Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 6: Crouching tiger will do

Color silk exhibition, banner hunting, water park Liangshan Juyi Hall outside the army assembly, the atmosphere is solemn, murderous.

"...In the world of the Wu dynasty, there are traitors in the road, there are corrupt officials to do evil, the priests are arrogant, collusion, bullying good, the people of the world, the grievances have been long, the Fang Haoxiong unveiled, the south has Fangla, the west has the king Qing, the North of the Tiger King, today I Liangshan heroes in this righteousness, for the heavens! To cut the world is not flat -"

Step by step, the small and medium-sized heads lined up in a row, standing in turn, watching the banner of "For Heaven", and listening to the sound of the text in the Juyi Hall above, and echoed in the air. . Everyone can know who this voice comes from. "Mr. Jia Liang" Wu used, the word is studied.

After Zengtou City, Liangshan’s development trend in the past year has been carried out by this person. Although Zhu Wu and Xi Junyi also cooperated with each other, at the moment, Wu’s use in Liangshan is no longer the same. The outside world even passed the name of its reincarnation. At this time, Song Jiang Song Gongming, who lived on the throne of Liangshan, because of his benevolence and righteousness, was also known by Liu Xuande, and the combination of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang also promoted the entire Liangshan to some extent. The momentum has attracted many Greenwood people to rush.

"... Today, there are two places near Liangshan, one Dulonggang, one Wanjialing, Dulonggang Sanzhuang, Zhu, Yi, Li, Wanjialing Jijia, colluding with the government to be rich and innocent, bullying the villagers complaining, the people suffer Long time! I waited for a few times to persuade, and the people did not repent..."

The voice resounded generously. In fact, it is not so much that it is designed for Dulonggang and Wanjialing. It is better to say that Liangshan is next, facing the most violent flag of the whole world. Liangshan, which has been gaining momentum for more than a year, is indeed the highest point in history. If it was said that Liangshan hit Zengtou City, it was quite difficult. After more than a year, it was officially sent out again. It was not as good as the strong ones of Zengtou City. No one will think that this war will have any problems.

At this time, in the first battle, only to test the strength of Liangshan, after the completion of the battle, the size of the area around the water can be truly connected, and the momentum of Liangshan will be like this battle, such as the dragon into the water, the Peng Peng wings, directly into the Pazhou, Jeju and other places. At this time, the Northern Expedition of the Wu Dynasty was at the most critical moment. The nearby Wurui Camp had suffered losses in the hands of Liangshan people and was unable to attack. Liangshan also seized the best opportunity. Finally shot.

After Liangshan has recharged for so long, the power of savings can not only be able to attack Dulonggang, but even attack Jeju and other places, and it is now possible to fight it down.

As long as the court has been unable to take care of it for another year and a half. The momentum of Liangshan can be inflated to the same as the original Shenggong. This is the vision of everyone in Liangshan, how much can be seen.

When the tiger is going to walk, there will be a smoldering smoke. Under the momentum of this peak, all kinds of heroes in the Juyi Hall were gathered together. After reading the essays, Wu used to assign the tasks of each person. Every time a person is assigned, an arrow is ordered, and it is slain and well organized.

Wanjialing is not the center of this war. The leading commander is headed by "double whip" Hu Yanzhuo, "Jiuwenlong" Shi Jin is deputy, Zhu Wu is a military division, and his master has "Golden Gunner" Xu Ning. The three brothers of the Yu family, the "Ugly Horse" praise. "Wu Muyu" Hao Siwen, "Maotou Star" Kong Ming, "Geo Mars" Kong Liang, "Yunli King Kong" Song Wan and others, led the army of more than 8,000 people.

Because the significance of this war is greater than the difficulty level, the Dulonggang, which needs to pay attention to it, Liangshan is headed by Song Jiang, and Wu is a military division, almost almost elite.

"Big knife" wins! "Green face beast" Yang Zhi! "Bonfire" Qin Ming! "walker" Wu Song! "Avant-garde" Suo Chao! Only these five people, above Liangshan, are one of the best in their hands and lead the former army.

The Chinese army took the Songjiang River and Wu used it. His head was the "Leopard Head" Lin Chong, "Black Whirlwind" Li Wei, "Flower Monk" Lu Zhishen, "Xiao Liguang" Huarong, "Double Guns" Dong Ping, "No feather arrow" Zhang Qing, "sickness" Yang Xiong and "Desperate Saburo" Shi Xiu and others.

The latter army was seated in Yunlong, Zhu Xi, Mu Hong Mu Chun and others. The army added up to nearly 20,000 horses. After the war, they must be crushed to the Dulonggang.

The warship carried the army and left the waterway before preparing for the two divisions. The preparatory separation is between the Wanjialing and Dulonggang, a place called Jiangjun Ridge. The princes gather in the mountains, and the red clouds are rolled up. Song Jiang entrusts the army to Hu Yanzhuo and raises the wine bowl.

"This war is just the beginning of my righteousness. After that, I will take Pazhou and Jeju, and I will go to the heavens and the people who are unjust. In the war, the brothers are bothered. After the fight, I will wait for the big bowl to drink again. Big chunks of meat, just hope that no one will fall!"

"I will not be held by my brother!"

"Their kind of Zhuangzi, we used to kill their buttocks!"

"It may not be too late to surrender!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Everyone should be in harmony, the black whirlwind Li Hao raised the jar, haha ​​laughed: "That also used to say, Gongming brother... We are strong and strong -"

Among the laughter, the flag and the soldiers all over the sky raised their swords and whistles in their hands. In an instant, the killing sound shook the earth.

Such vigor and gloom is like the beginning of a new era. At least at this moment, Xi Jun, who stands between the leaders of the mountains, thinks this way.

After coming out of the Su family, he fell into the grass. For him, it seems that he completely gave up his previous life and could not find his home. But gradually, he discovered that he has come to a new world, this world, than Before Jiangning City, there was a little bit of deceitfulness and ambition between businessmen. I don’t know how many times. Anything can be done here. Even though I was a little frustrated in Jiangning not long ago, he still felt that place. too small.

He lifted the wine bowl and drank it!

The armor is like a tide, spreads out...

At the same time, the voice of Dulonggang was a bit thin.

"Haha, the guys finally came to fucking! It’s time for the world to know the name of my Dulonggang family!"

Riding a horse, waving a steel gun, I wish you a laugh on the school ground, although the heroic, but the people who really should be, is not much. For the dealers in Dulonggang, such a war is innocent in any case. In order to keep their homes in full play, everyone does not necessarily have a very high fighting will. At the moment, the three Zhuangzi, everyone is in action, chilling and busy. On the side of Zhujiazhuang, Yan Tingyu looked at the excitement of his disciples and his face was calm. Such fanaticism helped the next fight, but in his heart, it was actually a bit uncertain.

Liangshan...very strong.

When the market was attacked last year. He left Zhujiazhuang and went to help Shi Wengong. He has already seen Liangshan’s master lineup at that time. Zengtou City was later slaughtered, and he was unable to return to heaven. Suffering from a serious injury, the injury is slightly better, in fact, I do not want to come back to Zhujiazhuang.

Just because he had already seen it at the time, after Liang Shan’s expansion, there would be a battle with the Xiaozhuangzi Zhaizi who was in the same position as Dulonggang. The development of Liangshan this year also justified his thoughts. But when the atmosphere of the battle really comes together. He still couldn't help but come back.

Then... things are really coming.

Dulonggang, or can be kept for a while, but it is difficult to get to the point where Liangshan is no longer wanting to play.

But nevertheless... he clenched his octagonal mixed copper stick. Open your eyes... you can only do your best and listen to your destiny!


When Dulonggang was fully mobilized, Ning Yi was sitting on the roof and holding a bunch of agate bracelets in his hand at the small market outside the crossing. Looking at a few business trips, people rushed to leave, and the situation started from last night. Today, in fact, it has already gone, and even the owner of the inn has already planned to hide in Zhuangzi.

The entire small market has become a rather desolate scene at this time. Except for these people, only the villagers of Sanzhuang occasionally go back and forth for the defense.

Wang Shanyue looked at this scene on the other side of the roof. He was silent for a long time, and Ning Yi opened his mouth there.

"Wang Shanyue, but let's talk?"

In the past, chatting with each other was measured and controlled. Wang Shanyue was a year or two older than Ning Yi. It is reasonable to say that he should be called "Wang Xiong". However, although Ning Yi’s tone is indifferent, it is also mixed with formal and serious. It means that Wang Shanyue looked over and for a moment: "What are you talking about?"

Ning Yi stood up in the eaves: "What have you been thinking about for the past two days, I thought you would open it first, but if you don't ask, I can only say it."

"What am I thinking about?"

"Forty people are 50,000, to say that I am very confident, I am lying to you. The plan often can't keep up with the changes, but you have any idea, you can ask now." Ning Yi said, "If these words go in, say, It really will kill people."

He looked at the man who was as beautiful as a woman. Wang Shanyue looked coldly and coldly, and then he had been there for a long time and slowly opened his mouth.

"I don't want to pursue the best policy. Since you put your life on, I will ask, is this whimsical situation, do you really think there is a possibility of success?"


"Then I followed." Wang Shanyue nodded. "Other things we go in and say."

He said these two sentences, no longer speak, Ning Yi originally prepared some statements, this time was a bit surprised, then shook his head and smiled.

"...that's good, it's time to do something."

Soon after, Zhujiazhuangkou, Zhu Zhaofeng commanded Zhuang Ding to build a defense, saw that the young Master Lei came over here under the leadership of the management.

"But the boss!"

"Lee young master, have you not gone yet?"

"How come, more than a dozen goods are outside, now everyone is making a lot of noise, what should we do if the road is robbed, let alone our children in the rivers and lakes..." The nouveau riche hands akimbo, looking around, "I wish the boss, How many Liangshan people are there, so big?"

Zhu Zhaofeng’s face is complicated: “We don’t know how much we have.”

"Oh, let's be a man... I wish you the three Zhuangzis on your side. There are more than 10,000 people who can be beaten by light. What are you afraid of? Don't be afraid, my Lei family is also related. I just wrote it. Two letters, one for Zhangzhou Liangzhifu and one for Zhang Ruiling of Wuruiying, they will definitely send troops. At that time, they will be wrapped in the dumplings of the Liangshan gang. The children of Jianghu, of course, must watch and help. What is needed? I wish you the boss, I will open the situation here. You are Baoding in Dulonggang and Wanjialing... Now I am not good at it. On the one hand, the guys in Liangshan are killed, and the other side seems to have What is Zheng Mowang’s killing, I have more than ten goods, I wish the boss, I have lived here recently, no problem?”

Zhu Zhaofeng thought about what Cangzhou and Wurui camp would come to blame. But this time, it is a good thing to give Liangshan more pressure. On the surface, it is naturally great, and promised to arrange for him to arrange a courtyard in Zhuangzi: "... , Lei Gongzi Qianjin's body, but also hope not to go away, Zhujiazhuang will protect the safety of Leigongzi."

Lei Gongzi, who had a great name on the rivers and lakes, still had a tangled look: "I actually encountered a nap... Cough, I mean, can participate in it, I wish the Zhuangzhu if you need it, you must be welcome... Oh, there are some gold sore medicines in my goods. I can use them when I can fight them..."

So on the afternoon of May 26th, the delegation of Lei Jiagong, who came to the business, went to the courtyard of the inner courtyard of Zhujiazhuang. At this time, it was a war period, and I wished that the family naturally had some precautions. However, more than 40 people were assigned to Anan, and there was no action. Only the Shao Shaoye occasionally ran to the periphery where the guards and Zhuang Ding were not sensitive. Go and see.

I wish everyone has become accustomed to the existence of this Lei Gongzi, and occasionally he will greet him with his hands. After the initial smashing, Lei Gongzi had confidence in the defense of the family, and then began to publish various unreliable defensive opinions. For example, when the Liangshan army attacked, it would be defeated and the Liangshan gangsters would be defeated. Introducing a narrow channel in the valley with a fire attack, but unfortunately there is no such narrow narrow road near Dulonggang~www.wuxiaspot.com~May 27, Liangshan’s army appeared near Dulonggang, to May 28 In the morning, I started to attack. Ning Yi no longer appears on the battlefield, but quietly stays in the courtyard, speculating on the development and results of the war with information from others.

Relatively speaking, it has already fallen into these situations, and Wang Shanyue has no concerns on this side. He paid attention to the development of the situation, and occasionally went to the periphery of Zhuangzi to watch the war, and also guessed what the guy named Ning Liheng was going to do. The war that took place at the moment, even if he remembered it many years later, made him a bit embarrassed.

Prior to this, he had been staring at Liangshan for several years in Shandong, watching it develop step by step in a chaotic situation. In the early June of the tenth summer of Jinghan, it has developed to the peak of history. From the beginning, there was not much suspense in the war against the direction that everyone can see. Although Dulonggang struggled to get into the almost flat position in the first few days, everything went down in anticipation, and even many people saw the gloom that might have been defeated. All this, until the young scholar who had been quietly sitting in the yard playing his agate bracelet finally shot.

Then everyone saw a strange and terrible ... human war.

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