Zhui Xu

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A few days after the Liangshan War, Ning Yi’s life was basically spent on the road and eating. On the way to m, I sorted out all kinds of information, and most of the meals were social entertainment. I was in consultation with the magistrates, Zhizhou, and the officials who had the reserve and materials transfer. In the midst of busy, it is difficult to stop.

Of course, although the decision to win a war is mostly logistics, Ning Yi’s entertainment is not for this purpose.

In the whole process of dealing with Liangshan, the deliberate separation and decomposition of more than 50,000 people can be removed, in the eyes of others, it is already difficult to estimate the results, but for Ning Yi, things only half. From the beginning, he did not think that his strategy could solve all problems at one time. In the end, he must fight, but he is not familiar with the fight. Although the Governor and the Dulonggang are now willing to ask him the final plan, but regarding the command, Ning Yi is completely released, the officers and men of the officers and soldiers, Dulonggang's return to Dulonggang, he just to learn The mindset looks at everything and occasionally asks questions about his incomprehensible aspects, but never doubts the other's decision.

In the case of Liangshan’s previous record, if he has doubts, the other party will not listen. If you shake it, I am afraid it is the most troublesome thing. If you want to do something, you will not be able to be commanded by a layman.

In the first battle of Liangshan, the achievements in military records, military achievements, and gold and silver have now been settled. Ning Yi is considered to be a good person, and the whole thing has been made into a major event in which several states and counties and Wurui camps have been co-encircled. During this period, on the one hand, he has to coordinate the parties, distribute the interests, and report the issue of the whole matter to the right. On the other hand, he needs to urge the officials of several counties and counties, not to be half-hearted, such a family. Visit the past. With the momentum of the annihilation of Liangshan, the tiger skin of Qin Yuyuan is not only tempting to the officials around, but also intimidating.

"If possible, I don't want to hang the blood of the Su family all day long... but now I can only do this, so that no one can delay it..."

In a few days, Ning Yi went back and forth in Zhangzhou and Jeju, and dialed a group of people to see, in addition to distributing benefits and asking people to do the next assistance. Between the banquets, I will often talk about the Su family. This talk seems to be unintentional, but only with a group of Wang Shanyue, Su Wenzhao and others understand that it is almost a fixed play code on each dinner table, Ning Yi seems to be good with others when he sees people. Only when talking about the Su family, or the children he once taught, will be red-eyed, cold-eyed, and even rushed to the table with many officials, then reacted and apologized.

When I first talked about it. Wang Shanyue is also a heart-rending, Su Wenzhao is the Su family, remembering those children and relatives, almost cried out. But after a few times. They only know that this seemingly unintentional discourse is the focus of Ning Yi's output every time. Even when people who asked Dulonggang went out to publicize the news of Liangshan's defeat, he also emphasized. It’s not just the fact that the court is here to do things, but it’s because of blood. This must be emphasized.

After a few days of rushing and eating, only when returning to meet more than 2,000 people in Dulonggang, Ning Yi will tell the whole situation, 一廷玉, Zhu Xi, 扈三娘 and others. In his mouth, this is a political and military level of ventilation. Only by knowing the direction of the strategy, the leader can better determine the tactics.

After the war in Dulonggang, Yu Tingyu and others did not participate in the first battle of Liangshan. However, after apprehending the villagers and treating the wounded, they still gathered more than 3,000 people. They followed the instructions of Ning Yi to the end of the game. Among the more than 3,000 people, the most able to fight and have a **** enemy with Liangshan The main force is about two thousand, and the Yanjiazhuang people who are with the three mothers are a little more. As for the other thousand people, they are not the logisticians prepared for the expedition team. Instead, according to Ning Yi’s arrangement, many people who perform trivial tasks, including doctors, accounts, and management, are specially designed to clean up the mess left by Song Jiang. ready.

At noon that day, Ning Yi had gone to the sergeant of Wuruiying, and finally came to the Dulonggang people to follow the Songjiang River. The temporarily named mountain named Night Crow Ridge was handed over to Yan Tingyu and others.

"...I won’t fight, but after Liangshan’s World War I, Song Jiang can choose a total of two directions. It’s actually simple, but it’s either dragging or dropping. As for the third road, leaving Shandong to vote for Tianhu Wang. Celebrate them, it should not."

In the camp, the Ningyi will bring a lot of food on the grass, and a wild boar is roasting on the campfire, but it is the harvest of Zhu Yu and others on the road. The oil is dripping, and the aroma is constantly transmitted. Yan Tingyu and others gathered in this piece. If a young man came over, Ning Yi would also say hello to them, let them take a box of meals and cut a piece of pork.

"Towing is very simple. On the Shandong side, the power of the government is not strong. Many things are stereotyped. The surrounding wild mountains and mountains are everywhere. Although they have lost Liangshan, Wurui cannot be accompanied by more than 20,000 people. They ran around, and Liangshan’s interests have already arrived. Everyone is going to be divided. After being assigned to the hand, no one is willing to take it out again. In the whole logistics, Wurui Camp can’t drag or drag. They just have to drag the Wurui Camp and have no idea. Find a hill and then tie up the stockade. After a few years, I can make a comeback."

"Of course, it is not easy to rely solely on towing, so they run while they take the village and burn the house. There are not many murders, just to leave a complaint. You are a county magistrate. You may get some credit in this case, but below After several places have been burned out, people are not dead. Maybe this year's performance appraisal will not make up for it. This is a more troublesome thing."

Ning Yi paused: "So they burned in Luzhou for a while, then they might go to Jeju. There is a problem in Jeju over there. There is something in Lu Zhizhou that might be there." It’s better to think less about the lesser things, and the owner will recruit them. And the size of them is a credit. It’s a bad idea for the performance appraisal, and it’s more than that of Ganzhou. It’s very likely that they will do this. This is A road down, and once it really drops, we will have a hard time killing them."

Yan Tingyu nodded to the side: "So, the decisive battle should be placed on the edge of Ganzhou."

"I said this with the party leaders. Of course, it is only possible." Ning Yi nodded. "For Song Jiang, if they don't accept it, they can continue to chaos, go north to east, Lingzhou." Anything like Qingzhou can do it. But they can't estimate our ability on this side. The more they drag, the more trouble they may have, so I think they will hope to be as fast as possible. I have coordination with all of them in these days. I am To revenge, to kill the **** hatred, who is easily dragging my hind legs on this matter. Don't blame me for killing him, so the government should temporarily resist it for a while."

Ning Yi broke Liangshan, and he used the counts to find out that people in several nearby counties and counties heard it, and then Sujia was killed. He came to seek revenge. In the eyes of some officials, Ning Yi is afraid that it is not only a difficult comet, but also crazy in this matter. He still has the relationship with Qin Yuyuan. Even if he is a big man in Shandong, he wants to shelter Liangshan people and he has to measure the gains and losses. He talked about this, and Zhu Xi and others laughed.

"With the voice of Ning Da Ge in Shandong now, who dares to pull out the tigers at this juncture. In recent days, I heard that there is a rumor in the green forest, and we have a ‘heart devil’ thing.”

"It’s hard to say when you are an official. And the devil is not a good thing..." Ning Yi shook his head with a smile. "It’s always raining... We can’t afford it now, Liangshan can’t afford it, they’re more than 3,000. No matter how fierce, a bunch of thieves have no stockades. They fled all day, the officers and men refused to give up, everyone around them shouted, and the time was long, and it was not going to go down. In short... I still have to rely on everyone, I only I can try to drain all the water around them. They flee and escape. For a hope, we will fill in the scorpions they have pulled out. As long as they don’t feel hope, the collapse will become more and more. fast."

At the same time, Yan Sanniang smiled at this time: "Ning Da Ge is talking about the things in those villages. These days, I heard that several things have been done well, and many people are willing to go to Dulonggang to do things. Ken There are also dozens of people who have moved in. If Song Jiang knows that what they are doing is useless after all, they are afraid of being mad." At this time, the singer and the singer of the singer and the singer of the singer are sorrowful, and they only want revenge. Only when I talk about things that can make Song Jiang eat, I am happy.

When they talked about these things here, in a valley 20 miles away from the night of the night, the escape team of Song Jiang and others was also discussing similar topics.

In the past few days, Song Jiang and others rushed all the way in the territory of Zhangzhou. Five days of looting and burning more than a dozen villages, they often burned houses after stealing things and hid in the mountains. The remaining 3,000 of them are now regarded as elite, over the mountains and over the water, very fast, once met thousands of officers and men, they were suddenly over.

This is the initial escape period of the people, and the morale is still very strong. Because of the previous meal in Ning Yi’s hand, Song Jiang and others also sighed. At this time, they also knew that as long as they burned a village, the government would have one more burden. When they thought of this, they could look at the helplessness of the people with impunity. Liangshan is also extremely happy.

"They said that they are conspiring, and this is also a conspiracy. In any case, there will be grievances. The officers and men are urging us to rush, and the disaster will fall on the head of the government. As long as they can't solve them, there will be contradictions on both sides. There are contradictions, we will be taken out... This question, just look at how they solve it."

The sunset is red, the tents are distributed from the river valley to the side of the mountain. Wu Yong, Zhu Wu, Song Jiang and others watched the order between the camps gradually and the morale was still high. It was quite awkward, but between the talks, There is not much arrogance.

In a few days, they fled on the one hand. On the one hand, they began to set strict rules. The statisticians temporarily broke up the hills and asked the soldiers to ban them. At this time, under the strong external pressure, these desperate Greenwood people began to try to follow these rules.

On the other hand, Wu Yong and others began to tell the propaganda in the military squad and publicize the murders they used. It is easy to fight near the water moorings. As long as they continue to fight, the government can only eat cockroaches. And Song Jiang spared no effort to make a soft-hearted approach, close to the leader, soldiers. He used to be known as "timely rain" in the rivers and lakes. He is very good in interpersonal communication. He may not do everything in the Liangshan of 60,000 people. At this time, more than 3,000 people are very easy to feel this. The existence of the green forest, as a result, morale has improved.

Of course, such morale may last for half a month, but it may not be able to last for a long time. Wu Yong, Zhu Wu and others understand this. But they also know that as long as they can maintain a longer time than the Wurui camp, things can turn around. When this force expands again, a Liangshan team that is prohibited by the order is enough to kill back and report all the enemies.

They can only believe this.

Yangmou against Yangmou, Wu used well, Zhu Wu or Song Jiang. Even the entire 3,000 people who fled, consciously this strategy is useful. What they don't know is that in the past few days, once they burned a village, they first came over. It is not the government's rescue, but the team of Dulonggang.

They first saved people, then distributed enough money and materials for a few days, and then began to do the incitement. Everyone was harmed by Liang Shan, and that was the family. Your house is burned and you have no longevity. It doesn't matter, I go to work in Dulonggang, I have money and food. There is still food in your field, and we can temporarily borrow money. With fair interest, you settled the elderly in your home, went to work in Dulonggang, and made money. Come back to build a new house, or you can choose to settle in Dulonggang. And it has been done for a long time. I will have several benefits in Dulonggang...etc.

Resentful grievances will only be completely turned down to the government when there is no way to go, and no one will manage it. In the first battle of Dulonggang, Zhu and Qi Erzhuang lost a lot of manpower. After the houses in these villages were destroyed, the relief team of Dulonggang followed, and at the same time caused the enemy's enemies, and the **** enemy of Liangshan was estimated. It will not be scattered for more than ten years.

In a dozen villages, the number of people is still not much, but in a sense, this model is almost similar to the replica of the accumulation of European industrial revolution capital in later generations. After the farmers lose their land, they join the industry. Dulonggang went all the way to the bottom, and at the same time, Song Jiang and others thought that the resentment that would be aroused was thrown back to them. A few days later, the Liangshan people who were eager to burn and rob the people all the time sent people out to check the anger and encouragement. The news of the feedback really made Wu use Zhu Wu to make a mistake.

This evening, after the night was settled, Ning Yi went to the many villagers who came here to chat with them and cheered: "I have said it before! After this war, you are Shandong. The best team to play in a generation! Who wants to single out with me! Come -"

In fact, in the past few days, Yan Tingyu, Zhu Xi and others have been cultivating the morale of these people. The victory of Dulonggang, the subsequent defeat of Liangshan, and the hatred in the heart, have indeed made these two thousand The combat power of many people has reached a fairly high level. This night, I was joking and laughing for a while. When Ning Yi was quiet again, it was late at night, and the tension that had accumulated since the fifth day of June...and even earlier was only slightly retreated.

For more than a month, I have been in a high-pressure state for a long time. First, I will continue to scrutinize the calculations. Then, almost every clue should be held in the hands of high-intensity operations, and there is not much time to sleep every day. This is not the most insane working condition he has ever had, and he still has a strong sense of hunger and thirst. The enemy has not completely lost his way. He will never want to stop. Everything in the spiritual field is still in aggression and aggression. The state of aggression, but physically, after all, there will still be some fatigue.

At this point, the strategic arrangement is finally in place. Then I may only need to check for missing vacancies. The use of spies in the middle of the other party is also a tactical level. More is a random strain, and the brain will not be stretched. Close to the previous state. Ning Yi blew a hair blow outside the tent. In fact, this work is not really a large-scale battle level. It is just that his hand has not yet established a professional operation group. Everything needs to be done by yourself. Son.

"I really admire what you have done these days." Wang Shanyue, who came from afar, smiled at him. "I originally thought that after Song Jiang they fled, you would use more exaggerated plots, but look Until now, it’s like... a net.”

"The singularity is that Mr. Book is used to deceive people, and to those who want to get something for nothing, and refuse to work hard." Ning Yi twisted his neck and looked at the camp in the night. "All the world." Everything is done step by step, to solve the encirclement of Dulonggang, to defeat Liangshan people, how to defeat, internal to make them weak, the outside always want to fight. How to weaken the interior, let them split, beat their morale, the technique can The ever-changing, in fact, is very simple, and it will be done step by step."

"Now, the same is true. I only let them feel three things. First, the government will not dare to drop them. Second, they will be called by everyone. We will definitely kill them. Third, what they do is useless. The rest is the thing on the battlefield.” Ning Yi shook his head. “I never accept the singularity. There is nothing that is a singularity. It is a means to do things well. I can really do what I want to do. After all, what is a trick is a trick, and if you do something bad, it’s useless to have a trick."

Wang Shanyue is now a member of his team. Ning Yi said this and smiled: "Of course, everyone sees things differently. If you are a curiosity, it would be fine to treat them like this."

"I just wondered what you think about Dulonggang."

After all, Wang Shanyue was regarded as a man in the government. After all, he was worried about the people in Dulonggang. Ning Yi looked at him and thought about it and thought about it.

"I am a businessman. After the end of the revenge, after all, I will do business. There are too many places in the Shandong government, and Liangshan has been removed. No matter whether this kills or not, the forces will reshuffle. So hard. Dealing with the deal, I hope they can become another Zengtou market." Ning Yi looked at Wang Shanyue. "We have a relationship, the business will be very good. I know that Wang Gong ruled the Confucianism in the same year, but you also said The Wang family may not be proud of it in Beijing today. Your Wang family has a reputation, and there is a woman and woman who wants to protect. Everyone has a good cooperation. Do you want to buy shares?"

"I promise not to do too much... make sure to make money. Think about it?"

Ning Yi smiled and raised his hand, the temptation in the tone, like a demon who knows the heart. Wang Shanyue had said this in the past. He was worried about the three places in this place. He did not want Dulonggang to become another Liangshan, but at this time, his eyes suddenly became chaotic. In fact, although his brain is easy to use, he was subjected to a very formal Confucian education since he was a child. Later, although he was forced to eat people to increase his deterrence, many places in his heart insisted on Confucianism.

But after the Wang family went to the capital, insisting on the right path did not necessarily make the family prosper. Even though a woman has recruited several men to prop up the portal, I really want to say that, apart from the human feelings and fame of Wang Qisong, the Wang family is not really good. As the only man in the family, Wang Shanyue was forced to this level and it was also self-sufficient.

"What, what..."

"Oh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, it is a business thing, let's talk about it later. Rest assured, never let you insult the family, I have no fame here, there is a Wang family name, out of Shandong, official I’m better off talking, otherwise I have to ask Qin Lao to introduce other people to me.” Ning Yi smiled, then looked into the distance, his eyes were already cold. “But these are the things that will happen in the future. talk later."

He paused and patted Wang Shanyue's shoulder and turned and walked away. Wang Shanyue frowned and stood there, looking at the direction of Ning Yi’s departure, and tangled for a while.

But... I want to say now...

He took a moment there and finally smiled and patted his forehead, feeling like he was being played, and he was like being shaken. However, in his heart, there is indeed a feeling of wanting to make the family better. It has been hot and hot, and it has gradually warmed up...

Work and rest have signs of starting to mess up, and there was a blackout in the afternoon... However, I will still try to adjust it ^_^

No break even more!

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