Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 418: The first battle of the heart defeated the mountain (on)

Under the stone blade, blood flower, gun front, flame, and the raging sun, the scene of the battle has been extended in the vicinity of the stone wall outside Zhujiazhuang.

The arrow flew through the sky, into the shield, in the mud, in the human body, shouting and crying, and the person who shouted at the moment could turn into a corpse in the next moment. The person who wants to rush to the stone wall is poured on the body by boiling water, and a blisters fall down, and the blood is leached from the skin. In the body, the knife fell from the stone wall, some broke their hands and feet, and some were the neck. The people in Zhujiazhuang threw the rattan fireball out with long wooden poles and landed on the head of Liangshan soldiers who could not avoid it. Then the fireball rolled over.

All kinds of wounds, gushing blood, residual limbs, the east side of the stone wall, some people fell from the top, never stood still, the broken bones of the calf have been stabbed out of the skin, and there is no time to scream to avoid, on It is convenient to pour boiling water. Liangshan’s soldiers holding Zhujiazhuang’s villagers leaped from the wall and fell to the wall. Liangshan’s soldiers rushed to the village’s slashing knife. The villagers who wanted to rescue were hit by stones and arrows. The soldiers of the bow and arrow also shot past the top.

For example, the Shura massacre, countless such scenes, are being played in the stone wall area. Looking from afar, dozens of wooden ladders hang on the wall, and crowds of people rushed up and down. This Zhujiazhuang stone wall is uneven, and the ladders that Liangshan has done in the past few days are also simple, some highlight the wall, and the people of Zhujiazhuang poked back with wooden sticks, and some were short, a group The group of people hold it to change position, the arrow shoots down, leaving the wounded and the body, and the blood is mottled.

Whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy. Whether the intellectual war is upright or not is ridiculous. At this moment, there is no difference. Everything will be turned into the most intuitive result, and the test will be carried out. All the players under the court and under the counter are also for the moment on the battlefield. When the strength finally collides with each other without reservation, all the preparations will be true. Turn into the power of the reality.

When more than 10,000 people surrendered to the façade of Zhuangzi, who defended 3,000 people. The Liangshan side actually exerted the power of their peak level. Zhujiazhuang is like a precarious reef in the wild waves. It has been washed wildly by the crowd. Although the defensive side has a great advantage, the momentum that started at the beginning is extremely amazing.

The rush of the sea of ​​people, the arrow rain hit. A long ladder carried a malicious spread, and several Liangshan elites rushed to the top under the leadership of the leader. On the other hand, there were crowds of giant trees ready to hit Zhuangmen. Just two feet of the outer wall, the distance between the land of an arrow is like a thin line that stretches in everyone's heart. Constantly trembled, as if it could break at any time.

In the hearts of everyone, there are doubts. At this moment, when the military is shaken, no one will easily turn around and be personal. Perhaps everyone thinks that "I will not retreat", only one person is in the group. What I think is "I don't retreat, others will be capricious", but in any case, in the first moment of this war, everyone is holding the psychological battle to defeat each other.

In Lin Chong and other leaders, they have reached such a consensus. Only when I broke Zhujiazhuang at this time and killed the evil thief on the opposite side, it is possible for Liangshan to seek a chance in the future. Therefore, in the first time, they organized their confidants, attacked the stone wall most violently, and even killed several martial arts leaders, and then forced to retreat.

For the attack of Liangshan, Zhujiazhuang is the most tenacious in the first moment of preparation. Boiling water, fireballs, stones, and arrows caused huge casualties to the Liangshan soldiers in the first time. When several heads rushed up, they would be attacked by all parties. Even if the martial arts were strong, it would not be possible under these circumstances. Will attack the hard-rooted. Coupled with the limitations of the terrain, the most violent locations are just like those places. Yan Tingyu, Zhu Xi and other hard hands ran back and forth. There were more than forty bows coming and going, and several small and medium-sized leaders were under siege. Or hurt or die, fold down.

The head-level wounded were sent to the battlefield and gathered together with the generals staying here. "White Flower Snake" Yang Chun, "Money Leopard" Tang Long, "Little Overlord" Zhou Tong, "Tong-Bag", etc. In the first quarter of the hour of the rush, he was seriously injured. "Dragon's Tiger" Ding Desun was shot by the arrow, the body was dragged back, and his nickname was thought of, but no one could laugh. Only the "Jin Leopard" Yang Lin rushed to the stone wall and smothered it. He wanted to fight for the time of the soldiers in the back. He was found by Yu Tingyu, and the fires in the rear of the shackles made the smashing of the head, even the bodies. Can't save it.

Under the big tree, the doctor was looking at the injuries of the leaders. Wu sat there, his eyes fixed on the changes on the stone wall. On the side of Li Wei, he was half-blooded and was receiving the doctor's bandage. Even so, he was still a few words from time to time.

Only then, the confession of Song Jiang’s side is also the most embarrassing. The stone wall with two feet high has a ladder. How difficult is it for those who have martial arts, but after rushing up, they have not been able to kill them, and they have been caught by more than a dozen bows over there. He only had two arrows in his body. The soldier who rushed to his head and rushed up was killed. He finally jumped from the wall and killed his own man. At this time, he could only be wronged. The land came back to cure the wound.

At this time, Xi Junyi has also come over, Wu used to ask his opinion, but he has no idea at this time. When everything has been forced to see the true chapter on the blade, in addition to struggling to attack, there is not much room for conspiracy to implement. But... this is actually a situation only for the side of Liangshan.

What really makes the leaders feel upset is not the chaotic situation at this time. If the situation can continue this way, the fall of Zhujiazhuang is also expected. What makes everyone feel dangerous and annoyed is the shouting that is constantly coming from Zhujiazhuang on such a fierce battlefield. At this time, the voices on the battlefield are boiling, and the sound is far apart. The sound sounds faint, but as long as you listen carefully, you can always hear the contents. The call has almost stopped since the war, and has never stopped.

Regarding the repeated incidents of Liangshan on this side of the war, the court has already been eyeing Liangshan. About Wurui Camp has already turned to attack Liangshanpo. Then about the death of the red-haired ghost Liu Tang, the honesty of the big head. After these calls are over. Then he shouted: "Do you not believe this thing! Think about the things in these camps, look at the people next to you..."

"Those brothers who are put back! Don't hesitate any more! The faster you go back! The faster Liangshan collapses! You have not saved it--"

"You don't do it, others will do it! Just now, someone has secretly surrendered to us, and sent two people to see who your boss is dead-"

"Kill a Liangshan people, come over immediately, is innocent! Guaranteed in the name of the right-hand phase. The government will not pursue this matter! Kill two! Enjoy silver twenty-two! Kill a leader, reward fifty-two - ”

One by one, shouting excitedly in the stone wall, in every direction of the war, in the previous offensive, there is also "Yang Lin is dead! Yang Lin has been killed! Everyone!" Shouting, Li Wei was forced to retreat when he was injured. There was also shouting over there: "The black whirlwind Li Wei ran! The black whirlwind Li Wei ran! Everyone is coming to see! The black whirlwind has escaped -" This is the reason why Li Wei is really shaking.

If it was before, such a call would not have any effect at all. It would only be ridiculous for everyone to listen to it. But at this time, everyone has no thoughts in their hearts, only fear and pressure. Because all the people who know the soldiers know that such a cry is in the Liangshan array at the moment, it will definitely have an effect. At the beginning of the war, everyone will understand this. But when it really appears, it can also make everyone's heartstring like the stone wall. Constantly shaking.

The long conspiracy and conspiracy have never been guilty before the war, and the heart of suspicion has been suppressed for a time. But the war was originally the same thing. When the choice between life and death was crushed to the front, a little shake could form a chain reaction and then determine the life of millions. Liangshan people understand this, they can only go with five times the manpower, and in the first time, they will be dispatched a big head to morale. In such a battle, both sides of the battle are in vain.

The facts and rumors spread fiercely from Zhujiazhuang. For a time, it was "the inspection of the Guan dynasty." For a time, "the brothers of Erlongshan refused to go forward, and you Liangshan." Some people rushed to the stone wall, and then they were cut off. In the stone wall, more than ten bows were facing this side. One person shouted with a horn: "The murder can be honest! The murder can be honest!" The two people facing each other looked at each other, like the scene of Guansheng and Yanqing on the hillside of Fangcai. They just hesitated and finally struggled to slash their swords. The man who killed his companion was completely confused. He was shouting: "Throwing away The weapon came over and threw the weapon over! You are fine! You are fine!" The little Li Guanghua outside the stone wall was an arrow, but the arrow was then opened by Yu Tingyu, laughing.

The stone wall that can be rushed up is not much. There are quite a few of the scenes that can be seen below. Zhuang also shouted excitedly: "You are fine! You are fine! Brother! The government will not pursue your business, and rewards! Come, tell everyone what your name is... Liang Er! He is called Liang Er - —"

This time, the killing was less than half an hour. This kind of shouting sounded on the battlefield. Here, "Brother, tell everyone what your name is... Ye Gucheng! His name is Ye Gucheng-"

"...Lu Xiaofeng! Lu Xiaofeng Lu brothers came to us -"

"... kill a person and come over! Brothers, kill the wall! Then come in quickly! Nothing will happen-"

"Beware of the flowers and the people -"

Then someone shouted: "Brothers, we can't beat it! They are intriguing, guilty... When we rushed up, the gangs of Wu Song's men wouldn't rush... They want to wait for Songtou's leader to die and take the lead. The position... I was forced to do so, and the brothers around me died after coming up--" This voice is exhausted and incomparably.

Someone shouted: "The government has already regarded us as a rebellion... Brothers come over, killing the leader and going home to be a rich man, let's count it, look at the people around us, everyone knows... only three days Where, in three days, people made Liangshan like this, and Wu used to fight him -"

Such shouts, not many people know whether it is true or not. However, believe and not believe, in the past three days, everyone's psychology has surpassed the unwavering line. People who rushed to the stone wall began to watch out if the people around them would turn against the water. In fact, they were wary of being surrounded by the superior forces, and the people around them would be forced to swing their own swords. Such a life-and-death killing, once hesitated, the combat power is actually on the verge of collapse.

In the offensive of more than 10,000 people gathered, the plague continued to expand with the constant shouts. A famous leader organized an offensive and was also playing for the confidant: "Think about your family on Liangshan, they are just leaving me!" This organization has a wave of attacks, but the proportion of casualties As the battle progressed, the shouts in the rear were constantly tilting.

On the hillside here, Song Jiang and others can only grit their teeth and watch this scene on the entire battlefield. Five times the advantage can last for a long time, and their hearts are not emboldened. At this time, once the soldiers are on the wall, the combat power has already declined to a very weak level. Even though the masters who are not desperate have opened up the battle for a time, ten or eight people rushed up, but as long as Zhujiazhuang When they rushed, these soldiers began to collapse, and some people would look back. If the rear companions were already far apart, they would immediately jump down the wall.

Some leaders have already begun to ask Xi Jun’s thoughts. At the moment when Wu’s eyes are no longer useful, everyone begins to look forward to the view of another Zhizhi on Liangshan. Xi Junyi can only point to a scene on the battlefield. Signal to everyone.

Under the big tree not far away, Wu sat there, holding the grass under his body tightly, trembling, and his eyes were always looking at the same place.

Occasionally, the defenses of those iron shields will appear on the stone wall.

"Feng Yuan 霹雳手" Lei Feng, everyone understands that this is the name of the person who has been in the big iron shield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ three days, he is in the situation of disparity The strategy of the war will flatten Liangshan to this extent. There is no one. I dare to squat on the battlefield. He is on the battlefield and will come over to check the battle from time to time. Some people want to rush to kill him, but the defense of several sides of the iron shield will protect his surroundings tightly, and there are several masters guarding him, with more than 20 hands on his side, facing the battlefield. There was hardly anyone in the vicinity of a spurt. Once he appeared, he couldn’t attack it with one or two ladders.

"But... killing him, there is a possibility of breaking..." Xi Jun looked at that direction and said.

Over there, Wu sat silently under the tree, and his heart was waiting for the appearance of a change.

He was not a completely incompetent dog-headed division, but the other's plan was not forgiven at first. Liu Tang's trap was injured and he was indeed wary of the other means. However, when things seem to start to get worse, he does have to bury the next move, at this time as the last expectation and hope, waiting for fermentation...

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for praise! ^_^ (To be continued...)

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