Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 417: Sunlight Allure (below)

Under the noon of the sun, the two sides shouted in the distance and echoed in front of the array. M

For the heavens, only the evil leader, the descender does not kill, when the number of people more than five times Liangshan surrounded Zhujiazhuang, such a front talk is not without deterrence.

And when the stone wall suddenly rises up, I wish you a message: "You are afraid!" This kind of response is not in the expectation of Song Jiang and Wu. However, for Wu Yong, insist on saying these before the battle. Discourse is not without reason.

To say that the heart attack, the other side has been attacked in the military array of Liangshan for three days. Before the front of the line, the other side said something, and it is inevitable that he will be affected. However, now that I am already on the side of this, the next embarrassment is basically the number of people and the backbone of a dry-collar to suppress the rolling hearts below. In any case, when most of the family members are still in Liangshan, they still have combat power. There will be, just to see what kind of situation.

On the other hand, there are more than 3,000 people on the side of Zhujiazhuang. On their own side, they have never used the strategy of attacking the heart. The words are shouted out, and the number of people is pressed up. Even if there are not many people who are shaking, the degree is not deep. Zhuang is also a considerable proportion. At present, if you exchange blood and thorns, Wu believes that you can take advantage of it.

The idea of ​​Wu Yong is actually justified. Even if Ning Yi is brought over, first of all, he will only say "I will learn to cook with me." However, if he can see the moment when Song Jiang speaks at the moment of the stone wall, he will be ecstatic, and then rushed to bring his big brother Zhulong to the side and said: "I should have been me." Excited, maybe he will regret it earlier.

"You are afraid!"

The gas sinking Dan Tian, ​​screaming and screaming, the sound of Zhu Xi’s voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Song Jiang, what are you afraid of! Before you, didn't you want to kill my Dulonggang!"

And Song Jiang’s voice is also coming from there: “The end of the strong sorrow. I still don’t know how many people are in front of you! I am waiting to come today, just for the heavens! Only the first evil! I wish everyone, Zhu Zhaofeng, Zhu Long..."

"... Now it’s just abhorrence, why! Look at Liangshan, look at the head of the red-haired ghost Liu Tang! You are already inside, thinking that I don’t know the following! I’ve killed my Dulonggang so much. People, brothers and children! You are scared now!"

"...Lei Feng, the hand of the brother who hurt my brother's life, just offer the heads of these people. You can be the leader of Liangshan!"

"...haha, what are you afraid of is our military division! Take a look, three days! What do you look like! Look at the people around you... Wu use, our military division told me to say something to you, He said. Mr. teaching should go home with children! How can you talk now! Stupid--"

Wu, who was sitting next to him, violently swelled with blue veins. However, this was originally called to the center of Zhujiazhuang, and it might be heard by people who were scared by the strength. Song Jiang spread his hands.

"I am waiting for 20,000 brothers, and I am waiting for three thousand old and weak! I ‘Hou Baoyi’ Song Jiang’s heart is kind, only to give Seoul the last chance, this is the family of Er et al! Come and see!”

Hundreds of prisoners in Zhujiazhuang and Yanjiazhuang have been taken to the side of the position. I wish you a big laugh at the top: "You sneak in. We have a way to live, but you have quality, I don't have it? Come and see, this is your brother! 'Beng Huo' Qin Ming first brought it up. You dare to kill my loved ones, I will kill your brothers one by one!"

In front of the field of vision, the rope was tied and the mouth was brought up. It is Qin Ming. Song Jiang Lema sneer: "I am Song Jiang Renyi, the world knows. You ask, I am a indiscriminate person! All the relatives are here, willing to drop my Liangshan, together with the righteous, the relatives can avoid death Otherwise, when my 20,000 brothers stepped on Zhujiazhuang today, if they were unclaimed, they would have to kill it!

He said that he pulled out his waist knife and pointed to the sky, and was about to talk. On the stone wall, there was a sudden change, and the preparations for the crowd were blocked.

On the stone wall, Qin Ming, who was originally tied up, suddenly stood up. He broke the ropes on his body and slammed a boxing man into the village. The rest of them rushed. However, how high and strong Qin Ming martial arts, Sanshuang households were opened by his force, grabbed a steel knife, they had to rush out of the stone wall.

Zhujia’s stone wall is a relatively strong barrier in the vicinity, but the height is only about two feet. There is no problem with the martial arts high-powered people jumping. However, when he struggled, he wished that he would be there, and he would stop him with a shot, and Yu Tingyu would have rushed over there. Qin Ming had just got rid of his hand and was inconvenienced. He immediately ate a stick. At this time, Huarong Zhang bowed his arrow and he had to charge. The rest of the people were also rushing to rush to save Qin Ming. At this time, Qin Ming pulled down. Cloth in the mouth.

"Hu Yanzhuo -"

The name resounded through the battlefield, but Hu Yanzhuo went to the Wanjialing battlefield. No one knows what the name means here, but then his words made many people creepy.

"... Guan Sheng! I will not let go of the ghosts -"

The blood line was sprinkled on the sky, and Yu Tingyu was a great one. He wished a shot and killed Qin Ming on the stone wall. The body flew back to Zhuzhuang. Zhu Zhu turned and his face was sprayed with blood. He screamed wildly with a gun: "Come on-"

No one cares about him.

The people had already pulled out the swordsmen and they would charge, but at this moment, they could not help but look to the hill in the east. Under the sun, there were also troops gathered in the area, and the flags were swaying. There were several leading generals in front of the front. The one at the top is the "big knife" Guansheng.

On the side of his battle, Yan Qing, the prodigal son who is familiar with everyone on Liangshan is coming over to talk to him, just to stand with him.

Not many people can describe the feelings of the generals in the military squad at this time. In fact, most people think about it for the first time, that is, they have the other party’s plan. Some people think that Guansheng is miserable, and there are also a few people who think about it. Is this really a fact? The wise men in the military array have also been unable to understand what will be true or not at this time, and the soldiers are confused by this change. At the side of Song Jiang, Wu used to tremble with his lips. I don’t know what to say. Some of the horrible things have come down from the sky, so that the tail vertebrae are born with coldness, and the opposite is passed invisibly. Come over. It is the devil's sneer.

Among the people, the look is the most complicated, I am afraid that it is still the Guansheng on the hill. Just now, he has raised the long knife in his hand, and then he was caught by this scene. He has always claimed to be Guan Yu, carrying the name of righteousness, but this time, can say. Has nothing to do with the idea, Qin Ming is dead, everyone will look over. His mouth was opened, and then he subconsciously turned his head and looked at Yan Qing on his side.

Next to the battle immediately. Yan Qing seemed to be stunned, and then slowly turned his head. The eyes of the two men looked at each other intricately. Yan Qing looked at the long knife he had lifted with Yu Guang.

Before the two armies, in the eyes of everyone, time stopped for a second. Then pinged. Yan Qing took a knife, Guan Sheng swayed, and the two exchanged a trick. The Guansheng horse station is the strongest, and the Yanqing martial arts is high. However, after all, he was not on the top of the head. He walked a few steps toward the side of the horse, and Yan Qing even turned down the horse and stood on the grassy slope. Cross knife. In that way, I looked at Guan Sheng from the bottom up.

When suspicion is formed, the distance between two people is within reach. It is really too close.

"Not me -"

On the hillside, the sound of Guan Sheng’s grievances and teeth was finally heard.

"Not him, not him, provocative, provocative." Wu muttered, the blood vessels on his forehead, almost unable to control the horse, he had already reacted at this time, and set in the middle. At this time, he finally felt that the other party almost calculated all the steps. From three days ago, every time he took a step, he stepped into a trap. The more he took one step, the more he stepped. This is the real company. It’s like a swamp, it’s like a swamp, and its performance... It’s so bad that it’s the same as a child.

...how can you talk, stupid...

He tried to get close to Song Jiang and grabbed his sleeves.

"It's a trap, not a brother, a storm, a storm... they are three thousand, we are 20,000, they are three thousand, we are 20,000..."

"They are three thousand, we are 20,000." This is what he has always wanted Song Jiang to emphasize in front of everyone.

However, this time, Song Jiang did not open yet. On the west side of the slope, Lin Chong raised a long gun and heard the sound: "The Qin brothers were blinded, and I can wait for this to provoke the separation! Brothers, I wait 20,000. People, the opposite three thousand old and weak, they are already afraid, and I am here!" He said this, a violent drink, led his soldiers to rush out.

"I killed you guys--" and on the eastern hills, Guan Sheng was embarrassed and embarrassed, and he rushed with a knife, but the soldiers behind him hesitated for a moment before finally catching up. At this time, the stone wall uploaded a shout: "Off inspection! Speed ​​to Zhuangmen! Off inspection! Speed ​​to Zhuangmen!" When everyone saw him, he rushed to the front, and the soldiers in the rear were opened by him. There was some silence at the same time. However, such a scene is only a moment, and then Liangshan soldiers will still push forward toward Zhujiazhuang...

The first wave of arrows screamed across the sky, and blood was splashed in the crowd at both ends. The raging Liangshan soldiers outside the stone wall held a simple ladder that was cut into the ground and pushed the wall. The rattan ball that was ignited after boiling water and oil was thrown out of the wall. At the same time as the flame rolled, it was filled with black smoke. The killing finally began, and no manpower could be recovered.

In the sunshine on the battlefield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wu used to look at this raging scene, feeling that the light was a little dazzling, he shook a little at once, and then fell into the horse in the eyes of everyone.

Song Jiang and others quickly hurried him to the tree not far away, and after a while, he woke up again, his eyes filled with blood, his eyes looked at the seemingly huge battlefield, and the voice passed far away. It’s Zhujiazhuang’s side playing, while he is desperately shouting, shouting that the imperial army is coming, shouting that Liangshan has already centrifuged, shouting that there is already a big head and honesty, and then shouting is to kill Liangshan’s soldiers. Washing the white, shouting the price of each level of the head...

"Gongming brother, cough... Wu used incompetence, no guessing... Nothing to guess..." He leaned on the trunk, and there were countless people rushing in the eyes. "I have never heard of it... battle……"

Endless killing, cover up his words...


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