Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 8: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (2)

The sound and blood suffocating reverberate in the air. From the opening of the rich family who claimed to be Lei Feng, to the bow and the trigger, not many people can be psychologically prepared, because the action is really a little smooth. Almost at the moment when the smirked expression of the man just floated, the arrow pointed to his eyes, and then only a half-sound sneer in his mouth became the last sound of his life.

When the body fell, the rich family said plainly, "The next one." Someone came over and threw the body away. The other two went to the crowd to pick up a Liangshan soldier and pushed him into the chair. The crowd finally reacted. Everyone was angry and screamed. The man who was pushed on the chair was actually tied up. At this time, he stood up and said: "You must kill you..."

The words haven’t finished yet, and the shoulders suddenly sink, but the rich man suddenly climbs over and puts his hands on the chair in his hands. The fierce and indifferent eyes are close at hand, making this person bear I can’t live without it. The eyes of the crowd were also attracted by this sudden big move. It was a little quiet. The rich man stared at him. When he finally reacted, he wanted to use his head to hit the last lesson. He let go of his hand and straightened up. His eyes swept over. crowd.

"For the attitude that is responsible for your life, I still hope that you will listen to it." He said coldly. "I want to destroy Liangshan. Can you tell me the Liangshan intelligence you know?"

The same problem of indifference and straightforwardness, the venue is almost quieter than the previous one. Everyone wants to see the reaction of this son, but it is also the reaction of the person watching the chair. The soldier bit his teeth. Proudly, he raised his head slowly, his eyes and the indifferent gaze.


The arrow goes through the brain. The body fell down.


Some people suddenly shouted in the small square, and then the crowd was stunned.


"You dare to kill..."

"Being Laozi going out..."

The sound is soaring and boiling, like a blasting of the pot, such a move will cause a strong resistance at the moment is affirmative, even the Zhu Long, who is watching in the side of the room, can’t help but want to rush out: “I can Killing, there will be an accident." Just being blessed by the wish.

The scene was fierce, and they were brought to the center from the beginning to concentrate. The rich family came in, and the accident was almost overwhelming. At this time, they killed two people like an ant-killing ant. The buzzing vocals were mixed with a cold one: "Prepare." There are already a few places in the center and the edge of the field. The person stood up for the first time: "There is a kind of killing Laozi!"

The middle man stood up and shouted: "Brothers, he wants us..." Hey, he smashed his throat through his throat. The lanterns on the flagpoles around the square floated with the night wind. Sprinkling the light, the rich family in front of the hand, shot the arrow, the right hand has not been put down, the fingers of the left hand have been stretched out in the air, across the front of the field of vision. Someone at the edge of the field shouted: "Brothers, let's..."

"He." Finger click. The arrow hits the ball, then: "He, he, over there, fulfill him..."

There was almost no hesitation in the sound of the chords. Blood, broken meat, and arrows blossomed in the crowd. A man in front of everyone stood up and rushed to Ning Yi. Both hands have unlocked the rope: "Ah, ah, Lei Feng. I am going to you..."

"Lei Feng, you dare to swear -"

The anger is like a thunder, drowning the other's words. In the dark lights, the rich man has thrown a bow at the back, and he put the iron finger on the right glove, stepping in the snoring, and screaming out, the man’s face was punched. Flying, the body flew in the air, fell back into the prisoners, half of the face was smashed, and the body twitched and spit out blood.

At this time, the anger of the people was only the result of the sudden explosion of fear and panic. However, before someone actually shouted the words of incitement, the bodies of the six or seven were already in the crowd, and the blood was filled with silence. Then he descended, but in the back of the crowd, Qin Ming and several people violently drank a few words. At this time, they are still yelling: "If my brother hits Zhuang, I will not spare you!" Yunyun, the most fierce in the middle Cao Zheng, who is a strong "fighting ghost", has a strong **** temper. He is still screaming at this time: "There is a kind of killing grandfather! You are desperate to fight with you!"

In this snoring, the rich family son had already pulled out the finger tiger after a punched down pawn, and walked toward the rear, went to the side of the house, and picked up the remaining piece of the building. The blue bricks went straight to Cao Zheng and walked over to him. A brick fell on his head and then it was another.

Qin Ming and others screamed and violently shouted: "You dare to hurt my brother..." "What heroes do you count..." "There is a kind of grandfather, and you are singled out..."

Cao Zheng was a tall man with a few bricks on his head. The blood was shot and the body was just shaking. His hands were tied behind him and he struggled. Ning Yi went down like a brick and a brick, and the other four violently drunk. Cao Zheng was wilting on the ground. After a while, Cao Zheng suddenly screamed and his hands were free from **** and rushed toward him. In the night wind, there was a loud noise. The two men collided with each other. The stone chips and dust raised their heights. The blue bricks were photographed in two halves. They danced and Cao Zheng was kicked back to the original place. .

Ning Yi threw away the half-cut bricks, turned and found another piece. He continued to fight against Cao Zheng on the ground. He leaned down and Cao Zheng raised his hand to grab his clothes, but he was unable to do other things. Yi grabbed the finger of the hand, smashed one of them, and then pressed it on the ground for twenty or thirty. When the venue gradually disappeared, when Qin Ming and others stopped talking, Ning Yi glanced at them and threw away the bricks.

Qin Ming and others originally said that they would never let him go. Ning Yi walked over, his eyes were mild, and he took a shot of Qin Ming’s shoulder and whispered comfortably: “Let’s live again.”

Then, he turned back to the front of the field, at this time the body was blood, shaking his fingers, he stood in front of the crowd for a moment, thought about it, pulled the chair facing the crowd, sat down.

"Everyone saw it." He looked at everyone, his tone was not high, and he was flat. "There was a little accident, but now it's okay. Don't be nervous. Of course, if my gentle tone left a wrong impression on everyone, I apologize to everyone. Now everyone understands, things are very simple, we Go ahead... come, next."

The third person was trembling and dragged to the chair. He looked at his companions from time to time to see this side. Ning Yi used to lean over and pat him on the shoulder: "It's okay, we always have to face problems before we can move towards a better future. I ask you, would you like to tell me about the Liangshan secrets you know?"

"I, I..." The man shivered, hesitating, looking at the crowd. The head has not turned, brushing a knife, blood light spilled out.


Someone left the body and the fourth person was pulled. This person wanted to spit and was killed by Wang Shanyue. So when I came to the fifth person, after sitting down, I was already desperately nodding. The rich family jumped up on the square and untied the ropes. Then hold his hands: "Good brother! Good brother in the righteousness! Take him to the side to eat and drink! Good things!"

Next to him, there are several sheds that are not far from the side. People on both sides can see that when the person nodding is sitting down, there will be good wine and meat, and more than two hundred people here stare at him.

The sixth person did not nod, and he wanted to scream: "After eighteen years..." was killed after not shouting, and the body was thrown aside.

The seventh person is also hesitating, Ning Yi is about to start, and the next person suddenly opens: "Wait." The man is the second leader in the wolf thief, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, said to be Wang Shan. The martial arts master of the month, seeing a lot of knowledge, Ning Yi looked at him: "What?"

"This person knows that the name of Liu Fu, from Shanxi Shuangdaomen, is a bit famous."

"That is to find his family?"

Ning Yi smiled and waved his hand to the side: "Who is the one, remember to write it down, double knife door Liu Fu, this name is called the official government." He smiled and looked at Liu Fu: "Today you are dead, I To ensure that the sea arresting documents will be distributed to the world, the funeral will be done for your family. Come and kill him."

The person next to him raised the bow, and Liu Fu shouted: "No! Wait, I will help you! I will help you! I will help you!"

Ning Yi took both hands together and put the bow down. When the man went to the side, Ning Yi glared at his shoulder and patted him on the chest. Chen Hao said: "It is the cherished family... the next one."

In the moonlight of the hook, the wind blew over the yard, the lantern swayed on the flagpole, and the orange, some old light fell. The mechanical, cold and simple inquiry continued, a dead body. Just piled up in front of the square, began to pile up, **** suffocating. After that, some people surrendered.

When I asked about twenty people, I was already sitting in the shed next to me. I was asked one by one. Ning Yi took a clap: "Okay, the demonstration is almost done. Everyone is a smart person. It is also important to understand." I still have things, I have no time to play with you here, then go into the back room, and then say what I said, here will be a record for you, and then do a comparison. It doesn't matter if you have enough Gao Ming, then..."

He waved his hand: "Trouble, Zhujiazhuang's brothers, split them up, don't talk, have whispers to send information, kill on the spot... things are coming, you don't have to worry about it, tonight. ......"

In front of everyone, Ning Yi smiled and said: "...and it grows very much."

The night is bound to be long.

Out of this courtyard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ning Yi took a deep breath and turned to look at the direction outside Zhuang, the head that could not be seen from the field of view, the battle was still fierce.

For everyone in Liangshan, everything may be like step by step, taking advantage of the general trend, gradually crushing the past, the resistance of Dulonggang originally caused a lot of trouble for the other side, but now it seems like a little wood thorn in front of the rolling stone. After a little blocking, they were broken by the boulder. Now those advantages have been exhausted. Even though Yan Tingyu and others have fought and killed, they have finally been unable to cover the injury.

It was only on the invisible board that it seemed that it was no longer able to return to the sky. The first child of the insignificant new participant finally fell silently.

The light shines on his face, chaotic and dark, like the abyss that devours everything. When I turned my head, Zhu Zhaofeng and others were coming over here. He turned his hand and greeted him...

"If you want Liangshan intelligence, you will have to review them separately and say more, why bother to kill." One face, Zhu Long asked.


Huh, the twenty-eighth should start double-monthly tickets, everyone, be prepared! (To be continued...)

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