Zhui Xu

: Recent summary, another happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Recently, the work situation has been reversed very seriously. I haven't slept yet at this time. Originally, 401 wanted to save the manuscript, and found that it was issued in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Then I saw that the plot of the first entry into the beam came to an end. The plot, it took me too much effort.

Looking back now, probably in June, I have been considering this episode, and all the breaks in June and August have come from this episode, because the initial thinking of the original thinking The content of Liang is really used to inherit the story of the past and the future. The line should be put on the clever and not too ugly, so I probably sketched this paragraph when I wrote the fleet. The requirement at that time was that However, the protagonist's plot in the squatting beam can't be too long, can't be boring, and can't let the reader feel the volts too much. Later, because he hasn't thought about it, he has been broken and broken... the real time It is a long delay.

In addition to or about the plot to be drawn, I usually don't like people to see my intentions. The main purpose of this play is to make Ning Yi come back from Shandong and once again step into the city of Liangliang. The readers have found that there is already a contour in the heart, and many things can be rolled out naturally. . Many of these things may be brought to the past. When the final form or system is formed, it will not make people feel awkward. This is... the method I like.

Things are going to be done well, it’s time to spend. The updated adjustments have been done well recently. Of course, there are some problems. For example, some chapters, the volt line should be combined with the official plot. Private goods should be mixed in other clues. The space of about 6,000 words will be more than 3,000. It's more impactful, but at a more rhythm of the day, I can't code six thousand words a day, which is very troublesome. This month should still be the end of the month to the end of the month, and next month will no longer make a hard request for yourself, probably maintaining about twenty to twenty-five chapters, without affecting the article could have impact.

Look at the statistics, from the end of last month, until now, has been updated twenty-six chapters, about 130,000 words, can even connect, the mood is very comfortable, in addition to the daily use of the brain will often make me sleep. Um, Mid-Autumn Festival, there is nothing to celebrate in my life, but today there are more than 11,000 words, I hope everyone can feel the festive atmosphere, after all, I can do so much ^_^ is not finished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read.

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