Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 7: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (1)

The night is deep, and the killing sound on Dulonggang is boiling and cannot be calm.

On the road between Zhujiazhuang and Yujiazhuang, a set of killings is still going on. Yan Sanniang rides a horse to the front of a set of Liangshan soldiers, and locks the leader in front of the team as a target, in the dark light, the day The double knives collided with the hammer in the other hand, and the dealers who followed the side of the body slapped them.

Until she retired, she did not know who the general was.

In the darkness, she is close to the east gate of Zhujiazhuang, and on the side of the road, there is another Liangshan people holding a torch to kill. I saw that the first general would lead a green warrior, a high-crowned long-haired, holding a green dragon knife, and her heart sank, and the other party had already killed it!

"Little girl, it’s time to stay at home and embroider! The soldiers are in a mess! Come out!"

The long knife roared. Yan Sanniang bit his teeth and waved a pair of knives to meet.

Although I did not face this person before, but a few days of beating, the names of some generals on the side of Liangshan will still be heard. This "big knife" Guan Sheng is said to be the third country Guan Yunchang, a Qinglong knife in the battlefield to kill the rare rivals, is one of the most powerful leaders in Liangshan, she did not know whether she can cope with it for a while, killing for a while, The Zhuanghu retreats to the side of Zhujia.

I have played a dozen rounds. I have already spent a lot of physical strength on this battle. I am so embarrassed, but fortunately, I am already close to the gatehouse of Zhujia. The other party dare not chase again, and the horizontal knife immediately looks at these hundreds of people. In Zhuang, he only took the knife back and rushed to support other places.

The battle on Dulonggang is now playing like this. Although the total number of people on both sides is tens of thousands, the Dulonggang area is mostly Pantuo Road. The roads are twisted and twisted, wide and narrow, but even the widest place can't afford the kind of large-scale positional battle. Every time, a general led two or three hundred people, and at most five people rushed between Zhuangzi. In this fight, the general’s force. It is especially important.

This is the early morning of June, when Ms. Sanniang took a break near Zhuangmen, and she was prepared to go in and see Zhu Zhaofeng under the leadership of Zhuangmin, passing through a yard on the way. Seeing that the young man wearing the outbreak of the son's clothes was stretching at the door, when she saw her, she smiled politely at her. Looking at his leisurely look, Sanniang is too lazy to take care of him. This guy is estimated to think that this side has the upper hand, although I hope that is the case, but if not ... he will know the wrong.

People are rich families. Come over to do business. There is no way to blame yourself, but just think about it. Later, I saw that the follower of the son who looked like a woman came over and arched his hand and passed her by.

The situation is troublesome... Wang Shanyue thought in his heart.

The war has been going on for three days, at least on the surface, and the situation remains in a stalemate. Liangshan people also ate some small losses at the beginning. The terrain of Dulonggang is complex. The road outside was able to find the right path when Bai Yang turned, and the terrain caused some trouble at the beginning, but it was quickly cracked.

Of course, even if you can find the way, the people on the side of Dulonggang still have the upper hand on the terrain. After all, they are familiar with the surrounding areas. Every time they rely on the ground attack, they can cause trouble to the other side. At the beginning, they even defeated and arrested. Liangshan has several small and medium-sized leaders. Although he has broken hands on his side, it is still helpful for morale. unfortunately……

If Liangshan’s current situation is steadily and pressured by the imperial teacher’s momentum, Dulonggang’s side should be regarded as the best way to keep himself undefeated. These things... they should be aware of the tired ones. ......

And... There is still a problem in Lijiazhuang’s work, and it’s the wind that looks at the wind at both ends of the first mouse...

Wang Shanyue frowned, and Ning Yi, who still had no movement at this time, passed.


"Our army has mastered the general trend."

On the open space outside the woods on the outer edge of the battlefield, Wu looked at the cluster of rays that reflected the sky in the distance, and said with a smile. Aside, Song Jiang, whose dark complexion and eyes are like Danfeng, came over and carried his hands: "This war situation, the military division was not expected from the beginning."

Wu used the fan to point to the other side: "Now I can see more clearly. Once I wait for the pressure on Zhuang, they will have a hard time. We will win the war and we will try to kill as many people as possible. Look at the ugly state of the other side's struggle, haha."

In the voice, a group of soldiers have returned, and the black whirlwind with two axes is a half-body of blood. He smiled and said: "Happiness, killing is really happy! Gongming brother, military division, when do we break his Zhuangzi?"

"I don't want to worry about the iron cow. It will take a few more days."

"It’s time to kill the ostrich family!"

When I talked about this, some people came back. Nowadays, a group of people are sent out. Wu uses this side to practice the actual training and prepare for the next Liangshan expansion. As for Dulonggang, it is absolutely necessary to be destroyed. It is no problem to have a few days in the early days of the day. To seize the money and food on Dulonggang, the space for moving here is even greater. It is the right way to train and save strength.

This time, it was Suo Chao and Yang Zhi and Lin Chong. Before that, Suo Chao and Yang Zhi’s coach, Zhu Tingyu, who was in the Zhuangwai fight Zhujiazhuang, played for more than 20 rounds. The other party kept steady, but it was only Retreat and not defeat, then Lin Chong came, saw that the two may be introduced to the ambush next to Zhuangzi, and quickly police, the three of them came back together, talking about the Yu Tingyu, but also some admire. Before the fight, his own side even "bonfire" Qin Ming was defeated in his hands and then captured, in the battles of these days, even retreat Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Lin Chong and other people, really powerful.

The crowd said: "This is also a good man."

"After breaking the village, if he knows the truth, he can treat the Qin brothers and others, and he may wish to leave him a life."

"If you don't drop, let him eat me an axe and cut his head!"


Everyone here has retired, and it has not shown a decadent color. On the side of Zhujiazhuang, when Yan Tingyu held the octagonal stick into Zhuangmen, Zhongzhuang’s family also cheered and said: “There are only a few people who can’t "What kind of green face beast, avant-garde, are all generals on the top of Liangshan." "The tricks are to catch them!" "Too amazing!"

In the voice of everyone, Yan Tingyu also smiled and raised his heavy octagonal copper rod to indicate. When the eyes hang down, they flashed a stern color, and the arm was in the shadow that everyone could not see. Slightly trembling.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to catch the two... I am afraid there will be no such opportunity.

In the past few days, he has been fighting hard, and he has pushed himself to the highest level. The losing streak, even the top three, but even so, plus the disciples Zhu Xi and other people fighting. The situation is still not getting better, and the sense of urgency in the heart is only getting heavier and heavier.

Go all the way. I saw that I had been killed for half a night, and I was so happy that I came back with blood. Say hello. After dismounting, several children jumped over and handed him the drink, and took the towel behind him to wipe the blood on his armor. He knew that he was very **** and drank a bowl of wine to send the child away. Back in the courtyard of the house, the fatigue and anger of the body came up, and he entered the room. Put a heavy copper rod on the wall, sit on the chair, take a deep breath, and look fierce.

If it really can't help these people... He thinks about the scene of Zengtou City, and thinks about Liangshan’s recent screaming for the Heavenly Way and the propaganda of the Dulonggang crime... To be honest, he lived here for so long, Shandong Yi Land, caravans, underworld, Zengtou City, Dulonggang, all sorts of messy things must have been touched, occasionally conflict with others, not necessarily how clean they are. However, Liangshan’s way for the sky? Just rely on a few acres of land planted on Liangshan, raise a few pigs, these guys have to make a big bowl of wine for the heavens and the big meat, where the wine comes from! ?

But when it comes to wicked people, it is useless to say what they say. The gangs are ugly, and justice is just a matter of course. In short, it is necessary to kill and kill Zhuangzi and take things away. He didn't know that he could still fight for a few days. Among the monks in Liangshan, there were too many masters, and they were forced to go to the end almost at any time. When he measured his own strength, he knocked at the door and asked the dragon to ask him to go out and eat something. He pressed the body's exhaustion and stood up.

Although I want to rest, but the morale of Zhuangzhong, I have to rely on him to support, not to let go of the time...


After all, it is good for everyone in the Dulonggang who has the right place to stay in the middle of the night. However, by the early morning of June, the war was reopened. After that, on the second day of June and the third day of June, psychological fear and exhaustion finally appeared on the farmer’s body. No matter what the folk customs here, what kind of exercise has been experienced. For the sake of the Zhuang households, the psychological quality is ultimately inferior to the Liangshan soldiers.

Large and small teaching, I wish the dragon wish the tiger to wish that these people are also injured more or less, Yan Tingyu was physically injured, but still supported, at least on the third day of this day, there is no significant decline in his skills. However, the work of Lijiazhuang has not become obvious. I wish that the two villages have become more cautious and have even prepared to defend their respective villages. Under such circumstances, Wang Shanyue’s emotions have reached a tense high point, because once the two Zhuangzi can’t look at each other, it may mean that the situation has deteriorated to some extent.

When I saw Ning Yi in the courtyard, I would also see him sitting there thinking about things, the agate bracelet in his hand, like a rosary. But most of the time, he will still stay in the room, sometimes the lights will not disappear. On the morning of June 4th, the Liangshan people attacked again. Wang Shanyue saw him go out for a circle. When he came back, he still had the smile of the second ancestor, but as soon as he entered the yard, his expression returned to seriousness. Even the people of the wolf can see that his emotions are also tense. In the afternoon, he sat in the courtyard, thinking about things, while holding the agate beads of the bracelet in his ear, Wang Shan In the past month, I asked: "The situation has already arrived like this. When are you going to do your business?"

"I think about it again," he replied, then went back to the room.

Ning Yi is really thinking.

Sitting in the darkness of the room, watching the pearls rolling in the hands, the mood is a bit complicated, but not purely for the sake of tension. From the end of April, when Xi Junjun and others entered the Su family until now, the time has not been long. Since then, he has been involved in various things between him and Tan Er, Xiao Xiao, Yun Zhu, and Jin Er. The change on the top, then to the beam, then come over here... Time has not seemed long, but a lot has happened. And now he has to do it, he is not sure, but after coming to the world for so long. This time it was like the first time he used this method to actively prepare to hurt people.

This time, it may be purely malicious and efficient, purely hurt and plundered, just as he did when he first opened the company. Fight in such a way. Will it succeed? If he expands smoothly, he will not be sure, but it is already here. There is no more time to think about it leisurely.

Near the evening, he was still playing, and he walked out of the room with a bracelet like a rosary. When Wang Shanyue passed, he said: "Wang Xiong, three brothers. Immediately. Let's go and pay a visit to the owner."

Wang Shanyue raised his eyebrows: "Showdown?"

"Almost, in addition, as mentioned before, take out all the ink and paper on the third car, eat it early for dinner, take a break and sleep, and may not sleep this evening."

The same moment. Outside Zhujiazhuang, the octagonal mixed copper sticks blocked the big knife, and Yan Tingyu was struggling to kill with Guan Sheng and others.

After bandaging the injury, I also met with the three people who had come over the road when I went to the Zhujia Hall. She is trying to ensure that the two villages can be reconciled, and there are some doubts. The Lazhuang family came over and asked, and the other party said that these people specially came to visit the owner and said that there are important matters to discuss. Yan Sanniang thought that they might have seen the decline of Dulonggang and wanted to escape. It is really...

For a time, she couldn't think of any ironic feelings, because the other side's exit, for her side, may be the nightmare of Zhuangzhuang being slaughtered. Perhaps when he can't beat it, Yanjiazhuang can surrender, but Liangshan for all kinds of supplies. When money comes, they will not necessarily let people here.

Soon after, in the home of Zhu Jiazheng, Ning Yi showed all the proofs about the court and his identity to Zhu Zhao. I wish the DPRK to stare at him with a stern look.

After a while, the sky went into the night and entered the E, when Zhujiazhuang was imprisoned in the prisoner’s yard, the arrested Liangshan soldiers had just started to eat, and a group of Zhuang households came in and overturned their tableware, which would have a total of five heads and More than two hundred Liangshan soldiers were taken out and went down to a larger courtyard square next to them.

Since the beginning of the war, after these soldiers will be arrested for various reasons, Zhu Jiazhuang has not abused the other side too much, because once things are impossible, there may be room for sympathy, and it is not good to make things too dead. Several of the leaders looked stunned and refused to kneel down, but the surrounding villagers had already armed with swordsmen. After a while, some people entered the stadium. Each hand held a hand-cranked military handcuff, which is a very extravagant weapon here.

There was a large open space in front of everyone, and there was a room in front of it, and the lights were lit up. There were already people inside.

The atmosphere was a bit strange, everyone didn't talk. Then, a rich man who seemed to be extremely rich dragged two chairs and brought a few people in. When he walked to the front of the court, he looked at the room where the lights were lit. .

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

Next to a man who looks like a woman, nodded and replied.

The rich family nodded. When they came in, they pointed their fingers to the five heads. The words were cold: "Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Deng Fei, Cao Zheng, Meng Kang, first pull them back."

After he said this, Qin Ming and others wanted to talk, and several hands were immediately pointed at them. The rich family did not look at the few people. The path was straight ahead, and the two chairs were placed two times, standing there, and the color was arched indifferently.

"I am sorry to disturb everyone. I am simply saying that in the next Lei Feng, the Jianghu people sent the nickname to the mixed yuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jingcheng came, that is, the general court hawk dog, I am not a good person, come over In order to destroy Liangshan. Do something tonight, don't worry, I will tell you how to do it."

After he said this, the crowd had already vaguely remembered the voice of "fucking", whispering a whisper, whispering low. Fu Jiagong’s hand rubbed his forehead and moved his fingers. The two people next to him went to the front of the crowd, letting a grabbed Liangshan soldier get up and sit on the chair. The soldier looked around and looked at him. Rich family patted on his shoulder: "Don't worry, I am doing very slowly, you can keep up."

He looked around: "On a question, I want to destroy Liangshan. Can you tell me the Liangshan intelligence you know?"

The question was very frank. When asked, some people in the crowd ridiculed meticulously. The rich family named Lei Feng just looked at the man in front of him. The man stunned for a second: "Hey..."

The rich family took the bow next to him and moved it to the front of his head while snapping the trigger.

"Know, next."

The sound sounded, the blood splashed, and the body fell.

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