Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 433: Moon star is hard to fly

The insects screamed, and the sun gradually tilted over under the cover of the leaves. The crowd passed through the mountains, fast and silent. When the sun sets, it stops in the sparse woods of the mountains. A short camp, the atmosphere is chilling.

Yan Qing sat on the edge of the stone under the tree, began to eat dry food with clear water, and looked at the sky and the surrounding terrain. Next, the people under the group gathered around, ate something, whispered, and some people were wiping the blade, but no one made too much movement.

This time the turn, where to go, not many people were clearly told, but in fact, the strange and chilling atmosphere has shrouded the entire team with the two days of abnormal actions. In the whispers of people, everyone is psychologically prepared, and they are prepared to take advantage of it now.

People are not jealous and they are not stable. Among the teams in Liangshan today, many are willing to fight, especially in recent days, the purpose is clear, and they are turned into clean and neat, so that everyone can find the heroic spirit of Liangshan Juyi. Although many things are not transparent today, the signal from the top shows that everything is going well.

Take the county town, drag the officers and men to run around, so that they are left and right. During this period, what did “big work” do, but it was second. In short, "If you are not afraid, we will be a little more awkward" attitude, as well as accurate and efficient in a few days to incite morale, let people feel that there is a big battle will come.

As for what it is, even Yan Yan is not very clear at this time. After the departure of Raoping County, Song Jiang and others led the team, and they rushed quickly. The purpose was quite clear. It was originally estimated to be Fucheng County, which was to take down the defensive deficiencies. It might even be to confuse the Wurui camp and then enter the state. A rush, but halfway. The route is faint and somewhat wrong.

As a leader, I can always get something from the gaps of other people's words. Among the teams, there are occasionally those who are familiar with the surrounding terrain and mention a passing place. Yan Qing painted a picture in his heart, trying to piece together the impression of the surrounding, and there was a head over him, and he greeted him softly, and he responded a few words. A thought suddenly rose in my heart.

That is probably... most likely to have an inference, just like that...

He turned his head and looked at the direction in which Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others might be. Although the tree shadow was sparse, the figure was stunned. Follow the rules at this time. Everyone consciously maintains a group of people who are underarms, except for occasional contacts, and will not go away. Yan Qing frowned, thinking about it, is it possible that it is true, should not go to explore, the sunset glow obliquely on his face. It’s hard to decide.

The birds screamed and flew away from the treetops.

"...We are here now, from the warrior, only two ridges. You can't make a fire. Fortunately, everyone feels this thing. With psychological preparation, this is a victory or defeat..."

The grass is sparse and there are flowers on the ground. Although the leaves are not very dense, they are late summer and early autumn. It is also the most vibrant moment when the leaves give people the feeling. Under the tree, Song Jiang and Wu Yong, Zhu Wu and others took a small map and whispered to speak.

"...I thought too much, and they can’t react, these things can only be decided quickly..."

"...The recent Wurui camp army needs two hours to go back and forth. We appeared in Raoping yesterday, and there are all kinds of rumors flying. Once there is news today, they must hesitate whether to adjust the tiger to the mountain. Our time will be three hours or longer. In the night, if the camp is not too powerful, they can set up a line of defense, and we can easily cut them off..."

"...Recall that the day of the Battle of Dulonggang, if I could decide to attack at that time, it would not be today..."

"Hey, why should the military teachers blame themselves? No one expected the later things on the same day. Liang Shan... You and my brothers are united, and their profits are broken. Yesterday, they lost. It’s not a chance to win today. As long as they can pass this, I Liangshan will be able to rise again. At that time, he will teach the person to take back all of it..."

"It's necessary... they walk around every day. It's not enough to camp defense at night, but you still need to be cautious. Don't take it lightly..."

After several people negotiated, a few spies who were personally led by Dai Zong finally returned and reported the situation to Song Jiang.

"...It is already certain...the warrior is..."


"The warrior..."

Yan Qing’s fingers drew a picture on the ground and frowned. The setting sun has burned the last blush on the horizon, pouring it like blood, and then everything in the field of vision.

Fengping, Raoping and Fu'an counties form a triangular area. Before the attack on Fengping, the location of the Dulonggang people, the location of several teams in the Wurui camp, when the public appeared in Raoping, the position of everyone, and then everyone can travel.

If the movement of Dulonggang people in these days is to kill their own team, the second is to surround the Wurui camp. At this time, they are likely to be located between the two counties of Fengping and Fu'an. The warrior... is one of the possibilities.

There are rumors, and the Wurui army on both sides may not be able to move, but even if they want to move, they may be a little farther away. In the past half a month, these people have never dared to die with the army, because people really can't afford to consume, but if the first attack that has been overdone is to break the boat...

And their purpose is not even a person from Dulonggang.

An answer in my heart is actually coming out. The setting sun is falling, and gradually there is no fire, no shackles, rest on the ground, and ready to prepare. When Yan Qing stands up, he sees the distant forest. Song Jiang is talking to a group of soldiers in a low voice. After the end, another batch has passed...


"...The situation is special. Song Jiang can't speak loudly. I also ask your brothers to forgive me... Since the beginning of the incident, I have been loved by the brothers. Song Jiang is incompetent. It is very embarrassing... Now I have been forced to the extreme, but the transfer is also At this point... a few military divisions are trying their best to make a chance..."

The sun is falling, and in the sky, the moon that has lost a small mouth has risen, and her light is released toward the land. A bird flies over the woods, and Song Jiang walks in the army. Cheer for a set of taxis.

"...I have not waited for a lot of brothers, some have no relatives, all of them, there is only one person in the culprit... This person uses scorpion poison, his heart is hot, he is not dead, I am waiting for Ningri... but Song Jiang assured all of your brothers The opportunity will be there soon. I am not sure at this time. You will eat good things and rest for a while, and soon you will understand..."

"We have to avenge our brothers and our loved ones... It will not be long before you will see the crying of that person. The way of death! And sooner or later, we will go to Jiangning again, send this family... to At that time, regardless of his wife and children, his relatives and friends, we have never let go. Only in this way. We can commemorate the spirit of Heaven’s 50,000 brothers... Wait a moment, prepare your sword, you will see Arrived……"

"They thought we would run all the time, thinking that we only want to drag! But we will tell them soon. We Liangshan... is playing!"

The whispered whisper is being stopped by a famous leader. But among the trees, people wiped the swordsmen and exchanged their eyes. The touch of the limbs has a murderous murder. The moon star is thin. All this, chilling and quiet.

Yan Qing is in the crowd, exhaling a breath, the palm of his hand is open, pinched, opened, and pinched...

That Ning Liheng, he is very powerful...

He may be prepared...

Even if there are only more than 2,000 people in Dulonggang, you may not be able to stop...

Liangshan has been forced to a dead end...

Next is not what I have to do. He said that he has already done it...

Wu used them to know that there was a spy in the leader, it was impossible to be unprepared, he had the possibility of being exposed, and it was possible that he was clever and extravagant because of his own wisdom...

But as long as you are not sure that the spies are yourself, the hidden actions are not likely to be discovered. Even if you find out, you may have already left...

Don't take risks...

Can't sit and watch...

The heart is in a huge hesitation. Looking at the moonlight above the tree gap, he shook his head.

No matter how you think, I feel...

no need.

Earn your own life, Ning Liheng, since you are so smart, you will not be unprepared...

Outside the staff, I have kept my promise, it should be...

As time passed, the night's amphibious hiding, like a sharp knife, continued to continue, because the silence of the silence became sharper. Wear armor, bundle cuffs, wipe the tip of the knife, over and over...

Calling, on the side of the camp, the figure hides into the grass like a civet cat and walks through the moon.

The scenes in front of you are constantly appearing and separating. I don’t need much time. As long as one warning is enough, it’s a pity that because of the escape of this road, there are no flowers and other things on the body, but this is not far from the direction of the warriors.

The man is dead, everything will be lost, and the staff outside the capital may not be able to rehabilitate or have a good life. If Liangshan’s achievements are tied to World War I, he will have to take this risk again.

The grass, the trees, the stones, and the darkness all swayed silently under the rapid movement of the figure, but in such a rapid running, the wind broke!


In the woods, the heads and necks greeted each other, gestured, and two... Finally, they knew that the three thousand figures had risen silently and began to march.

Yan Qing’s men here, Zhu Wu has come over and appeared in front of everyone’s vision. For a moment, they merged into the forward team, like a silent torrent, rushing forward...


Awkward, the fight in the dark, and then the squatting of several times to change the boxing, the blade pierced silently, and fell into the empty space. The two figures jumped in different directions.

"Dai Dai Dean..."

"Good guy's skill."

The blade was covered in Dai Zong's sleeves. Two feet away, Yan Qing turned and was in front of the height he was facing. Someone came over, one or two... and finally gathered a terrible breath. The headed man looked deep and looked at him and shook his head.

"Yan Qing, Yan Qing, and finally it is you, really let me... good heartache!"

Under the moonlight, it is Song Jiang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gangsters who are already preparing to kill. After all, they are not blindly good. Behind him, on the side, Wu Song, Guan Sheng, Chai Jin, Yu's brothers and more than ten Liangshan elite have come over, and the most eye-catching, perhaps because they fled all the way, they were isolated and pale, some Xi Jun, who is sick. At this time, he clenched his hands and finally stood on the side of Song Jiang as an important adviser.

"The time comes to the world, the heroes are not free. For such a long time, I have to count the organs, it seems that once again, I can walk in front of that person. Yan brothers, in fact, Lu is still alive outside... Congratulations..."

Some are weak, some are pleased, but they are so good that they are faintly spread in the night...


Soon after, on the last mountain, the first figure finally appeared silently, and then people were like ants, and they lived together. Among the crowd, some people reached out and pointed to the place where it was not far away. There was not much guardian... the camp of two thousand people.

The warrior is awkward. The offensive is like a flood!

Ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

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