Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 416: Sunlight Allure (on)

The sun is pouring.

On the eighth day of June, Dulonggang, near noon, there was a brief vacuum period above the battlefield.

Under the siege of General Liang Shan, the geographical location outside the village has been difficult to maintain. Yan Tingyu and others finally completely withdrew from Zhuangzi. Several teams in Liangshan held four doors, but the follow-up troops came slowly. The silence of the Liangshan military camp is like a secret power. Everyone in Zhujiazhuang took advantage of this time and rested after the stone wall of Zhuangzi. Many people went to the stone wall to look at it and then went down again.

"Would you like to attack over there?"

"Not that there is a guilt inside..."

"There are guilts... they also have more than 10,000 people..."

It’s always inevitable that whispers are whispering, and some people are talking about whether this Thunder’s plan works. In the past few days, Ning Yi’s public opinion deliberately released to the people of Zhuzhuang has indeed had a morale effect, including the use of Wu’s food, the fact that he is constantly releasing prisoners and causing troubles over there. Liu Tangren who hangs out this morning. The head, indeed, gave Zhujiazhuang a shot of stimulant.

However, the fighting in the past few days, the successive deaths and injuries have indeed brought a heavy blow to the Zhuang households in Zhujiazhuang. They are not regular troops, even if they are popular in the weekdays, in the shadow of such a serious death, the inner pressure is also great. The propaganda about this Leigongzi may be a glimmer of hope, and as everyone The inner foundation of resistance is actually the fierceness of Liangshan people earlier.

Prior to this, Liang Shan almost never thought that there would be no situation in Dulonggang. Under such psychological influence. The whole battlefield was treated as a training soldier, and everyone played very smoothly.

The Liangshan side is full of heart. For Zhujiazhuang and Yanjiazhuang, the other side is unrelenting to let go, no matter how you resist here, the other side always hits with the momentum of Mount Tai. It is like a martial arts master playing an opponent before killing, you are desperate, hysterical, anyway, I don't care, I am not in a hurry. You are angry with you, then I will kill you.

The attitude of one party can always be felt by the other party. When the family and friends were killed and the other party left no room, the Dulonggang side was finally forced not to be a remnant, but a mourning soldier. This is the main reason why the entire Dulonggang can support it.

of course. Between life and death, it is not that the blasphemy can overcome everything. Regarding the situation in the Liangshan military camp, the Dulonggang can not be seen intuitively. Even if there is a leader who has invested in the court, how much it can play, there is still doubt.

on the other hand. Since the officials of the court are here, why is the army still not appearing, and the other party is not shooting on their own side. These ideas are of course also floating. It’s just that the whole Zhujiazhuang can still be held in a group, and it won’t cause big waves.

Therefore, Ning Yi is concerned about the whole situation. I just thought that the situation would be truly equalized at this time. Even Liangshan’s future guilty splits, at the moment. There may also be a fierce battle here.

"...on their side, they are already panicked. It is very difficult to make this decision. Maybe some of the leaders are ready to take their men and leave. To be honest, really want to split on a large scale. Possibly, most of the people on the other side are still on the top of Liangshan. They have to fight, they can definitely fight, but an army that is always on the lookout for the people who are turning around, the current Liangshan is not three days ago. Liangshan, this army will no longer have the momentum of the sun, but now, they have no difference with any army of the Wu Dynasty. Moreover, everyone on the battlefield can see that every one of you After a moment, they will be weaker. From now on, you are actually the most capable unit near Liangshan..."

The butterfly flies over the stone wall in the sun, behind the stone wall, the young man named Ning Yi is sitting there talking to the people around him. The person who was originally Liangshan slowed down. Someone came over and asked him to ask about the situation. He casually said something, and then the people around him began to gather.

During these two days, Ning Yi and the people around him said that there are many such situations. On the one hand, it is because his discourse is quite reasonable, but for relatively simple or relatively violent villagers, there is not much that can really understand the meaning of his words. However, when Ning Yi said it, there is a momentum that can easily convince others. For these people, it might seem like the same thing to hear some new nouns or to compare some understandable situations with the opposite. The feeling of the younger brother in this heart is like a high-end, atmospheric, and high-grade.

Words are violent, words are convincing, such characters are placed in later generations, and there is a special call to be a political commissar. Ning Yi said this way, when people around him think about it, they will be humanized. Only when they get to the end of the village, when they withdraw, they feel that Liangshan people are not playing as fiercely as before. It may be that they are already suspicion.

"They naturally have to be jealous, beware... everyone knows why the 100,000 people of Wu Dynasty lost to the tens of thousands of people in Liao, because... they are mad, the second is weak, the three are exhausted, the army is fighting, the most important It is morale! From the very beginning, we are playing their morale. They are looking at the light, thinking that we are playing tricks. Now they have discovered that there is no way, and the more they realize this, the faster they collapse. You will see it later... Brothers, if they dare to fight, they will be able to play this evening, they will die..."

Sitting under the wall, he looked at his own words with ease. Not far away, Zhu Long is patrolling on the stone wall, on the side of the big stone, Zhu Xi holding a sea bowl in his hand is snoring to eat noodles, after eating, pick up the steel gun to wave a few, tiger Tigers are born.

Further on the steps, Yan Tingyu sat quietly in the sunshine there, watching a dirty little girl take the water and give him the blood and minced meat on the octagonal mixed copper stick. The little girl walked. When it was opened, the butterfly came down from the sun and stopped on the copper rod that experienced the battle...

Then he looked back and looked far in the back. Three shouts of shouts came from Liangshan’s military camp. "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

Without this battle, Liangshan will face a collapse. At this point, they finally made a decision and came over there.

Banner exhibition. The leader is Song Jiang. At this time, only him can re-emerge the morale of Liangshan with his reputation. The previous silence is obviously the famous "Hu Baoyi" who spoke to the whole army in the military camp.

Follow him is the military teacher Wu Yong. The rear Liang Shantou collar came with him. "Xiao Liguang" Huarong and "Black Whirlwind" Li Wei led the two sides of the army, followed by "Shenzhen Taibao" Daizong, "Sickness" Yang Xiong, "Mixed River Dragon" Li Jun.

On the west side of the road, "Leopard Head" Lin Chong led the army, "Qingmian Beast" Yang Zhi, "Double Guns" Dong Ping, "No Feather Arrow" Zhang Qing on the side.

East. "Big knife" Guansheng leader, "prodigal son" Yan Qing, "flower monk" Lu Zhishen, "Desperate Saburo" Shi Xiu came with him.

On a winding road near Dulonggang, Liangshan’s elite and densely packed have gathered. The illness has already violently erupted inside them, but as Ning Yi said, the families of these people are still in Liangshan. They can still organize such a war. Some small and medium-sized leaders are still on the nearby roads, and they are ready to isolate the Jiajiazhuang. At this point, he has no choice but to choose each one, and there is not enough time to wait for the Jiajiazhuang to break and then attack the village.

The terrain in front of Zhujiazhuang is rugged. The place where you can easily attack is one place, even if it is. When the Liangshan team gathered, the dense soldiers were still connected in a large area between the lowlands on the hillside under the sun. Various flags stretched and a famous military commander gathered. The lineup of more than 10,000 people is more than five times that of Zhujiazhuang in the battle of Zhujiazhuang. The strength of this battle is about five times that of Zhujiazhuang. At this time, the pressure is formed. It is suffocating.

No matter what kind of atmosphere in Zhujiazhuang before, at this moment, everyone still held their breath, and the villagers on the stone wall picked up the bow and clenched the knife and gun, a solemnity.

Around Ning Yi, more than forty people, led by Wang Shanyue and Qi Jia brothers, gathered together, holding a bow, and preparing a knife armor. Some people held a big shield on their hands, most of them were hanging around their waists. A wooden or paper horn. I wish you to wield a steel gun and walk away from a distance.

"Lee Big Brother, if this battle is successful, I wish you to go out and fight with you."

"Oh, don't you say that you have to marry you first after you have finished playing?"

"When married is a small matter, the man is interested in the Quartet, always go out to do something big!" Zhu Yu came over, "In fact, Sanniang that temper, a little trouble, played from childhood, like men, I like the green building a gentle girl..."

"Oh, women will be gentle after they become married."


"of course."


Yan Tingyu has also come over: "This war is not easy. You have now confronted Wu with you. Remember to protect yourself."

"Of course." Ning Yi pointed to the shield around him. "I am afraid of death."

Yan Tingyu no longer said more, took a shot of Zhu Xi’s shoulder and walked on the stone wall.

Heavy pressure is on the shoulders of everyone. At this moment, Ning Yi is also waiting. At the end of the stone wall outside the military array, a drum sound was set off. Looking out from the stone wall, Song Jiang and Wu used to ride under the banner of the Heavenly Way. Looking towards it, the midday sun covered Wu’s pale complexion and tight nerves, in order to convince Everyone sent troops to attack and created such an imposing manner. He has exhausted his strength, but despite its seeming strength, Liang Shan has no way to retreat at this moment. Just before, he had sent people to take away all the captives who were put back here, and at this time, the captives of the two, who were captured by them, were brought up.

"... Our army is suffering from a lot of problems now, and the situation of Zhujiazhuang is absolutely unrecognizable. Their pressure is not much less than ours. Wu used to know that he had despised the Lei Feng thief over there. Next, it will not I’m already underestimating the enemy. In fact, I’ve already prepared to deal with the countermeasures there. I’m only going to break out on the battlefield. Now that I’m offensive, I’ll be able to take a multi-pronged approach, the hearts and minds of the people, they can use, we Can also use..."

The drums stopped~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wu used his head to look up and looked at the stone wall there, looking for his opponent, Song Jiang, and took a step to pull the tension to a high point: I am waiting for Liangshan Yingjie..."

At the most intense stage of the war, speaking on the one hand, warning, cheering, or hypocritically persuading are the usual routines for each other. To this position, Song Jiang’s speech also has its own momentum. When it was loud and grand, the words of the earth echoed on both sides of the battlefield, and everyone was listening to this article against the people in the village and doing the best. Just inside the stone wall, Ning Yi, who was quietly waiting for the change of situation, suddenly shook his shoulders when he heard the first word, raised his head, and took a hand and turned and left.

"...how can you talk, stupid."

For a moment, on the stone wall of Zhujiazhuang, there was a shout from Zhu Xi: "You are afraid!"

In the sun, the butterfly flies into the sky.

Dulonggang, the first episode of Zhujiazhuang’s last battle, started with a call...


Seeking a monthly ticket! Seeking Like! (To be continued...)

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