Zhui Xu

: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (4)

Jing Han was born on the fifth day of June, Shandong, Dulonggang, the war, an ordinary day.

The battle started on May 28, and on the eighth day, the situation in Zhujiazhuang was like a tight bowstring. At the end of the strong battle, in the camp of Liangshan, one piece of information was passed in, just in This morning, Lin Chong and others led the team to directly block the road in front of the house, and even set up tents and fortifications, and prepared to divide the two villages.

Once the two Zhuangzi are truly divided, the advantage of Pantuo Road in Dulonggang will be completely lost. Both Zhuangzi will lose the space to move. When Liangshan can completely attack the village, the war will basically end. Perhaps because of this, Zhujiazhuang’s attack was particularly intense this morning, and Liangshan’s side was constantly sending teams and generals to consolidate the line of defense.

In fact, if it is not because the roads here are wide and narrow Pantuo Road, every battle is like a dozens of people, and Liangshan’s advantage has already been extended. The casualties of both sides may be much larger than they are now. As a result, the war can be fixed.

"According to that Li Ying's statement, if it is really the step of being surrounded, the family may fall."

Standing on the side of this line, Xi Junyi looked at the silhouette of Zhujiazhuang in the distance, and was talking to the familiar "Flying Heavenly Saint" Li Wei. Li Yan smiled and said: "The people in Yanjiazhuang have killed so many brothers, now I want to drop it, it’s hard to say it to them!"

"It is better not to force them to die. I think the military division should accept it..." He looked over there. "The battle is at most two or three days."

"Almost." Li Wei nodded. After a while, I smiled and turned my head. "Yes, the brothers, something strange."


"Since the beginning of the morning, it seems that we have several captured brothers coming back here. I have returned two people under my hand. It is very strange. I wished that there was some information on our side and I put them back. Said to let them be spies..."

When Li Wei said, he laughed. Xi Junyi hesitated a bit and felt ridiculous: "Forcing confession? Hehe...and then put them back?"

"In the situation of Zhujiazhuang at this time, people who will come back will listen to them. I am convinced that I am a believer, but now this battlefield is changing rapidly. Can some intelligence be used up?" Li Wei shook his head, "the big picture is fixed, they It’s really faint.”

"...that's hard to say." Xi Junyi thought, "If you really put people back directly, maybe you think about it. Now this situation, we fight every day. It can be decided in three or two days. How can they even mix in a few spies? It’s just that they don’t leave them feelings of brotherhood."

Li Wei nodded: "I have already said this to President Dai, and the two of them have been optimistic. In short, it will be good. I have no time to deal with it, and I will ask again at night."

Dean Dai in the mouth of Li Yukou. It is the "Shenzhen Taibao" Daizong who is responsible for Liangshan intelligence and sentinel. He is the Songjiang family. Nowadays, many intelligence security things in the military camp are also managed by him. And now Liangshan’s team is not a piece of iron, but the small heads of each one are squatting and knowing each other. It’s not easy for the other party to really want to come in. It’s not easy to get into the situation, let’s struggle now and struggle. What is the name?

Xi Junyi thought for a moment: "But maybe they are whimsical, want to assassinate Song Big Brother..." And think about this matter since Dai Dong has already done it, most of them have no hands and tails. With this doubt, I will deal with other things first. When I walked through a small camp, I heard someone shouting: "I want to see the big head, they want to leave me, I don't have to be a traitor!" Someone next to me said impatiently: "I will come back when I come back, know that you are not Will be a traitor, stay in the camp first... Where can the big head see you..."

There are several such things happening in the camp at the same time. On the battlefield, there was chaos and chaos. Some people found their brothers and fellow villagers in the chaos. They returned to the team like this, and some went to the gate of Liangshan Camp. They were concentrated and waited for the small and medium-sized leaders. When I came to the news, I came back to the team.

Today, the war outside is anxious, the soldiers and horses of a team come and go, and no one can handle these things for the time being. As the saying goes, relying on parents to go out to rely on friends at home, Liangshan takes loyalty as the most important thing. Most of the people who go up the mountain have friends and brothers. Many people know some small and medium-sized leaders. They are convenient to come and lead: "The brothers of Laozi will have problems. Nothing! What will happen later will be reported to the top!" The soldiers at the camp gate will also agree with this. Someone will come to the collar, naturally let the other party go, some do not know, even the name has not been recorded. . At this time, Liangshan is in full swing, and the military discipline is still good. There will be no one who will turn it down. It is simply unreasonable.

These "small things" were brought together on Dai Zong's side. When they reported to Song Jiang and Wu, they had already passed the afternoon. They heard these episodes. Wu used some strange things: "It is reasonable to say that they should change people with us. , what is going on when you put it back..."

After thinking about it, I also noticed the first possibility: "So many people, first force the confession, then break it up and put it back, clearly thinking... let the brothers centrifuge, but now this situation is not significant, I Seeing that they want to fish in troubled waters, and now they want to turn over the market, the only chance is that they want to sue the Gongming brother... Hey, it’s really whimsical...”

Liangshan is a good player, as long as there is a little vigilance, Zhujiazhuang is even if he is a relative, and it is impossible to win Song Jiang. Wu Yong and others first made precautions, and Dai Zongdao: "The trouble to wear the dean to bring these brethren together, good wine and good food to eat, specific matters and then ask carefully. The enemy is deceitful, really want to force the confession, they must have someone When I talked about the situation of Liangshan, these were all gone, and I didn’t have to worry about it. In another three or two days, Zhujiazhuang broke, and the matter naturally vanished."

I will go to Liangshan as a bandit. At this time, most of them are not clear-headed generations. At least Dai Zong asked a few people in a short period of time. No one had said anything about it at the same time. Some people said that they would interrogate the murder at night. Some people said that people with imperial courts were involved. Some people also reported to the top, saying that the people in Zhujiazhuang let him come to poison. He naturally won't do it.


"A pack of laxatives." Dai Zong took out a paper bag and put a red piece of paper on an octagonal paper. He actually wrote a "blessing". "The brother said that the person in Zhujiazhuang threatened him to The laxative is put into the well water and returned to the report. The court can write off what he committed and reward."

Wu used a dumb smile: "Just kidding. It's all around the living water. There are a few wells outside. They haven't used it to prevent the medicine from being used. Why do people take medicine in the well water, or laxatives... It's really a trick of fish and water..."

This is really the end of the road, fainting, Wu used and Song Jiang to laugh. In the three or two days of the road, you have to ridicule the other side, this is a clown, and you have called Huarong and others to come over and guard. Dai Zong went out and asked for more than a dozen more honest people.

Then a lot of news came together step by step, not only at the entrance of the camp, but also by the more than ten people who were called by Dai Zong. Many of the leaders in the camp were coming out to be honest. Reporting what happened in Zhujiazhuang last night, some leaders are still asking, and some leaders feel that something is wrong. They started reporting to Wu. It was originally a trivial matter, but more than a dozen leaders are talking about it. It seems a bit of a scale. There are not many people worried at this time, just think that there may be an assassin in Zhujiazhuang mixed in. Wu thought for a while. Going out to Dai Zong, there are already 20 or 30 people gathered by Dai Zong here, and there are still more than 20 people still in the original goal.

At this time, it was afternoon, and the information was pieced together piece by piece. Two interrogations last night, the ruthless imperial court... Some people who came to frankly confessed that they did not provide any information, and the other party’s clear provocation In the meantime, some people made a confession slightly, and more importantly, in the end, the noble son almost gave everyone a task. The previous few people thought that they would not do it. I didn't mention it, only the one who had the laxative bag told Dai Zong.

There were so many things arranged by the man, almost strange, there was a laxative in the well, a fire was placed in the forage field, and there was a small note in the food that everyone had eaten to write "Zhu". Kill a companion around you on the battlefield or in the camp, and take the head to the rewards. If you do anything, you will get forgiveness immediately. There is even a person who is tasked directly.

"The man said... let me come back, I will report this information to the first time, until I tell Song Dengling and Wu Junshi these brothers. He said that when I finished my work, I was forgiven, just... ...but he also said that after the report, staying in the camp, maybe it is a little dangerous, saying that if I want to live, it is best to find a reason to go out next time, hurry to Zhujiazhuang, or to stay alive... ”

In the military camp, the people who are confessing are still increasing. Dai Zong said: "There was a task that a brother received, saying that after returning, there must be a lot of confessions or informants. The guy let him casually. Kill one, take the head back, you can recognize..."

Wu’s face is cloudy and uncertain. These orders seem to be various. Only a few people receive repeated orders. If it is difficult, some will kill and escape. Although it is not easy, others are In the absence of precautions, it is good to do very well. If something goes wrong, it is inevitable that someone will be moved to try. He was thinking, suddenly attracted by the words of the next person, and said: "What are you talking about, say it again!"

The soldier who was put back next to him had some mouthfuls. He naturally said that it was important, and then added the details of last night. At this time, the words that the noble son used to threaten them were not enough. He was at the end and was shocked at this time. Looking at Wu Yong, I repeated it a bit.

"That, that person said before... We Liangshan looks like a strong horse. In fact, the problem is very big. A bunch of hills help the pro." He said... The court has what it is born to... What suppresses, some people People have not come to Liangshan, they will definitely fight against water. He said that he has to do it. We know today, he also said... He also said..."

The man hesitated and wiped the sweat: "He said that this is a conspiracy, we have to pick up, but we have to pick up."

"I have to pick up... I don't have to pick up." Wu used to listen to this sentence and frowned. "Yangmou..."

"If he has the ability, he is trapped in Zhujiazhuang, he should have shot it for a long time, so he has a mystery, a conspiracy, and a big talk..." He weighed the situation and smiled ironically, but still said to Dai Zong, "Trouble Dai Dean Immediately, the order will go down, and those who have escaped from there, who have not said it, will find out all of them. As long as they come out, they will not be embarrassed! And... what kind of mixed-race, Lei Feng, what is the end, wearing the hospital Have you ever heard of it?"

After saying this, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dai Zong shook his head and did not speak. Suddenly someone came to report: "Military division, something happened, Song head leads you to hurry."

"Well, go right now, here I am tired of wearing the dean."

Wu used his frown to go out: "What happened?"

"I wish Zhuang a swindle and introduced the team of Suo Chao's brother. Now I can't support it. I heard that someone in the team sent a signal to Zhuzhuang."

"..." Hearing the last sentence, Wu used to stand there, looking at the person who informed the reporter, and looked at the camp here, his eyes stunned.

"...nothing." He shook his head and rushed over to the big account.

Out of the camp, Wu Song is carrying a team of soldiers from the camp door, and the smoke rises in the distance, the sunset is getting more and more, the same ordinary battlefield, the people of Liangshan are like the past, and feel a little bit stunned by something... ...

In the thirtieth chapter of this month, it is just that the monthly ticket doubles and the bananas are in the air. (To be continued...)

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