Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 421: Open the bow and not step back

In the narrow roads, narrow roads, and under the setting sun, the broken soldiers who fled the road and stretched away. In the Yanjiazhuang, the Liangshan army rushing in for a while, after receiving a relatively tough command from Song Jiang and Wu, they immediately withdrew, but in the case of the Jiajiazhuang, it was the rush of this small round. Huge casualties.

The hundreds of people led by Yu Cheng were defeated at the door, but he led the remaining villagers to try to prevent the deterioration of the situation, and they were besieged into serious injuries. He Taigong organized a villager in Zhuang, and barely kept a house for a while, but Zhuang’s women and children were still killed a lot. He also had an arrow in his own leg, but there was no danger to his life. Liangshan people had the intention to set off chaos in Yanjiazhuang, indirectly causing pressure on Zhujiazhuang, and when they came in, they set fire everywhere. When the three mothers came back, the small half of Zhuangzi had already fallen into flames.

She looked at the injury of her brother and father, arranged for people to fight the fire and to clear the embers that Zhuang could not leave. Then they brought people to kill again and went out to avenge the dead in Zhuangzi.

At this time, Hu Yanzhuo, Zhu Wu and others have turned to the right path, leading more than two thousand soldiers, to meet with Song Jiang and others in the half way.

Hu Yanzhuo originally did not intend to retreat. However, Wu used the wording to be strict, and vowed to have a court army. And in this process, he has also heard of a rumor, the saying is that before Qin Ming died, he said that he and Guan Sheng are inside ghosts. At this time, if I am doing my own thing, and then clearing it up on Liangshan, I am afraid it will be difficult to be a human being.

Although such a rumor made him have to withdraw immediately after receiving the order, but after a meeting with Song Jiang and other people in a ramp to the outside of the village, Hu Yanzhuo still said the thoughts of the people.

"At this time, I can still fight. Only when the killing will go back, maybe it will be broken! The district Wurui camp has been crushed by me and I can't be afraid of it!"

He wants to go back with his morale, but Wu Yong and others are not allowed.

"Wurui Camp is nearby. It has not appeared yet. If the people of the Houyan brothers are killed, they will fall into a stalemate. The Wurui camp will be killed by the thunder. When it is time to die, we will die of the death of more than 10,000 people. How to turn around! And there are still ghosts in the middle that have not been cleared, there are many backhands available, and the Houyan brothers know that this is a rush!"

Zhu Wu said over there: "I have tens of thousands of people waiting, as long as I kill the past and defeat the other side, the morale will naturally be able to get up again! For the way of war, I can guess that there are many backhands!"

Song Jiang also said: "The other party will get me to this field in three days. Not to mention the Wurui camp has not yet appeared. The Zhu brothers have to guard against it."

"The art of war is right. The soldiers will cover the water and cover the soil. As long as I dare to go, there will be brothers who dare to follow. Before the arrival of Wurui camp, the other side will be able to rebuild morale..."

"Zhu brothers know who is the trader there?"

"I don't have to worry about who he is..."

"That is the **** man Tu Ning Li Heng. He went from Jiangning to Beijing, and then stopped killing it all the time."


Zhu Wule took the lead and looked at the side of the smoke. He still had some reaction, but in this case, it was suddenly cold.

In fact, Wu’s consideration of this side is also justified. The opponent’s backhand is not just Wurui Camp. Some of these people have anti-water, and now it seems to be certain, if Hu Yanzhuo rushes to the past, suddenly a big head will rush to kill on the spot, not to mention the morale, the chance to leave here will only be more small.

In the moment, the name made everyone hesitate. The history of the "Nine-grain Dragon" came into the road: "I led the people and tried to stop him from blocking." He originally had the same with Zhu Wu, Chen Da and others. On Liangshan, friendship is also the best. When the canal was in service, he was originally with Zhu Wu and others. Later, because some things left early, Chen Da died and Zhu Wu was injured. Shi Jin is a big brother in Shaohua Mountain. He has always been loyal, and this has been At this time, I led a small team of people trying to block the killing of Zhujiazhuang.

The people then reached a consensus. If the Wurui camp really appeared, only the group of people can be a backbone, and now they can only retreat. Hu Yanzhuo ordered the men to keep their order as much as possible, and not to be dispelled. However, once they started to evacuate, the front was running, the people behind were still coming in, the road was narrow, and when they were not long, they were also wrapped in the crowd. It’s not a mess...

The people in Zhujiazhuang in the rear are killing all the way. Although they are only a lineup of more than a thousand people, on these roads, the attack has reached saturation. Occasionally, some Liangshan leaders want to stop it, and they will be defeated in a short time. Pushing the shield, the lineup of dozens of handles on the road is really like cutting grass, and occasionally there are people who have placed orders to try to sneak attack, but also avoid the eyesight and shooting methods of the three brothers.

His speed of killing is not fast, but the victory is stable enough. Among other roads, Yan Tingyu, Zhu Xi and others will open the way like a tiger, killing it, on the road, in the grass on both sides, it is mostly the body. Those who wish Zhuangzhong have been threatened with death these days, and only today is so refreshing.

In Lijiazhuang, east of Dulonggang, Feng Ying, Li Ying, has also led the villagers and their men to rush out and began to drive away the Liangshan defeat. He waited for a long time, but the changes in these two days were estimated to make his eyes fall. At this time, he did not dare to hide again. He had to stand up and stand up.

On the west side of the road, Yan Sanniang led the Zhuanghu and had already smashed the back of Liangshan. She rode her sword and smashed the past. She was killing a Liangshan soldier, and a figure suddenly rushed and threw him down. The back, the arrow of the arrow shot from where she was. Yan Sanniang lifted her head from the ground, not far from the ramp. She shot her arrow at Liangshan’s “Xiao Liguang” Huarong, and she ran away.

The one who threw her down was Wang Shanyue who was killed from another ramp. He took over a dozen bows and swept them over. Yan Sanniang looked at him, but he saw that he was covered in blood. Even his face was full of blood, and he did not know how he stifled to such a field, otherwise he looked soft. Even if the expression is cold, it looks good. At this time, the bloodyness of the body is only strange and embarrassing.

Yan Sanniang remembers murder and revenge. The road was thankful, and the eyes were red-eyed again.

When the sun sets, Liangshan defeats the Dulonggang and goes to the road. I began to flee in the mountains in one direction. At this time, Su Wenzhao has also found a general who led the Wurui camp nearby. This person is the deputy commander of the Wurui camp, named He Rui. This time Ning Yi came over, one was carrying the command of Qin Yuyuan, and the other was to let Su Wenzhao send money to get through the joints. Before the reclamation of Liangshan, he was given an opportunity to exercise and take sweetness. After receiving the exact news of Zheng Dewang, He Rui had a total of nearly 6,000 people.

These days, Zheng Zheng, carrying the strength of Liangshan, constantly cleaning all kinds of small villages nearby, and it took more than 20 days to come down. The harvest is also quite rich. He Rui’s more than 6,000 people have wiped them out. Money is all right. He Rui tasted this sweetness before he came to watch Dulonggang, and today he captured hundreds of people. In fact. At noon today, they almost passed by the rushing Hu Yanzhuo and others.

He Rui is not an idiot. Knowing how to release the wind on your side is good for the war inside. However, at this time, Ning Yi’s communication allowed him to resist the Liangshan defeat, and he was really difficult. However, Liangshan has indeed collapsed, not compiled, and the people of Dulonggang are still chasing after him, and the other party is sternly worded under the banner of Qin Yuyuan. Although He Rui’s heart was a little embarrassed, he finally let the six thousand people open their positions and face the defeated Liangshan people.

The setting sun glows like a **** blush on the horizon. On the hillsides and on the road, more than 20,000 people rushed together. After the break, the people in Dulonggang were still strangling.

Wurui camp only blocked the Liangshan squadron for about half an hour and a quarter. When several Liangshan leaders led more than a thousand people to rush, they were screaming: "Who dares to stop me?" The defense of Wurui Camp was taken from soon after. The torn, two-shared Wuruiying soldiers still did a good job in self-protection. They blocked, captured and killed some Liangshan defeated soldiers, while Liangshan’s brigade crossed the middle road and headed toward Liangshan. I lost the way.

This rout seemed to burn the clouds of the entire sky, and the fire of the fire rushed to the ground. After the main force of the squadron fled, both Wuruiying and Dulonggang began to clean up the defeated soldiers. Ning Yi met with He Rui in the tent between the mountains, thanked him, and for this war, Let him be relieved.

"Liangshan is not enough to talk about it. I know that it is because of the mouth that everyone is not convinced. After this actual combat, this matter will be counted with the soldiers." Ning Yi smiled very kindly, and then quietly Depressed the voice, "Dragon Long fight, Liangshan defeat, how many battles Zhuangzi can have, they will keep their own home, it will be satisfied. This war can win, we are here in Wurui camp, more than the commander's shot 6,000 people lost Liangshan 20,000, and then in the letter sent to Qin Xiang in the next letter, why do you want to do the work, the army up and down, you need to do more to do more, and more rendering ... Liangshan, is not enough to fear."

The flower sedan chair lifted people. This time, although the Wurui camp was rushed to embarrassment, the casualties were not heavy. Since the other party was here, the military merits were given to him. And in order to be able to attack Liangshan in the future, it is necessary to have someone in the military to do something to make the strength of Liangshan decline. He Rui is equal to a big military strength and wealth, even if he gives the military commander and the rest of the people a little bit, he is also inexhaustible. As for how to manage, he naturally understood that he was grateful to Ning Yi immediately, and he naturally agreed to the small things that Ning Yi had to do next.

Out of the camp, far away, Ning Yi slammed a few fists in the fading sunset, gnashing his teeth and arrogantly: "A bunch of incompetent chop..."

Wang Shanyue led the people to greet him from the side. He knew that Ning Yi had already told He Rui, and asked him to hand over all the prisoners to this side: "Would you like to take over those people? I heard that Zheng Yu was caught alive, Since you know him, you might be surprised to see you."

The light point of the torch lit up gradually, and it looked far away. After a day of killing, Dulonggang fell into a gray-blue skylight. The spot was a trace of the people’s search for captives, even though there were still many things to do. However, the anxiety that floated in the air for a few days has gradually tended to be flat. All the way down the mountain, Ning Yi dragged the dragon who took the people out to watch the situation: "Take someone to solve the problem with Li Ying!"

A group of more than forty people went to Lijiazhuang, and Li Ying had already returned to Zhuang, so that the villagers were on alert. At this time, he has already regretted his heart. As long as he knows this, he should not wait and see the wind. After the completion of the game, he and the two villages must be convinced. In today's situation, he is no longer afraid of the union of the two villages, but there is also a court person there. If he really wants to do him, he will be in trouble.

He knew that the generals of Wuruiying were also outside the Dulonggang at this time. They quickly asked the villagers to prepare for the property and wanted to start to open the joints. As long as this was over, Dulonggang was the only one in Lijiazhuang. Being busy, the other party has already killed and entered a list from Zhuang’s diplomacy. The person who came to the court was almost compensated by his small half of Zhuangzi’s property, and then he could mediate from it. This condition is crisp and neat, and it will not drag the water.

The other party is willing to talk, he is a little relieved, although the list is a little lion, but it is not impossible to discuss. This person is from the imperial court. The natural lion has a big opening. It may not be related to the wishes of the two priests. In fact, in the past few days, it seems that the hope of the court may be that both Dulonggang and Liangshan are both hurt. know.

He quickly summoned hundreds of villagers and greeted them from the door. Zhuangmen opened, and the noble son led the entourage who was mostly bloody, and Li Ying quickly greeted him. On both sides, they walked past Zhuangmen. At the moment of the division of light and dark, your son pulled out the fire of his body. He slammed into the head of Li Ying, and Li Yingcang took a sneak peek. More than forty hands were facing him. And a few people like him, "Grimace" Du Xing, and so on. The public has not been able to react too much, and the noble son said: "Li Ying colluded with Liangshan people! In an attempt to rebel! Now the army of Wurui camp is outside the village, who wants to be guilty!"

At the time of holding Zhuangmen, Zhu Long led more than two hundred people to quickly rush from here.

Under the banner of the imperial court, at the moment when Liangshan had already collapsed, Zhuang’s moment was chaotic. But not many people dare to resist at this time.

"Now everyone is short of people. How to break up the family is your business, and arrange it well. As for Li Ying’s family, how should the hard-working elements be cleaned up, and the folks in your village have lived for so long, you should know. Li’s property, you One, one copy, one I want, one outside Wurui camp, I am bothering you. I will come over to do business in the future. Afterwards, everyone may be a neighbor, and I have to work hard to wish my brother to take care of this place in Dulonggang. ""

Ning Yi smiled and the swaying light of the torch, Zhu Long almost nodded subconsciously. In fact, Zhu Jia and others also thought about the time to ask Li Jiaxing for sin, but no one thought about it. He just finished playing, everyone was immersed in joy, and the wounds were still confiscated. This person killed so decisively. come.

As for the Li family, which are hard-core people, I wish the family knows of it. Once I have to clean up the name of the court, it is not difficult.

When things are resolved, Ning Yi and others will turn to the village without stopping.

"It's time to accept those prisoners. Everyone will be up to the spirit, and things will come to an end, but it's not over yet... I can eat something later, take a break, and start doing things again... I will be busy tonight. ""

Wang Shanyue asked: "Those prisoners, what do you want to do?"

"It is also said that most of their family members are on Liangshan. Of course, they are playing a meal and killing a batch..." Ning Yi laughed. "And then put them all back, hahahaha..."

In the dim, Ning Yi laughed, but the pace was not slow, still rushing, and firm, and there was not much joy or slack in the laughter. When everyone is relieved and enjoys a moment of peace, this man is still moving forward, constantly pushing the giant wheel in front of him, and continuing to crush the opponent towards the opponent...

Sujia’s house-breaking revenge, I am afraid that I will fill in five or six thousand lives, but... this is just the beginning. Soon after, everyone in Liangshan will clearly understand this... (To be continued)

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