Zhui Xu

: Summary of the first paragraph of "Water Margin"

First of all, the fourth episode should be changed to a name, from "the feast of Kaifeng" to "wildfire", this is a small matter. .

Then talk about the section of the water.

As far as I am concerned, writing an article will have a habit, the plot is not mine, I will not write. But how does the plot become "my"? The standard is to understand a certain image, then you can shape it in your brain, you can substitute it, and then you can pass it out in my own way. Usually I will have such a digest before I write something. process.

If you want to make an analogy, there will usually be some people in the same language - I have seen some before, usually do not like it, because the traces of cartoons are too heavy, the author gave up his own things, such as columns, for the things that belong to the animation. Some of the "stalks" and the like, after reading the reader, completely think of cartoons, they find it interesting, but in fact, this is not the way to write books.

Of course, this is just my personal likes and dislikes.

I don't have any personal feelings or prejudice against the leeches. I really don't. Because before that, I have never seen the water rumors completely, and the perception of piecemeality will certainly be there. When it is usually positive, I like Wu Song, like Lu Zhishen, like Lin Chong, and like 扈三娘. After the initial clues to the otter, when I faced the third episode, I had considered whether or not there would be a martial arts Liu watermelon, because there was still a choice at the time, that is, when Ning Yi went north, I might be able to write扈三娘, and at that time there was already a red mention. If there is another watermelon, Sanniang is a bit redundant.

Finally I chose watermelon.

Then when the plot of the otter really needs to be written, I made up a bit of water, in order to make the characters really digest and clue. I must grasp the psychological activities of each character, because, for example, Ning Yi killed Song Jiang, I not only want to enter Ning Yi, but also to enter Song Jiang, I want to regard myself as Song Jiang, to determine that his heart has the greatest fear... Ning Yi’s awkwardness, many people think that I am preaching something to readers, such as the nihilistic view of good and evil, no good or evil, but it is not. In fact, Ning Yi said: Take out good and evil, I will kill you, put aside good and evil, I must kill you today. His **** is to give Song Jiang the greatest fear and trample. When a person can't argue with his own life for his own life, that is, even if he can't even speak, it is the biggest trampling of that person. "I kill you, please understand."

Therefore, in the process of digestion, I encountered many psychological obstacles. How did Qin Ming feel the "righteousness" of Song Jiang, and then he went to worship, and when San Mia was killed in the whole family and then forced to marry, in the book Written is "I feel that the leader is very loyal..." How did she feel it?

Ordinary people comment on the leeches, and they will say that 扈三娘 has no personality, or that Schneider has a contempt for women. Comments can be evaluated like this, but I have to write, I can't do this in my heart. Everyone's mood must be causal and as reasonable as possible. Once I write it, I have to enter this role to speak. I have to see how his character comes from. I can only make a reasonable brain filling, such as Miao Sanniang, her family was killed, her fiancé was killed, Zhujiazhuang was slaughtered, and all the people she knew were killed in front of her. She may have been a more arrogant woman before. At the time, she was also scared. I only saw an ancient woman who was scared in the face of many evils. This line went.

Then many people have to make up their minds and try to make these characters "understand". I originally thought about "receiving" some people. But then, when I really understood it, the plot developed into this. In the middle, there are many book friends who attribute it to the fact that bananas are biased against the otters. There are really no ones, and some people will measure my likes and dislikes. In fact, some of my likes and dislikes are in them, but it’s not that important, my There is a world in my mind. I can certainly push him, add something, see how it evolves, and find interesting ways of evolution, but I never change it because of my likes and dislikes. This section of the leeches is more Let them develop their own process under the indulgence of laissez-faire.

Then, reading a book and substituting a character can be very cool, and perhaps it can be very relaxed. If you enter Ning Yi, you may have a thrill of killing the Quartet - if most people feel it, it is my success. . But in this, there are some things that I want to talk about after I see it now.

We are weak!

This sentence is very important, so I repeat it again: us! It is weak!

I used to write some wonderful things, but the world and conflicts I describe are cruel, because what I see is so cruel, cruel and unreasonable. To preach the beauty of the world is meaningless for us to do things. What makes sense is that we can find something beautiful. But good things are fragile. Ning Yi’s means are hot, because some good things have been broken.

Haruki Murakami has a saying: When strength is moral, it will be defeated by stronger.

There are some book friends who believe in the concept of good and evil of nihilism, thinking that the world is no good and no evil, only interests and ass. I don't like such things, but in fact, things like nihilism, when a person comes into contact with a lot of social messages, can't identify and can't hold their inner morals, it's easy to appear, and he still makes people feel like they Very bright. But in fact, this stage of life is usually no different from S2.

We are weak. Why, in fact, many of the book friends are probably very powerful in their own right, or they are born in the society, but even such a person, if only measured by the strength of strength, is stronger forever. But if the world is really good and evil, the strong bully the weak, or really do not need a reason.

The world is cruel, so the beauty is precious. Some things, not a family, but you need to fight for and protect. In this world, we are all weak, and the things in our hands may be taken away, and the goodness we have may not be guaranteed. If one day, someone tramples over, can the law completely protect you? Now who is at home and looking for a relationship. For example, a billionaire, you offended him, and people spend money to kill you, maybe it's easy to put things down. There are examples in the world. In a world of nihilism and good and evil, if people want to step on you, they will step on you unscrupulously. It is morality that can really protect you, so that strong people can not be unscrupulous, and that people can be as equal as possible.

As far as I can see, the more people who have no permanent production, the more they are at the bottom of society, the more they despise morality, good and evil. But on the contrary, it is a bit of awe, how much can be awe. I didn't go up, I was at the bottom of the same level as everyone, and when I wrote these things, I felt fear.

One day, people who were forced to the extreme can only pick up guns and kill people on the street. They can only go to the kindergarten to kill children, just as Ma Jiajue killed his classmates. One day such a thing may land on you and my head, be bad luck, nowhere to go, nowhere to go, no evil. People in Liangshan are similar to this.

But the only thing that can protect you and me is morality and good and evil. Morality and good and evil do not really do what everyone can do in a truly equal way. It is not necessarily learning Lei Feng, but giving everyone an equal bond, what is right, what is wrong. The law is hierarchical in any case. For the weak, I think it is more clear to recognize this.

There may be evil reasons in the world, but the so-called world is a whole of each of us. We are powerless, but we are part of the composition, one billionth of a billion, we are all part of this evil. .

Oh, I always want to spare no effort to say this, we may become a leeches, but they may not be sorghum. And a society, after the bottom of the collapse, will often usher in the upper level of collapse. Throughout the ages of 5,000 years, we have all killed ourselves. In fact, the upper level does not necessarily know such a state of affairs. In recent years, more and more vigorous promotion of morality, the slogan of learning Lei Feng, criticizing the Pleasant Goat is too violent... This kind of propaganda may not be powerful, and many times we only see irony, but Perhaps it is only due to the law of over-correction.

If we are in the Song Dynasty, we may not be able to do anything. When the social order is rigid and collapses, people are not as good as dogs. But we are indeed in a new era that we have not seen in thousands of years. The reason is that everyone has read the book, read the book, and will make a sound. If it is received, it will cause change. This change will be slow, not intense. So I always want to say, we don’t want to learn Lei Feng. We just have to speak. We can say the right thing right, right or wrong, and never say it, this will be a huge one. The span will make the society better.

In fact, these things, I originally intended to say after the whole book is written, oh, in my conception, it will be a long story, the title is "赘婿 赘婿 Summary: Give me what I love and hate us", when This book has written the face of an era, and made it clear why a world has declined. Why do we have to resist, why do we want to fight for patriotism, and say clearly what is meant by patriotism, perhaps that thing will be more convincing, But suddenly I saw some nihilistic views of good and evil, and I couldn't help but want to say something first.

This is something that is both pragmatic and pragmatic, but after reading it, you can actually forget it. The retreat of it is that I think that can change the world, and as long as everyone speaks, it can change the world. The pragmatic point is that I don't encourage everyone to learn Lei Feng. I just hope that people can speak for good and evil, so simple. But of course you can forget this. I just hope that when everyone is cool and relaxed, they can leave a trace of fear.

- We are weak.

The evil of Liangshan people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, part of it is the reason of the world, there are reasons for corrupt officials. Like Lin Chong, being forced to that level, he can only rebel. In terms of his **** hatred, the revenge for the enemy is based on the fact that there is no upper limit and no lower limit, but he can’t go to the capital and go to the high school, whether it is done or not. You can be understood when you don't want to die. On the Ning Yi side, there are also legitimate reasons. Because when things really come to someone, the rest is only rebellious. If the truth is said, please make sense. If the reason says no, please forcefully resist, and the resistance must be so fierce.

This is my "Water Margin". I only promise that I have understood it sincerely. Some people think that it is different from what he understands. Some people think that I like Lu Zhishen. It is everyone's freedom. There are also people in the book review area who think that the protagonist as a modern person should tolerate the ancients and preach what the universal value is. If someone wants to kill you, whether it is killing or killing only half, after this fact You are willing to preach the universal value with him and forgive him inclusively. It is also your freedom, it is not my business...

Ah, I almost forgot to ask for a ticket! Seeking the monthly ticket, everyone ^_^ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.) (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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