Zhui Xu

: Breakdown

The **** hand Tu Ning Li Heng, the name for the Liangshan people, of course, heard of it.

In the formal talks, or in the unintentional whisper, everyone talking about such a thing, or a good hand in a certain place, will inevitably mention this person who has some relationship with Liangshan's current situation. The grievances between Xi Junyi and Su’s family have been around for a long time. At the end of March, Jiangning’s accident, Bao Xu Xueyong and others were beaten to the disabled. Later, in April, Zhu Wu and others in the canal were eaten with this name. , how much is related.

But even so, not many people regard this name as a true martial arts master. There are many good hands on Liangshan. For Ning Yi martial arts, there is a relatively intuitive view. On the day of Jiang Ning's massacre, he may marvel at the tenacity of his opponent. When he arrived at the canal, the other party borrowed, and more was the general trend of the government.

After returning to Liangshan, even if everyone raises them, these small setbacks will be drowned in the general trend of the sky. It is naturally impossible for Zhu Wu and others to over-explain how sinister and terrible the **** hand is. The hate of breaking the house does not share the sky, but in the hands of Liang Shanren, this kind of blood debt is more than two strokes. Who dares to go to Liangshan to take revenge? In the hearts of all people, that is the most people who want to kill one day, maybe some of them are tied, and under the momentum of Liangshan, there is absolutely nothing in the future.

Zhu Wu, Zhang Shun, Yan Qing, and Yan Shun returned to Liangshan. Nearly May, news from all over the world was coming. People are gathering and putting it in front of them. Naturally, it is a lot of great things about how to expand around. No one would have thought that the first step of crushing the wheel would be stuck on a small stone in this way.

The opposite person. It’s the **** hand, Tu Ning Li Heng... Jiang Ning’s entrance...

Song Jiang stretched his hand and licked his mouth, and the expression of this moment was complicated.

At the end of March, Jiangning was jailed. Everyone entered the Su family and slaughtered hundreds of people, but it also damaged several brothers. This is not a big deal at all. It will be in mid-April. The other party gave a Mawei on the other side of the Weihe River. Zhu Wu and other two hundred people went to work, and only four of them returned. At the time when Liangshan was preparing to expand and attacking Dulonggang and Wanjialing, the loss of Lu Junyi and others was heartbreaking, adding a **** feud to the hearts of the people, but in fact it was not a big deal. However, at the beginning of June, the other party’s card was on the way to the entire Liangshanpo, and 20,000 people were shaken.

In terms of time. Just because of the **** case of Jiangning at the end of March. The other party went straight to Beijing. On the road, I solved Zhu Wu’s plan, and soon after I arrived in Beijing, I turned to Shandong, and I was facing the first thing I wanted to do here. It was so easy to take it, he actually... did not pick the number. The same revenge against two hundred people. Against the 20,000 people...the same is true and immediately retaliated.

This is ridiculous.

"A squatter, a squatting..." Song Jiang’s hand swayed in the air, his fingers didn’t know where to point, but he was forced to sit in the air. “We have more than 20,000 people! We have more than 20,000 people! He... Actually, unexpectedly..."

In fact, if the name can be known earlier, even if there are still minor enemies at the time, Wu Yong and others may not despise the opposite side of the plan. But at this time, when the things of the Su family and the canal are combined with the eyes, the name of this person suddenly emerges, and the impression is simply not terrible and can be described.

"Three days!" Song Jiang walked back and forth, swearing. On the stone wall over there, after the crisis was lifted, several shields were combined again. After a random shot, they went away. From beginning to end, they did not look at the hillsides here. In the eyes of the other party, these are the big ones. There is no difference.

Li Wei angrily whispered: "This ostrich, I will go again! I will kill him!"

"Iron cattle, you give me a stop! What is the impulse at this time!" Song Jiang said, Lin Chong back with Zhang Shun's body back, placed on the ground, and put his eyes on him. He is really forced to go to Liangshan, there is no way to go, and the love of the brothers on the mountain is also extremely valued. But just then, he also saw the firearms used by the people on the wall and the outline of the body. The hatred of the family, the other party killed, there is nothing to say.

Everyone is a little silent, and Wu uses the tree: "The brother of Gongming, we are afraid that it should be withdrawn."

"How can I retire at this time?"

Lin Chong also sighed: "The military mind is chaotic. If you don't walk, you can still maintain the military squad. If the other party can't hold it, there is still a chance to win. If you leave, who will be the first? If you order, you will change! Hunting, I don’t know how many casualties are waiting for the brothers! You can know the interests of the military!?"

Lin Chong, who has always been modest, said that he was already angry. Wu used a bitter smile and pointed at the spy of the message: "You will tell the news of the leader and the leaders."

The spy repeatedly repeated: "After more than half an hour, the Wurui camp appeared near Jishan, and all the brothers who dispatched us out in the morning were arrested. In addition, the small one got the news, and Zheng Ting led more than 200 people who were cleaning outside, last night also It has been blocked by Wuruiying, and now I am afraid that it will be completely destroyed!"

"how many people?"

"I don't know, I heard... thousands..."

When he said this, all the talents really changed their faces. More than two hundred people of Zheng Dewang stepped on various hilly villages nearby, and they were found to be surrounded by Wuruiying. The location of Jishan is quite close to Dulonggang. In the morning, Wu Yongyi heard about the whole situation. First of all, people still removed all the prisoners who were put back, and tried not to let them participate in the decisive battle. These hundreds of people were dumped by Wurui, indicating that Wuruiying is nearby.

Wu leaned on the tree and sat down on the ground, sighing: "You should know, you should know that this person is designed to be interlocked, and there will be no such backhand..."

Some people drink low: "How can I retire at this time!"

"If you don't retire, you have to retire! At the moment, you may still be glued here! Once Wurui Camp appears, we can't escape even more than 10,000 people, and we will collapse immediately! If we are attacked on both sides of Dulonggang It’s all here! There may be a way to go out!”

The road of Dulonggang is wide and narrow, and if it is blocked in these complicated terrains, it will be the military heart at this time. It’s really the whole army. Under the slopes, everyone hesitated for a moment.

"That would have to be notified to the leaders, let them all pay attention, and then start to withdraw..."

This is what it says. Whose heart has no bottom in mind. At this time, there was a message from the soldier, and the evil woman who was a singer in the family of Yanjiazhuang received 500 people. Killed Zhuang, and forced it over here.

In the midst of chaos, not many people have noticed that there is a large kongming lantern that flies from the forest on the side of Dulonggang and gradually drifts through the sky with smoke...


In Zhujiazhuang, the first thing that discovered Liangshan suddenly had the tendency to retreat and retreat was Yu Tingyu.

Although Ning Yi also worked hard to fight, to the wall to observe and so on. But for the general trend of the military. Still some do not understand. When Yan Tingyu suddenly came over and told him that Liangshan people seemed to be retreating. He has just been assassinated and is still in a state of great vigilance, the first reaction. It is a question of whether it will be fraudulent.

"They can't play such a swindle! With their military ambitions, even if they make such a gesture, they will immediately make a false decision. If they can't use it for a quarter of an hour, they will have to mess themselves up, and they won't be able to accept it!"

Ning Yi was slightly stunned, and thought that Liangshan would persist for a while. Recalling the assassination of the stone wall, he probably understands that the other party may already know his identity. The heart is so smart, is it that when I know my name, I immediately scare my tail and run away? This kind of thinking is certainly very fascinating, but it is also somewhat ridiculous, just talking, the eyes of the light looking at the pupil light floating on the sky outside the village, they also understand the possibility of things.

"It’s really time to come." He laughed. "They found that the Wurui camp was nearby and was scared! What are you going to do next?"

"Nature is the time to kill!"

"There are soldiers?"

"One or two thousand people can always come together!"

"You are the master, let's all be ready to shout!"

Ning Yi excitedly began to organize those who took the horns. After a while, they began to shout: "Song Jiang has run away!" "Wu Song escaped!" "They want to throw you down! Look! They ran -" "Wurui Camp The reinforcements are here, you are finished!"

After the buzzing sounds, the crowd began to look back at the situation and found that someone was leaving the troops to leave, and the momentum of the defeat was formed in an instant. As Yu Tingyu said, in this case, the situation of the defeat is that even the income can not be collected, no one can explain to the soldiers that we are a strategic transfer rather than a retreat. However, in Wu’s use of these people, there is no room for more choices. If you hesitate to continue, Wurui’s camp will be completely annihilated in the terrain of Dulonggang.

I don't know when it started, countless people have begun to shout and flee, the greater the sound of the rear defeat, the more convenient the front, the front team running too fast, the team has collapsed and messed up in an instant. Some generals may also be able to command the confidants around them, but even if they are, they can only let their hearts open as soon as possible. The road of Dulonggang was narrow, and the people behind it came up, and suddenly formed a stepping on them. Some people were squeezed into the water, the ditch, and the fields.

On the west side of the road, the team that is preparing to stop the 扈三娘 is broken, and on this side, the two doors of Zhujiazhuang are also opened, and Wu Tingyu and Zhu Xi’s five hundred people will go out and save the Liangshan people. The captives outside the village, then began to chase after the end.

The number of people here is no longer a measure of the victory or defeat of the war. The three teams have been chasing them all the way. After catching up with the squadrons, they have been killed as if they were cutting vegetables. Even a small wave of people under the leadership of the leader has also been blocked. Directly crushing the past. At this time, the application time has passed halfway, that is, around 4 pm, the bright sky has begun to become gorgeous, the smoke is shining, the sunset is getting more and more, the forest roads and the waterside fields are full of scenes of the collapse of the Liangshan army.

Ning Yi and others also stalked all the way, shouting all kinds of rumors, and when they went out of Zhuangzi, they only greeted a bodyguard who followed the capital, pointing to the distant forest where the light of the lantern might rise.

"When you go there, Wen Hao is in the woods. You ask him to send a letter and marry him. No matter how many people come from Wurui Camp! Liangshan has broken down and let them intercept these people in front!"

This time, Wurui Camp, within his plan, is not so accurate. At the beginning, he did not expect the officers and men. He just got the information about Zheng Zheng and asked Su Wenzhao to send money to the generals at the appropriate time. At the same time, with the orders of Qin Yuyuan, how many people were dispatched by them, when Zhu Jiazhuang’s embarrassment After playing for a while, I went to catch the gang of Zheng Zheng, which was a result of the knocking of the mountains and the tigers. However, now that it is so clever, it has become a gift in the snow.

In such a slaughter, when the two teams joined together, it was only at the time of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that someone found that there was a thick black smoke column on the side of the house. This is an extremely dangerous warning in the Jiajiazhuang. The three mothers who are chasing all the way sighed and screamed. At the same time, in the center of the collapsed team, Wu Yong and others also received news of Hu Yanzhuo and Zhu Wu.

It turned out that Hu Yanzhuo and Zhu Wu had already left Wanjialing two days ago. They asked people to transport money and materials back to Liangshan. They sent people to inquire about the situation here, and brought two or three thousand people to Dulonggang. Come to support.

They heard about the situation here and found that they were not good enough to speed up the speed. Zhu Wu knows that the military has moved here, and it is not easy to join the army. They arrived in the afternoon and went straight to the side of the village. When the three mothers led the villagers, they soon saw the situation in the distance and also led the people to want to go out. When they fell into the grave, they heard that Liangshan’s military was shaken and it would collapse, so it was also somewhat careless. More than two thousand people found the opportunity to blast out, cut off the team in the first time, grabbed Zhuangmen, and sneaked in the scuffle.

This chill gun was put on the table at the moment. However, the army’s defeat has been completed, and tens of thousands of people have been killed. Everyone is taking the road and fleeing. Wu Yong and others hurriedly said: "What are you going to do, go quickly! Tell Hu Yantou, quickly retreat! Wurui camp has arrived! He will not leave, he will be tired and everyone has no way to live, and our army can only fight now. Speed ​​him to come out and open the road!" Here, the horn of the withdrawal of the troops, the commanding soldiers listened to the order, and quickly went to ... (to be continued)

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