Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 2: Eastbound

The sun came in from the window. .

He sat there, looking at his own hands, closing his eyes and seeing blood.

Flames, blood, crying, corpses, tens of thousands of people slaughtered.

Liangshan, Liangshan, Liangshan...

Lin Chong, Lu Junyi, Shi Wengong...

Zengtou City...

Things will continue to think about it. Some things may not be done. Liangshan is already too strong, but the injury to the chest is already good.

He took a breath and stood up from there. Finally, he picked up the octagonal copper stick against the wall and put it in a long back pocket. Go out the door.

In May, the sky was pale.

Southwest of Shandong, near Jeju, eight hundred miles of water.

As the saying goes, I will join the Huhu Jinzhong South. The Wu Dynasty was prosperous, but at this time, the Liangliang was bounded, and the north of the Yellow River gradually disappeared from the south. From here to the crying and crying Luliang Mountain, officers and men, merchants, mountains and green forests form their own ecology. Compared with Luliang Mountain and Yanmenguan, they are still orderly, but they are self-sufficient. A similar situation, in fact, is far from the south of the Wu Dynasty, such as Miaojiang and other places.

汴梁正北, until the Yanmenguan area, due to the passage of the commercial road, the government's control is still quite large. But with this legitimate business, the situation is another matter. Shandong East and West Road, the people's winds have been smashing, because the government's control is not enough, all kinds of smuggling, looting things have been prevailing here, and repeatedly banned.

Smuggling and mountain prospering, at the same time, make people live and die, from the east to the east, into the Shandong border, leaving the Yellow River, the front is a completely different face from the South.

In mid-May, the sun is very poisonous, and it is more than a wild mountain. Villages and fields are sparse, and they are official roads. They also show signs of disrepair and disrepair. There are not many pedestrians on the road. Most of them are merchants, darts, and green foresters with weapons. Of course, there is no beautiful heroic in the martial arts films of the later generations. Most of the people are dressed in rustic and shabby, and they must be messy. The swordsmen are wrapped in cloth and other things. When they are walking, they are lazy and not angry, lacking sleep, when they are falling or tipping. I will first look at everyone in the field of vision with vigilance and see who is the enemy, who is the fat sheep, and who is the poor.

In the southern part of the country, there are green forest people, and this scene does not appear, because the south is still the majority of civilians. Here, the proportion of people using knives is already much higher than that of the south. The ankles of the car and boat shop should be killed without sin. If you put it here, you will basically not be too many people.

The economy of the Wu Dynasty is developed. Even here, in fact, it is the core of the operation of money, the smuggling of salt, iron and tea, and various business projects that can't be seen. If there is profit, someone will do it. Driven by various interests, outside the government, large and small associations are also the mainstream of this place. Of course, it is not a resounding sect, but mostly a village.

Large ones are, for example, Zengtou City, which has been destroyed by Liangshan, medium-sized Dulonggang, Wanjialing, etc. If it is small, it is countless villages and gangs. Only when the villagers organize their own strengths can they establish themselves and cultivate land here. And if some young people with some skills, often a few people intend to vote, they can gather together, or rob the business travel, or collect money to protect the village. As long as you can have your own site, you will be more or less connected to the business of the gray area. The areas that are large and small are connected by such unspoken rules.

This kind of ecology has been extending northward until the border of Wu and Liao borders, such as Luliang Mountain, will finally change, becoming almost all normal commercial systems, and a few villages are fully integrated with the cottage. A land of nowhere to live.

In the recent period, it became the water-stained Liangshan Mountain in the nearby first village. After playing the banner of “Tiantianxingdao”, the momentum became more and more powerful.

Every day and every moment, there are many green forest people looking for the wind. Among these people, there are many Fang Lan troops who have been defeated in Hangzhou, and even small and medium-sized generals, all kinds of desperate. In the past few rescues of the lower part of the Lashio, it really made a name for Liangshan. Even if the plan for the robbery of the birth of the canal was not realized, it really showed Liangshan’s position. When the Tongguan army had to go north to deal with the Northern Expedition, Fangla was still struggling to support it. Many smart people saw another hope and put the rebellious expectations on the Shandong side.

As for the setbacks of Jiangning Sujia and Shengchen Gang incidents, although Lin Chong and others, Zhu Wu and others returned to Liangshan, they caused vibrations, especially on the canal. Several leaders were killed and even took the second place. Lu Junyi was killed at that time, but it can only be attributed to the enemy, and bad luck. Song Jiang was crying in the Juyi Hall. He said that he would avenge Lu’s brother in the coming days. Although a few people suggested that this person was so powerful at the time, he could consider cheating up the mountain to sit in a chair, but this was compared before. The proposal for mainstreaming has not been approved.

A person involved in jealousy, although twice fortunate to be embarrassed, but this cleverness must be despicable and shameless, the mountain heroes disdain with these dross. Moreover, Lu Erge and many other brothers are dead in his hands. As long as they have the opportunity to catch them, they must also be tied to the prison in the Juyi Hall. These blood vows, Song Jiang set up on the spot. The loyalty is on the top, and everyone does not doubt that this can be done in the future. It is only a matter of time.

When many heroes gather and the momentum continues to grow, not many people will regard this as a big problem. Even though several people who came to rely on Fang Lajun also talked about Ning Liheng, even in Fangla Jun, not many people know what Ning Yi has done. Most of the impressions remain in his sorrowful knife and Liu watermelon. In terms of things, as for the killing of Baodao B, it is only because he succeeded in believing that he succeeded under the protection of Bazhizhuang.

Tiannan Ba ​​Knife, even in the northern green forest, is also famous. But even if these things are combined, it will be nothing but a scorn and contempt for those who are in the crowd. This is a strategic contempt. Those who are really at the top will not ignore the existence of such an opponent, but in any case, if they are not mindless, I believe that they will not lose this way. Especially after returning to Liangshan, what I have to deal with now is the major event that really expanded to the country and the level of rebellion. I have not touched it, and I am not worried about such a person who is far away from the capital. I believe this guy is also in Beijing. Cry everywhere, crying out at home.

As for the confrontation with Ning Yi at the beginning, such as Lin Chong, Li Wei, how to think about Zhu Wu, Zhang Shun and others who have suffered losses, that is another thing like drinking water. Even if they are, they will not think about whether the other party will come to Liangshan to seek revenge.

If it can bring a big army, it is one thing. Liang Shan also prepared for the war with the officers and men. If it is not possible, if one comes over, then it is not a revenge but a death. Before this general trend, they simply Don't worry about such things. The name Ning Liheng is just a small piece of Liangshan's recent many things that are not so urgent.

The momentum grows daily, and now Liangshan is doing it up and down, that is, expanding the influence of Liangshan, expanding the influence around the water to a whole piece, and even the entire Jeju.

Under the current power of Liangshan, many Zhuangzi and villages around the city have actually secretly voted for their sincerity. They look at the scenery, but there are a few large and medium-sized villages like Dulonggang, or many small villages with individuality. Ma Wei, still not willing to give up his own happy days, in the middle, even take the initiative to come up with Liangshan, such as the "wolf thief" such a notorious horse stable, which is typical, more or less hinder Liangshan Current development.

These are the things that Liangshan really wants to do in the near future. The psychological preparations for coping with the wars and major events are all done well. It is also in such an atmosphere that the pile seems to be far away from the horizon. Becoming a small source of disturbance, in the absence of many people can think of it, after entering the 汴梁 more than ten days, it was logically transferred here, and forced into Liangshan.

At present, not many people can predict the impact that this source of disturbance will have on the powerful Liangshan. Perhaps even the source of the disturbance itself cannot predict everything at this time. On the evening of May 15th, in a small town called Yuan Jiaji, in the dilapidated inn room, the man named Ning Yi was holding a big bowl and eating while chatting with someone to discover something.

"That...called Yu Tingyu, what happened? How did he disappear?"

Ning Yi is unfamiliar with what happened in Dulonggang, but it is very impressed. This person seems to be very powerful. It should be the most talented person in Dulonggang. But I just saw a thing and found the name. I simply said that he used to teach Zhujiazhuang. It has disappeared, so I asked the Qijiasan brothers and others who have also read the information.

The first answer, but Su Wenzhao who followed all the way, he is also trying hard to eat rice, but the food is not good, it is quite difficult to eat: "Not to say... Last year Liangshan hit Zengtou City, it seems that this person knows Shi Wengong, So I left Zhujiazhuang to help. Later, Shi Wengong was arrested and arrested by Liang Shan. He didn't know where to go."

"...Oh." Ning Yi tried to chew the brown rice, then nodded no matter what the point, anyway, did not know, that is, ask casually.

"To Liheng, this time, we really have to go to Dulonggang, right?" After a while, Qi Xinyong asked.


"I have made a counter-attack, there is something, I don't know if you thought about it. This kind of Zhuangzi may not be too small, but most of them will succumb to it. They will keep it, and it will be hard to play hard, let alone I hit Liangshan. Even if I can shake them, it is difficult to win."

"Thinked." Ning Yi nodded. "The winner is relying on others. They are the icing on the cake."

"I said that although Liheng has always said that Dulonggang, but its intelligence does not seem to be the most heart."

“I am mainly interested in a woman in Dulonggang...”


Listening to him for this reason, everyone stopped the chopsticks, and their eyes were a little surprised. Ning Yi shook his head with a misunderstanding of them.

"Let's use them again. Of course, the first thing to do is to join the Wang Shanyue. Have you left the mark?" He thought about it, and then there was some doubt. It was the news that was unintentionally heard today. "The reputation of the wolf thief is a bit strange here... eaten..."

At the same time, outside the Liangshan Juyi Hall, Xi Junyi walked down the steps, clenched his hands and looked at the sunset in the distance.

Because of this group's own incompetence, he was actually excluded from the decision-making circle. Su's mistakes were clearly caused by themselves, but they were obviously rejecting themselves.

Playing Dulonggang, of course, winning is sure to win, but if there are too many losses, you will wait for the account to be settled...

But at least one thing is good, more and more people, Liangshan will become stronger and stronger. One day, he will let Su Taner and the guy who is in the shackles lie in front of him, and even if he is recruited, he will be an official, and they can only take advantage of the situation...

He took a breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ think about it. On the other side, Zhu Wu came down from there, and Xi Jun saw him and turned to the other side.

Zhu Wu also saw Xi Junyi. At this moment, the two thought of the same person, whether it is revenge or shame, may come one day, of course, this day may be a long time.

In short, it should not be something that needs to be considered in a short period of time.

……Wait, then.

Zhu Wu thought in his heart, and his eyes saw the face that had been killed.

"You are not even a hundred miles away from me. You actually feel that your life is safe!"

There is a kind of Liangshan...

Of course, he knows that this is impossible. After he had thought about this thought, he shook his head and got rid of that scene from his head. With a sigh, I was thinking about such a naive thing, or thinking about business, anyway, one day, I will meet him again and kill him... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. (This site) subscription, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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