Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 422: Story about eating people

On the eighth day of June, the long night of the night, the mountains and the mountains around Dulonggang, scattered and scattered, have been continuing this night. .

For the round-up of the Liangshan Brigade, an entire night was carried out. In the air of the night, occasionally there will be screams of screams, stern and terrified. In this battle, there are countless deaths and injuries in Dulonggang. It is not surprising for those who have lost their families to do anything about these Liangshan people. Although Ning Yi also said hello to Zhu Chaofeng and others, he was somewhat captive, but he did not want to pay attention to such venting.

In this battle, most of the captured prisoners were still taken care of by the people of Wuruiying. Ning Yi took the person, revealed several faces, and then made the handover and the subsequent arrangements. The new round of interrogation began in the military camp. This time, the captured captives were more than 1,500, and more than 500 of them were captured before and then returned to the Liangshan military camp. They were intercepted by Wuruiying after Wu used them.

In this trial, the proportion of murders is even higher than the previous ones, and the focus of the trial record is the origin, name, and family status of each individual. If you encounter a hard-core faction, a good part is almost on the spot. Was dragged out to kill chickens and monkeys.

The screening and trial of more than 1,500 people is destined to be long. Fortunately, the number of people who can use this time is more than the previous ones. After arranging things, Ning Yi also got some rest time. In the dark night, he walked up the hillside and sat on the big rock there to see the little light in the darkness.

Outside the military camp, Wurui Camp is still searching for the captives of this film. On the other side of Dulonggang, there is not much joy in the light of swimming. It’s one thing to catch prisoners, and I wish you more. It may still be taking care of the injured shopkeeper and counting the dead bodies. At this time, it must be a cry. Su Wenzhao also greeted the doctor before going to the surrounding towns for the night, but before dawn, I am afraid it is difficult to get back. Only this night. I don't know how many sorrows and sorrows there are. In addition, the liquidation of the Lijiazhuang side is also going on overnight, and many people will die this night.

When Wang Shanyue came up, he heard that the man sitting on the stone was singing. The song is a bit slow, the song is weird, but I am immersed in this wind, and there is an extraordinarily cold breath.

"...when a gust of wind blows, kites, fly to the sky, pray for you, and blessing and moving... finally your figure disappears... the end of the sea... you squat that day, that hill... Singing... the song of that year... that kind of memory... oh~咚咚咚..."

Wang Shanyue walked to the side of the stone: "What do you sing in a mess?"

Ning Yi glanced at him and looked at himself from the ground. There is still a coldness in the look, but the subsequent words are milder: "You have washed away that blood."

"Yu Cheng is still seriously injured. It is better to go to Taigong. I only went to see it." Wang Shanyue’s temperament is also cold, but when he gets along, Ning Yi discovers that he has a high sense of identity for himself. These days come. Looking at Zhuangjiazhuang as a comrade-in-arms, he also went to explore. The softness of this kind of heart is opposite to the madness of his battle. It is almost a very different extreme. It is no wonder that Qin Yuyuan said that his temperament is extreme.

Wang Shanyue sat down on the grass next to him and lay there. Sighed and looked at the stars in the sky: "I believe now, you can really flatten Liangshan."

Ning Yi smiled and said: "I know now, you really eat." This time, I rushed out of the battle. Ning Yi finally saw the crazy side of Wang Shanyue. There was a sneak attack on the original martial arts of Liangshan. It should be much higher than him, but in a few short fights, Wang Shanyue rushed to bite off the other's ear, and almost tore off the half of the face. At that time, Liangshan was broken and almost scared, then he Was killed. That way all the way to kill, only Wang Shanyue killed the whole body is blood, he seems to have the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to exercise his skills, a pervert.

Ning Yi paused: "Is people delicious?"

"The raw, hehe, what is delicious." Wang Shanyue's answer was dull. "But the number of times is too much, it is a little used. It is not disgusting."

"Why, can you say that?"

The two were officially public, but there was Qin Yuyuan in it, and the relationship was not bad. In essence, Wang Shanyue may be a very good-tempered person. After Zhu Jiazhuang’s affairs, with the connection of his comrades-in-arms, Ning Yi can also ask questions. Wang Shanyue spread his hands and looked at the sky.

"There is nothing," he said. "In my family's situation, before the teacher came over, did the teacher tell you?"

"Well, the Wang family... what happened before the Blackwater League..."

"At that time, the Wang family had only women." Wang Shanyue’s voice was calm and cold. This is not for Ning Yi. "I am the only remaining grandson of the Wang family. Since it is a man, You should protect the woman at home, are you right?"

"The reason is to say this." Ning Yi nodded. "It is not easy to be afraid."

On the other side, Wang Shanyue smiled, apparently because of Ning Yi’s words and felt agree. He was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone faded.

"I... After the Wang family went to the capital, I have always thought this way. At that time, I also used martial arts in Xi Wen, but to be honest, I think it is more important to martial arts, because I can’t do it, I have to hold it. There must be a fight, but the younger sister at home is being bullied outside. I am hard to come out... There is a lot of people in the land of Beijing, and there are many people who will not give you much pity because of your miserable family. In fact, when I was in Beijing, even if I was pity, I wanted it. I was not strong since I was a child."

This may be something that he did not shine in his life. But when it comes to speaking, it is only calm: "Because of this, sometimes it will be bullied, and Xiwen is also good at martial arts. Such things, always It’s inevitable. And...the rest of the family are women. Sometimes it’s inevitable that some people will use it to make jokes. I can’t stand these things, and they start with them. They are often beaten. I’m not good at myself, and I’m working hard. I also can’t beat my peers. This kind of thing, until one day, when my family’s sister was being bullied when playing outside, when I went to fight, I grabbed a person and took a bite...”

He laughed: "It's actually such a simple thing. If you bite, the other person will slap you brutal, but the next time you see you, he will take a step back. But this is not enough. Later, it will still be beaten, biting people. No one is afraid, so once I called, I bite a person’s finger and chewed in front of them... I knew later, I want to hold up the king’s house. Hold the people around me. There is no other way. In this world, the wicked are like tigers... People are not good, but as long as they can make them afraid, then I will eat them if they are difficult to eat... Oh, because of this. After I came to Shandong, I was defeated. Less master..."

The aftertaste of laughter echoed in the air, and the sorrow of coldness did. Ning Yi blinked and was quiet for a while. He held his hands on the stone behind him and sang softly. In fact, you can say everything to yourself so easily. This Wang Shanyue is still a very gentle person in his bones. As for the number of mental journeys in the middle, even if he does not say, Ning Yi is imaginable.

"Hey, you know? My martial arts is not high."

"I know."

"But I have a lot of tricks, and there are many masters who die in my hands. We may be able to communicate with each other."

"..." Wang Shanyue looked at this side, silent for a moment, finally said, "...thank you." This channel is sincere and sincere. After a while, he laughed: "You teach me the trick, then... I teach you to eat."

"Oh... okay." Ning Yi stunned and nodded.

In the night, above the hillside. Both of them laughed.

The long night finally came to an end, and then the day of the day of the Ninth. The trial of Wuruiying and the various aftermaths of Dulonggang are also underway. Su Wenzhao invited a large number of doctors from nearby towns to do timely diagnosis and treatment of the injured. While watching these things happen, Ning Yi and others are also summarizing a large amount of information from more than 1,500 people, and are preparing to select hundreds of dead people to serve as a military service.

This afternoon, Li Jiazhuang also compiled the first batch of property, let Ning Yi take it to He Rui to tie the relationship. In fact, Ning Yi has a relationship at the upper level. Yesterday, Wu Ruiying was not very beautiful. After getting a lot of money and military skills, he did not think about Lijiazhuang. Who knows Ning Yi still gives He sent this pen, he was grateful, but also a little embarrassed to Ning Yi.

"...Ning Mr. Ning assured, in fact, really mobilized, we can not fight in Wurui camp, just before the defeat, the battle of yesterday, there is no preparation, there are more people there, everyone just cares about themselves. If there is such a thing, just go back and manage it. With Liangshan’s current situation, I promised Mr. Ning that it would be fine to beat him.”

In fact, yesterday's battle, the 6,000 people in Wurui camp were washed away in the middle, but the defense on both sides was not chaotic, and later did not suffer too much casualties, Ning Yi saw it. He took the hand of He Rui and said sincerely: "So everything is going to be governed. In fact, Ning has never felt that we can't fight in the Wu Dynasty army. It must be able to fight."

The night fell, and it was busy until the early morning of the next day. Ning Yi took out a list and handed it to He Rui. The 300 people on this list are considered to be relatively hard-resisting in the prisoners. He was sent to He Rui for a cross, and He Rui immediately sent troops to clean up more than 300 people. The rest of the people were gathered in a valley near Dulonggang. Since there are still more than 200 people killed in the trial, the rest is about a thousand people.

Zheng Zheng is the biggest military man of these three hundred people. He is the general of Fang Laxuan and came here after being jailed. When he was dragged away by the raft, he saw Ning Yi, who was walking away. He bowed and struggled. He suddenly made a huge cry: "Ning Liheng - Ning Li Constant - it is you! It is you! I will kill you! Hear it! I will kill you -"

His overreaction caused a commotion in the captives for a time. Ning Yi glanced at it and then squinted and thought about it. At this time, there were torches around in the middle of the night. After all, it was unclear. When someone was talking in his ear, he I nodded. "Oh, Zheng Zheng..."

Zheng Zheng was over there, and he heard him say so plainly, and then he left. He bowed and finally shouted: "I will kill you! I will kill you..." The voice echoed in the night sky, and he was beaten and gradually dragged away.

Ning Yi walked into the square surrounded by the valley. Thousands of prisoners were gathered here. Hearing the shouts of Zheng Yu, some were amazed, but Ning Yi went to the wooden platform in front, and after the cold eyes swept, It was quiet all around. In the middle, there are at least 500 people who have been caught and know him.

"I met an acquaintance. When I was in Hangzhou, I killed his master. I don't mind." Surrounded by torches, the guards were surrounded by the surrounding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ning Yi recorded the hats, bracelets, and a large copy of the crowd. The information of the information is placed on the table between the wooden tables, and the surrounding people are silent. "Many of you have seen me. The mixed yuan is Lei Feng. My real name is Ning Liheng. You know, don't know, it doesn't matter. Rest assured, I don’t want to kill anymore this evening. All of you will be let go before dawn... This is the last time you were let go. Before that, I just wanted to tell you a story...”

The voice around the whisper rang again, and Ning Yi stood at the table, clenching his fists on the wooden table with one hand. Suddenly, the surrounding area was quiet again. Ning Yi stood there and stared at the whole small square. Since there was an imposing manner, even the atmosphere on the half of the venue was somewhat suffocating. For a long while, Ning Yi finally turned around and pulled the chair behind the wooden table, his eyes cold.

"This may be..." Hey! The chair was on the stage. "I am a lot of people with us, the last fate..."

The last day of the double monthly ticket, the ticket! ! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to an.)


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