Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 415: Bad thoughts Dongsheng (9)

The red-haired ghost Liu Tang died.

Near the dawn, the patrolling soldiers found out that Liu Tangying’s account was wrong. In the attack on Dulonggang the day before yesterday, Liu Tang was caught in Yuting Yu and Zhu Yu, and he was in the middle of the court. The soldiers patrolling in the early hours of the morning found that the soldiers who had guarded the camp were gone. This kind of thing was not so strange in Liangshan, but he looked at the camp and then smelled blood.

Liu Tang, who was recovering from injury, was cut off from his head. Together with the soldiers who guarded him and the soldiers who guarded the tent, they died in the camp.

These two nights were not peaceful in the Liangshan military camp. The temporary rectification of the military discipline was difficult to see immediately, but the small and medium-sized leaders still grasped the control of the following, so despite the tense atmosphere, the average person is still more conscious. However, no one had thought that the turmoil released by the other party had spread directly to the leader of the military.

The red-haired ghost Liu Tang martial arts high-strength, above the Liangshan, is a veteran figure who followed the shackles, even if he changed Song Jiang later, he did not dare to neglect. When I heard the news, Wu Yong and others rushed over, Song Jiang had already cried out in front of Liu Tang’s body.

"Who did it, who did it, my Liu Tang brothers... I must find the head of the Liu Tang brothers! Find out who is doing this, and Song Jiang wants him to be a thousand!"

The words can be said very heavy, but on the factual level, I heard that the leader of this matter has been a bit stunned and hesitant for a while.

Who did it? Where has the head been?

The former is certainly quite complicated to pursue, and the latter. For a time, it can only be speculated as the possibility that the head is still in the camp, but if it is a large-scale search. The fluctuation caused is too great. Dai Zong first arranged a strict investigation, and asked about the situation of the direct soldiers of Liu Tang in the surrounding camp. However, since Liu Tang was injured, he needed to be quiet. Everyone converges to either go to bed early or go to other camps. The status of these directly affiliated soldiers is not low, and the military law is difficult to control. I have not been able to find the available information.

Things are not known, and it is so troublesome to trace them. The position of the other party in the military camp is sure to pass. But this idea has never been dared to say that everyone can only be pressed in the heart. After all, although the possibility is not low, it is only a possibility, and it is said that it is in vain. The evil thief on the opposite side may have to laugh.

In the big account, everyone can only suppress this thing for the time being. Due to the timely control of the news, Liu Tang’s death was not spread too much in the middle-level leader. The big heads who knew it were basically banned from the passwords, at least for the time being.

For this matter, the investigation can only be done internally. Zhu Jiazhuang has no room to see and see, and it is estimated that he will be ready to attack Zhuangzi in a small half day. After dawn, Liang Shanbing will begin to dispatch on a large scale, preparing to clear the last opening of the attack on Zhuangzi, so that his army can fully unfold near Zhuangzi, the same morning. Yan Tingyu and others also released one person in one set.

In the morning, Wu Yong and Song Jiang watched the situation outside the big account. Waiting for the news, some generals who came back to rest were gathered nearby. Dai Zong suddenly took the person over and looked around. He looked serious and wanted to talk to Wu with Song Jiang. Song Jiang thought that he brought the news of Liu Tang and took the initiative to win it: "Dai Dai, but the murderer." ”

"Not yet...some things to talk to my brother. This person is the brother who was put back there..."

"Oh." Song Jiang nodded, trying to stay calm and happy, "That..."

His original meaning is that since it is put back, it is better to do as usual, but Dai Zong hesitates, he does not want to let the surrounding leaders participate, but in fact, everyone has noticed him. Song Jiangdao: "What the **** is going on, you can say it by Dai Dean."

Dai Zong bit his teeth: "The head of the Liu Tang brothers... I am in Zhuang..."

Song Jiang was there, although he was psychologically prepared, but his facial expression was distorted and he had not spoken yet. Dai Zong said again: "That Lei Feng... Let him take the words, and it is a big leader in the camp... ..."

There are many leaders among Liangshan. Although there is no clear line of scorpio at this time, there is always a concept to say the size. Song Jiang listened, and he said with anger: "This kind of naked provocative words, these naked provocative words... I will believe him! He wants to centrifuge me and the brothers, I have entered Jiazhuang, you must live this person!"

I heard about Liu Tang’s affairs. Everyone on the scene was furious, and some of them were rushing out to take troops to continue attacking. In the hearts of the people, there are some doubts about Dai Zong’s performance at this time. He has always been savvy. At this time, he will say this in public. However, on Dai Zong’s side, he realizes that such words may have spread in the camp. He is After standing there for a while, I finally said: "This person... also brought some words. I think that Gongming’s brother and military division may still have to listen. These words are extremely vicious, but I am afraid... can’t hold it...”

Song Jiang looked at the captive and turned to the big account: "That's all coming in and listening. In my Liangshan camp, there are things to marry the brothers!"

Some people present at the scene said that it doesn't matter if they don't listen, and some follow Song Jiang into the big account, and they are suspicious. All the talents came in and just sat down. Some people came to report. Dazhuzhuang had already hanged Liu Tang’s first level on the outer wall of Zhuangzi. It also called people to yell, but someone sent a sincere and sent Liu Tang’s first level. Song Jiang and others were silent for a long while, and said to the prisoner who came back: "He asked you to bring something, say!"

The captive looked bitter and looked at the crowd. After a while, he finally said it. After a while, the atmosphere in the camp has changed.

"...that person said that every step of the reaction in the camp, he has already counted well, let everyone go and see it, is it like this... Everyone knows what it is, and said that it is only two or three days, The camp has already become like this. Why, because the things we feel naive about here are traps that he deliberately buried. He chose a place to dig the pits of ourselves... He said that this is completely The explanation is white, we can't do anything. The people who have sincerely have already, and there will only be more and more...and. The military division is...is..."

"shut up!"

There was a while, Song Jiangyan’s slap on the table, everyone knows that the opposite is not a good word. However, it is slightly confirmed that from the beginning of the fifth day of June, the other side set a trap step by step. Now the entire middle and lower heads of the Liangshan military camp are probably infected by those seemingly childish claims, let them realize this. One point, when looking around, the other side’s remarks made it impossible for the leader in the camp to argue. What's more, those people, the feelings in their hearts, can be imagined.

"This is a big rebellion, but it was once in the camp..."

Song Jiang gnazed his teeth and wanted to ask, but if you look at Dai Zong’s expression, you already understand, because Dai Zong realized that things are already spreading. Control is already in vain, and it is possible to allow the present to happen: "This time they put back the last 30 or so people, but only a dozen people... are controlled, most of them are all under the leadership of small and medium-sized leaders. Dear letter..."

Those who can make the speeches in the camp unrecognizable, these people will listen, and will certainly feel "possible" makes sense. Even if this is possible, even if they have not betrayed Liangshan in their hearts, they will choose to pass a message to let them judge themselves. Even if they know that this is not good, they will think that others will do this. The pile of people present is clear. It is impossible to hold things down, even some of the heads inside and outside. I may already know this, but no one will say it.

Wu sat there, his face was blue and there was no opening, but if he sat on the side, he could see that one of his hands was shaking. Indeed, anyone who has encountered such a thing is wronged and uncomfortable. From the beginning of June 5th, every step is in the trap of the other side. This side is originally self-sufficient in grasping the overall situation, and the other party can’t use some strategies. Turning the disk, but at this point in the day, when the other party's establishment really hits the roots of their own side, and realizes the danger, everything feels different.

Such a conspiracy, spread all the things to you. Even after reaching the extreme in this round today, the other party is sitting there and making it clear that I am trying to provoke you, I am so provocative, and what I said may be all false, but you still have to believe. If you don't believe it, there must be someone who believes that someone will betray you, because people may see you like this, because the Liangshan army at this time is like a person. You know clearly, the more you know, the more you are finished.

As long as you can think of someone, you will fall into the trap, and after you fall in, you will have no difference between thinking and not wanting.

That is an infinite endless loop.

Liu Tang’s death should have been spread. There is not much discussion in the military camp. The other side’s words may not be widely spread at this time, but many of the leaders may already know what they are. Wu used the forehead and wanted to say something. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the camp and the bickering, but then there was no arguing for too long. Some people persuaded the two sides to maintain restraint. After that, Li Wei and Wu Songyu, who had been killed for a while outside, opened the account door, and Li Wei was still awkward. Song Jiang pressed his emotions: "What happened?"

Li Lan put down the axe and did not speak, his mouth moved, Wu Song hesitated for a moment: "It is Fan Rui and Xiang Chong, they are looking for Li Wei Li brother..."

Wu turned a little bit sullen: "What happened to the Li brother?"

"I still don't see him now. They asked the relatives of the Li brothers to ask. The pro-military said... I finally saw Li brother last night. It was the Li brother who went to explore Liu Tang’s brother’s injury late at night, and then he never went back. So... smashed two sentences..."

The "mixed king" Fan Rui and the "eight-armed scorpion" item are the brothers of the "Flying Heavenly St." Li Wei in the Mount Mang, and later joined Liangshan, although the status is not very high, but also quite a group. Li Yu’s temper was so hot that he came down from the battlefield and looked at Liu Tang’s head. He was also angry. He was confronted with this matter. At the time, he couldn’t help but swear, Fan Rui would argue with him: “You yell at my brother, you dare Oh my brother, my brother may have been killed at this time!"

At that time, Wu Song intervened, and both sides restrained. At this time, Li Yusheng sullenly said: "This thief ostrich, if it is..."

Song Jiang’s one-shot table: “You shut up—” This sound shook the entire camp. For a time, even Li Wei was scared. Wu shook hands with his teeth and whispered: "Differentiation, separation..."

Lu Zhishen, who had been sitting on the side for a long time, said: "It’s not good to fight this way..."

He has retired in this discourse and looked around, and everyone could not speak for a while. Wu used to stand up: "No."

At this time, his body was a little shaken: "Strike, this time can only be a strong attack, Gongming brother, brothers, this game is not down, Liangshan will be destroyed... Liangshan will be destroyed."

This sentence is like a nightmare to let go, spread in the camp, everyone's face is different, are suspicious, look at each other. Outside the camp, many people have already understood the development of the situation. Xi Junyi wanted to come to the big account. He saw the conflict between Li Wei and Fan Rui, and listened for a while outside the account. At this time, he looked up and at the beginning of June. The sky was bright and gorgeous, but at this time, there was a chill out of it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ attached to everyone's body, it is a cold back. From the fifth day of June to the present, everyone knows clearly, but why can it become this step. In the eyes of everyone, it is indeed clear and transparent, and it is too incomprehensible. They... I have seen such a thing, and even I have never heard of it.

"Three days... only three days..." Xi Junyi whispered softly.

From the afternoon of June 5th to the morning of June 8th, just three days, it is more like a war, it is more like someone has released the most vicious and nightmare. In the sun, almost everyone who knows the situation can't help but look at the direction of Zhujiazhuang, feel the chill of the coming, and the heart is blank for a moment, then, it is difficult to know where to go.

"How could this be……"

It’s ridiculous that people are almost laughing, no one wants to believe, but the nightmare is escaping from the human heart, encroaching on the body, showing its form, as long as you go one step further, anyone can see it. Will become the reality of the claws...

Thank you, Meng Mengmeng, for the lord! In the last six hours of September, ask for a monthly ticket ^_^ (to be continued...)

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