Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 439: Pour rain, twilight skylight

The heavy rain is still falling, and the sky is dark.

"If you are in Anping County or Hei Niugang area, if you are riding a full force, it will take about half a day. But in such a sky, the road will not go well. There are mountain roads, and the roads are worn out. If this is a rainy day, if it is trapped in the middle of the road. I am afraid it will take more time." Zhuhu probably knows his mood, and he said, "And if there are only a dozen people and 20 people riding horses first, even if this time has passed, fear is not meaningful."

"so smart?"

"This film has always been a place where strong tycoons gather, green forest people, go to the single gang, Zhuxi to Anping area, surrounded by several stockades are quite fierce, if the darts are not in the background, it is not from here. Dulonggang The name can be used here, but if there is a big dispute..."

Ning Yi frowned. "Is it better than Liangshan?"

"Oh, this..."

Ning Yi’s speech at this time, since there is a power, comes with the mood. I wished that Tiger was not very good at talking, but then I saw Ning Yi shook his head and smiled. "Oh, it’s a joke, I want to smash it..." He remembered Lu Hong’s situation, after all, he’s already nervous. To the highest degree, but even turn around.

Zhuhu also laughed: "It is better than Liangshan. It is just that now the army is a mixture of dragons and snakes. Now it is even more chaotic. If you rush to the past, you are afraid of accidents."

"Is two hundred people enough?"

"Difficult to say." Zhu Hu shook his head. "The problem is not big, but when it is over there, it is the place of the green forest. The name of Dulonggang can be used. The name of Liheng can be used to break up Liangshan and the official residence. In the middle, there are fears, but it is hard to say. Is there any guy who wants to be famous and not to be killed? The swallowing monk who is nicknamed 'Wanli' is so wanted to come to the official residence, but in this film. It is still a master of the wind and water, and people are scared..."

Ning Yi nodded and passed the border of Zhangzhou. The counties of Zhuxi and Anping were mostly barren hills, and they were also the gathering place for the green forest people. It’s just that these people are different from Liangshan. They have a small dial. The army is not incapable of squatting, but once the troops are scattered, the army will return when they leave. If the short-term goal is to break up these people, the significance is not great, but it will only arouse public grievances. This is also a special ecology of Shandong Road. Even if Ning Yi took two hundred people into it, he couldn’t say that he could be arrogant. Moreover, because of the heavy rain, two hundred people have not yet gathered.

It’s just that heavy rain, Shandong is not rich. A group of people can temporarily avoid the rain in this dilapidated station, Lu Hongti, who is already injured. Where can I go to take refuge and hide from the rain? She alone stirred up such a large green forest and wind and rain, before killing everyone, although it can be picked up and killed, it seems prestige. But she is also alone, in order to avoid being found. How much vigilance must you mention to be on the alert anytime, anywhere? Ning Yi thought this way, and he was anxious about the heavy rain in front of him.

After a while, the sky behind the clouds lit up slightly, and the porridge rice and steamed bread in the station were already cooked. Ning Yi and others ate something in the hall of the station, and then talked with Zhu Hu, Zhu Xi and others about the situation in Anping County.

"Between these people, the most powerful martial arts are still afraid of Sun Li, Lin Chong, Shi Jin, Chen Jinxia, ​​Lu Wenhu, and Yun Yun and the monks. Sun Li, Lin Chong and others will not say it. Chen Jinxia and Lu Wenhu are the people. Dahao in Qilu is also famous in Damingfu. Chen Jinxia is nicknamed 'Tiequan'. He heard that the famous kung fu is in his hands, but he also arrogantly makes a big knife. Don’t look at his name like a woman. In fact, his figure is tall and burly. The martial arts are both soft and soft. In this area, there is such a big name, I am afraid that it is not necessarily worse than the head."

Zhuhu said about the understanding of Anping: "As for Lu Wenhu, I heard that 18 martial arts will be met, and any weapon has made it quite powerful. At the beginning, he was a member of the military association in Shandong, and he played a great reputation and died under him. There are a lot of people, but I admire him a lot. He and Chen Jinxia are mainly in this area, but they are still famous, martial arts is high, and they are not evil by the government. This time, I am afraid that I also want to use Liangshan to destroy and come out to do it. What is the point. To be honest, the land...the predecessors can escape many times under the encirclement of these people, and it is already very remarkable."

"And the swallow cloud monk is notorious in this area. This person martial arts high-powered shots of viciousness, countless enemies in Shandong. In addition to the human life under the hand, he often stains the woman's chastity, the famous city of wealthy businessmen, officials Many of the women were **** by the rape, and the sea catching documents did not know how much, but his men’s hands were just killing and killing no less than 20. He has been evil for so many years, but he can still not be caught. Not many people dare to provoke again..."

Ning Yi nodded. "Because these people came over, so the other green foresters of the total number of people have gathered together..."

I wish Tiger Road: "The 'Fast Sword' Lynch has a lot of disciples, and there are many people around him, like the green forest monks in Qiyunzhai, the people in Wuhuazhai, the iron arches in Anping area, and the fire boxing. The help is probably all the fun. The people in the government are not afraid, but it is not easy to directly suppress them. Oh, there is a master in the Iron House, called Yao Wuliu, iron-iron fist, and his skills are very good. He is called "Mr. Wu Liu", and he is the most powerful in Anping area. Killing people in Anping means not giving him face. After joining this person, it is also a big trouble."

Ning Yi listened while drinking the porridge of his hand, and held his forehead and thought: "Alright, the soldiers will block the water and cover it. Anyway, she must be okay..."

"Would you like to send someone back to inform other people, and there are... a few generals in Wurui camp?" Qi Xinhan said.

"I can." Ning Yi nodded, then looked at the heavy rain outside. "But no matter what, I don't want to wait any longer. In the morning, after a while, if the rain is not small, let's go riding first, and at night we should be able to Go to Anping. Just run a river and see the walking steps, how?"

Hear his inquiry. The people laughed too. In fact, among the pedestrians, it is necessary to say who has the most experience in the rivers and lakes. I am afraid that I will count Ning Yi. Everyone's fears naturally make sense, but if you want to take risks, everyone can say no. I wish you all the best, "I don't want to worry about those people, and everyone, you must be able to protect you. Don't necessarily fight. Even if you fight, you are not afraid of the gang."

Ning Yi smiled and arched his hand: "That's why everyone is hurting for me."

In this way, after a while, the rain is not slow, but the sky is already bright. Everyone wore a robes, rode a horse, and went all the way to Anping. At noon, I crossed the river that was rising in the official road, then turned to the ramp and entered the rugged mountainous terrain leading to Anping.

The mountains are rampant and heavy rain. The land is stretched out. Anping County is located in the middle of the mountain. It is a barren small county. It has not received much attention from several relatively wealthy counties in the Jeju area. It has always been in a position where it is no matter where it is. Because of the gathering of green forests and gangs, there is a little lively scene. Leaving the county, the mountain is getting more and more desolate, in the darkness of the sky. One of the half-mountain collapsed half of the adobe building, one hand is quietly coming out. Feel the falling raindrops.

This is also an old small house. It is mostly made of mud. When there is no one to take care of it, half of it collapses, and the other half does not have much. The rainwater is poured in from one side and flows out from the other side. . In the dark little space in the broken room, Lu Hongti curled up and embraced the ancient sword and the baggage, sitting on a pile of sundries, but in fact, not many debris and dirt were dived by water. It's a bit moist. There was a drop of water dripping from the roof, falling on the cloak on top of her head, and falling from the edge of the cloak...

She sighed. Even the master of martial arts, at this time can not rival the power of heaven and earth, the hunger in the belly came, she took out the last half of the hard cake from her arms, took a bite, but it is not delicious.

Looking through the rain curtain and falling on the trees not far from the outside, she thought about it, tightened her clothes, ran out in a cloak, picked a few leaves under the tree, and smashed the half of the hard cake. The two halves, put the leaves in the mouth and took a bite.

It tasted a little bit. After a few days, I fled and murdered, but I forgot to grab something to eat. It is also because she did not have too many requirements for the quality of food. Who knows that it is not convenient to take action when it encounters this heavy rain. Although the smock can block most of the raindrops, there is always water that can seep in. In fact, it is not a good thing to act outside. I was eating half of the cake in my hand, and my eyes were sharp and sharp. Just in front of me, two men, who were also wearing robes and armed with weapons, were there, looking at her, and then almost subconscious. Drawing knife.

With a bang, the figure passed through the rain curtain, breaking the water, and the lotus blossoms in the footsteps. In the air, a punch, when the figure flew out, the sky was forced to open, and another person was shot on the trunk, shaking down the sky. It’s just that the woman’s figure ran back after two strokes, and then she rushed too fast, too hard, and the fight and the smock had fallen to the ground in the back, and the heavy rain fell straight on her. After running two steps, I quickly ran back and pulled down the cloak of the dead man to wear it. At this time, I was already so embarrassed, and then searched in the arms of the two bodies and found out. Some copper plates and broken silver, but did not eat, she stood there, sighed.

When I turned back, the half-tired mud house collapsed in heavy rain.

"God, oh..." Red whispered in frustration, looking at the direction of the mountain and the county seat in the distance. In the eyes, it was actually a little weak, but it also contained a firmness that could not be changed. She tightened her tight bag on her chest and put her clothes together, holding her arms to the woods and the mountains to find a new shelter. In fact, there is nothing heavy rain. I remember a lot of such awkward days. Even if I am more embarrassed, I am already used to it. When martial arts is high, when I am hungry, when I am alone, I will cry. It is much better now. It is.

And she still remembers that there was such a heavy rain, the time spent with the man in the dilapidated mountain temple. The temple was slightly larger than the previous Tsuchiya, and it did not collapse. They used a broken pot to cook in the temple. In fact, for him, it may be a relatively simple day, but for her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a day is her rare time. Without the burden of the cottage, after the end of the revenge, will not be hungry, but also ... to listen to the story.

The people under the mountain have been chilled by her, but the newcomers are still very arrogant. They have to kill them again, completely killing them, and the name they left is enough... His safety in the days to come.

She thought so, walking in the rain, her eyes settled down.

When she thought about this, Ning Yi and his entourage 20 were holding the horse and carefully walking through a rugged corner in the distant mountains. When it was a little rainy day, a group of talents Finally arrived in Anping, into the largest inn in the county.

This road has quickly arrived. For Ning Yi, it is also an adventure, but if Lu Hongti is already injured, this risk has to take. He had thought about doing a low-key job before, and then seeing the walk after coming. Only this time, shortly after entering Anping County, all the events have changed because of his arrival...


The last chapter should be Chapter 438. I was wrong at the time and said something. Well, just when this represents... my respect for female readers ^_^

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