Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 435: Nightmare is cold and sighs (on)

The figure confuses, the fists whistle, the blood blooms in front of the eyes, the human body hits the trunk, breaks through the grass, and in the moonlight night, the battle is stretched out, leaving only blood spots.


It is not one person but two people who are trapped in this road. It is because of this that the whole battle has been maintained for such a long time, and even until ... the killing sound of the mountain side came.

Awkwardly, I opened a head smashed by Wu Song. Before the punch on the lower abdomen, he shocked the whole person, and then he grabbed it, locked it, and wrapped Wu Song’s arm. He ran forward. Wu Song single-handedly supported the trunk in front, and the other hand suddenly slammed the set, and the heavy punches hit him. Yan Qing also responded with heavy punches. When Dai Zong sneaked in the back, he was forced to open with a big knife. .

The burning pain, the numbness in the brain, the boiling blood, supported the two to escape. But above the body, it is indeed scarred. Wu Songquan has no match, Dai Zongxi has become light, but in fact, martial arts, no one is under him, and Liangshan, who is chasing and killing around, is not weak, and it is difficult to be fortunate to be an enemy.

Not only him, but also the victory of the knife in the back, at this time the body is already scarred. A hook was hooked on him, and although he was cut off by a knife, the hook was already embedded in the body. There were several stab wounds on his body, but he still slashed his sword. Every knife was swept away, and he must avoid a range so that the two could have a place to move.

Yan Qing did not think about it. In such a siege, he would suddenly drink a knife and try to help himself get out of trouble. It would be Guan Sheng. He may not be the traitor who is opposed to Heng Ting, and before Ning Longgang, Ning Yi designed him. Yan Qing made a match at the time. For the famous Guan Sheng, that thing is a great insult, so that he has always insisted on being an enemy of Ning Yi and following the Liangshan people.

Such a rebellion has only strengthened his determination to be with the Liangshan people. This time he attacked the warrior, Song Jiang and others brought him here because it was Yan Qing who wanted to take his heart with him. But no matter Yan Qing or Wu Song, Dai Zong, Chai Jin, etc., they never thought of it. When Yan Qing shot, the moment when everyone went around. The seemingly silent long-shoulder man will be able to attack the sword and block the attack of Chai Jin, and even kill the soldiers around him. Drinking and letting Yan Qing escape.

After that, the two fled all the way, but it seems that everything is still in vain. Originally, they wanted to show the police. However, everyone in Liangshan had a strong defense against the other side. The two men ran more and more, and the more they deviated from the direction, toward the side and back. When the killing is over there. Both of them fleeing are already scarred and bloody. Xi Jun, who followed the back, laughed and laughed: "There is no chance! You two are still smashing your hands! Guan Sheng, I have missed you on this road! I should have guessed that you have been against the water, you guys..."

He hasn't finished talking about this. Guan Sheng suddenly rushed two steps toward Xi Junyi, and the long knife roared and flew out a soldier. Seeing his hair, a soldier rushed to him and quickly avoided it. Guan Sheng is a knife and a wave: "Small man! Hugh to be with your heart and mind to shut down a certain! I have nothing to do with Ning Liheng! Just... Yan Xiaoyi is right. Guan is not willing to Is waiting for you -"

At this time, Xi Junyi was also a person in the decision-making level of Liangshan, surrounded by seven or eight soldiers. However, when you see the victory and the fierceness, you want to kill it, but you can't help but take a step back. Then he smiled and said: "Oh? That Xi will congratulate the general and find the way to go! But the things in the world, the king is defeated, you listen, there is already fighting, you are struggling again What is the use!"

"There is no more nonsense, I want to take a certain life, but I am waiting for it. But if you are a child, you should be careful about you!"

On the other side, Yan Qing and Wu Song rolled out two feet away, punched each other apart, and stood on the ground. Guan Sheng's chest is ups and downs, his body is blood, and the pillars of the dragon are on the ground. When everyone gathers, they will have to rush again. Xi Jun screamed coldly: "I don't know how to live and die! Everything has been fixed, no need to talk nonsense..."

"I said that he is very thoughtful." It seems that in the crowd, there is a voice that echoes. Not many people care about it. At the end of the mountain, the sound of shouting seems to have become more intense.

Xi Junyi waved: "Kill them, let's..."

"...I said it, right?"

Wu Song rushed out one step, and it seemed that it was a bit wrong. He paused a little, but I didn’t know if it was for the mountain to scream for the momentum or for the whisper that I didn’t know where it came from. Yan Qing’s eyes swayed, slightly tilted, this moment Everyone seems to be aware of something, and it is like an illusion that cannot be determined. The wind blew through the forest, only the leaves were moving.


Song Jiang and others approached the mountain, and the shouting and killing sound over there suddenly became strong and the earth was moving. He rode on the horse, didn't know why, looked at the back and looked at the front again.

"This is the last battle..."

"Only killing him, you have peace..."

"Under such a mobilization, false intelligence, the imperial court can't react, they can't take risks..."

"The people in Dulonggang are prepared and don't care..."

"Three thousand hit two thousand, we only kill Ning Liheng..."

"This is not Dulonggang, the terrain is empty..."

"We have been turning for so long, dragging them to run, and finally finding the opportunity..."

Yes, I found the opportunity... He felt that the sound and the voice suddenly seemed to be a bit big, but it was close to the barrier of the mountain, the windy relationship, and the sudden increase of the movement was normal. He swayed his reins violently, his horseshoes speeded up, and the pedestrians rushed up the mountain. Finally, they crossed the line that blocked the view. The fire appeared in front of them, and the smile on Songjiang’s face reflected in the far light. The mountain wind is full of roaring momentum, rolling in!


The warrior is awkward. The sound is rolling, the blood is boiling, and the earth is moving. Under the leadership of the leader, Sanqian Liangshan was killed in the camp of Dulonggang and collided with the lineup of two thousand people. Fighting...

The torch and the light of the fire reflected the night sky. Then on the open battlefield under the sky, the lit fire began to spread. On both sides of the land of the warrior, there are two teams that are coming along with the torches. It is like a huge geese line, and the raids toward Liangshan are soaring...

This picture. Reflecting the eyes of Songjiang on the mountain, his eyes are black and black, impossible, impossible to guess...


In the woods under the moonlight night, people dressed in strange clothes such as grass and leaves are silently rising in the darkness, one or two... Hey, someone fell from the tree, and the leaves flew...

Like a huge abyss coming...

"Ah..." Xi Junxi heard that the voice was very long and he thought about the words. Then, "...surprise."

...numerable pictures flashed from the painful mind, and then there was a piecemeal sound.

The sound of smothering and escaping, like the fire that surrounds the whole world, the three thousand people of Liangshan, first gathered like a vortex. Then, the retreat is like a tide...

Running backwards, the trees and the ironic moon hang in the sky, the movements in the woods are getting bigger and bigger...

Strangled from the rear, then the arrows that fly out, he remembers. One shot on his shoulder...

Then there is killing, pain...

The head is still creaking, he can vaguely feel that he is lying on the ground, cold feeling, someone shouted "the male brother ..." shine for a while. Someone is walking around.

"Ah... grab another one..."

"I have to wash it first..."

The voice didn't know why, and made him feel extremely abominable, and in this, there was another kind of horror and chill from the bottom of his heart. Sometimes the eyes are slightly open. You can see the steps of walking, the hem of the robes.

"...啧. Those leaves and grass must have insects, I itch and die, I still don't dare to move... I remember that when I walked forward, my hand seemed to touch it, and I never did this again... ..."

"You have a kind of killing Laozi!"

"Okay." After a while, the body was taken away. "Who else has this requirement?"

The light is still changing, and consciousness has become more and more clear. The man was talking to someone, and later said: "Ah, the garden garden Zhang Qing, I know you... I know him."

Struggling, but the hands and feet should be tied. Trying to open his eyes, someone shouted: "Gong Ming brother." The young man in the front wearing a robe of the book was talking to his companions around him, his eyes swept away. This is the center of a simple camp. The outside beggars should not be finished. But it seems quiet. I lay in the ground, surrounded by cages of prisoners, and several brothers who were arrested were **** and thrown inside. Among them, Zhu Wu, but the cage door was not closed, and Xi Junyi was also **** with his hands and kneeling there. On the side, the expression is silent, the eyes are sluggish, and a word is not made, probably only in this form to cope with the scene.


The young man went back to this side, looked at him and patted his palm: "Wake up, can you see me? First time meet... yes, towel."

The person in front of him is Ning Liheng - although this is their first time to meet, but Song Jiang can also know this, the other person hesitated with a towel: "You have something, under the nostrils... ...well, I will wipe it off for you... it’s blood.” The other person wiped it and threw the towel away. In fact, Song Jiang knew that he had blood under his nostrils at this time. He should be all blood after being beaten, but Ning Yi did not pay attention to this.

"Song Jiang woke up, who, who hasn't gotten there, go see it..."

"It's impossible, it's impossible... you can't guess, you can't have so many people..."

"What?" Ning Yi looked back and listened. "Human? Oh, that's the people of Wurui camp. I asked them to ambush them on both sides of the warrior. There aren't many, almost 3,000 people on each side, so you call me. When it’s not two thousand, it’s eight thousand, you only have three thousand, we have eight thousand...”

He said a few words, someone came over to report the news, went to listen, then went to this side, lowered his head and drew a few strokes on a small book, looked up and looked mild: "I can see you very much. Strange... Yes, forget to tell you about the situation. When you hit it, we wrapped it up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ killed some people, and almost two thousand are now blocked by us in the foothills of the west. Some of them may want to climb the mountain, but...hey, pull it down. We will attack the general attack, people will die, but there is still a little time, you can talk to you a little..."

Ning Yi put away the small book and leaned against a wooden table in the center of the venue. Look at this side: "The matter is over, anyway, let's make a summary."

Listening to the plain tone, Song Jiang’s heart showed some hunch, and a heart has completely sunk. What he thinks now is actually no doubt.

"I, I... even if it is a crime of rebellion, I will go to Beijing to be tried, you..."

Ning Yi looked at him, his eyes were quiet, he did not answer. For a moment, his eyes looked at the west side of the camp and began to talk: "In fact, the beginning of the whole thing is like this..."

The night winds of the early autumn blew over, soaked in a colder colder than the harsh winter, and smashed through the camp. In the foothills to the west of the camp, more than 2,000 people were blocked from the exit, watching a gradual rise outside the mountain. Simple wooden tables accumulate doubts and despair. After a short time, this continued the grievances of several months, entangled the source of the grievances of Liangshan for several years, and the forces with great physical body will all come to an end this night...

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