Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 434: Yanzi back to the West Building

"The time comes to the world, the heroes are not free. For such a long time, I have to count the organs, it seems that once again, I can walk in front of that person. Yan brothers, in fact, Lu is still alive outside... Congratulations..."

When the moonlight is bright and the sound of Xi Junyi sounds in the mountains, Liangshan’s soldiers are still silent in the distant woods. Yan Qing took a step back and glanced at the people around him. Song Jiang in front and Dai Zong in the back shook hands and spit out a breath. Then, finally set my mind and laughed.

"So fast... It seems that you have been skeptical about me before. When?"

"From when we were still on Liangshan."

In the grievances and misunderstandings, I have been forbearing for so long. At this time, I finally opened up the moon. Xi Jun is not afraid to share his feelings at this moment. He heard the Yan Qing’s problem and he laughed. Then, his eyes Turn serious.

"It is not an easy thing to suspect that you are going to Yan Brothers. Your relationship with everyone is too good, and it is too good. After the death of Lu, there will be no doubt on Liangshan. But first I was able to stop my eyes on you, a month ago, when I made a sneak gesture on the mountain..."

"The military division knew that we had a ghost inside, and we all understood the destructive power of this ghost. But he was hiding between the heads and collars, we could not check it. But I can confirm one thing, I am Ning Liheng must kill, if I want to sneak, the ghost inside will definitely notice me. At that time, I used myself as a bait to make people show up, and some people, Yan brothers, you are the most I feel weird..."

As he spoke, Xi Jun’s voice gradually became clear. He spread his hands and even brought some temperament similar to Ning Yi. Since the war has not yet begun, Song Jiang and others do not mind spending some time here. It is said by Xi Junjun that before the war, he enjoys the pleasure of catching the traitor on the spot.

"Some things, once you start asking and investigating, you can always have some clues. I want to go, many people are not allowed. It is not surprising that three-mindedness does not mean that it is a traitor, but you will care about it, why? I want to take revenge, you will look beyond Liangshan. It is not surprising at all, but you care about the things inside Liangshan. This is hard to say. Of course, the relationship with you is very good, occasionally asking some things, also I am not sure that you are interested, and it is possible that you want to tie me up and find Ning Liheng to avenge, this is not impossible...so I was not sure at the time."

Xi Junyi turned his head and smiled for a moment like a smile: "But there is doubt in my heart. Some things have to be thought out... We looked back at the whole development of Dulonggang, and compared Ning Yi all the way. At the end of March, Jiang Ning went to the door. He went to Beijing in mid-April, and later met Zhu Wu, the big brother who hijacked the canal. He entered Beijing at the end of April and early May. Even if he had a relationship, he had to do some management. In May, he came to Shandong. At the end of May, we will play Dulonggang. How many things can he do in such a short period of time?"

Yan Qing smiled and his head shook: "He has beaten you for three days."

"Yes." Xi Junyi was very embarrassed. "We can do the war in Dulonggang. At first we didn't expect to have such a traitor on the mountain. From the whole thing, if there was no such traitor, then he could not If you want to do something, this traitor can't be rushed to pull it. He puts himself in danger. The most risky part is to pin the odds on a traitor. Then the traitor must be powerful, and the second must be savvy. He must have a mind, a means of acting, and be trustworthy! At that time, I had a whimsy. If the traitor was not sent to Shandong, if it was in a place we missed, he would have laid it down. Foreshadowing. Then there is only one place possible..."

"Canal." Xi Junyi nodded his head and lifted his chin, Yan Yanqing. "The canal is a battle, and four people are coming back. Zhu Wu is not possible because he is not present. Zhang Shun Zhang was killed in Dulonggang. You and Yanshun brother, I have doubted, when I suspected you, I was laughing and thinking more. According to Zhu Wu’s big brother, the death of Lu’s outside, he saw it with his own eyes, and he was only caught for half a day. How can the outside of Lu’s staff be rebelled, there is no time. When we went down the mountain, Yanshun’s brother did not follow, I once thought that I was wrong. But I’ve been wary of you, I have never loosened it, and I went to Fengping County. At the time, you put a note in the arms of a dead servant... I can be sure that you are."

"Smart, the extra-budget, but also really only you!" Xi Junyi pointed at him, smiled, "smart and savvy, martial arts high-powered, have the means to act, and you still have a good relationship with most of the brothers on Liangshan! And only you, can Fill in the last ring that I have been wondering. Why is he willing to put this treasure on this traitor? If you exclude him, there are many backhands. Yan Qing...because you and the outsiders are not brothers. Love...but romance! You are a child..."

When this sentence came out, some people around it looked strange, and some people almost laughed. Yan Qing’s face was originally a casual expression. At this time, he slightly lowered his head. The whole person’s momentum has already been murderous.

Yan Qing's temperament and temperature, but in the appearance, handsome and masculine, coupled with martial arts high, many people above Liangshan have a good relationship with him. But the relationship between him and Lu Junyi is not only a simple matter of the master servant, but some people on the mountain vaguely know, but they don’t say it. Although Yan Qing is a servant of Lu Junyi, in fact, it was actually the birth of a child in the early years.

But in this year, even if there is something between the two men, it is a matter of elegance, but it is not easy to declare it. For these reasons, Yan Qing learned a lot of skills that can be mixed up in the brothel, and gained the reputation of "prodigal son". However, he did not necessarily have a physical relationship with Lu Junyi after he became an adult. In particular, he later saved Lu Junyi up the mountain. It is already an upright brotherhood. No one has ever said this.

But when Xi Junyi said it, it was an insult. It was tantamount to smashing the tiger's beard and smashing the scales.

At this time, Xi Junyi was naturally not afraid of Yan Qing, but he laughed at himself. It’s just that Yan Qing’s eyes are cold, and Dai Zong and Wu Song have taken a step.

Song Jiang Shen said: "Knowing people knows no way. Yan brothers. I asked Song Jiang that I did not treat you badly, but you are so against me. Good and evil are finally reported, today you are exposed by me, it is not awkward! Liheng was in the war at home today. I will kill him in the past. I have to put him to death. It is not Dulonggang. The surrounding terrain is wide. I will kill it. It is not for the sake of the two thousand people. Thousands of people have killed him! He is hard to be fortunate. If you repent, you will surrender early, and you will be handy, how to deal with you at that time. Perhaps there are brothers who plead with you."

Song Jiang said this, some people came over, he did not pay attention to Yan Qing's answer, riding on the horse ready to go, the rear Yan Qing looked down and said: "Hehehe ha ha ha ha - Song Jiang..."

This laughter seems ridiculous, Song Jiang turned his head, and Yan Yanqing said: "You have shouted more for the ghosts of the heavens. You don't believe it yourself!?"

This discourse almost bite his teeth and drink it. Song Jiang glanced at him. Yan Qing stood there and straightened up. The whole person was tall and straight, took out a roll of tarpaulin from his arms, hit it in his hand, and slowly wrapped it. He took a step closer. Dai Zong and others also changed their direction to prevent him from running away.

"Yes. My Yanqing is a despicable person. But Song Jiang, you are a bandit! Haven't been treated badly!? You treat people as fools! My family members are rich and famous, and there are houses and homes." Room. You said that he is a hero hero? So I have to let him go up the mountain? A counter-poetry strategy, the outside of the staff will be broken and broken! I can tell that when I went out for the first time, I used to persuade him, don’t be jealous. I am coming to Liangshan for a moment..."

The tarpaulin was rolled up in the hand, and Yan Qing shook his fist and made a "beep--" sound. Under the moonlight, his eyes were sharp as a tiger.

"The outside of the staff did not listen to me, and eventually fell into the plan of Er, and there was no way to go. I also had to persuade the outsiders to go to Liangshan... Yan Xiaoyi is indeed a humble person, and it doesn't matter where he is. But I still have a good deed, know. Who is doing this thing! Song Jiang! Losing you can say that you have never been ill-treated! You are hurting others, but you still want others to thank you! How many such people on Liangshan, Qin Ming’s family How is it murdered! How is Xu Ning? They are not like pigs, how do you think, I don’t know. But I tell you, Yan Qing has been waiting for you all from the Liangshan Mountain!"

He tightened the cloth wrapped around his teeth with his teeth, his bones swaying slightly, his eyes fixed on Song Jiang, revealing a cold smile. Song Jiang Yi Le reins: "kill him!"

"Oh." Make a fist, let go, Yan Qing took a step, change the palm, the momentum around him has become really dangerous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ from beginning to end, this young man who has been gentle on Liangshan, in At this moment, the most fierce attack posture has finally appeared, indicating that the momentum will never surrender here. In front, Wu Song and others greeted them. They were not afraid of Yan Qing, but at this moment, no one really dared to be in front of him.

Song Jiang left the horse, and in the darkness around him, some hidden people began to follow him. Here, Yan Qing rushed out to the Songjiang River in the next moment of the pace!

In front of him, it is a martial arts with a broken wind. This is one of the best in Liangshan’s hands, and even the empty-handed man who killed the tiger. The “walker” Wu Song, in his rear, has Chai Jin, Guan Sheng, there are more than a dozen martial arts high-strength Liangshan elite.

However, his figure did not stop, his body rushed out, and his hands slammed out from both sides toward the front, as if the tiger had swept the wind. Awkwardly, the two figures collided together, Guan Sheng waved a broad knife, Chai Jin greeted, more than a dozen figures greeted, Dai Zong jumped from behind, a short knife silently stabbed. Countless collisions, malices, killings, and mixing together obscured the moonlight.

In the capital city thousands of miles away, Lu Junyi stopped practicing martial arts in the yard. The sweatless body rolled down the body and raised his head. The moon hung in the sky, and the outside was bright... He went to the room, thinking, Liangshan’s things, no I know how... (to be continued)

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