Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 444: Lin Jianxin Road

In the morning of the forest, the sound of the birds screamed and crisp, and when the mountain wind blew, it was slightly cool. As the sun turned higher, it gradually warmed up. M

Ning Yi and Hong Tie walked in the mountains, and the red mention occasionally went up to the heights to see the situation around him. Then she talked with Ning Yi about her experiences with Master walking on the rivers and lakes, and many things that Master taught her.

"...the highest places, the general vision is also the best, but everyone knows this. So the best the spies are more cautious when they go to such places. If the situation is complicated when fighting, a spy sneak up and around. It was interesting to be stared by four or five people. I remember that once in Luliang Mountain, I met. A Liao’s horse swayed up and down the mountain to see the situation around me. I was squatting behind and had not ran out. Then he was preempted by another stockholder. He killed the spy and snatched his things..."

According to Ning Yi’s thoughts, or theoretical speculation, at that time, the swallowing monk or Lin Chong and others are still around, even if they flee all the way, it is not easy to take it lightly. There is always the possibility that they will suddenly come out. Ning Yi is quite vigilant all the way. However, perhaps because Lu Hongti is also an expert in this area, similar things have not appeared on the way, showing that he is not always able to meet the protagonist.

All the way, see Ning Yi is very vigilant about the surrounding situation, the red mention also tells him some common sense of walking in the mountains, where is the wolf hole, where is the trace of the fox past, where can catch the rabbit, A tall woman is also a treasure. Perhaps it is the identity of the master and apprentice, and the words of the red are gradually moving closer to the direction of "Master." It also became... a little bit majestic.

Sometimes Ning Yi can vaguely see another woman from her body. In those words that involve her master, she can piece together two large and small women walking in the mountains. Of course, it is probably after the completion of the psychological construction from the friend to the identity of the master. The red mention of the child is a little less.

Of course, after the night of yesterday, the atmosphere between the two became a mentor and it was a bit special.

The momentum of Ning Yi will not be in the people. Even if the red figure is to be taken out as a "master", the two people's speaking and getting along with them will not change much. Especially in the case that the red mention itself feels that "the enemy" is very powerful. She whispered with Ning Yi in the jungle or on the battlefield, Ning Yi also listened humbly. It’s just that between the words and the listeners, the identity of the mentor and the apprentice is always less clear.

When he got up in the morning, the red took a fish in the nearby stream. Ning Yi licked the internal organs, cut it into slices with a knife, and ate it with the red. In fact. There is a small half of bacon around. But the red does not eat. Ning Yi will not touch. Eating is also because of the helplessness of the fire, the red is actually used to raw food, but eat this piece of fresh fish. But there are also some novelties. Ning Yi just thinks that this fish is not as delicate as a salmon. There is a factor of pleasure in his character. There is also a realistic side, let alone slice at this time. If the conditions are not good, even if you have to eat raw mountain birds, he can't do it.

Along the way, the red stalk that walks in front will occasionally jump up and swing the sword and smash some wild fruits. It is only at this time that it is not until late autumn, and the wild fruits that can be eaten are mostly sour, but after eating, it can also dilute the suffocation in the mouth. Ning Yi ate a few and brought some others to his body. The twists and turns of the day, the two did not intend to go to the nearby county town, but in the forest between the mountains is not far from the river, looking for a dry place covered by rocks to rest. Red picked up the fish, Ning Yi killed it and then washed it. On the stone, the leaves were cut into fish. When doing this, the sunset was going down the valley, and the red one was sitting on the side of the stone. He cut the fish and he liked the house.

At this point, the two have escaped from the pursuit of a day, is it still difficult to say so tightly. But for Ning Yi, although not afraid of taking risks, but not taking risks, it is better to be cautious after all. At this time, the two hundred people following the Dulonggang should have arrived in Anping, and tomorrow, it is estimated that the army of the Wurui camp will come to this piece. When the Liangshan people are there, what kind of chaos is good, Anping and Zhuxi are all The local green forest forces have only collapsed, and what they need to do is just wait.

This night is July 15 and it is a big moon. The two returned to the rock, and the red reminder made him kneel on the ground, and gave him a push to pass the palace, running the whole body to eliminate the hidden dangers. Ning Yi was tossed and sweated all over the body. He asked if he could go to the river to wash it. The red lifted him with him. He stayed behind a big stone and waited for him to wash it. Let Ning Yi guard and wash himself. Washed. Ning Yi stood behind the stone and looked at the moon in the sky, listening to the sound of the water ringing behind.

This night, the two said something again and again. When I got to the middle of the night, I took the red stone and sat down under the big stone, holding my knees and holding the baggage and sword in my arms. Ning Yi sorted out the things on the side of the big stone. I don’t know when he passed. She was sitting next to her, and her red shoulders shrank. But when Ning Yi reached out and hugged her, she still snuggled him naturally - maybe it shouldn't be used, maybe it would be better to rely on it.

As in the previous night, the red slanted slightly to the body, curled up and leaned against his arms. The moonlight outside is round, and the mountain wind whistling through the mountain gap outside the big stone. When I open my eyes occasionally, the red eyes are complicated. They should be mentoring. But soon, it became quiet. So quietly... dependent on him.

In the early morning of the next day, Ning Yi woke up first. The woods still look dark, with animal sounds, and even sound like they are walking away from the vicinity, the woman in her arms is sticking to his chest, curling up in his hug, sleeping, thighs and calves folded They are all attached to his legs. She can feel her even breathing in the body.

Looking back, for the woman in the arms, he did not have a deep understanding of her. In addition to the first sentence, the red saying "does not live like a human being", and since then, she did not make much statement about the living conditions of Luliangshan. Even if you say it, just try to talk about those objective things for Ning Yi to refer to the situation. Ning Yi is a person who has experienced darkness. He also tried to think about the situation of Luliang Mountain as dark as possible. But my heart also knows that as a modern person, the darkness in his mind, and the situation of Luliangshan. It must be different. No matter how he thinks, the difference must exist.

The idioms such as Yizi and Shiyou are placed in later generations, and at most they are just an idiom. The concept of hunger is nothing more than a simple concept in front of modern people who have not really been hungry for many days. Death and humble, murderous and tyrannical, and so on, can't really make people feel the desperation and infiltration of the cone.

at this time. I remembered the beginning of the martial arts. The original problem of the two exchanges.

"what do you want……"

In the dark. He whispered softly, but did not answer, perhaps because the red bell in his sleep did not signal his voice as a wake-up call.

This morning. The two went on the road again. This way, the red look. It was not as natural as yesterday as his "Master". After all, Ning Yi was holding her and slept for another night. Although the red mention was raised in Luliang, due to the teaching of Liang Bingfu, the heart also knows the meaning of the heavenly monarch. In order to stop the disaster for Ning Yi, she has been honest in front of everyone that she is the master of Ning Yi. If there is something unclear between the two, and the heart is notorious, I am afraid there is another excuse for others. It is not clear, but it is not small, how much the name of the nickname is in the south.

He hugged it like that, she didn't want to hide, but when she thought about it, her heart was chaotic, and... What kind of thoughts did he hold himself like?

She thought about these things, and Ning Yi also had many ideas in her mind, and she was relatively silent all the way. At this time, the two men had crossed a county town. When they arrived in the afternoon, when they gradually appeared in the front of the house, they decided to go to the next Yiyuan County. It was only the expected chase, and it was only at this time that it finally appeared.

In the place where there are only one or two barren hills in Yiyuan County, Lu Hongdi first discovered the figures of Lin Chong and Shi Jin on the ridge. Then Liangshan’s elite eyes seemed to see her and Ning Yi, Lu Hong. Did not reconfirm, led Ning Yi to the other side of the mountain to run, running for a while, but the side is someone to chase, Lu Hong frowned: "There are two ... is a master ..."

She is not afraid of a person's challenge, but if the two masters come from different directions, it will eventually pose a threat to Ning Yi. After running all the way, after rushing out of the woods, there was a seemingly deserted village in the barren hills. Ning Yi ran fast, but he knew that his footsteps dragged the woman in front of him and said: "If you can look back Killing, don't worry about me first, we rush to the county seat, I can't help myself."

The red ran in front and shook his head: "Not this... they are not right... wait."

She ran in the air and suddenly slowed down. At this time, I had already walked to a road near the deserted village. Ning Yi followed her a few steps in the back. Red reminded her footsteps and blocked her left hand toward the back. Ning Yi stretched her hand, but she took her palm. This stopped. The two stood hand in hand, and the red did not care for a moment. She frowned and looked at the figure between the village ramps ahead.

It was a...the blue-robed old man who seemed to be around 50 years old, although his body was burly, but the horns were already white, standing with his hands on his back, his eyes were quiet. Ning Yi is good at watching people. From this old temperament, he can see that he may have been an official. For example, Chen Jinxia and others have a calm momentum, but the people who have mixed with the officialdom are not the same as the temperament of the rivers and lakes. I don't know why, when the afternoon sun shines over, the red-handed sword is on the chest, as if it is an enemy.

At the same time, there was a voice coming from afar: "Ha ha ha ha, I don't want Laozi to wait here for two days. You guys and boys really came over..." The arrogant tone is from the swallowing, deserted village Over there, there are still many people running over. It turns out that the mountain forests are chasing, and Lu Hongti may be very powerful, but to understand the surrounding, the swallowing monks, Lu Wenhu and other talents are the real head snakes. They are looking for Ning Yi and others, but they simply estimate a place to wait here. I really waited for two people.

Ning Yi looked back and saw a slightly younger middle-aged blue robe on the other side of the woods. He whispered: "It seems that the two people behind me deliberately chased us here..." Red shook his head and whispered: "No, he is one of them, look at his head..." Ning Yi looked carefully. It was discovered that the old man with his hands on his head was still slightly steaming.

Ning Yi didn't know that his speed dragged down the number of red mentioned bottoms, but he was able to push the two people from here at the back, and the people who came to wait for the first step, what kind of repairs would be made, Ning Yi’s heart suddenly failed. . In his thoughts, the old man was also looking at the two, watching the two hands together, frowning slightly. Then more than a dozen figures came from the deserted village, headed by the swallowing monk, next to Lu Wenhu, Han Li and others, there are smiles on the face.

A dozen people gathered around, facing the back of the old man in the blue robe. Han Li sneered aloud: "Haha, why did I stop? I used to wait for a helper..." He laughed a few times and said: "Lin Chong! Shi Jin! Liangshan's - here -" The voice is Spread out in the mountains.

After his words were over, the old man frowned. Ning Yi looked at the surrounding mountains. However, there was no movement of Liangshan people. The swallowing monk was still moving forward. At this time, he heard the old man open his mouth: "Oh? If I am a helper, can you really stand it?" The voice was steady and loud, and the voice was stunned. When the words came out, Lu Wenhu in the crowd suddenly changed his face. The swallowing monk came over and quit on the old man's side: " If not, then dodge it!"

The swallowing monk martial arts high-strength, among Lu Wenhu, the number one, he single-handedly launched, seemingly understatement, in fact, great strength. When I got to the other side, I also had the thought of tempting with the old man who suddenly appeared. With his martial arts generation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No matter who you shoulder with, it is only this time he pushes Wrong person, when his big sleeve whistling out, the old man next to him turned his head. The first thing he saw was the sharp eyes of the old man, just like the tiger's must, and he was angry.

He pushed the past, the old man's body was slightly biased with the small movement of the head, the shoulder almost avoided the palm of his hand with a slight difference, then the old man simply shook hands and punched.

A punch is launched.

In front of the monk’s eyes, the old man’s boxing and imposing manners swallowed up –

At this moment, what appeared before them was someone who had never anticipated it on either side...

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