Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 439: Shengguan Caicai

At the beginning of the autumn day, the breath of summer has not yet fully condensed in the city of Yanliang. When the clouds are dense, the rain is coming.

For the people at this time, the sudden rainstorms could not cover the warm and boiling emotions in the city. During this time, the most shocking and happy news of the Wu Dynasty came from the north.

Victory in the Northern Expedition, the 200,000-strong army of the children’s army broke Yanjing, and the more than half of Yanyun’s 16th state regained

When the news came, the humiliation and dreams of the past two hundred years finally revealed the dawn of the first line. For the people of Yiliang, especially Confucian students, it is a great joy to celebrate the day. In such an atmosphere, the relative defeat of the East Lake, the Liangshan Mountain, is almost a trivial matter. The National Games Changlong, the time to cooperate with the heavens and the earth, under these circumstances, the national dynasty military front, the districts and the public look natural and collapse, not worth mentioning.

Since the importance of the Broken Mountain is much lower than that of breaking Yanjing, after the news came, there was no publicity. In fact, the news of Liangshan’s incident came before the Yanjing situation, but because of some of the joints, the procedure for handling it was temporarily postponed, and then there was not much need for propaganda, as long as With the victory of Yanjing, the rest of the things will be icing on the cake, eclipsed.

It is also in such an atmosphere that Su Taner leads a family of Su, with a child who is three months old, and comes to the Liangliang.

A group of people lived in the yard that Ning Yi bought before. After a little bit of management, the first visit was to the right side Qin Qinyuan. For the Qin family, she is not as familiar with the Qin and Qin families, but Qin Yuyuan, Mrs. Qin and others have paid great attention to Ning Yi, and the children brought by them have successfully opened the "diplomatic" breakthrough. Xiao Ning, a young man, is in good health and quite lovely. Mrs. Qin saw that she was not happy. She said that the child is intelligent and wants to accept him as a grandson and let Su Taner bring more children to play.

The Qin family's love for Ning Yi · Natural part of it comes from Ning Yi, which is self-evident. However, the glory of the child was originally linked to the mother. As a parent of Ning, in the future, he would inherit Ning Yi’s clothes and provoke the burden of Ningjia and Su’s family. Every praise of him is also praised on the heart of Su Tan. After these family members, when Ms. Niang gave Su Taner a message about Ning Yi, she further explained why the Qin family would pay such attention to Ning Yi.

From this past, a month of time broke the Liangshan Mountain, killing tens of thousands of people in Liangshan to give the first and surrender. For whom, this is a dreamy record. Ning Yi’s revenge is fast and embarrassing, as if in the past, he will stick out the giants of the sky and turn the entire Liangshan to the ground. For women, this is also the momentum of the head of the family that can really rely on, but also as a pragmatic person, Su Taner can naturally understand the dangers. There was heavy rain outside the house, and in the bright yellow light in the room, she listened to her mother's words. The information that came from them, and reached out to the lips, was also red-eyed.

"He, he is not hurt?"

"Reassuring · I heard that I have never been injured. This time, he relied on his backs and tactics. But now Liangshan’s daggers are still fleeing. I don’t know how long it will take to cut off all of them. But I want to come to Liheng’s means, and soon there will be a good news. Come……"

"He is a fierce means. He will be nailed in the eyes of a monk. Song Jiang, they will stare at him sooner or later. I only hope that he has nothing to do..." Taner sat there, laughing and shed tears. .

Yan Niang smiled and said a few words, and said: "Recently, the most exciting thing in the government is the thing of Liangshan. My family always praises the case, if the situation of Yanjing is tense, many things are imminent. Things were originally to be spread..."

"After all, it is more important for Yanjing.······"

"Yanjing······" 芸 笑 笑 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀 檀It’s a bit of a secret, but it’s a secret, and Tan is not an outsider, but don’t mention it with others...”

In the atmosphere of the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial sorrow, the niece and the son of the son of the singer raised the matter, some helpless. At this time, the Qin government or the entire capital city, a very small number of people who know the inside story to talk about this matter, may not have the ecstasy of others. Like the Qin Dynasty after the study area, the interior of the Secret Investigation Division.

At this time, Cheng Zhouhai has left. The people who handle affairs here are Qi Zuian, Ji Kun, Jue Ming, and Wen. Occasionally, if someone sends a poem to the poetry of the ancestors and the monks in the room to celebrate the return of Yanjing, the two people who are well-known in the literary and social circles are mostly interested in lack. In fact, when they say it, if the road is still in the sea, maybe it will be ruined, and even half of the tea set in the room.

In fact, after the news about Yanjing was heard, the monk who had always cultivated had a fist on the tea set in front of him. He almost smashed a set of purple sand tea sets, and the pieces were embedded in his hands. The blood has been flowing out, and the body and the anger at the same time is the temperament of his former royal family.

For the sake of this world, there are always things, some emotions, and no way to get rid of them. And when various news came one after another, everyone could stabilize their emotions, but only occasionally sighed: "It is always a good thing."

When the heavy rain fell, there was one person in the north, thousands of miles apart. In the nightmare, repeating everything about the Yanjing incident...

In the darkness, the light that shines in front of you is like the light of purgatory. In the ancient and dark city of the night, the sound of killing is boiling and coming out...

When she suddenly sat up from the bed, Guo’s forehead was already in a cold sweat, and the light was dim, and it was raining outside. He came down from the bed, put on his clothes, bite his teeth, and experienced everything in that day.

In mid-May, Guo Pharmacist finally won the approval of Tong Guan and Liu Yanqing, and the six thousand elites in the resentment army cooperated with Liu Yanqing's direct identity and attacked Yanjing. According to his understanding of the Liao Kingdom, the whole plan was serious and rigorous. The leading troops successfully sneaked into the city, broke the city gate, and launched a chaotic killing in the ancient capital Yanjing.

At this time, the Liao people and the Jin State hit the army, and the army had no intention of fighting. Especially when the Wu dynasty army suddenly entered the Liaodu, such as the Heavenly Soldier, the signal to everyone was that the Liao Kingdom had reached its fate. In the early days of success, Guo Pharmacist was overjoyed and sent people to make Xiao Tai down. Liu Yanqing is also a big joy here, and announced that he will wait until the army enters the city and does not seal the knife. For Tong Guan, Liu Yanqing, etc., the failure of the Liao war has required a big victory, and the soldiers in the army also need more incentives. Such orders come from Liu Yanqing’s mouth and also from Tong Tong. Heroic.

"Children lead the army, there is no other soldiers who use their lives, and give up for me, I will never be ill-treated to the generals!"!

Under such an order, the order of the Wu dynasty army gradually disappeared and began to burn in the city. Guo Pharmacist’s heart was arrogant, and he negotiated with him, but he was immediately refuted: “How many people have killed me in the Wu Dynasty in the Liao people for a hundred years, pharmacists, you only belong to the Wu Dynasty, I don’t know the depth of this vengeance. You are not doing this. A lot of words, when the mind is more than lost, the situation has been fixed, how can the vents be vented? Hahahaha..."

Although the Liao people are already at the end of the strong, but the man in the north is still somewhat bloody, the next day, the resistance within Yanjing gradually became stronger. Although the Empress Dowager is a female sect but her temperament is also strong, she took the opportunity to cry to Chen in the city's heroes, and then defeated the city gate. It was not to drive the Wu dynasty army out of the city, but to close the city gate and go with the Wu dynasty army. . In such a situation, Guo Yaoshi and others actually still have the upper hand, but the Liu Xingshi troops who had originally planned to come to the army have never been there.

On the third day of the war, Xiao Wang, the king of the North Court, led the army to return to Yanjing, screaming at the city, and smothering Guo Pharmacists and others to the city. At this time, the rebel army still has the power to fight. Guo Yaoshi is a famous general. He has been waiting for Liu Xingshi’s main force to come. He knows that once the rout is formed, it will inevitably be robbed and persuade the thousands of people directly under Liu Yanqing to fight against him. Dry, even if the war and retreat, the main force will still be able to fight.

There was nodded and promised, and then with the Xiaogan Bingfeng, the entire army collapsed. Guo Pharmacist could only watch with stunned eyes that these Wu dynasties rushed to flee, and such escapes dragged the morale of the blaming army. At the time, Xiao Gan was indeed a morale like a rainbow. It was quite terrible. The rebel army in front of it was like a sand castle under a huge wave. It only resisted for a moment and then fell to the ground. At this time, Guo Pharmacist also tried to organize an orderly retreat, thinking that he saved the power, but the sporadic resistance was only a little time for the Wu dynasty army to break. On the battle front, when he once again faced the terrible North King, he was almost shackled by the other side, and many old brothers guarded him all the way to escape. Fortunately, he was not caught.

Liu Xingshi’s main force tens of thousands of people arrived at this time, and saw that the friendly army had collapsed. These tens of thousands of people were also beaten by Xiao Gan who was chased all the way. Then the child’s child in the rear knows that the defeat has been presented. He has no choice but to resist, but he has turned around and has withdrawn all the way to preserve the entire Northern Expeditionary Army.

Throughout the war, when more than 6,000 people who blamed the army came back, there were only a thousand people, plus two thousand people who held the battle. The eight thousand brothers who had originally invested in the Wu Dynasty had only three thousand left. In the military of Wu Dynasty, they shouted and searched for responsibilities. According to the literary officials, after the war, they were looking for the cause of defeat, and they could win the next time. In such a shackle, the resentment of the child is only a few words of relief, shelved aside.

Guo Pharmacian originally thought that these guys would take the resentful army to carry this black pot, but the means of childhood is beautiful. When the war was defeated, I immediately contacted the Jurchen, and I did not know what conditions I had promised. After that, the Jin people sent troops, and they drove straight forward, broke Yanjing, burned and looted, and handed over a remnant city to Wu Dynasty. When Guo Pharmacist really reacted, Tong Tong has sent back the news of Yan Jing’s victory to the south and began to publicize this unsuccessful work.

For the disposition of the resentful army, there is a sacred purpose in this heavy rain: "·················································································· Feng Guo Pharmacist is the martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts martial arts

A large number of gifts and titles were placed in front of Guo's pharmacist. In the eyes of Guo Yaoshi's eyes, Liu Xingshi, who was also promoted to the position of the reward, came over with a smile and was close to Guo Yao. This evening, Chang Xingjun opened a banquet, Liu Xingshi and Guo Pharmacist drunk before leaving. For the delay of the army's northward advancement, Liu Xingshi said that he has been very guilty, but also explained in detail that the Wucha army is not so fast. At this time, everyone had a reward, and they were promoted to make a fortune. He only had a face to see Guo Pharmacist, and he said that he was sorry. At the same time, he said sincerely that the Wu dynasty had regarded Guo Pharmacist as a good man, and had a good fight. !

For Liu Xingshi, this may be the best attitude for Guo Yao Shi.

After Liu Xingshi was sent away, the sky was dark and the rain was still going down. Guo Pharmacist took the imperial edict and stood outside the tent, watching the rain drop and pouring on himself. The two old brothers who have survived to know that he has been defeating Yanjing recently, came over and comforted him. He said: "This is a good thing. Finally, let go of a heart. Then we can recruit again. ""

"Children’s side, there is still a conscience, and finally have not forgotten us...·····

The two said this, the drunk Guo pharmacist looked at them with red eyes, and the emperor gradually shook it, clenched his teeth, and tried to throw it in the rain, but finally did not dare. He waved his hand heavily, looked at the darkness in the rain, and stretched his fingers for a moment.

"Let's more than 5,000 brothers, I originally, I originally brought you..." he muttered in his mouth, finally falling into tears in the rain, suppressing and smashing out, "Wang! Eight! Eggs

The voice echoed in the rain.

This day is the July 13th of the Wu Dynasty Jinghan Year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, the ruins of Zhangzhou, a thousand miles away from the south, more than 3,000 people from Liangshan are rushing down the hillside and rushing down to the Dulonggang people. The camp is raging

Far away from Shandong, Ning Yi could not know the situation in the north for the first time. He was not interested in it for the time being. Woke up from my sleep, my heart was a little tired, and some small figures said goodbye to him forever in that dream. Even though I knew that most of my dreams were my own wishful thinking, I still couldn’t help but be faint. The emotions filled my mind. It’s still raining outside, but the sky is already clear. Because of the bad road between these heavy rains, everyone has to rest in the station on the road, and more than two hundred people have fast and slow feet. The first batch has cars. More than 30 people in the horse are in the forefront, and the rest must find a place to stay behind.

Ning Yi left the carriage, the backyard of the station, he slept, and the people did not even call him. Under the heavy rain, there are lonely lanterns hanging alone. In the darkness of the rain, the station has actually gone to sleep. Some of the accompanying people are going to sleep in this simple hall or under the arm. Ning Yi went to the second floor to find a place to sit, watching the night rain blowing a cool wind, waiting for Zhu Yu and others to wake up and tell him about the green forest masters and various situations that will be met in the past. ···

Hey, today in the middle of the seal, the editor said to seize the opportunity, then ..... Seeking Like!

Well, ok.

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