Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 443: Cave unnamed 1 night autumn cool

The small cave blocked the night wind, and the moonlight from the outside of the cave, Ning Yi talked about the process of destroying Liangshan, and the musket on the drum. Although he jumped into the river and was soaked, there were still a few small tarpaulins, one of which included gunpowder and projectiles. At this time, there was always a self-defense weapon.

Then I asked why the red mention would come here. The red reminder told him about the split on Luliang Mountain and the reason for the downhill. She went all the way to the Liangliang, could not find the people of Luliangshan, but found the smell of people, told him the situation, the smell of people will let him come to Shandong side, and then meet Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, etc. People, screaming and screaming.

Although the red mention did not mention more reasons, Ning Yi probably understood the deeper thoughts. Now the name of his demon is spread. There are people who are afraid of him on the road. The green forest has the rules and ecology of the green forest. Just like the Confucian guardian, the people who play with humanity are not very happy. Lu Hong’s shot is also to give her a better guarantee with her skills.

Zhou Wei was in charge of the Imperial Boxing Hall, and he was not worried about the disciples who were deeply entangled in the gang. Therefore, everyone did not care if they called. After Lu Hong’s shot, he made a name for himself. All the Greenwood people who want to do it themselves must be worth a shot.

However, she said that the plan to enter the city was to find food. Ning Yi took another oil paper bag and opened it. He handed a piece of bacon inside to her. This is the dry food that Ning Yi carried with him.

He has always been rich in money, and he is very particular about clothing, food, shelter, and food. These dry foods have undergone many processes and are cooked quite deliciously. Red was originally thought to be hungry today, but it didn't mean it, but it was natural to eat. She tore the bacon for a little while, and when she ate the first bite, it looked a bit complicated and then slowly chewed. I swallowed, Ning Yi saw her caressing the hair.

In all fairness, all kinds of knowledge and education in this year are far less popular than later generations. To say that education, such as Li Shishi can be noble and easy to temperament naturally more than many people in later generations, their own wife, Xiaoxuan and other people because of the education of the big Jiangnan, there are many ladies and clear atmosphere. Lu Hong in front of me has no such opportunity.

Ning Yi saw it early, she was because of the teaching of Liang Liang, the Liang Liangye. Although there is a self-consciousness as a woman, but because of the hardships of life, there are not many opportunities for attention. Her appearance is beautiful, the face of the seeds, the gentle eyes and temperament, not sharp, but also because there is no maintenance. At first glance, it seems that it is very difficult to make people feel thrilled. On the contrary, because of the scent of the dust, it makes people feel that she is unpredictable at first sight. But she may have been seen by Ning Yi, the most easily-acceptable woman, if put into life, it should be the kind of hard life, but it can be done. After the marriage, the husband and wife, ordinary, faint, she may be beautiful, but never do much, the days are difficult, but always optimistic woman, give her the label. Xu is the most extraordinary victuous of this era, not powerful.

In this feeling, she does have the martial arts of the master.

In life, perhaps all of them are carrying all the past and going forward. There are so many things and many bumps behind her. Those things have been polished by her own power. But whenever I see the clues of these things, Ning Yi will feel the feeling of being beaten and hit in the heart, just like the death of Qian Xiwen, like the crying and smiling of the little **** the way to Hangzhou. Also as she looked at it at this time, and then said: "You don't look at me, this is very delicious." Plain and faint.

Perhaps... at least in my own opinion, it is the most simple master.

"Really, is your injury okay?"

"No." Red lifted another half of the bacon and handed the remaining half back to Ning Yi. Ning Yi waved it, and the red one wrapped it up. This half is not ready to be eaten again. At that time, you can run away without a little injury. Even if your hands and feet are broken, you must be able to kill the talents. Otherwise, you will definitely die... The two palms of the monk will not affect at all, and the blood will spit out. Is your chest hurting?"

Ning Yi smiled: "It's just a little bit, I put on the iron plate, and this is not doing business."

"It’s really what you said, this novel..." Red gave him a look, then hesitated and reached out and leaned over. After hesitated, she pressed the palm of her hand on Ning Yi’s chest, gently pressed it and pressed it a few times.

"It's okay," she said. "But it's still a normal time to break the six-way weight. I said it earlier, you shouldn't use too much."

Although it has been built after the practice of breaking six roads, it is a hegemonic effort to force the human body, and it will inevitably hurt the body. Last time in Hangzhou, Lu Hongti also said this. Ning Yi is somewhat helpless: "When people are in the rivers and lakes, I can't help..."

"Where is the rivers and lakes, some of the rivers and lakes that you said before, some are different..." Red shook his head. "They made mistakes, they can also make mistakes, and they are rules and morals. They are just bandits." ..."

"People are like this..." Ning Yi smiled and answered the words. He said that he was listening to his red mention and suddenly said, "Let's kneel down."


Ning Yi groaned and tried to stumble in the ground: "What?"

"Since you recognize your master, you have something to give you."

Among the faint radiance, the red cocked his chin, and there was a hint of complexity in his smile. She went to Ning Yi's side and bent her knees, and put her hands on the back of Ning Yi: "It may be a little painful to wait, you have to endure."


Ning Yi felt that the palms of his hands were getting hotter, because some of them forced him to hurt his chest slightly. He whispered, "Isn't it too early?"

"I didn't count before." The red reminder behind him also whispered.

"Oh... can you talk..."

"Whatever you are, you said that people are like this..."

With the sound of red, Ning Yi felt that his hands were cut off on a certain acupuncture point in the body, and then the blood flow in his body suddenly rushed to the heart. The blood vessels were a little painful, and Ning Yi licked his teeth.

"Yes... people are like this. They are also a last resort. They can't change the world. They fall into the field. They can only do bad things. After doing bad things, they can't blame themselves all day long. One way to add a bunch of reasons for doing things, just like real, they all believe, this is called ... Stockholm Syndrome..."

"Death brother II... Do you sympathize with them?"

"No, but you have to understand them to beat them... or let them change..."

Ning Yi was not prepared for this sudden massage, but after a while, he understood what the other side said was a little painful. The so-called internal force was originally a blood-transportation. Lu Hong raised his hands and heated his hands. He pushed the blood in his body away. After a while, the feelings of hemp, itching and pain surged up and sweat came out. Although Ning Yi is uncomfortable, she also understands that she is mostly good for herself. She is arrogant and distracted, but she also has some strange feelings. After all, men and women don’t give each other, and the other party pushes the palace for themselves. It is a big risk.

This toss lasted for about half an hour before stopping. When Ning Yi sat up, he felt that his whole body was hot like a fever. He smiled and said: "Do I want to become a master of martial arts?"

Red shook his head and chuckled: "Just make your body a little better." She rubbed the sweat on her forehead and handed it over with a piece of bacon wrapped in bacon. "It's better to eat something." Ning Yi nodded. The bacon in the paper bag was halved again.

After that, the two of them sat on one side and chatted about Luliangshan. Red was always interested in the situation in Liaoguo and the situation in the Wu Dynasty. Although she was not good at it, she was probably influenced by the "Grandfather of Liang". I feel that the enemy is a useful person, and I am quite admired in this respect. Soon after, Ning Yi’s sweat dripped and his body became cold. Red is sitting there and hesitating for a while: "You, come over."

"Oh..." Ning Yi looked at her.

Lu Hong took up his knees and curled up there: "You also said that the children of the rivers and lakes are informal. We still have one or two days to squat. It is even colder when it is bright. I wear clothes after all."

In her tone, there was a general battlefield decision. Ning Yi nodded and sat down beside her. For a moment, she reached out and grabbed her. She leaned back on her side and did not struggle. With your knees, lean your head down and let the two bodies touch together as much as possible. She is tall and taller than Ning Yi. Her martial arts is strong and her body is warm, with only a little stiffness.

At the bottom of my heart, I felt something. Ning Yi stuck her hair. After a moment of silence, she said, "You said, will your master be Sikongan?"

"I am your master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't you call her a teacher?"

"Then you said, will the ancestors be Sikong?"

Lu Hongti only taught Ning Yi some second-rate martial arts. He never ignored the name. But this time he was close, and Ning Yi’s address to her master was rather concerned, but he did not care that Ning Yi had been coming to you. After thinking for a while, said: "I don't know Master's identity, but I don't think so."


The two then spoke intermittently and gradually fell asleep between the fascination. The night was getting colder, and Ning Yi was holding Lu Hongti, and he was even tighter. The red reminder occasionally woke up, looking at the moonlight outside the cave, alerting the surrounding situation, but the eyes were complicated and confused. She held her knees in Ning Yi’s arms, her hands were never released, just hug With that attitude, try to be close to him.

On the second morning of the second day, when Ning Yi woke up, the sky was already bright, and the clothes that had been dried were covered on him. Putting on the clothes, the red man took the sword and walked in from the hole. He smiled at him: "I went out to watch the circle. They didn't seem to come over here for a while, but with time, we have to prepare to escape." (To be continued...)

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