Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 5: Waiting for the breath (below)

In the morning, the small market in front of Dulonggang, on the open space in front of the inn. Ice @火! Chinese Qijia three brothers, Qi Xinyi, Qi Xinhan are empty-handed to learn, martial arts, Qi Xinyong supervised several follow-up guards 蹲 Ma Bu, shop two rushed a few chicks from the side, the other side, Ning Yi, who is dressed in a gorgeous dress, is meditating on "one two three four, two two three four" while doing a jumping exercise. Because he feels a sense of shame for his sport, everyone hides away from him. On the road ahead, the teachings in Zhuangzi were leading the villagers in the morning to walk over. Yan Tingyu took the octagonal mixed copper stick in his hand and glanced at it. His eyes narrowed and then turned away.

After doing the maverick broadcast gymnastics, he sat at the table in front of the inn to drink tea and think about things. His fingers dipped in tea and painted on the table. When Wang Shanyue came out, he made a punch in front. After getting rid of it, come and sit down.

Ning Yi sat there, leaning against the back of the chair, and was staying in the image of the rich family son. After Wang Shanyue poured himself a cup of tea, he asked: "Thunder Master, what are you thinking about?"

"I wonder if I should go out and go today..."

"Well? Don't you have to wait here?"

"There are still a lot of messy things." Ning Yi sighed, then sat up straight and tapped a simple map drawn on the water stains on the table. "But still don't go... Zheng Yi."


Wang Shanyue frowned, looked at Ning Yi, and looked at the simple illustration on the table, but in this case, I can't see anything: "That... Zheng De Wang?"

"I should have slaughtered a small stockade last night. The next step should be on Wuji Mountain. If Wurui camp dispatched two or three thousand people, he would be able to pack him dumplings, but for the big picture, forget it..."

"Why not?" Wang Shanhan spread his hands. "Before the war, let Wurui fight a small victory. There is also a need for it. Moreover, this Zheng Mo Wang Wu Yi Gao Qiang, he has been bringing people around to kill, will only rise The momentum of Liangshan."

"There are some forty or fifty people, and there are hundreds of people in the small village. They don't accept Liangshan. They are flattened by him. Now he is only playing four, and it is estimated that he can't make much oil. Still wait, wait for him. Killing people. When the oil on hand is also a little bit, let Wurui Camp out and sweep him. Otherwise, if this group of soldiers is a soldier, there is no advantage in winning a victory, and the enthusiasm will not be too high. On the other hand, it is even more capable. Let Dulonggang and Wanjialing know that Liangshan’s heart is hot.” ​​Ning Yi poured himself a cup of tea. "However, is Zheng Yi martial arts high?"

"It's amazing." Wang Shanyue nodded.

"I didn't think so before..."

"Lee Master knows him?"

"Oh, there are a few faces." Ning Yi nodded. "When I was in Hangzhou years ago, I had a little contradiction with his master."

Wang Shanyue looked at him, silent for a moment: "What later?"

"Later Zheng Zheng’s master let him kill."

"Well, Baodao B."

Qi Xinyi Qi Xinhan, who is practicing martial arts over there, came over. Sit down next to me and insert a sentence. Wang Shanyue was speechless, Ning Yi toasted with tea and recalled the situation in Hangzhou: "I only know that he wants to shout for the old bag. He was almost hacked. Later, when I saw me several times, there was no good vision, long. It’s a bit like a crab. Then the city was broken and captured. He was arrested and escorted to Beijing. It should have been saved when Jiang Ning was over. I don’t have a deep impression on him.”

When I was in Hangzhou, most of them were Liu watermelon and Chen Fan. Chen Fan was the assassin of Baodao B. One person beat dozens of pieces and almost succeeded, even if it was the general manager of Bazhizhuang, Liu Tiannan. Ning Yi, the nickname of the nickname, has always felt that it is very windy, and I am afraid that it can also be a master with Bao Dao. For Baodao B, this disciple, everyone is not very concerned about the heart, perhaps martial arts is not much worse than Baodao B.

At that time, he yelled at Bao Daoyi, and his words were too irritating to Liu Dazhen. The girl was slashing people on the Golden Temple. If it were not the shots of Fang Baihua and Deng Yuanjue, it was estimated that Zheng Zheng would be hacked. Ning Yi has heard of this.

Nothing to remember for such a friendship, even if you really see it, you won’t have two tears. Recall that Ning Yi was curious about Wang Shanyue's skill: "There is nothing left and right. If Wang Xiong is free, you may wish to take a hand and learn how to do it?" Wang Shanyue hesitated a little, then he agreed to .

Then the two played one, and after a punch and a few feet, they were a little disappointed.

Ning Yi's martial arts mainly come from a variety of tricks, the sizzling life of the fight, and the trap-style kungfu that Lu Hong teaches. At this time, the formal discussion at the end of the day can not play much more powerful skills. On the other hand, the wolf thief led by Wang Shanyue is notorious in this area, but Wu Yi is only a little higher than Ning Yi at this time. After the fight, each person took an egg and applied the wound on his face. For each other's skills, it must be more doubtful.

However, although these days are all official business exchanges, there is still not much personal friendship, but between the two, some words can still be said. Wang Shanyue’s face is doubtful: “The skill of Lei Shaoye... is not too high...”

"I practiced martial arts a little late, did not practice from a small age. Eat by the mind."

"I was weak since I was young. When I was a child, I invited my master to teach me to practice martial arts. It was also to make the body a little stronger. Later, I really practiced it, and I couldn’t practice it too much." Wang Shanyue’s expression was light, but obviously Not willing.

Ning Yi said: "The little brother is strange, so how does the wolf thief make a big name here?"

Wang Shanyue’s eyes cooled down and got up and prepared to leave: “The killing depends on the shackles. If you eat people, they will be afraid.”

Ning Yi wrinkled his frown: "Is it really eating?" Before Qin, Yuan said that this Wangshan month was somewhat extreme. After he knew it, he probably understood this point. It was just a rumor that the wolf was eating people. I have been puzzled. At the time of Hangzhou, there were also many people in the army under Fanglao’s army, and all kinds of bad rumors were there, but they would really eat people as a means of fun or famous, and there would be no one.

Listening to him talking about this, Wang Shanyue gave him a cold look, and for a moment, turned and left: "You will have a chance to know later."

The private communication within this small group at the moment has no effect on what will happen next. The sound of the summer humming. The merchants who come and go in the small market are faint and much less. The three villages in Dulonggang have a tense atmosphere, but in this era, in addition to some people on the top, it is not easy for ordinary people to anticipate what will happen. In the daytime training, Liangshan may also be heard, but everyone’s heart is still lucky, I hope it is only a moment of sensitivity.

In the middle, it is not only a villager, but even young people like Yucheng and Yan Sanniang. Although I am already preparing, I still hope that things will not happen. Only the three sons of Zhujiazhuang wished you a long time, and they are all looking forward to the arrival of the war. They are ready to give Liangshan the public a good look. From time to time, they will go to the school to discuss with the young people in Zhuangzhong. There is quite a feeling that "my big gun is already hungry and thirsty." He is a martial artist with a strong martial arts. For a time, he will also drive the atmosphere of the preparations for Zhujiazhuang. A group of young people are gearing up and morale is high.

In such an atmosphere, Lei Feng, who came to do business, occasionally interspersed among them, but it was a tiny presence that did not match the armed defense of the three Zhuangzi. For Sanzhuang. This Lei Gongzi came over and was carrying the task of the family business. When Dulonggang was entrenched, other people brought by him also procured various things around. In the past two days, there was also a big car coming over, all kinds of goods bought in the vicinity.

Although verbally said that it does not matter to the business, but this Lei Gongzi. In fact, there is a very good set of business. And the slogan of his sorrow, the man does not bring Wu Hook and so on. It’s purely unrecognizable, and he’s ignorant of the formation of the troops. Although he said in the first two days of his mouth, he may have to fight here. He wants to watch and intervene, but then he will see the atmosphere in the village. Sometimes he will ask a little doubt: "I don't really want to Snoring?" Others can naturally see that this is the real thought in his heart.

Several Zhuangzi have their own defense systems, which he can't reach, but many times they can watch Zhuangmin's drills with great interest in the school yard. After being recommended by Zhu Zhaofang, the Jianghu people sent Lei Yuan Lei Gongzi, who was nicknamed “Mixed Yuan’s Hand”, even took the initiative to ask for a discussion with Yan Tingyu.

After a few fights, I was beaten to the top, and Yu Tingyu was a good person. The start-up was extremely measured. It was enough to let the other side understand the gap. After several unyielding challenges, the Lei Feng son also said: "Today's diarrhea, may not come long, the soil and water are not in a state of obedience, the martial arts martial arts is really good, and the next day to learn."

At this time of the trial, Zhu Longzhu and others took the horse from the side, and there was a squatting girl who happened to pass by, and some of them were scornful, but more boring and helpless. Because this Lei Gongzi is really powerful in business, in recent days, it is said that he has given some advice to the small and medium-sized workshops. The general manager responsible for managing the business is very respectful to him. Zhu Zhaofeng also attaches great importance to this point. He does not know the young master who knows how to be honest. Temper, you can be patient. Even Zhu Hu, among the three brothers, was quite polite to him, and sometimes he told him about the story of Zhuangli fighting with other mountains.

"...Three Zhuangzi, different attitudes, but at present, there are counts." Ning Yi will also talk to Wang Shanyue, Qi Jia Brothers and others about the information that is difficult for others to see. Even though I have been talking about business, many things can be seen clearly in this.

"Zhujiazhuang is the main one. The Zhu Zhaozhu wished the Zhuangzhu to be the strongest. He will definitely fight. To ensure that Dulonggang is under his own hands, Zhujiazhuang is also the strongest. When talking about business with me, he I like to listen to the vision that Zhuangzi developed under his hand; He Taigong is more conservative. He likes the life of Anle Lele. It’s good to see a child, but it’s not good. But Yanjiazhuang and Zhujiazhuang The relationship is also the closest, I wish Zhu Jiazhuang, they will generally follow. As for the Li Zhuang master..."

Ning Yi frowned: "'Fuying Tiandiao' Li Ying, Zhuang Shang's general manager is Du Xing, nickname 'Ghost Face', these two people... cough, I heard that when I was young, I was able to fight, but this should be reversed. It is the most enthusiastic person for business and the general trend. I talk about business. He likes it very much. He talks about the development trend of the capital and the localities. He likes it more. He also has various opinions and judges the situation... It’s a bit of a slogan in the bones. What is this damn? Jianghu people..."

These two people, Ning Yi, knew that they ended up in Liangshan. At this time, of course, it is hard to say that they are not prophets. However, from the character of these people alone, we can see some clues.

"Du Xing seems to be very loyal, but Lijiazhuang is related to Liangshan. Last year, I heard that there were some contradictions with Liangshan. It was the relationship between Yang Xiong and Du Xing, and Li Jiazhuang came forward to express his feelings. At that time, the matter of Zengtou City was just Occurred, Zhujiazhuang took a step back. This is not a big deal. Gulonggang is not far from Liangshan. It is a dark road. It is normal to say that various contradictions and frictions are not the same. But if it is really played, it must be first to Lijiazhuang. Have a mental preparation..."

Although Ning Yi has performed poorly in martial arts and strategy in the past few days, he was able to convince several leaders in Zhuangzi with a simple business, and then derive their dispositions and positions from them. This skill is also amazing. In the atmosphere of preparation for Dulonggang, Wang Shanyue looked at him like this and quickly dispelled some of the vigilance that Zhu Chaofeng and others had in mind.

He was an outsider, but in a few days, several workshops in Zhuangzi were under his guidance. Secondly, he was the young master of Lei’s family. If something happened here, Lei’s family could not destroy Liangshan. However, if the worst situation occurs, Dulonggang can't keep going. His accident here is also a kind of revenge against Liangshan. Because of this kind of psychology, Zhu Chaofeng and others did not deliberately want the Lei Shaoye to leave, but after arranging the person to accompany him, he left here and published a naive war speech, as long as he did not touch the Dulonggang side. The defense situation will be fine.

In a sense, everyone is doing the most important preparations for the heat and the overwhelming Dulonggang. According to the intelligence collected from various aspects, on the top of Liangshan, there must be the same excitement and fanaticism. The seven or eight thousand people on both sides were involved in the overall situation. This seemingly inconspicuous scholar was like being hidden in the darkness that everyone did not pay attention to, waiting quietly for what he wanted to wait for. thing. After knowing that he had done the thing of Baodao B, Wang Shanyue occasionally felt that this scene was so chilly, and that he was so eager to see it. Is it really possible?

For Wang Shanyue, now he has a little hesitation, which is this one. More than 30 people of the wolf thief have been carrying the goods of the big car to Dulonggang. If the expected warfare begins, the admission of this scholar named Ning Yi will put pressure on the life. There is no room for remorse. He has been operating the wolf for several years, and now he is not only carrying his own life. The teacher's letter and order are in front, he only hopes that the war period can be a little farther ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take a little more time to consider this game.

However, Liangshan did not give everyone a long time. Although many people felt the omen at the beginning, when he suddenly came, he still made the participants’ hearts suddenly sink.

Jinghan ten years of summer, May 25, evening, when Xiayun was red, white horses, silver armor, knights carrying steel guns and long bows appeared in the sunset, taking arrows and bowing in two hundred steps. The small market outside Dulonggang shot three arrows without urgency. The first two arrows shot the hat of Zhuang Ding, who was guarded outside the market. The third arrow was wearing a gauntlet, and it was nailed into the plaque with the word "Dragongang".

The knight turned the horse's head and went slowly. Ning Yi was standing outside, watching the scene with great interest, licking his mouth and turning back to the inn. Even though he has not seen it before, he can probably guess the identity of the other party.

Xiao Liguang - Huarong!

Less than in the evening, Liangshan’s decision to cut Dulonggang has spread, and the small market has become chaotic...

This chapter is sent out, it seems that even more than 150,000 words, thirty chapters ^_^

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