for a long while, looking at the old man in front of him, "...why?"

"You should... live for yourself." The old man glanced at her and smiled. "You refuse these people. They are not very good, but even if there is good, I don't say anything. That Ning Li Heng, you like him... Oh, don’t say it to me in front of the old man. You should also like someone, like him, nothing shameful. I am old, this stockade, it’s hard to help you hold up a few Year, but when I can hold it up, I hope you can do something else, maybe there is no chance in the future..."

Lu Hong made a moment of silence, revealing a smile: "We are friends, I really think... he is very powerful, but I can't bring him back to the mountains..."

"It is the best thing to bring him back." The old man smiled. "But now, if you can't do it, you can go to see him. Maybe you can get something. You have to go first, then you have something to do." Red mention... oh, now, even if there is no result, these things will be very happy after thinking about it. You have so much for the stockade, you have to have something good to leave..."

"I think it's good now..."

"Oh, Grandpa Liang is not urging you to become a relative, Luliangshanzhong, you really don't want to, then wait. Go see him, talk to him, talk about...you are in Luliangshan, then look at him. Doing things. As for whether or not you can, after you come back, Grandpa Liang does not say, okay?"

The red figure stood there, looking at the lights below, and the fingers were twisted together: "What about the stockade? Just like this..."

"Lv Liangshan had no rules at all. The things written by Ning Liheng are too strict. You must implement it. It is okay for the time being. You may want to take it for a long time. You have to take it slowly." The old man said, "When you go out, I am doing the strict things. I have something to suppress. After I came back, you changed it a little. They all accepted your feelings. I have thought about these things. Although I am old, I can still press for half a year. I can live."

Silence for a long while, the red mention suddenly said: "Grandpa Liang, you and her master, is it..."

She couldn't finish her words. Liang Bingfu's crutches paused twice, his eyes looked down, his look changed, but in the end he just said: "At the time, your master saved me, I came here... some words did not say, Some things have not been done. When you are old, you may regret it."

Lu Hong took a look at him. For a long while, he nodded. "...I will think about it."

"Well, think about it."

After saying this, Lu Hongdi went down the hill and she didn't know what to do. When I turned back, the figure on the mountainside stood still there, with a crutches, and my eyes looked at the distant night.

In the impression, Master's age is much larger than himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Grandpa Liang was a gentle and elegant middle-aged scholar when he was a child, and until Master died, Liang Grandpa quickly went old.

I used to think that Grandpa Liang was suddenly old because he couldn’t help this stockade. Master rescued him. It seemed to be the idea. Grandpa Liang did a lot of things, some useful, some useless. He eventually only allowed the stockade to be preserved until today’s living people grow up. .

What was the Confucianism of that year and the woman of the year? Some of the participants are now dead, and the world is largely unwilling to say it. Red is standing there, looking at the figure, thinking about what he is looking at.

The stars are falling.

Submerged in the darkness, it is probably their story.

Think about it this way, some sadness.

Well, the two have gotten more than 11,000 words. I originally wanted to open a single chapter and cheered me for a chapter. I found that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. I just sent it out today. Under.

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