Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 437: Where is the bitterness of Bodhi?

The sound of shouting smashed the night sky, the fire was boiling, the smoke was filled, and the high places beside the mountain, some people lit the littan ball, and although the inside of the mountain was not small, it was smouldering to force more than 2,000 people. come out. m

When the soldiers and brothers met, there was a hysterical rebellion. Some people cried because of the injury, while others tried to surrender. But this night's warriors smashed, killing eventually became the theme. When Song Jiang fell, all the heads fell, lost the backbone of the heart, lost the base, and repeatedly rushed and continually counted Liangshan people, can not take the momentum of the mourning Come, when the people of Dulonggang led the officers and men, and with **** hatred against the mountains, the ones left behind in the melee were a piece of dead body and a residual limb.

There are also a small number of people who try to revenge or try to break through. In the current situation, they struggle to tear the entire encirclement, but they have not been able to organize attacks that are too powerful.

The hearts of the people have been scattered, and the courage is cold. Even if they want to ask for life, at most they are only struggling to be tenacious. Under the siege of large blockbusters, they will soon be drowned.

When Yan Qing and Guan Sheng came out of the camp, what they saw was the boiling sea of ​​people in front of the mountains. They were not hurt very much. After the bandaging treatment, they still had pain and weakness, but they only took a break. The instigation in their hearts prompted them to take it out. A soldier from Zhujiazhuang followed them silently.

They embarked on a small slope. In front of the mountain, there are countless torches and battle flags mixed together. The arrows fly over the sky, and the fireballs on the cliffs on both sides of the mountain roll down. From the people who want to fight and rush out, there are faces that they are familiar with. . In front of the Liangshan people, the people in Dulonggang rushed to the front and killed the most, but the mountains were not wide. Someone can pass and some are placed behind. All the way to see, among the soldiers, some people were excited to hysterical, some people with red eyes laughing, some people face fierce, clamoring to kill in the past. For them, this is a feast of revenge.

Some people were injured and were brought back. When Yan Qing Guan Sheng used to pass, he could hear a broken arm shouting on the stretcher: "I avenge! I killed two! I avenged..." I don't know who is reporting the hatred, saying I cried out, but the crying was weak. It was sorrowful, and the doctor who followed him calmed him down, but he couldn’t stop it. Finally lifted to the distance, no sound, I do not know whether it was fainting, or died.

The body of Song Jiang and others was still placed near the wooden platform. For Yan Qing and Guan Sheng, it is difficult to tell what kind of mood it is. And with their eyes. It can also be found that the current warriors are fighting for an all-involuntary annihilation war. Pushing people to death, even though Liangshan has not been able to organize a unified military. To kill them, they will pay a price. Only in front of this, in this neighborhood, the words spoken by the people in Dulong, the expression of excitement, and the blushing eyes, can find the necessity of this annihilation war.

And a little more forward, they saw the young scholar who dominated everything. I moved the chair like that and sat on the battlefield. It was also a small soil slope, and there was no light under the big tree. He sat there, leaning against the back of the chair, leaning his head slightly and wondering what he was thinking, and the whole body seemed to be embedded in the darkness. The shield guards guarded him as much as possible before and after, and a little ahead, it was the people of Dulonggang. On the Liangshan side, there are also people who can find this place. They are led by Li Wei, Hua Rong, Sun Erniang and others, struggling and squatting, and they are going to kill here. In the trend that people around us are getting less and less, it is necessary to kill a **** road...

Ning Yi just sat in the darkness, not knowing what he was thinking...

In the most noisy time, there will be something erupting from the bottom of my heart, like the sugar stains on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the spring, and the light of the moment when the eaves are dripping. It is a bit warm, but it is unpredictable.

In Jiangning, the Xiaoshan Academy, which is not big and has little fame, once had such a group of children, they will come to class in the spring, summer, autumn and winter. They may not all be cute, or stupid or stubborn. They would all have a tomorrow...

The Yushan Academy is more of a professor's family. There is such a child. When she was six years old, she was told to go to school by Ning Yi. When the child reached this age, it was mostly well-behaved. Ning Yi taught him what to polite. After the rainstorm, the child became two. In the body of the corpse, there are several children, he knows...

People in this world will encounter tigers. If you look like a bachelor, you can comfort some people, including him. You may be able to shape yourself so innocently. You can explain how much bad things you have encountered, so that one person... will not indulge in pain and question. But in this case, it should not be placed on those children.

Hui is easy to hurt, and love is not long. Walking through such a path, he may be able to suppress the sympathy and compassion in his heart, but there will always be something that will accumulate in his heart. At some point, it will spurt out and sigh his emotions...

Although there should be no emotions when doing things, things are coming to an end...


In the darkness, the **** scent lingers in the nose, and when the killing sound comes, the bracelet is like a rosary, and the ones are turning in the hand.

Far from being there, Li Wei, but what he shouted, Ning Yi did not think about it.

Some emotions, from the moment the steel knife stabbed into the body of Song Jiang, came up from the heart and loosened the cornerstone of the mind, but after all, it does not matter. He feels these quietly, and the sadness and anger overlap, which is what he originally pressed in his heart.

From the moment he realized the whole state of affairs in the heavy rain at the end of March, he had never shown these emotions. When I saw those corpses, I didn’t see the people on Liangshan. I killed Liangshan people one by one, not one by one, even though he sometimes appeared as fearful cold and crazy, in actual On the emotional level, he has never been shaken, or even unwilling to let any anger dominate his actions.

If he really shows any anger, Song Jiang and others feel it. Maybe it is not fear. Before everything is done, he just wants to spread fear and despair completely and efficiently. But at this time, those things can finally come up from the heart and entangle his whole thoughts.

Qi Xinyong, Wang Shanyue and others are guarding him, paying attention to the accident or the flow, and only they are close together, can understand the things around here. I can also hear the strange accent that is squatting in the mouth of this strange young man, as he was squatting on the hillside outside of Dulonggang that night. Slow and ethereal, counting the rosary, there is an atmosphere that is incompatible with the battlefield.

Li Wei’s snoring is still coming.

"Kill you--"

"Ning Liheng! You come out..."

"I will not let you go, kill your whole family -"

"Hahaha, we killed you at the same day. I don't know if I have touched your woman-"

"There is kind of watching Laozi -"

The number of people who have been killed with him has become less and less. Sun Erniang and Hua Rong are killed in the middle of the battle. Li Wei is waving a double axe and going all the way: "Who dares to block me--" He is wielding a double axe like a **** demon. Already killed near, the spear was stabbed next to him, and the hook was locked on him. He swayed and slammed, and the next soldier was pulled down to the ground, but after all, he had inserted some arrows and a few hooks flew. Embedded in his chest and abdomen, almost tearing his stomach apart, his hands squatting and struggling forward. Finally, the legs were stabbed and the whole person was on the ground. He is still squatting forward.

Not far from the shield array, Ning Yi opened his eyes, rubbed his forehead, and for a moment, walked out with a wolf iron rod. Li Wei’s entire stomach was almost opened, and he looked fierce and looked at Ning Yi: “You...the thief ostrich, there is a kind of... Looking at Laozi’s eyes, Laozi’s next life...and...”

Ning Yi looked at his eyes and raised the iron rod: "You can see it for a lifetime..."

The iron bar hit the door of Li Wei, and his head leaned back. Then, on the battlefield, he suddenly heard a roar: "A group of bastards!" The second stick went down and interrupted Li's entire neck. The head leaned back toward the back.

Life gradually passed away, and the killing on the battlefield came to an end. Ning Yi returned to the rear military camp, wiped the blood stains on his body, and then prepared to start doing the aftermath.

At the time of the arrangement, Zhu Hu came in from outside the account. He seemed to be a servant. It was quite exciting for the people of Liangshan to finally fall to this step, but first he gave a note to Ning Yi.

Ning Yi started the note and looked at it for a moment. He looked at Zhuhu and wished Tiger Road: "Twelve days, I was in charge of inquiring about the information. I got this news. In fact, the information of the rivers and lakes will inevitably be inaccurate. ......"

Ning Yi nodded, then nodded again, looked at the people in the tent, and finally said: "I just said... Song Jiang their corpse, head to Wu Ruiying, the rest, whatever, feed the dog to feed the wolf or It’s burning, how convenient... I... I’m a little bit of something. I wish you, I’ll accompany me for a trip... Jeju, can you?”

There, I wish you a slight injury on the body, and looked up: "Of course."

"You have to go right away, you go... call two hundred people, you can go now, and you are willing to go with me. The rest is still here to kill people. In fact, it has already been arranged, Wang brothers are responsible for the Wurui camp. Dealing with the surrounding government, Wenyu also left, and the three brothers followed me. Things are a little anxious, please come here, more... I will come back later."

Seeing that he was so anxious, Wang Shanyue frowned. "Is it a teacher..."

"Oh." Ning Yi nodded. "It shouldn't be too big. Let's deal with the business first. I will come over, or you will get it. It used to be the same as me."

After the arrangement was completed, Ning Yi left the camp and went to the carriage. The mountain was between the mountains and the killings. The killing was going to the final stage. The light was extended to the surrounding mountains. It was part of the people who escaped in the clean-up battle. It is. The carriage drove away from the military camp, and the rear wished to lead two hundred people or follow the horse riding or running. In the carriage, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ning Yi took the note and saw it again, but in fact, I could not see it. More things come.

——On the afternoon of July 12, Lu Hong was ambushed and besieged by Lin Chong, Shi Jin, Sun Li, Chen Jinxia, ​​Lu Wenhu and the newly arrived “Wanli Lone” swallowing monk and other monks near Hei Niugang. Now, the whereabouts are unknown, and the green foresters near Anping County are still on a large-scale hunt.

July 12, it was a day and a half ago...

"I have to sleep for a while, even though I don't care for me."

He said so, he finished the whole clothes and lay down on the side of the carriage. Soon after, I fell asleep.

In the dream, a few children came over and said goodbye to him.

The carriage is wearing a moon, and it runs all the way on the rugged road.

Soon after, the sky is raining...


There should be a summary of Liangshan at the meeting.

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