Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 419: The first battle of the heart defeated the mountain (below)

The soldiers have no regularity, the water is impermanent, and the road to war is ever-changing. The so-called military mind is often not so simple to grasp, but if it is really quantitative, there are actually many things that have sufficient universality.

From ancient times to the present, the army’s combat, the real collapse of the army has never been a physical blow. The consciousness of one person is enshrouded by the will of thousands of people. Whatever you think, it is never the focus. The real decision is often If each person's views on the whole group can be summarized and then take one of the average values, it is the strength of the army.

Strict training, everyone around you have a strong body, there are reasons for not being able to retreat, strict military regulations, and every drill prohibited. All these things come to the end, in fact, they all add a chip in the hearts of people. "We are very strong." "We will never retreat." The heavier the chips, the stronger the army, the so-called military heart, to the end. It's such a simple matter, and to achieve it, you need to be tempered.

When Liangshan people went down the mountain, they were originally an army with such convictions, but their "very strong" cognition did not come from training, military regulations, but in every **** and killing, watching the enemy's fear. Gradually formed, when the Wu Dynasty was worried about internal and external troubles, the friends of Sanshan Wuyue were gathered together, and given to everyone, there was even more confidence in the general trend. It is a pity that this kind of self-confidence in Shandong has no more rivals, and it has really depressed too many hidden dangers.

When these things were detonated once in a few days, when the battlefield was launched, not many people thought they would retreat. They still eager to win and longed for victory. It is a pity that the so-called military mind has never been on this, but when the rumors are shouted out from the opposite side, everyone will feel "impossible" or "possible".

Just a line of psychology. When it comes to the military, the decision is the fate of thousands of people.

The sun shines on the clouds, and the afternoon scene is brightly rendered. I wish the hometown, shouting and killing sounds, and there has been no stopping. The shouts in the village are still excited and the people who rushed to the stone wall, then Was killed again. Only the generals of the middle and upper levels of Liangshan can understand. The casualties on their own side are constantly increasing, and over time, the war of Liangshan’s soldiers is constantly decreasing.

In just one hour, the number of casualties on Liangshan. I am afraid that it is close to 3,000 people. This is a huge injury caused by the desperate attacks of many leaders on Liangshan. Numerous flags have flown over and are pressed back. The stone wall of Zhujiazhuang is constantly becoming strong and tall in the eyes of everyone in Liangshan.

At this time, the speed of casualties on Liangshan has begun to slow down. When the initial fanaticism passed, there was constant whispering inside. After the decline of the morale of the military heart, after the brothers who rushed to the stone wall were drowned, the soldiers who were charged in front were somewhat hesitant. Even some small and medium-sized leaders have begun to weigh whether it is the right way to withdraw troops. No one has ever thought about 15,000 people to fight the 3,000 people in the end.

"There is nothing to say! This is not known at the beginning of the event! Can't beat this Zhuangzi, we will all go back!" On the battlefield side. Lu Zhishen wrapped the wound and raised the Zen stick to start the next wave of attacks. At this moment, he has also been able to kill his eyes. "With the kind of seed, it will be washed again!"

On the other side, Lin Chong and other generals continue to cheer on their men. When the brothers in the mountains or their subordinates hesitate to ask if they want to retain their strength, they will want to retreat. It was also the leader who had opposed the storm before Song Jiang was mobilized. At this time, he chose the most determined offensive.

The military mind has been chaotic. Someone came to ask them for inquiries. Maybe they can still hold back. But in such a military array, I don’t know how many people, maybe they already have such thoughts in their hearts, but they don’t want to say it. That’s it. problem.

Can open the bow, there is no turning back at this time.

For the people of Liangshan, they are suffering from the constant accumulation of casualties, feeling the collapse of the military heart and the turmoil of morale. This is extremely tremendous pressure. But for the people of Zhujiazhuang, with three thousand people in the district resisting such a set of attacks, even if Liangshan Bing’s combat power has been depressed to a heinous degree, they will never pressure. The number of casualties also accumulates on their heads. The offensive side, in any case, has tens of thousands of people, and can continue to have a saturated offensive, but the defending party is also saturated.

When the time is not able to maintain a saturated defense, the real opportunity will come.

Ning Yi, who has been guarded by a shield in Zhujiazhuang, can clearly feel this. The wounded and dead who are constantly being lifted, the crying of the women and children in Zhuangzi, also spread the anxiety of anxiety on everyone's heart, even some people have rushed to cry and ask: "The court Where is the army! Where is the army of the court!"

Zhu Xi and others have been cheering on the people in Zhuangzi: "You have seen it! The Liangshan gangs are getting weaker and weaker! They can't fight any more! Today we hold on, they die -"

The people in Liangshan are indeed getting weaker and weaker, but the charge of the first tie head is still not to be underestimated. Ning Yi has already divided the bows around him to deal with these elite assaulters. At the same time, the various arrangements that have been arranged before are also playing a role, but how will the people of Liangshan continue to work on how the war will develop? The extent of the collapse is likely to occur, and he can’t really see the actual experience.

The top of the hill above Liangshan is one of the biggest shortcomings. However, when many of the leaders are still sensible, they can maintain their control under the bottom line and continue to attack with their own glamour.

At this time, if there is really a big head on the battlefield, it may decide the direction of the war. It is a pity that even though many people can see that Liangshan may be defeated, they must let them vote for it. They still cannot give each other such confidence. They will only choose to save their strength and then withdraw their troops.

The ability to play, at this time has been finished, Ning Yi led people to run in the village, try to fill the loopholes that they can see, killing a set of attacks. At the same time, the battlefield has been heated up to the moment. Among the cells in Zhujiazhuang, there are some things that are happening quietly. Several men detained here have opened the door locks with the tools they have prepared.

In the past few days, Ning Yi has given the prisoners who have put them back to work, and after they have finished, they can come back to accept the shelter of Zhujiazhuang. Such asylum certainly does not immediately entertain the guests. Instead, they are still being held in a cell, giving them some delicious food and cooking, and then handling it after the war to avoid accidents. Also because of this pattern, before this. Wu deliberately chose some people and returned to Zhujiazhuang to prepare for the opposite. Just as Zhujiazhuang had been self-sufficient, even the cell guards were no longer enough. At this time, they cleared the obstacles and quietly rushed out of the cell.

They are greeted by chaos and smoke everywhere. Zhuangzi is like an island in the storm, and is constantly shaking under the huge offensive...


The burning firewood was knocked down by the crowded stone wall.

Zhang Shun rolled over on the ground. Crossed a burnt half-coke body and rushed to the side of the crowd.



In the offensive, the screams shouted exhaustively, and he also knew the little leader who led the attack. Zhang Shun’s shouting. Grab the ladder and rushed up, Zhang Shun followed. However, before climbing to the stone wall, blood flew from above, and a spear stabbed the small head. He stabbed him down and several Zhujiazhuang villagers appeared on the top. A person stabbed him with the blood-stained spear, and Zhang Shun slashed his knife and saw more people coming over, and he had to go back.

The arms and seas are intertwined, and the point where Liangshan chooses to attack is constantly changing. Zhang Shun rushes into battle. In a short time, he meets with Yang Zhi, grabs an opportunity, and holds three long ladders to lead his men. The **** was attacked by one. They killed a few people on the wall, gathered a dozen brothers, and saw that there was a wish to bring people to kill, and immediately gave up this place on the wall, with ten people rushing into the village.

The wave-like attack has already made Zhujiazhuang defensive. As long as he causes confusion in Zhuang, the other party must send more people to contain them, and they can completely kill any point on the stone wall. Although Zhang Shun is nicknamed "Lang Li Bai", but his martial arts is high and strong, his temper is brave. With Yang Zhi, only a dozen people are not afraid of anything, and rushed to the other side of the stone wall. They rushed through several houses and killed two passing villagers. Suddenly, they saw an iron shield flashing across the other side of the road parallel to the side of the house.

"Haha, the mixed hands!"

Yang Zhi ran all the way, pointing to the side and whispering to Zhang Shun: "Kill him."

More than ten people flew past, and at the crossroads ahead, they turned to the side and rushed over there. On the other side of the road, the figure finally appeared. The iron shield, the singer, the noble son who was surrounded by the center, toward this Turn around.

"Kill--" Yang Zhi holds the knife in both hands, madly rushing forward, Zhang Shun is also the same, the opposite bow has been raised and pointed to this side, there is really no hesitation time, but suddenly, Zhang Shun saw that one Face, the other side stood there and turned to the head.

"Feng Yuan 霹雳手" Lei Feng, before this, even if Liangshan has been tossed and jumped, he also felt that the other party was a big trouble, but to be honest, he did not feel much about this person. When Yang Zhi said to kill him, he also felt: naturally, to kill him.

But at this moment, the complex feeling rises in the heart with the person's appearance. This person is... this person is...

Think of the blood and fire of that day...

The other party sent a sigh, usually: "Ah... Zhang Shun."

On the outside of the stone wall, some people who attacked Zhuangzi suddenly heard a shout of shouting: "Yeah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah

Such shouts, they can often hear, when the people launched a desperate charge on the stone wall, mixed with courage, shouting in order to fight against fear, just outside the stone wall, several people can still hear this Who the voice belongs to.

They just don't understand why Zhang Shun will shout such a voice in Zhuangli.

On this side, it is closest to the **** of the battlefield where Song Jiang and others watched the battle. Xi Junyi and others looked at the stone wall and originally said: "Zhang Shun brothers and Yang Zhi brothers have already sneaked in. When they create chaos, they may have a chance..." Vaguely, this shout came over. Everyone listened to the breath, and then, a little riot, and it came out from the stone wall, where it was being killed.

"Strike! Call the nearby brothers to attack!" Xi Junyi pointed out there and shouted, let the soldiers send a signal, the nearby heads will have Lin Chong, lead people to get together. The ladder was not on the shelf. Suddenly, the figure appeared on the stone wall. It was a few backs that were forced to retreat. They were forced to the stone wall and then stabbed down the wall. Among them, Zhang Shun’s figure, they were They were all **** with a few arrows. At this time, they were pushed by several iron shields and squirting guns. The body of Zhang Shun was pierced by two or three long guns and then fell.

A few iron shields stood beside the wall, and the rear bow began to shoot down the wall. Song Jiang had tears in his eyes, and he looked at it. At this time, another change happened and suddenly happened on the stone wall.

Several men touched the side and suddenly entered the shield on the stone wall.

Wu used the tree under the tree to stand up: "Haha, shot! Shot! My arrangement worked! Kill him! Kill him!"

The sudden attack caused a small chaos on the stone wall. Everyone looked at it with great concentration. Even a spy quickly came from the rear and reported something to Song Jiang and Wu. Wu used it. Let him not bother with the hand. Xi Junyi looked at Wu’s performance and also understood something: “Continue to attack! Cooperate with the continued attack!”

The smashing and fierce on the stone wall was fierce and fierce. The people who used the arrangement of Wu had a lot of experience in the assassination, and they were unintentional, and they went in and blinked. The soldiers next to the archer did not respond, and they were killed by two people. The iron shield also fell down. Song Jiang and Wu Yong and others looked at each other with great concentration. Xi Junyi also looked at it with concentration. Finally, two people rushed to the mixed-armed hand Lei Feng, a few simple fights, that Lei Feng looked like a wandering retreat, but also knocked down the next person, two assassins followed, one person was flying The pistol pierced and the other waved a steel knife and slammed down.

Xi Junyi and Wu used to bite their teeth and take a step.

A bang, sounded on the stone wall, and blood flowers spouted from behind the assassin.

Suddenly, the surroundings seemed to be empty. If Xi Junyi had already reached the throat, suddenly he could not tell because he realized something.

Not far away, Li Wei, who was picking up the axe and preparing to rush, heard the sound sighed. There were two people near the slope. Each had a different reaction. They were injured and the "sickness" Yang Xiong and just came over. "Jin Maohu" Yan Shun.

On the stone wall, the noble son will push the assassin's body away. Under the tree, Wu used his hand slowly and patted the trunk: "Still... failed..." he sighed. However, the frustration that rises at this time is not much. When I think of the spy who came back and returned, it seems anxious to say "Wu Ruiying". When I turned around and wanted to ask, I suddenly found several brothers whose faces were wrong: "What?"

Yan Shun looked over there ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stretched his fingers, opened his mouth, and looked at Xi Junyi subconsciously, his lips opened like a bit dry: "That is... that is..."

Song Jiang turned his head: "Unfortunately, it still failed to kill the mixed-armed hand..."

"But that is... **** hands..."

"The Jiangning's..." Yang Xiong whispered.

Song Jiang screamed: "What **** hand slaughter?" There are more or less people who have such doubts. After all, the brain can't turn over for a while, but after a while, when people suddenly remember something, it is very complicated and some The cold and strange feelings came silently.

"...he, he is... ah?"

Surrounded by smoke, the killing is still going on, the blood and life are continually passing, and on the continuous battlefield, the strange feelings have come here.


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