Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 431: Good and evil, endless Hengcheng 1 sword

In the outline of the night, the short and fierce fight, the blood flew out, the body smashed into the grass, under the weak star, the chasers did not know how far from the place, the shouts tore the forest, countless rings.

The two figures flew in different directions. One of them shot and the whole body was flung out, hitting the trunk outside the two feet and rolling down. When you want to get up, the darkness in the other side is slightly The light outlines the silhouette of the two sides. The slap in the hands of the companion screamed and flew out of the field of vision, kneeling on the trunk of a tree in the distance, the woman shot like a power, and slammed the frontal offensive of a burly man who was higher than her. .

Boxing, palms, claws, picking, tearing, hard squatting, but under the foot is a constant step by step, the woman's pace is not big, but fierce and rapid, the footsteps of the chain is launched, like the iron cattle plowing, take In the center position, the left and right open bow kicks the cheekbones and the lower yin. In a twinkling of an eye, the man was introduced to Zhang Yu, and in the moment when the man leaned against the trunk, a fierce fist hit the other's throat. The trees shook under the stars and the leaves fell.

More companions will come over, and when the "Nine-grain Dragon" history entered the package, there was no trace of the woman around. He was crying "All over!" Concentrate on retreating, and the grass in the tree outside the tree was swept away. Just "brushing, brushing" two times, a large piece of wormwood flew flat. The two Liangshan soldiers on the side of the grass were suddenly short, and the other's arms were elbow and broken. The grass flies in the air.

"Ah ah--"

The cold light of the iron gun stabbed, trying to stop in front of the woman's escape, but only a few hands, the figure rushed out of the interception, running like a cheetah, surrounded by the forest. More than ten figures came together.

Knives, guns, swords, spears, ropes, a figure throwing dust in the dark, and then a bang, burning a flame between the trees. However, in this rising fire, the first person who intercepted the interception saw the figure suddenly zoom in on the front, and then a palm stuck to his door. The threat of death suddenly rose from the heart, but in the next moment, the figure has already reached his back, brushing him away.

More than ten people came over. Trying to attack the woman who went backwards behind her companion, but the woman took the back of this Liangshan elite soldier, only a pair of eyes were exposed behind his shoulders, and it was swift after the retreat, and then the madness of the soldier "ah--" Screaming.

The sword of the ancient sword is constantly retreating. Also in the back, his body limbs swam like a snake, and the tendons, tendons, and tendons on the limbs were continually torn apart. The blood sprinkled a little bit toward the rear in the running, and the soldiers in the blink of an eye. The limbs were already full of blood in the air, and the woman printed a palm on his back and beat him to everyone. The body ran between the trees, and disappeared after a few breaths. Even Lin Chong, Shi Jin and others can't catch up.

They chased after a while, and quickly returned, swept through the forest, and everyone gathered together. Except for you, the rest is a scream. Lu Zhishen’s “ah” slammed his stick on the tree trunk next to him, and he was able to know the sound of these drinking. In addition to anger, there is fear.

From that day inexplicably after getting into the woman. In the evening, they were badly killed in the camp. The woman starred in the night, but only one or two soldiers from the perimeter guarded the enemy. Under the defense, several people were killed under the woman’s sword. After that, everyone knew that things were pressing, and they rushed all the way, and gathered some brothers who had broken away after Liangshan. However, the woman was either at night or in the daytime, almost at any time and anywhere, under her sword, a group of brothers Liangshan Or was killed, or was crippled, a few days, has accumulated the exhaustion of everyone to the highest point.

Can not beat, can not escape, can not catch up, inexplicably provoked a master level master, itself is very unlucky one thing, plus this woman once shot, almost nothing. Recalling the question of the woman on the shore that day, no matter whether Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen have fears in their hearts, it may be the only chance they have had, but unfortunately, once they understand it, things are already late.

"If you are really a reasonable person, turn around today, no longer avenge, I will let you go..."

At this time, when you see the horrors of the brothers who were maimed between the dead bodies and the camps, how much can you understand the value of this sentence.

In fact, in a few days, although the woman did not pay attention to the means in some places in the battle, it actually formed a fighting style that was as cold and sturdy as a blade. Killing people, ruining people's hands and feet, causing the injured to drag on other people's actions, distracting others' energy, chasing dozens of people and killing them in an orderly manner. What is contained is actually the strength and atmosphere of the guru similar to Zhou Wei. When Zhou Hao was angry, he shot and killed, and the woman was systematically killing. In fact, the sense of oppression is similar. At this step, there is no difference in means.

"Come out! There is a kind of single-handedness with me-"

When the roar of Shijin was heard in the rolling woods, the woman was wiping the body of the sword and washing it with a piece of cloth. Then I went to the edge of the hill, jumped on a tree, and found a place to sit between the branches. I looked at the fire in the forest below, and felt the anger, meditation.

The anger is like this, indicating that the fear in the enemy’s heart has been born. With such fear, it is not far from death. However, these people’s previous talks about the "mind" made her care. If the argument is spread, it may bring him a lot of trouble. When he uses his skills, he may cope with it. come on……

She thought this way, under the faint starlight, gradually entered a semi-vigilant and semi-relaxed rest state...


On the third day of July, Li Qiu. In Zhangzhou, the war is still spreading.

In the afternoon light, the burnt villages, the weeping crowd. Ning Yi stood on the road at the entrance of the village and watched the doctor who was coming to give a child who had no right hand and had been crying for a few degrees of fainting. The team of Dulonggang was still walking in, and the village could still be used to rescue the village. s things.

"Statistics of dead, dead people, I wish the brothers in front of them not to go too far, camp defense. Send some sugar to children..."

The rescue is basically step by step, for nearly ten days. The looting patterns of Song Jiang and others are basically the same, and the number and number of murders of these people on the way to escape have increased. Without the old nest, the people of Dulonggang tracked all the way, the officers and men rushed to the head, and the anxiety in the hearts of the people accumulated.

Although Song Jiang and others were serious about the military discipline, they were only inside. When they looted the village, they began to kill themselves easily. Even the women and the girls were raped. This village in front of you. When Ning Yi and others arrived, a woman had cast a well. After she was rescued, she still wanted to commit suicide.

Sometimes I will be questioned why the officers and men cannot kill the people in Liangshan. Let them run around like this. For these, people will be arranged to preach.

"...you thought that they would let you go if they didn't provoke them!? I don't know what the south side of the rebellion looks like. Once it starts, the ten rooms are nine empty, he let everyone have nothing to follow them! We are Dulonggang It is the first step of their beginnings, just like you! If they have won our Dulonggang, they will be you sooner or later. It is the film of Jeju and Shandong in Ganzhou. Do you know how many people we died? This is blood debt! Only Can let Liangshan people pay for it-"

Compared with the government, Dulonggang did not take the initiative to help these people's obligations, but it is easy to unify the direction of hatred. However, although it is very hot on weekdays. Killing people will never blink. When Ning Yi sees many things in front of him, it will inevitably raise the heart of compassion. This is a feeling that it is difficult for a modern person to get rid of. It is really in trouble. Human life is really worthless, sometimes seeing children who are dead or disabled. A woman who is insulted and crying for death, he will also hope to end the whole thing faster.

However, after all, the military strategy is not what he is good at. These days, he was able to unify the general trend, more than 20 stockades and villages, responsible for rescue, arrange the way out, and then point their grievances to Liangshan, but also put pressure on the government and the military in the opposite direction. Further influence on many green forest monks and cottages in Ganzhou and other places has laid the best foundation for more than 3,000 people who have been trapped in Liangshan.

But public opinion and the general trend are one thing. In the end, there must be a fierce battle. Those **** and cottages will inevitably have a bad feeling towards Liangshan, but at the most, they will not be willing to take the shot. On the other hand, after the Battle of Liangshan, the Wurui camp was sent out by two teams of 5,000 people. They knew that this battle must be played, but there are still some ideas for preserving strength. This is also because Ning Yi will do the general trend. It’s too good.

If things continue to develop like this, more than 3,000 people in Songjiang will sooner or later collapse psychologically because their burns are all married for others, and everyone around them shouts, Shandong – at least in Zhangzhou. Their grievances are not likely to be scattered for more than a decade. Only when they are truly aware of the hardships of escape and the uselessness of their efforts will their spirits collapse. Otherwise, even if there are more than 10,000 people who are eager to go to the Liangshan Mountains, they will suffer enormous rebellion and loss when they need to surround and die.

For the Wurui camp stationed here, most of the cottages and villages here are dissatisfied with the discipline. Liangshan ran all the way, burning the villages of these people all the way, and there was Dulonggang behind to clean up the mess. It would not let the government over there protest too much. It was a happy ending. Therefore, even if Ning Yi used to ask about the fighters in the past, He Rui and others who were responsible for the leadership of the army were extremely affectionate to him. However, when it comes to warplanes, it is natural to wait for a while.

In fact, even if Ning Yi solemnly demands a near-war battle, it is estimated that He Rui and others will be wrong for a long time, and will not understand why his so smart people will do such unwise thoughts.

On the other hand, the ambiguity in the heart is one thing, Ning Yi will never allow the three thousand people to have the possibility of living again. Fighting their defenses outside the battlefield, killing some on the battlefield, even if it is the last forced landing part of the military, it must be pulled into the capital or where to kill all the crimes. Otherwise, it really became "to be an official, killing people and setting fire to be recruited."

With his recent relationship with the surrounding states and counties, the relationship with Qin Yuyuan, the paradox of mastery, and the merits of getting Liangshan in two months, it is not difficult to push things to this step.

Outside the frontal battlefield, the Wurui camp set up various checkpoints, and the search for Liangshan escapes around it has also been reported to the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~If it is alone, it is caught around, or is being Other villages and green forest forces sold out with the wall pushing everyone down, and there were also daily gains. But it came along. There are also some repercussions among the green forests, especially the part about the "mind", which is beginning to see.

"...Qilu area, nearby, I heard that it has been a bit of a mess. I heard that there are a few big green forests, such as Yan Zhenbei, who is like Jinfu Escort, just saying that Liangshan is a battle, counting Too much. The coerced brothers are disabled, the rivers and lakes are righteous and so on, and I have heard that some people want to kill you, and kill the green forest..."

About these messages. It was brought to the wish of the two parties. To talk about the green forest in Qilu area, Dulonggang is one of them. In the past, Zengjia Wuhu of Zengtou City can also be called Weizheng Shandong. Ning Yi is very interested in these news, and excitedly makes people write down things, it is a busy hobby.

"Hey, Yan Zhenbei, this name sounds very good. How is his martial arts, can you rank the world?"

"The world... I don't know, but I can walk in Shandong, and the relationship with the parties is very good. There must be a few under the hand. But these years, the pampering is better than the coach, but the relationship is good, the disciples are more. People, can't be underestimated." (To be continued)

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