Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 9: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (3)

"If you want Liangshan intelligence, you will have to review them separately and say more, why bother to kill."

The night wind smashed under the eaves, and there was **** smog coming out of the distance. Here, after watching the previous events, Zhu Chaofeng and others looked not so enthusiastic. Previously, Ning Yi expressed his identity to Zhu Chao, and then asked for cooperation. It is one thing to wish the DPRK to promise it. After all, Zhujiazhuang has no way to retreat at this time, and many helpers are always better.

However, when things start, many things can be calmed down and discussed. The problem that Zhu Long came over is not without reason. To put it bluntly, although Liangshan’s public beings are here to be called tough guys, it is impossible to say that they are all unwilling to die. If you really want any information at this time, as long as you separate the interrogation, the other party will only have something to say, even a few leaders, may not choose to support. Ning Yi gathered them in the square one by one, which is the reason for these people to die. Liang Shan rebelled, relying on a meaning word, on the spot to betray this kind of thing, everyone is afraid to be seen by his companions.

However, his question is straightforward, and Ning Yi’s answer is simple.

"Intelligence... Who wants their intelligence. I wish my brother misunderstood." Ning Yi smiled and then arched his hand to Zhu Zhao. "The night is still long, I wish the boss, you can write the gentlemen who can write in the village." Call up, come and see, learn from them, how to interrogate and organize the archives, and will be useful in the future."

He was blood-stained at this time, and his face was still with a few cold withdrawals when he was murdered. Although he smiled mildly, no one dared to despise him. He wished the DPRK nod. Just a moment. I finally looked up and looked at Ning Yi.

"Thunder son. You use these methods to let them more than two hundred people centrifuge, the old admire is very admired, but even so, what can I do to fight for my family? You are the official, you can only show your identity at this time, clearly I want to use my Dulonggang as a gun, and this thing can be wrong!"

This is the real question.

As a government official, it has been lurking for so long before it appears. It is clear that it is necessary to wait until the war is not open, so that Dulonggang will lose the strength of Liangshan, and the government will take the profit. Just under the eyes of the other side's questioning, Ning Yi, who was still stained with blood, smiled and arched his hand, and his tone was light:

"I wish the boss know clearly, this is the best!"

Zhu Zhaofeng waved his hand suddenly: "If the people who wait for the official government have a heart to remove the thief, why don't they come out with the army! He beat me Dulonggang. You can attack the Liangshan monk with the army before and after the attack! Now Wurui camp Where is the army!"

In the question of Zhu Chaofeng, Zhu Long has also stared at Ning Yi with murder. Ning Yi looked at him and smiled: "I wish you the boss, are you kidding? Just said that you are clear in your heart, but now you have said this? Wu Ruiying can have any fighting power, you should be clearer than me, both sides attack? If it is Breaking. I think it is possible... or step back, let’s really retreat from this Liangshan attack, and wish the boss that you will not come again after three months or six months?”

"If the joint force is to be broken by each, now I wish Zhujiazhuang can support it for a long time! Even if you want me to contribute to Dulonggang. At least I must retreat to this disaster for me, otherwise I will be broken in a few days. What can you do with it, and lose some of Liangshan’s strength with my three lives??"

There was a conversation between the two people, and next to Zhu Long thought of something, suddenly looked up: "Do you want to use my Dulonggang, Wanjialing as a bait, but actually let the Wurui camp sneak attack Liangshan? Copy his family? If it is really Wei Wei Zhao, this information also It’s time to pass it, or you really want to give up my family.”

Zhujiazhuang is difficult to support for too long. Although this feeling has not been spread on a large scale, at least I wish everyone in the family, and I already know what I am doing. Now I am trying my best to save myself. If the army took the opportunity to go to Liangshan to get cheaper and use them as abandoning children, their mood can be imagined before such things, but to be honest, similar things Wurui Camp really can't do it. However, after he asked this question, Ning Yi could not help but laugh.

"It’s not that I’m not going to die fast enough. Who will do this kind of thing...” He stretched his hand and pinched his forehead. “Oh...you can’t beat the front, then ran to copy the bottom of the family and force people into mourning. People rebel, but also have family members. Once this kind of thing happens, more than 20,000 people outside do not say that they are better than the men who are in the north. At least they have no problem in the Wurui camp. Within half a year, he may You can sweep half a Shandong. At that time, Song Jiang wants to be an emperor. This will be the best person he can play. He will hold our hand to thank us..."

He smiled and said, and when he looked up again, his face was completely cold.

"I will not turn around, I wish the boss, then I will give you a sincere heart. I can mobilize Wurui camp, but the battle is more than once, their strength, you are clear. Whether it is going to Liangshan Bottom Or two sides of the clip to solve your encirclement of Zhujiazhuang, the problem can not be solved. Liangshan come again, you will die."

"But the army can't come, I wish Zhujiazhuang may die now!" Zhu Zhaofeng looked at him.

"At least I will die with you." Ning Yi replied indifferently. "They don't die, we die. There is only one way. This time, Liangshan people are all here, and they are scattered and leveled at once. ""

Zhu Long shouted: "What do you say!"

"It is a dream!" Ning Yi waved with one hand, wishing the dragon almost a half-step reflexive, thinking that the madman in the yard had to injure again. "Wu Ruiying is afraid of death, why are you not!" You have to say that playing Liangshan is the responsibility of the government. Yes, you are jealous of them! What is the use! But now... I wish the boss, you know that you should understand, Liangshan is not dead, you must die, I want to ask now. If the settlement of Dulonggang is solved, and you can really set Liangshan to death, you are willing to send troops, really do it once..."

Ning Yi looked at him and then said: "I can't cure the gang of Wurui, I can only rely on you."

I wish the DPRK to say: "Are you really... Is there really a way?"

"It's just possible, I'm already doing it." Ning Yi gestured to the yard over there. "Is it possible? I wish the boss can see it for yourself. There is no effect within three days... Anyway, I am also here with you. I killed them, they will not let me go, I wish you too. In the same way, if you treat them kindly, they will definitely kill the family... The two of them think about it, I will go back and wash it first."

Ning Yi said, walking past the father and son, Zhu Long thought. Looking back, I can't help but say: "Do you really think this is useful? Even if you ask all the things, even if you can get them all over us, what can be more than 100 people! You think Liangshan over there. Will there be no way? I tell you, if they say some lie, you may not be able to find out in three or two days!"

In the light, Ning Yi looked back and smiled.

"To be honest, I wish you brothers want to be embarrassed. They said no to tell the truth, come to us, huh..." He spread his hand, his eyes were cold, and he said, "I am all. It doesn't matter."

The night is getting deeper. Above the battlefield, there is a bloody, sinister, scorching atmosphere.

The summer temperatures are high, and the breath that has remained since the war in the past few days has become very unpleasant in this steamer-like weather, on the trail near Zhujiazhuang Yujiazhuang. The team of the team quietly marched silently, and the vision was everywhere. It was the flame of the celebration at the Liangshan Military Camp.

There was occasional crying in the team.

The battle in the day is not as bad as the battle of a large-scale position. But when you come and go, you will not be able to clean up the body. At night, when the Liangshan people are no longer coming, the people in Zhuangzi will Come out and transport the body back as far as possible. At the same time, take advantage of this dark night and continue to lay bamboo sticks, traps, and shovel, in the hope of having more room to move in tomorrow's battle.

Of course, such a thing is not obstructive at night. Liangshan has ample staff, and occasionally there will be three or five hundred people who will lead the night and night. Even if it does not occupy land, it can be with high morale. The Zhuang Zhongbing was killed. In the early nights, there were still young women who came out to collect the corpses in the evening. However, under several impacts, some were killed, some were captured on the spot, and they were captured back to the military camp at Liangshan. If they were close at night, sometimes they could still hear the woman. The woman’s crying voice, several Zhuangzhong men could not bear such shame, stayed up late at the Liangshan military camp, and had not arrived yet, they were all shot.

In these few nights, Yan Tingyu and others stipulated that the villagers would figure out that they would set a trap, and they would not run in the middle of the night. They would go out to smash the body and try to be a man or an old man. But in the past few days, there was no crying over there. It is said that Liang Shan’s Guan Sheng, Li Wei and other leaders inspected the military camp. They believed that these women’s disaster military camps, bullying women and children also broke the reputation of Liang Shan’s heroes, and killed the women and women who had been arrested. The bodies were thrown out of the military camp. They are saved from being humiliated.

In the days of the war, even the villagers who came out at night were injured, and they looked far away from the scene of the Liangshan military camp. Some of the crowds will also make a few jokes, but most of them have been silent, biting their teeth and setting up a horse-drawn horse on the road, inserting a bamboo stick with a root, and expecting to be useful in the coming days. The place is big and the manpower is not enough. These things are better than nothing. They can do it, that is, so much.

In the bleak wind, sometimes the woman's crying will be echoed. It is the woman whose family is dead. It can't even be found in the body. Most of the spirit has collapsed and it is half crazy. Such a woman must come out, Zhuang people can not stop, lonely figure in the fields, between the trees, people try to look at them, I hope they can die after not found the body. If there is more than enough after the trap is set, they will be brought back to Zhuangli. If they run away, they can only expect them to die.

If you are born in such a world, you will be obsessed with such things. If you are crazy, if you don’t have a family, you will die. In the Liangshan military camp at that end, not many people will be moved, or touched a little, but see more, the heart will look normal, the big bowl of drinking and eating meat, robbing the rich and helping the poor, right The brothers talked about loyalty and the way for the heavens. Is it true that it is not a good man?

Some people have ambitions, some people are happy in time, some enjoy the pleasure of killing, have the glory of strength, and some people are feeling the joy of pushing the enemy to the cliff a little bit. Even the battle, even the damage, Liangshan side The momentum and morale are already in full swing. Looking at the night, there was another general who led the soldiers under the arm and laughed out to give some surprises to the ants who were trapped.

The scattered shopkeepers fled back to Zhujiazhuang in a chaotic manner, and Zhu Long took people out to meet other unreturned ones. There was laughter in the darkness and the shouts of Liangshan soldiers. Such confusion and the middle of the night, in the small square of the courtyard. The two hundred people in Liangshan have been cut in half. Occasionally, some bodies have been dragged out of the house and thrown away, but the proportion has been reduced by a very large number. One hundred people who were interrogated were only killed.

In this interrogation, the time became quite long. After the questioning, the prisoners were taken away from the back door and randomly placed in a small room. Every room is three or five people, giving something to eat, and not allowed to talk. This evening, the questioning of two hundred people is actually more than this.

Wang Shanyue walked through the room and listened to the questions and answers that came out inside. He also understood the outline of the whole thing at this time. The initial question was basically the name, the place of origin, how to come to Liangshan, which of the leaders belonging to Liangshan, and who to know. Then there are a lot of basic questions about Liangshan intelligence, and let them explain what secrets they have.

In the middle, some people will be willing to answer, some people lie, others are Liangshan’s hard-liners, and they choose not to speak. But even then, after entering the interrogated cabin, this side did not force it, slowly grinding the time and bringing him into the small cell where the three or five people gathered. And among such people. Only a few of them were killed by hand. Throw the body out.

A copy of the "answer" was handed over to a small room on the second floor of the courtyard. After changing the new clothes, Ning Yi stayed in the room and filed this answer. Think, compare, and sort out new questions for someone. The whole workload was very large. The original Wang Shanyue, Qi Xinhan and others also asked if they needed help, but they got the answer.

"I am afraid that there is still some trouble in doing this for the first time. I will finish this one first, and I have to ask for help in the future..."

In these questions and answers, Wang Shanyue has actually seen some. For example, there may be some fictional questions in the question, asking if there is a small road on the east gate of Liangshan, can it be used for marching sneak attacks. The problem itself does not exist, but according to the other party's answer, it can be seen that the person's mind, some confessed that they did not know, some said no, some said yes, and edited.

So more than two hundred things, one copy of the past, and back and forth cross comparison, then, the second interrogation and the second answer comparison, some people lying things are pointed out, there are Some did not. After the question was over, it was already in the early morning when everyone had fallen asleep. Ning Yi began to recruit a group of three or five people to talk to them in a small room.

This time, the words are almost the same.

"...you rebel this time, the timing of the election is not bad, but the court can not accommodate you like this... This time, I am a pioneer, Wurui camp has been dispatched... I believe you and believe it, but what will happen next? You can go and see it yourself... I will give you a way to make a living. I want you to do something for me. If things are done, you will be forgiven... Your information is here, and I am coming from the orders of the right-wing today. These are the rewards after you do things... Of course you can do it if you don’t do it, but when you are defeated, what will happen, I will not be sure..."

These words, in Wang Shanyue's view, are mostly false and intimidating, but Ning Yi's expression is taken for granted. After that, after releasing the task for each person privately, some are hard-core, and nothing is said. He stayed behind for a moment, then pulled back.

In fact, Zhu Chaofeng is also watching the situation here.

The whole night's development of things, the son named Lei Feng, the lights here stayed up all night, in fact, since the second interrogation, all the things, almost all of this young man is doing. For the whole process of the whole process, I wish you to understand what you want to understand, but you can't fully understand it. However, in the face of the three or five people, he was surprised that the cold young man almost remembered everyone's information, as long as they gave the answer, they could say it casually. come out.

He also doesn't know what it would be like to toss two hundred people. But the whole process of the night is a ring, and it doesn't stop. It's like a strange and huge hydraulic workshop. There are several courtyards in the dark, like the female behemoth, what it is swallowing, chewing, Digest, then... is about to spit out some strange things.

The next morning, when the morning fog was set off and the war started again, the things between these courtyards finally came to an end. Ning Yi walked out of the room and applied it with cold water. He was constantly inductively thinking and thinking throughout the night. Writing, and then continued to talk, but at this time, his face did not show much fatigue, a little bit of sputum made the eyes more sharp and deep.

I went out to meet Zhu Zhaofeng, Yan Tingyu, Zhu Longzhu, Zhu Zhuyu and others. After the talks were finished, the Liangshan soldiers who were locked in the small cell began to be called out, ordered to wear the previous Liangshan uniforms, and some were Put it in the sack, and some were taken to the Zhuangmen of Zhujiazhuang.

On the early morning of June, in the early morning, Liangshan soldiers will come over again and then kill. As a result, the Zhujiazhuang who has been unable to return to the sky has made a strange move, knowing that at noon, it has attracted the attention of Wu and others. At that time, they had already discussed the issue of how to celebrate after attacking Chenzhou and laying down Dulonggang.

On the road on the side of Zhujiazhuang, in the morning fog, three people were thrown out of sacks and thrown into the fields.

Dongjia of Zhujiazhuang, Liu Fu and the two Liangshan soldiers who did not know were pushed over. Some people threw them in the mud. In front, someone opened the door.

"go away!"

Someone kicked a few feet behind their buttocks. They walked forward and slammed. When the three turned back, the gate of Zhujiazhuang crashed behind them and three weapons were thrown from the gate. Looking up, the fog in front turned thin, and the freedom was close at hand.

"You... want to leave Laozi..." I don't know where anyone is squatting, but the killing sounds on the battlefield, and finally, they can only go toward Liangshan.

On the outer wall of Zhuangzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Chaofeng and others looked at the battle outside, next to the young man named Lei Feng squinted in the morning breeze.

"Call... the malicious seeds are released, wait for the sprouts... I wish the boss, I will go take a nap..."

Everyone looked at his figure and staggered and turned away. There were strange and low-pitched songs coming from the wind.

"On the...the right side of the left leg...the left side of the right leg...the **** forest...they are naughty and clever, they are lively and clever, they live freely in the **** forest... forget How to sing..."

The war in the wind is endless, killing the land, and the smoke and blood are still rising.

"...this is his mother...who is this..."

PS: The no-following songs are provided by Jane Suyan's classmates. Starting on the 28th, double the monthly ticket, there will be a more in the early morning, is being revised, and then ... Li Heng has already shot, we are almost ready to shoot. (To be continued...)

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